//1 - mysterious pretty boy

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A.N: first one baby! it's quite long, ngl, so the others will most likely be shorter. anyway, i hope you enjoy, slight nsfw, but not really (cal and harry get a lil bit handsy but nothing too explicit)

Concept: Nobody can work out who the mysterious pretty boy who waits outside Harry's school is, or who he is waiting for.

[4080 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Yo guys!" Vikk says, rushing over to where the rest of the group are. The school day has just ended, and JJ, Simon, Ethan and I are waiting in our usual spot by the goalposts for the others to arrive. Now that Vikk is here, that only leaves Josh.

"Hi Vikk," I smile, and he comes to stand between me and Ethan.

"Guess what?" He says. He pauses for a second, and then plunges straight into what he's about to say. "Okay, so, I found out some more about him." I sigh. Every day for the past three weeks since Cal started waiting at the gate, Vikk has been trying to find out stuff about him.

"For someone with a boyfriend, you're very interested in him," jokes Ethan, playfully nudging the smaller boy.

"Hey, you all know I'm not leaving Tobi any time soon," quips Vikk, pretending to be offended. "But Ethan, even as a straight male, you can't deny, Mysterious Pretty Boy is fit."

"He's okay I guess," huffs Ethan. "Come on then, what've you found out?" Jide and Simon lean in towards Vikk, interested.

"Okay so, apparently he's called Callum. I asked one of the teachers, she said he used to go to this school, and left when he was in Year 9. And he's in the year above us, so has just stared 6th Form," Vikk reels off in a hushed voice, as if Cal could possibly risk hearing us from 100 metres away.

"Callum... Left a couple of years ago... wait, you don't think that's Callum Airey do you?" Asks Simon, turning around to take a look. Callum is an infamous guy in our school. He got bullied so badly that he had to leave school after taking a beat down. He left when we were in Year 8. So yes Vikk, there's your answer, I think to myself.

"Nah man, no way," JJ confirms, and glances at Cal over Ethan's shoulder. To be fair to JJ though, Cal has changed a lot since Year 9. He's filled out, and got taller. No longer the gangly boy who took a beating in-front of nearly the whole school.

"I mean, it could be possible," Ethan says, thoughtfully.

"That's what I thought!" Shouts Vikk, earning a few worried stares from passers. "What do you reckon Haz?" He adds.

I stall for a brief moment. "Uh, could be I guess." I took a moment longer to reply because I have got caught up with the supposed 'mystery boy' throwing glances my way. He's gonna get us found out at this rate...

"What's up mate? You seem distracted," Vikk states, shooting me a concerned glance. I think I'm gonna tell him soon. He needs to know.

"Nothing much, don't worry. I'm just tired," I reply, and add a yawn for good measure. "But I do need to message you later, about some homework." He nods to me, knowing the real meaning of what I just said.

"Homework?" Groans Josh loudly, and he throws his bag down when he arrives. "Do not even think about homework near me right now. I got a piece every lesson today, and I've got three incompletes due tomorrow." He huffs loudly, very clearly frustrated.

"Jeez man. That's really shit," Simon sympathises, and pats the fuming boy on the arm.

"Yeah, it is. Anyway lads, I just came to tell guys that I'm going to a club with Freya tonight, so I'll see you all tomorrow," he says, and picks up his bag again, ready to leave. We all give a halfhearted wave, and he begins the trudge back the way he came, towards the old school building.

Ethan, ever the comedian, shouts, "Try to keep your hands to yourself, big guy!" We all chuckle at this, and Josh flips him off, not even bothering to turn around.

"You guys ready to head off?" JJ asks, seeming eager to leave the now deserted school yard.

"Sure," responds Simon, speaking for all of us. We begin the slow walk, heading in the direction of the gates. Cal is no longer standing there, so I find it in myself to relax a little. He's probably gone to the Off-License across the street to pick up some snacks. And then he will of headed to my place.

As the site is empty, JJ grabs Simons hand, and links their fingers together. He then places their joined hands in his coat pocket.

