//2 - double date

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A.N: second update, whoop. i have loads more to upload too which is fun, and loads of ideas. but if anyone has any requests for scenarios, feel free to send them in. hope you enjoy this one :)

Concept: Harry and Freezy decide to 'prank' Lux and his new girlfriend when the all go out for a meal.

[2370 words approx.]



"Are you guys ready yet?" I shout up the stairs, hoping that Harry and Freezy have pulled through, despite the lest minute planning. The three of us are going out for a meal with my new girlfriend, Mia. It's the first time they're meeting her, so hopefully it will go smoothly. However, we did need to leave about two minutes ago to pick her up.

"Yeah!" calls Harry. "Coming down now mate!"

"Ditto!" Freezy shouts. I hear a large amount of noise coming from the stairs as they both race down. The thundering gets louder as they near the bottom, and before I know it, Harry is in-front of me, closely tailed by Cal.

Harry is wearing a plain white T-Shirt, with a black jacket and black jeans. This is about as close to formal as he gets, so I feel a surge of gratitude. He's even attempted to comb his hair into submission.

Freezy is also looking dapper. He's wearing a white button down, with a brown waistcoat and trousers. A forest green bow tie completes the look. When I look down, I half expect his ever present Crocs to be there, but to my relief, they aren't.

"You look good lads. Thanks for making an effort," I say, gratefully.

"Not half bad yourself Lux," compliments Cal, checking my attire. I'm wearing a red blazer and tie, with black trousers and a white button down.

"Thanks mate. Are you driving Bog?" I ask, addressing the younger. He nods, holding up his car keys. We all pile towards the door, hastily checking pockets for wallets and phones. Tonight should be good.


We arrive at Mia's slightly late, but she seems to be unconcerned. Bog and Freezy have been on their best behaviour so far - polite, and they haven't told her any embarrassing stories yet either. Harry parked as close as he could to the restaurant, but unfortunately there's still a five minute walk to get there.

And so we walk, talking happily amongst ourselves. I look beside me, and notice for the first time that Mia is shivering a little.

"You cold?" I inquire. She looks up at me, dark brown eyes meeting mine. I fall for her more every time I see her.

"Yeah, a bit," she responds, and rubs her bare arms. She's wearing a strapless red dress, with no coat, so it's not really a surprise that she's chilly. "I probably should have brought my jacket."

"Probably," I chuckle, and wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side. She slides an arm around my back, and rests her hand on my waist, just above my hip. A smile reaches across her face.

"Freezy!" Harry blurts out suddenly. We all look over to him, confused.

"Sup Dinho?" Cal asks, cautiously.

"I gotta tell you something, can we hang back a minute?" He says, eyes betraying his mischievous intent. Oh god. What's he planning?

"Umm, sure," shrugs Cal, and they both pause in the middle of the pavement. They only begin speaking lowly when Mia and I are safely out of range.

"What's that all about?" She asks quietly.

I shake my head. "No idea babe. They're super weird though. I reckon they might be trying to prank us or something."

"Oh," she says simply.

"Don't worry about it too much. I won't let it disrupt our night," I grin down at her.

"Okay Cal. I trust you."


Freezy POV

"What did you want Harry?" I inquire, suspiciously. He merely smirks at me.

"I got a brilliant idea on how to mess with their heads," he replies, and wiggles his eyebrows.

My interest has risen steeply. "Okay, I'm listening..."


Harry POV

I don't mean to sound cocky, but my plan is utter genius to say the least. It's gonna mess with them a little bit, but without ruining the whole night.

Essentially, the idea is that Cal and I are going to copy anything that they do which is remotely 'couplesy'. So if they hold hands, we will, if they hug, we will. For some reason, that really surprised me, Cal is fully on board with the idea. I expected him to brush it off and carry on like I never suggested it.

