Chapter 7- Home sweet home....

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"Are you sure this is the right tree?" Luke asked Carter for the twenty millionth time.

Carter sighed, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Because I don't want to end up somewhere we aren't trying to go, like the other side of the world or something," Luke reasoned as we stood before a tall tree, the one my aunt had brought us through.

"Luke! For the sake of everyone's sanity here, shut up! You should remember this as the tree we came through, plus, you don't have short term memory loss! Who are you? Dory!?" I said with frustration at Luke's stubbornness.

Carter and Abby laughed and Luke looked at me sternly.

"Come on, let's get a move on before more of Jay's freak followers show up," Carter said as his laughter died down.

We all touched the tree and the world swirled. My eyes were shut tight, I was to scared to open them. A strong breeze drifted through my hair and then, we were standing in Maple Woods. At least that's what I thought.  I opened my eyes and looked around. Yup, definitely Maple Woods.

"You can let go, Katie," Carter said with amusement and I looked down to notice I was holding onto his arm.

I quickly let go and felt a little embarrassed, "Sorry, that was only my second time traveling via tree  so-"

Carter smiled and interrupted me, "It's fine, I remember my first few times too."

"I've never been to the Normal World," Abby said with awe as she looked around.

"Just wait till you see the town!" Luke told her as we started to walk out of the woods.

Everything came back to me as we left the woods and I saw the cars, the buildings, other people.

"Wow," Abby's mouth was hung open as she looked around.

"Come on! Let's take a break and show you guys around downtown!" I suggested and walked to the sidewalk.

"Downtown?" Abby said, puzzled.

"Where all the shops and restaurants are, you can buy thins and eat great food!" Luke explained and Abby nodded.

"How about we focus on getting somewhere to stay," Carter said, "We don't want to not have a roof over our head tonight."

"We could stay with one of your friends, Kate," Luke offered.

"Oh really? How are we going to explain all that's happened, hmm? I'm all open for options," I shot back and Luke looked at the sidewalk.

We all stood there in silence for a minute. Where could we stay? That was a good question that hadn't occurred to me.

"The abandoned house on Pine street!" Luke exclaimed, "It's in good enough condition!"

"Luke! You evil genius! Of course! It is stable and clean enough! Let's go!" I agreed and we lead the way.

We walked for a bout a mile and a half until we came to the abandoned house.

I was about to push the door open when Carter pushed in front.

"If there is anything dangerous in there, I'd rather go first," He explained and the the door creaked open.

Carter poked his head inside. I could easily take care of myself! Wait. Now that I think about it, my state of common sense isn't that strong.

"All clear," Carter reported and the rest of us walked in.

The floor was dusty, and the curtains were down, which Abby changed by letting the light in. I saw a pretty large kitchen, two surprisingly working bathrooms, a living room with a fully working TV! Power was in the house for some reason.

"I knew the house was in good shape for being abandoned, but not that good!" I exclaimed as the lights turned on.

Abby turned to me and smiled, "One of my powers is I can fix anything I can touch, that is an inanimate object, that is."

"Cool!" I said and walked to the stairs.

Carter was behind me and Luke was walking around downstairs with Abby, fixing things. Upstairs was a bathroom and thankfully four bedrooms.

"Dibs on master!" I shouted and collapsed on the new bed in the master bedroom Abby had fixed.

"No I want it!" Carter teased and tackled me on the bed.

I laughed and pushed him off. My friends were weirdos!

"You can have the second biggest," I told him as he stood up from the floor.

"But it doesn't have it's own bathroom," He complained and I pushed his shoulder lightly.

"You'll live," I laughed and he smiled before walking off.

My new room had white walls, white cabinets and dressers, a mirror with cute little lights around it, and the bed's yellow blankets were soft to the touch. Their was white carpet as well. It was perfect. There were some clothes in the dresser, everything was restored.

About and hour later, I called everyone into the kitchen for a little meeting.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked as we sat down around the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"I say we go to school while we stay here, it provides good cover, we learn new things, and it gives us time to make a plan," I said, waiting for their reaction.

"Also, we could learn some new tactics," Carter agreed.

"One problem though, we don't have any adults! What if we got in trouble or just to go back to school! Plus, Emily and I have been gone for some time and everyone knows our parents our dead, we have no cover story. An dhow do we explain Carter and Abby," Luke questioned.

All the arguments he made were good ones. The idea never came to me.

"I think I know how to fix that slight dilemma," Abby offered up and raised her hand.

"What?" I asked calmly.

She shifted a bi tin her seat before starting, "My other power is mimicry, I can look like your Aunt Brianna, and enroll us into the school. Also, I can look like my mother to enroll Carter and me. It could work, you can use your power's in human form you know."

What!? You can!

"That information would have been useful," I shot a glare at Carter.

"Yeah, I probably should have brought that one up," Carter rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Well I think it's worth a shot then," Luke sighed and smiled.

"Well, let's make the call now then," Abby said and picked up her new iPhone.

I watched Abby close her eyes and focus on what Brianna looked like. Then, a perfect image of my aunt stood before me.

"Wow! I am way taller!" Abby said in Brianna's voice.

Luke and Carter laughed and Brianna- I mean Abby.

"Hello? Yes. I'm Brianna Fidem, I have taken custody over my niece and nephew, Luke and Katie Lux. I would like them to return to school after their absence. Yes. Great! Thank you! Have a nice day!"

"It worked! You guys are in!" Abby said and we all cheered.

Then, Abby changed to a shorter woman with dirty blonde hair and small black glasses.

Abby picked up Carter's phone this time, so the phone number that is calling isn't the same as before.

"Hi! This is Anna Reeve, is this the school. Yes? Great! My family just moved here I have a thirteen year old daughter and a sixteen year old son. Yes, Abby and Carter Reeve. Great! So tomorrow!? No it's not to soon, thank you! Have a great day! Bye!"

Abby hung up and turned back to her normal self.

"School's tomorrow, I found some supplies in one of the old children's' room, and all we need is a good night's rest," Abby nodded and we all walked up stairs.

I got changed and laid down on my back, staring at the ceiling. A knock sounded at my door and I lifted my head.

"Come in!" I shouted but not to loud.

Carter walked in and sat on the corner of my bed,  I sat up straight.

"Hey, um, I just wanted to talk to you. I've only been surrounded by Shifters and to be honest, i'm a little nervous for tomorrow. Any advice?" Carter asked and faintly smiled.

I nodded, "Stick with me. Abby and Luke won't be in the high school, but Luke will take care of her, don't worry. Also, try not to act to weird, just follow my lead."

I moved over and sat next to him, "You'll be fine."

Carter smiled and sighed, "I'm sure I will, thanks."

He gave me a hug before saying good night and walking to his room.

Everything would be all right tomorrow. True, we would be stuck in human form for a while, but it's better than death.

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