"Jide, really? Our hands will get sweaty in your pocket," Simon complains, and tries to wriggle out of the larger boy's grip. JJ doesn't budge though, a grin forming on his face.

"So?" He asks.

"So, do you really want to hold someone else's disgusting, sweaty hand?" Simon retorts.

"It's better than holding fucking ice blocks, Mr. IHaveShittyCirculation," JJ replies, with a smirk.

"Okay, if you insist," sighs Simon, backing down from the pointless argument. "But if I get too hot, I'm confiscating my hand."

"Sorted," says JJ, content with their deal. "One small problem though babe - You're always hot."

"And that's where I draw the line," Vikk cuts in, holding his hands up jokingly.

"Nah, I like where this is going," says Simon, and looks at Jide with hooded eyes, "What do you say baby? Your place or mine?" He asks dramatically.

"Get a room!" Laughs Ethan.

"If you guys would stop interrupting, we might be able to!" Says JJ, with mock frustration.

"Lads, we get it, you're shagging, get over yourselves," I tease, wanting to be a part of the banter.

"He's right you know," Agrees Vikk, "The initial 'shock' of you two being gay has worn off now that you've been dating for five months."

JJ cracks a small, but genuine smile. "Six months today in fact," he corrects, and lifts his and Simon's hands out of his pocket. He brings the back of Simon's hand to his mouth, and plants a tender kiss there. Simon blushes a bit, and smiles back at JJ.

As obnoxious as they can be together sometimes, they are also very sweet. And they're good for each other. Before Simon, JJ was confused about his sexuality, and ended up sleeping around with most of the girls in our year group. He was unstable and had no routine. Simon was quiet, and depressed most times I saw him, and on some especially bad days, just an empty shell of a person. They don't change each other in bad ways, merely add depth.

"That's nice guys," says Vikk sincerely. "But I really need to move. Or I'll be late to meet with Tobi." He explains, apologetically.

"That's fine mate, you go. See you tomorrow?" Says Ethan, smiling at the shorter boy, who shoots him an appreciative glance.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow lads!" Vikk calls over his shoulder, waving as he rushes off.

"Talk to you later Vikk!" I shout as he disappears around the corner.

"Okay guys, we should all leave before we get shut in again and have to stay after school," Simon half jokes, and squeezes Jide's hand. "My place?" He asks.

"Yeah, Deji is home tonight," JJ replies, before shooting a look at Ethan and I, and adding, "I don't want to have to worry about keeping you quiet." Simon gives him a mortified look, and then decides it's best to just laugh it off.

"You're gross guys," says Ethan, somewhat affectionately. "Oh shit, my mum's picking me up today. I'm gonna get bollocked for keeping her waiting." With one final wave, he bolts for the gate.

"Plans tonight Haz?" Simon asks politely, as the three of us walk towards the gate.

"Nah, nothing special," I conclude. "Just homework, and then I think sleep sounds good, I'm battered."

"I don't think anything could beat sleep," laughs Simon. "Well, have fun anyway Bog. See you tomorrow!" JJ waves at me with his free hand, and they turn to leave in the opposite direction out of the gates from me.

"See you lads. Have a good anniversary," I call after them. "Don't do anything too kinky!" I hear JJ's laugh from the other end of the street, but when I turn the next corner, I can't see or hear them any more.

My family's flat is only a five minute walk from school, so I pull out my phone and earbuds. I pause for a moment to scroll through my Spotify and decide what I'm in the mood for. A random song that I haven't listened to in a while catches my attention. The Sound by The 1975.

Just as I plug in my headphones and start walking again, I'm stopped by a firm hand on my shoulder. The sudden and random contact freaks me out, so I shriek and whirl around to face my potential attacker, hands raised.

"Woah, babe, relax," comes a familiar voice. "It's only me, calm down." I take a second to survey the person before me. Upon recognition, I slow my breathing and drop my hands back to my sides.

"What are you doing here Cal?" I hiss, slightly more angrily than intended. He flinches a little. "We're right outside school, someone could see!" The tall boy in front of me sighs, but holds up his hands apologetically.