If I'm completely honest, this whole idea is just an excuse to get closer to Cal. I've had feelings for him for a while now. And trust me, I've tried very hard not to. It's incredibly inconvenient to have a childish crush on your straight best friend.

I'm not sure what it is about him that I find so attractive either. Maybe it's his unconventional good looks. Maybe his accent. Maybe it's the way he walks around the flat shirtless after he's showered. I really don't know.

Anyway, Cal and I have now run ahead of Lux and Mia by about ten metres. We walk silently, side by side, and then Cal hooks his arm over my shoulders. I loop my arm around his slim waist, and give his side a cheeky prod. He yelps in surprise, but recovers and laughs it off with me.

Lux and Mia are being suspiciously quiet. They're probably trying to work out what the hell we're doing.

After about another minute or so of walking in our separate pairs, we reach the entrance to the restaurant. Lux sorts talking to the entry staff, and finding the table for us.

We're seated in a benched booth in a corner of the restaurant. Freezy and I sit on one side, Mia and Lux on the other. We exchange small talk together while reading over the menus and deciding on our drinks.

When the waitress finally comes over to us, we're ready to order both food and drink. The thing that all of us didn't realise however, was that this place is mainly a pizzeria, which comes as a pleasant surprise. So we all order pizzas.

Mia and Lux decide to share one, so I give Freezy a look, and we do the same. Lux seems to be suspicious, and on the verge of working out what we're doing. So, like any sane person would, he decides to sneakily test us.

While we wait for our food, he glances at me knowingly, and then nonchalantly places his hand on Mia's leg. Freezy takes it as a personal challenge, and rests one of his overlarge hands on my thigh. I quietly note that he placed his much higher up than Lux did.

After about fifteen minutes of casual conversation, the food arrives. And it looks and smells heavenly. Lux moves his hand back onto the table, and after a moment of hesitation, Freezy removes his too. The absence makes that spot on my leg feel cold.

Eating is mostly uneventful, until Lux picks up a slice of pizza, and begins feeding it to Mia. My heart rises into my throat. Cal won't copy that surely. All of the things we've mimicked so far have been casual touches, that could be overlooked. But this is very blatant, and strangely intimate.

His next actions however, prove his dedication to the prank, and prove me wrong. A piece of pizza appears in front of my face. I recoil slightly, but then, without looking over at Freezy, take a hesitant bite from the tip. Across the table, Mia gives us a calculating look, and Lux tries to hide a snigger. He's found us out.

Freezy fondly ruffles my hair with his free hand, and passes me the rest of the slice that I had started. I continue eating it, as nonchalantly as possible under the circumstances.

Once we have finished eating, Mia excuses herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she has departed, Lux glares at us both.

"What exactly are you doing?" He inquires. Not angry, not confused either. He just wants an explanation. Which he's not gonna get, not yet at least.

"Oh nothing," I reply sweetly, and grab Freezy's arm. "Right babe?" Freezy nods, and grins widely at the confused man across the table, who seems at a loss for words.

Lux stands up hastily. "I will never understand you two. I- nevermind. I'm gonna go and pay." With that, he stalks off towards the bar to request the cheque.

Once Cal is out of range, Freezy and I collapse into each other, laughing wildly. This whole evening has been hilarious. Lux thought he had clocked what we were doing earlier, but with that curveball I just threw him, he's more confused than before. Almost as confused as his poor girlfriend.

Speaking of Mia, she's just arrived back at the table. "What's so funny?" She asks, and smiles at us.

"Nothing," I wheeze, still leaning into Cal's side. We've calmed down a little now, finding it in ourselves to finish laughing. I don't sit up properly though, and Cal doesn't seem to mind. I rest my head cautiously on his shoulder.

"Okay," she says, eyeing us suspiciously. "Where'd Cal go?"

"He's gone to pay," answers Freezy, and he casually puts his arm around my shoulders.

Mia rolls her eyes, and blows out some air through her teeth. "I told him I would split it with him. I guess I'll just pay him when he gets back."

