//12 - mysterious pretty boy pt.2

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A.N: sorry i haven't updated for so long, but it's finally here! the second part to my first one shot! i really enjoyed writing this, it was a lot of fun. hope y'all like it too. also, thanks so much for over 850 reads now! let me know what you all want to see when i hit 1k, i want to do something special to say thanks.

Concept: Harry finally tells his friends about the boy he is dating.

[2580 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Harry, I know you're nervous, but can you please stop clicking that fucking pen," says Vikk, sounding exasperated. I sigh, and throw down my pen. He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, but it does nothing to calm me. I force myself to relax, at least a little bit, and put my head down on the desk in front of me. I know he's right. This is going to go well, I think to myself. Just like last night went well.

My parents, Rosie and Josh had all got home while I was still asleep. They weren't surprised to find Cal in the house, as he comes over most nights, but they were quite confused to see me cuddled up with him. We were always very careful not to show too much affection towards each other while my family were home, so that they wouldn't find out about us before we wanted them to.

So much for that now. My mum had woken me up just before dinner was ready, and invited Cal to stay and eat. He accepted, and texted his mum to say that he would be home later than usual.

The first part of dinner was extremely awkward. I knew that my family could all see the very large, obvious hickey right in the middle of my neck, and they definitely had their suspicions about where it came from after seeing me curled up with Cal. It was a cloud that hung over the table, a tense silence, as our explanation was awaited.

Eventually, I was the one who decided to start the conversation. It was short. Cal and I came clean. My mum hugged us both, and told us that she had been suspicious for about it for a while now. My dad just said that he was proud of us for telling him. And of course, Rosie and Josh were only interested in the details; when it happened, how it happened, all that. After that conversation, the evening just continued as normal. Everything was fine.

When dinner was finished, my mum pulled Cal and I aside to give us her brief version of "the talk", which completely mortified me. Cal handled it quite well though, trying to take what she said seriously. After that was over, we just retreated back to the sofa again, and talked with my siblings until it was time for him to go.

He said goodbye to my family, and then the two of us stepped out into the porch so that I could say goodbye properly, with a bit of privacy. One of my favourite things is the way he kisses me before leaving. It's slow and tender, full of love. Just as he was about to go, I offered him his hoodie to take back. He told me to keep it for now, kissed my forehead, and then started off on his way home.

I'm glad that everything yesterday happened the way it did. Thinking back over it all makes me feel much more at ease about telling my friends. They're all good people, even if they are a little loud and obnoxious sometimes. They care about me, and finally finding out that I'm dating someone won't change that.

"Earth to Harry? You alright mate?" Vikk's worried voice cuts through my thoughts. I lift my head up from the desk, and see all of the other students beginning to leave the room. "The bell just went, we need to go," he says gently.

"Okay, let me get ready, and then we can go," I say, and he nods. I pick up my bag, put it on the desk, and take off my blazer. I pull Cal's hoodie over my head, before putting my blazer back on over it. I quickly sort the hood out, and then sling my bag onto my back. Next to me, Vikk is now ready to head out too. "Let's go," I say, with as much confidence and determination as I can muster. He just grins at me in response.

It takes couple of minutes to navigate our way through the congested corridors, and out onto the front yard. I can already see the other four waiting by the goalposts for Vikk and I. Also, I can see Cal, standing in his usual spot by the gates. Neither he, nor the boys, seem to have spotted us yet.

Quickly, and as subtly as I can, I raise a small handful of the hoodie to cover my nose and mouth, and inhale it's scent. It smells like Cal; of strong, cheap aftershave, with a somewhat woody undertone. I love the way he smells. Somehow, the quick hit of his scent seems to boost my courage slightly. Vikk and I have reached the others now, but they don't acknowledge us, too engrossed in their conversation to notice our arrival.

"Josh mate, you just need to ask her out," insists Ethan.

"What if she doesn't like me that way? Then I've ruined our friendship," argues Josh. They must be talking about Freya again.

"If she lets something like that get in the way of your friendship, then she isn't worth your time," says JJ. Josh bristles slightly, but forces himself to relax again when he realises that JJ isn't trying to chat shit about Freya.

"I suppose you're right," he says, sounding slightly deflated.

"Honestly, just talk to her about it, you'll feel so much better," Simon reassures him, and pats his shoulder gently.

