//13 - you never cease to amaze me

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A.N: just a short fluffy one today! i had this written as a wroetobehz oneshot, but thought that it would work just as well for wroetofreezy, so i adapted it. kinda lazy, i know, but it's cute so i wanted to upload it. healing part 2 will be up soon too, so watch out for that. :)

Concept: Harry is getting ready for his first date with Cal.

[800 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Oi, Cal!" I shout, hoping that Lux will hear, and come to give me a hand. I'm nearly ready for my first date with Freezy, and I'm actually feeling really good for a change. Normally I would be nervous, but tonight, I'm pulling out all the stops.

"Yeah mate?" Says Lux, sticking his head around my bedroom door. When he sees me, his eyes widen, and he has to physically stop his jaw from dropping. "Holy shit Haz, you look awesome! Lucky boy, eh?" He adds teasingly, as he invites himself into my room.

"Do you think it's too much?" I ask, worried for a mere moment.

"I reckon he's going to struggle to keep his hands off you," Cal replies with a wink. "What did you need anyway, Boggo?"

"Could you do up the back of my corset? I can't get it tight enough," I say, and turn around for him. He steps in to stand behind me.

"Okay. Tell me if it gets too tight," he responds, and begins roughly tugging on the ribbons, efficiently cinching my waist.

After a minute or two, he's all done. I pick up my hat from the dresser, and perch it carefully on my head. I turn back around to face Cal.

"Look alright?" I question.

"More than," he says, sounding genuine. "It's weird having you the same height as me though."

"I know. For the first time ever, I actually feel kinda tall," I smile, before adding, "I'm so glad I put my shoes on before you tightened up my corset. I guarantee I can't bend down that far now."

He laughs. "As long as you can bend over," he jokes with a smirk, and I attempt to backhand him. He sidesteps the blow quickly, holding his hand up in surrender.

"Okay, okay, calm down Boggo!" he says, with a small laugh. "Who are you seeing tonight anyway?" I blush slightly. I haven't told him yet. And I'm assuming that Freezy hasn't said anything either.

"Cal," I say, as confidently as I can.

"As in, Cal Airey? Our roommate?" He asks, looking as shocked.

"Yep," I reply, shyly.

"Good on you guys!" Congratulates Lux, patting me encouragingly on the back.

"I know," I gush, feeling like an overexcited 14 year old girl. "He's gonna be back from Tobi's in five, so I should probably go and wait downstairs."

"Okay, see you later Harry, have fun," says Lux, and he makes his way over to exit my room.

"Oh yeah, and Haz?" Cal has stuck his head back around the door.

"Yeah mate?"

He grins. "Knock him dead."



I've just arrived back at our flat after getting ready at Tobi's house. I'm a couple of minutes early, but don't let that stop me as I almost skip up the steps and knock on the door. I've got a smallish bouquet of blue flowers in my hands. I'm wearing black trousers, a royal blue dinner jacket with a white button down, which Tobi helped me to pick out.

After a minute, the door opens, and reveals Harry. I have to force my mouth closed. I can't help it. He looks fucking incredible. Words can't even begin to describe how beautiful he looks. But also, he still looks like himself.

The only somewhat standard items of his outfit are a baby blue button down shirt, and a plain black fedora. From there on, it only gets better.

He's wearing a black miniskirt, which shows off just enough of his glorious thighs. His legs are clean shaven, and covered by wide back fishnet tights. He has tall, shiny black high heels on his feet. By far the best part of his attire is the black laced corset wound around his waist. It makes him look so slim, a beautiful, near hourglass, figure.

To add to the look, he has his makeup done, and nails painted. All I can do is stand helplessly, as he steps outside and closes the door behind him.

"Hi," he says shyly. I take the initiative to find my words at last.

"Hey yourself," I manage, and hand him the bouquet. He accepts it, and sniffs at it delicately. It's only now that I notice the blue feather tucked into the band of his hat.

"Do I look okay?" He asks softly, and bites his lip. I swear he's trying to kill me.

"Okay?!" I half shout, but try to contain myself, "Holy fuck Harry. You never cease to amaze me." And with that, I reel him in by his cinched waist for a kiss. It's chaste, but there's unspoken meaning there, that only we could understand.

When we part, he looks over my face, and stifles a small giggle.

"What's funny?" I smile.

"You've got lipstick on your mouth."


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