"And I told you it's my treat," pipes up Lux, back from his trip to the bar.

"I know. But are you sure? I don't mind doing halves," she replies, concern filling her voice.

"Yes babe, I'm sure. Don't worry about it," he kisses her on the cheek, and then points to Cal and I. "You two are paying your shares though."

"I'll cover Harry's as well as mine," responds Freezy, and presses his mouth quickly to my cheek. Sly son of a bitch. He's still doing the prank. I can't help but blush a little as he pulls away, and smiles at me.

"Sure?" I ask.

"Positive," he grins back.

With that, we make our way out of the restaurant, and begin the chilly walk back to the car. The four of us walk along the pavement in a row; Freezy on the left, then myself, then Lux and Mia on the far right.

I notice her extend her hand out to Lux, and link it with his hand. The movement is so subtle, natural even, that I barely catch it. I take a breath, and reach out my left hand to grab Freezy's. We don't look at each other, but entwine our hands and continue as if nothing happened.

We talk about random things together, but fall silent when we reach my car. I sit in the drivers side, Freezy rides shotgun, with Mia and Lux in the back seat. There's only about a five minute drive to Mia's apartment, and a further ten back to our place.

After we've been driving for a few minutes, Freezy extends his palm and rests it cautiously on my thigh. I presume that it's because Lux had done so too, but when I take a brief look in the mirror, I realise that isn't the case. I try to catch Freezy's eye, but he purposely avoids my gaze.

I take my own hand from the wheel, place it on the back of his to reassure him. Once a moment has passed, I replace my hand on the steering wheel. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him smile. His hand doesn't retreat.

We pull up outside Mia's flat block only minutes later. Freezy and I say our goodbyes to her in the car, and wait while Lux sees her to the door. We watch them slowly trudge to the door, hand in hand.

I bring my palm back down to rest on the back of Cal's hand, and rub my thumb soothingly over his knuckles. However we're still watching Lux and Mia through the streaked passenger side window. Waiting. We both know what for.

It finally happens when they reach the door. Under the dim light of her porch, Lux leans in and kisses her softly. I turn my gaze back to Freezy, who's looked over to meet my expectant glance.

"Well," he grins, seeming to have regained some of his usual charm and composure. "Shall we?"

"Just shut up and kiss me," I almost growl. He complies, leaning over the console between us to finally bridge the gap.

His mouth is soft against mine, and he raises a hand to cup my cheek. The cold metal of his rings is a stark contrast to his warm, smooth palm. Our kiss is slow, meaningful. It's been a long time coming after all. We're so close, but only really ghosting over each other. Hardly touching at all.

After an immeasurable amount of time that feels like an eternity, the back car door opens, and we break apart.

"Are you guys fucking serious?" Sighs Lux, exasperated, as he climbs into the back seat. He doesn't sound angry, just in need of an explanation. "What's going on with you?"

"I thought that was apparent from what you definitely just saw," Freezy responds cheekily.

"I know that, I just meant- ugh," he exhales heavily, frustrated that we don't seem to follow. "You two have been pining over each for forever. Now are you being serious, or fucking with each other?"

I look across at the man riding shotgun. Even though there's very low light, I can see the tips of his ears burning red.

"I mean, I was being serious," he mumbles. My heart glows at his words. I was mostly sure he felt the same after tonight's events, but hearing him say it installs a new confidence in me.

"Me too," I murmur, and feel my face heat up.

"Right then," says Lux, in a businesslike tone. "Do you want to try dating?"

"I wouldn't mind that I at all," I say, staring straight into Freezy's eyes. I can practically see the gears turning in his head as he processes what I just said.

"Well, I mean, do you want that Haz?" He asks, somewhat shyly.

I grin at him. "Of course I do. Come here, you daft giraffe." With that, I pull him back in for another kiss. It's one thing to see him smile, but feeling it against my lips is easily a hundred times better.


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