"Sorry Harry," he says, I can tell he means it. "I was about to head up to your flat, but I saw you and thought it'd make more sense if we walked up together." I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh deeply. I can't stay annoyed with him.

"It's okay Cal," I reply. "I don't mind just this once. You scared me is all."

"I know baby, I really am sorry," he opens his arms for a hug. "Truce?"

I consider it for a moment. "When we get back to mine," I say. He pouts at me, but doesn't press any further. I quickly swap out my headphones for AirPods, and hand one to Cal. He puts it into his ear, and we set off down the street.

We don't talk, instead walk to the beat of the song, each of us lost in our own separate thoughts. I look over at him guiltily. I don't like feeling like I have to keep him a secret. There's no good reason for it. My parents openly support me being gay, the school isn't bad on the front of homophobia. I guess I'm just scared that if people find out, it will ruin the seemingly perfect bubble we operate in at the moment. I'm worried it will expose any cracks in our relationship.

People at school adore Cal. Many, like Vikk, are just inquisitive. He's known universally at school as 'the mysterious pretty boy'. Most of the popular girls have tried to talk to him before. Seeing it made my stomach turn. I hate feeling jealous without reason. But to be fair, I do understand why everyone likes him so much.

He's a mystery to them. That and he's absolutely drop dead gorgeous, with a brilliant dress sense. He's charismatic. It draws people in. The perfect enigma.

But I have an advantage to them. I know him. I know how kind he can be to those he cares about. And how he's a complete arse to those he doesn't. I know what makes him tick. I know his favourite things. His phobias. His plans for the future. And knowing him is an utter privilege.

I sneak a glance at him once again. He's wearing a hoodie, one of his colourful jackets open over it. He's got black sweats on, with big pockets on the sides. His round glasses are sliding down his nose a little. He's sauntering along beside me, his backpack on one shoulder affecting his stride the slightest bit.

"Harry, if you keep staring at me like that, I'm gonna get big headed," he chuckles, and glances down at me. I blush slightly, and tear my eyes away.

"Aren't you already bigheaded Cal?" I say, teasingly. He gasps, and puts his hand on his chest, mocking offence.

"I can't believe you would say such a hurtful thing Harold," he exclaims, and I giggle at him a little bit. He playfully pretends to smack my ass, but I turn around so I'm walking backwards.

"Oh no, not today Cal," I say, and stick my tongue out before legging it towards the flat building.

"It is on Harold!" He shouts, and starts chasing after me. I laugh, and quickly buzz myself in, heading straight for the stairs. Cal only just makes it through the door, and sprints up the stairs after me, his long legs providing an advantage.

I reach the door first, and he's not far behind. Instead of stopping when he reaches me, he barrels straight into me, and tries to lift me up. He gets me a little way off the floor, but I squirm out of his grip, and make my way into the porch of my flat. I quickly take off my shoes and bag, and discard them on the porch floor. I unlock the second door, and dash inside.

Cal is in the porch now, taking off his shoes, coat and discarding his bag. He steps into the hallway, and closes the door door behind him. We're both breathing heavily from the quick adrenaline rush. I start laughing loudly, and he joins in.

We take a minute to catch our breath, but as soon as we've done that, Cal is on me again. He pins me to the door, large hands grasping my hips firmly, but leaving room for me to escape if I've had enough.

"You didn't think I'd let you get away with that one did you Haz?" He almost growls.

"I certainly hoped you wouldn't," I say, letting him know that I want to play his game.

"Oh baby. I wonder what we could get up to, the two of us alone in this flat," he says, suggestively, playing with the hem of my school shirt.

"Well Cal," I reply huskily, and hook my arms over his shoulders, linking my hands behind his head. "Why don't you make a suggestion?" He chuckles lightly, and I lean in for a kiss. He meets me halfway, kissing back eagerly. One of his hands comes up to cradle my jaw, while his other hand remains, trying to untuck my shirt and reach under it.

Our kiss quickly becomes much more frantic. He takes control of the situation fast, but I throw him a curveball when I weave my hand into his hair and tug gently. He opens his mouth to allow a small moan to escape, and I take that opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. After that, he reclaims his dominance. I let him.