"Yeah. When I told Tobi about my feelings for him, I thought that there was no way he would like me back. And look at us now," Vikk chimes in, and smiles at Josh.

"The youngest married couple I know," I joke, and elbow Vikk lightly in the ribs. The others laugh lightheartedly.

"Okay, I see your point. I'll call her tonight," says Josh, with a small, nervous grin. Ethan cheers enthusiastically, and pats Josh on the back.

"It'll go fine, don't worry mate," Ethan smiles.

"Yeah, yeah," says Josh, waving his hands dismissively. "I'll text you all about it later."

"Alright Josh. Are we all heading off now?" Asks Simon, seeming eager to leave.

"Somewhere to be, Simon?" Teases Vikk, raising an eyebrow at the lanky boy.

"No," mumbles Simon, the tips of his ears going pink.

"Leave him be Vikk. He just can't wait to get back to mine is all," says JJ, and hooks an arm around Simon's waist. Quickly, he presses a kiss to the taller's cheek, making him blush even more.

"You know what, let's just go. Their PDA is offending me," I say, jokingly.

"Only because you're not getting any," quips Simon, eliciting a laugh from the others. Vikk gives me a look, and I take a second to prepare myself. It's finally time to tell them.

"Actually guys, I have something to tell you all," I say, nervously. They all look at me intently. My tone must have surprised them, as I'm never usually serious when I'm with them.

"What is it Bog?" Ethan pries, cautiously. I take a deep breath, and get ready to speak.

"Hey," cuts in a familiar voice. It's only now that I notice Cal approaching us, coming to stand behind Simon and JJ. The two of them jump at Cal's unexpected presence, and turn to look at him.

"Uhh, hi?" Says Josh, seeming slightly wary of the taller boy who has randomly joined us. "What's up?"

"Nothing really," Cal replies casually, giving Josh a good natured smile in hopes of relaxing him. "It's just, I've lost my boyfriend, and I was wondering if you guys might have seen him?" I look up at him with a small smile. He grins down at me mischievously, a look in his eyes silently asking me to play along. I fight the urge to laugh, and can tell that Vikk is doing the same.

"Sure," says JJ, seeming more relaxed already. "What's he like?"

"He's great," Cal responds. "The sort of person that nobody could hate, even if they wanted to."

"Sounds nice," muses JJ. "I bet he can't beat my boyfriend though," he jokes, and pokes Simon in the side. JJ has always been the most trusting, and social of the group, but it still makes me happy to see him getting along with Cal.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," grins Cal.

"Mhmm. What does your man look like anyway?" Asks JJ. Since everyone else has seen the easy flowing banter between him and Cal, they all seem more at ease too, having decided that Cal isn't infact a threat.

"He's about 5'10, but likes to think he's closer to 5'11. He's got brown hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Also, he's got a kinda weird accent, 'cause he's from Guernsey." As Cal explains this, I feel everyone's eyes slowly flick to rest on me.

"Huh," says JJ, seeming not to have caught on. "What's his name? Maybe I'll know him?"

Cal smiles. "His name is Harry." A stunned silence follows, which JJ quickly breaks.

"Oh cool, what a coincidence! My mate here is called Harry!" Says JJ, excitedly, and points at me. Suddenly, realisation hits his face, and his jaw drops. "Wait..."

"I think I've found your boyfriend, Cal," says Vikk quietly, hiding a smile. He gives me a quick nudge in the direction of Cal, and I nearly trip over my own feet while walking towards the lanky boy.

"Ah, there he is. Thanks Vikk," says Cal, jokingly, and he wraps an arm around my shoulders when I go to stand beside him. I lean into his comforting warmth, which makes me feel a bit better.

"Wait... you mean... YOU'RE CALLUM FUCKING AIREY?" Shouts JJ, pointing at Cal. Everyone else sighs loudly.

"Really Jide? That's what you got from this whole conversation?" Asks Simon.

"I mean yeah, he's dating Harry, but that's Callum Airey for Gods sake," says JJ, as if that's the only important thing here. I shake my head, and stifle a laugh. Only him.

"Yes, I can conclude that I am infact 'Callum Fucking Airey,'" says Cal, with an amused smirk. "And I'm assuming that you're JJ?"

"Yeah man, I'm JJ," he says, and holds out his hand for Cal, who shakes it briefly. "Good to finally meet the man Harry is dating."