His hand has finally made it underneath my shirt, and is touching anywhere he can reach. My sides, stomach and lower back. He finally settles in the small of my back, rubbing fiery circles into my skin with his thumb. His other hand is holding the back of my neck.

I am now pressed flush against him and the door behind me. There's absolutely no space between our bodies, and when there is, it's quickly eliminated. Cal is standing between my feet. He breaks the kiss, and I stand, panting heavily, trying to get my breath back. I'm coming slowly undone at his masterful touch.

His lips trail down my jaw, and he begins pressing tiny, feather light kisses there, working his way down my neck. He stops when he reaches my shirt collar, and just waits, which nearly kills me.

"Off, off," I murmur, and hastily begin tearing off my blazer jacket. Cal works on my tie, loosening it enough so that he can pull it over my head and discard it with my blazer. I undo the top few buttons on my shirt, but can't be bothered wasting time with the others. Clearly on the same wavelength, Cal grabs the hem of my shirt, and pulls it up and over my head. Moment later, it joins my blazer and tie on the laminate floor.

I'm standing with my stomach and chest exposed. Cal leans back for a moment to admire me, before stepping back in towards me. He puts both of his hands on my hips, and slowly runs them up my body to my shoulders. I shiver slightly at the loss of contact, and the loss of my extra layers. He comes back to me, we're standing chest to chest again.

"God Harry," he whines in my ear, "You're so sexy." Without another words, he attaches himself back to my neck with more ferocity than before. He sucks on the highly sensitive skin, sending shivers down my spine. I grip tightly onto the front of his hoodie, and moan quietly. How is he so good at this? I feel like my legs are about to give out completely.

Cal must have felt me start to slip a little, so he grasps me by the thighs and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, and my arms loosely around his neck. His hands are planted on my ass, keeping me from slipping, and holding me high enough so he can access my neck. All I can do is tilt my head back, and allow small groans to escape me.

He continues down my neck, nibbling, licking and sucking gently, until he reaches a specific spot that he knows will get a rise from me. It's in the centre of my throat, about an inch above the meeting of my collar bones. He stops for a moment, and exhales slowly over this spot. I shudder. And then he bites down. Hard.

I yelp in surprise, and pain, but also involuntarily roll my hips down into his. This causes a wave of pleasure from the friction, and we both groan loudly. I lean forwards and try to find his lips once again. When I reach them, I give him a brief but meaningful kiss, and then press my forehead to his.

"Jesus Cal," I pant, "You're so damn good at this."

"Really?" He inquires, breathing almost as heavily as I am.

"God yes," I whine, needily.

"Want to take it further?" He asks, nervously. We've never really done any more than this before. Apart from a one off when he gave me a handjob. So we're both quite unsure. But if I want to find out with anyone, it's him. And now.

"I want nothing more," I beam at him. He grins back, and pulls me in again.


Afterwards, we put my sheets into the wash, remake the bed, and take a shower together. It just seemed like the right thing to do. He helps me to wash and then get dressed into some clean clothes. My entire body aches, especially my ass and back, but in the best way possible. It's a constant reminder of what we did.

Unfortunately, I don't have any clothes that would fit Cal, so he just wears the same clothes he came here in. His joggers and plain white tee. He gave me his hoodie to borrow until he leaves. It's far too big for me, and I have to roll the sleeves up to my elbows, but it smells of Cal, so I don't mind.

We're curled up on the sofa together now, browsing through Netflix on the TV. I'm not really focused though. I have a lot to think about right now. Cal and I haven't just crossed a physical barrier with each other today, but also an emotional one. There's a new, deeper level of trust and understanding. And for the first time ever, I'm not afraid people knowing. In fact, I want to go and tell them. I want them to see my incredible boyfriend.

"Hey Cal?" I say quietly, "I've just been thinking." He puts down the remote and looks me in the eye to give me his full attention.

"What's up baby?" He asks.

"I- Cal, I think I'm ready to tell people," I say confidently, looking at him sincerely.

"Really?" His eyes widen, and I nod to confirm. A smile breaks way across his face. "That's amazing Harry!" He gives me a warm, wholehearted embrace, and then pulls away after a minute. I grin back at him.

"Is it okay if I Skype Vikk now?" I inquire. "I want to tell him first."

"Yeah that's fine," he replies, "Let me scooch up a bit so that I'm not in the frame." He shuffles away, just to the middle of the sofa. I pout at him, and then pull out my phone, open Skype and tap Vikk's contact. The dial tone starts, and Vikk picks up almost immediately.

"Wassup Harry!" he smiles through the phone.

"Hey Vikk," I say. "How is Tobi?"

"He's fine," chirps Vikk. "I literally just got in from seeing him. Anyway, earlier, you said that you wanted to talk to me, mate?"

"Yeah. I- uh, got something to tell yo-"

"Holy shit!" He screeches, cutting me off. "What is that?" He points into his camera, but I already know exactly what he means. The huge, dark hickey in the middle of my throat. Beside me, Cal face-palms.

"That would be a hickey," I sigh.

"Jesus Harry. How horny were you to let him do it somewhere so obvious?" He jokes. I blush, and Cal winks at me. Vikk still can't see him.

"Pretty fucking horny, my friend," I conclude, and send a smirk in Cal's direction. Vikk gives me a grossed out look.

"I'll probably regret asking this, but who've you slept with?" He seems a little disappointed, but mostly proud.

"See, that's what I actually wanted to talk to you about," I explain, taking a deep breath. "Vikk, I have a boyfriend."

"What?!" He squeals. "Who? Since when?"

"We've been together for just over four months now," I reply, and blush slightly.

"Really? Oh my God!" He says. "Come on then, who's the lucky man?" He sounds as if he might explode with excitement if I don't tell him within the next five seconds. So I glance at Cal, and take a deep breath.

"Callum," I say, and brace myself for the possibility of unholy screeching.

"The pretty boy from the gate?" He questions. I nod. "No way. You're pranking me bro. Who actually is it?"

"Callum," I repeat firmly.

He shakes his head. "It can't be. Stop messing around."

"He's not messing around," pipes up Cal, moving back over to me, but not quite in frame still.

"Who's that?" Asks Vikk, thoroughly confused.

"Callum," I say for the third time.

"That's my name baby," says Cal, and moves into frame. His kisses my cheek, before turning back to the camera and adding, "Oh, hi Vikk." For the first time in this call, Vikk is stunned into silence.

It takes a solid 30 seconds for him to refind his words. "Hey there Callum," he swallows, uncertain. "Nice to meet you?" With that, all three of us burst out laughing. The whole situation is just funny. Borderline ridiculous. We laugh until my body aches even more than it did before.

"Oh my God," giggles Vikk. "I take it you've heard all about my passing interest in you then, Callum?"

"Please, call me Cal," he says politely. "And yes, I've heard tales about you. All good, I promise." He assures. Myself and Vikk chuckle.

"On a serious note though Haz," says Vikk. "You know you can tell me anything right? How come you've only just told me now?" He doesn't seem angry, just curious.

"I don't really know. I guess I was just scared. I didn't feel ready until now," I reply honestly. Cal weaves his fingers into my free hand.

"That's fine. Are you going to tell the others?" He inquires

"Yes, tomorrow," I confirm. He nods.

"Okay. I'll leave you two to it then, if that's all. I've got homework to do"

"Yeah that's all. Thanks for being understanding Vikk."

"No prob. See you tomorrow."

"Bye," I smile, and press the end call button. I throw my phone down in my lap, and collapse back into Cal's chest. He lifts his hand gently to card through my hair, while massaging my knuckles gently with his other thumb.

"You okay?" He whispers, and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Just really tired," I yawn, and feel my eyelids begin to droop.

"Go to sleep then. I'll keep you safe," he replies, and gently kisses my cheek.

"Cal?" I murmur.

"Yes baby?"

"I love you. So much."

"I love you too Harry." And with that, I fall asleep in his warmth.


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