"What do you mean finally? None of us knew he existed until a minute ago," laughs Simon.

"I've know Harry's had a boyfriend for ages. He made it completely obvious," says JJ, and rolls his eyes.

"Oh really? How could you tell?" Challenges Ethan, finding his words at last.

"He's been acting weird for a while now," JJ insists. "Plus, he's not exactly great at covering up hickeys either."

"They could have been from anyone," Says Josh. "But really Harry, you need to borrow a bit of concealer from your sister every so often," he adds, giving a brief look over the small part he can see of my newest bruise.

"Okay fine, I didn't know for certain, it was a hunch at best. But I was still right," JJ says, defiantly.

"Sure babe," says Simon sarcastically, and he leans his head against JJ's shoulder.

"How long have you two been together now anyway?" Asks Josh.

"About four months," replies Cal, pulling me tighter into his side. I loop my arm around his waist, my hand resting on his hip.

"Oh damn," says JJ, seeming impressed.

"How come you didn't tell us Bog?" Questions Ethan, with a confused look.

"I don't know really. I just wasn't ready to tell you guys I guess," I respond honestly.

"That's alright," smiles Vikk. "We know now, and if you two are happy, it's all good." I feel a surge of gratitude towards him.

"Yeah, agreed," says Simon.

"Thanks guys," I beam. I honestly don't know why I was so stressed about telling them now. Everything is absolutely fine.

"As nice as this moment is, we really need to move," says Josh, looking slightly worried. "If any teachers see Callum on the premises, he'll get in trouble."

"Good point," says Cal, seeming suddenly very interested in leaving. "I don't fancy getting arrested today, thank you."

"Well, what about tomorrow then?" I ask with a grin, as we all start heading hastily towards the gate. He gives me a deadpan expression.

"Really Harold?" He says, feigning a look of complete unamusement.

"It was at least a little bit funny," I say, and give him my puppy dog eyes.

He caves almost instantly. "Alright yeah, it was a little bit funny," he admits. "But only a little bit." He pulls me in again for a brief side hug, and ruffles my hair playfully.

"You guys are cute," smiles Vikk. The others all make various noises of agreement, which causes me to blush, and Cal to laugh.

"I won't take any credit for something that's mostly him," Cal says, and I pull myself out from under his arm.

"You're so cheesy, Cal," I huff jokingly, and push Vikk so that he is walking between me and my boyfriend.

"Oh come on babe, you know you love it," he teases, and pouts when I shake my head at him. Suddenly, he gives me a mischievous look, and walks around Vikk so that he's behind me. Just when I'm about to turn around to see what he's doing, his arms wrap around my waist and he lifts me clear off the ground.

"Cal!" I shriek, and try to wriggle from his grip. Instead, he holds me tighter, shifting me into an easier position for him to hold. Somehow, after a minute, he's got me so that he's carrying me bridal style out of the school gates.

"Jeez you're heavy," he complains, and I wrap my arms around his neck to reduce the risk of me falling.

"Then put me down, dumbass," I say, with no actual malice behind my words. He just grins at me.

"Nope. I'll carry you all the way to your house," he says, and quickly spins 360 degrees. We've all made it out of the gate now, everyone ready to go their separate ways.

"Whatever. I'll see you all tomorrow!" I shout over Cal's shoulder, as he starts walking away from the group. "Don't forget to text us later Josh!"

"I won't mate! See you tomorrow!" He yells back.

"Bye Harry!" Calls Vikk. I wave at them, and finally, Cal and I round the corner, and they're out of sight. I let out a small sigh, and relax into Cal's arms, resting my forehead on his shoulder.

"As nice as this is Haz, I really need to put you down, or I might end up dropping you," he says, apologetically. I nod, and brace myself slightly as he lowers me back down onto the pavement. My feet connect with the floor, but I keep my arms around his neck.

"You alright?" He asks, and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer into his pleasant warmth. I nod.

"Yeah I'm fine," I respond.

"You feel okay after telling everyone?" He questions, worriedly.

"I feel great," I smile. "They really liked you, ya know?"

He grins at me. "You think?"

"I know."

"Well that's a relief," he sighs, and presses a kiss to the top of my head. I could stay like this with him forever.

"I love you, Harry," he murmurs.

"Love you too, Cal."


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