//11 - candles

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A.N: hey! just wanted to say a quick thank you for nearly 700 reads! my first chapter has over 100 now, which is awesome. anyway, this chapter is a bit weird, idk i'm not a huge fan of it really, but it's decent and i haven't updated for a few days. it's a bit smutty, but not meant to be an actual smut, so i didn't put it in the title. i'm typing up second parts for 'mysterious pretty boy' and 'healing' at the moment, so they will be out shortly.

Concept: Harry has been driving Cal crazy with his new favourite thing to wear.

[2540 words approx.]



It's about 12:30am when the power goes out. All at once, the lights flicker off, and my laptop dims from its lack of a power source. I groan, and rub my hands over my face tiredly. I've been editing for God knows how long now, with no breaks. It's probably a good thing that the power cut, or I may have carried on working until early hours of the morning.

The only light that fills my now dark bedroom is the dim glow that my laptop provides, so I pick up my phone and switch the torch on. I move my laptop from my legs, and put it down on the bed beside me, so that I can get up. I should probably go and get some candles, and maybe put them around the flat, incase the others get up too. Who knows how long this could last.

Stiffly, I shuffle to the edge of my bed, and stand up. I take a moment to stretch out quickly, before heading out of my room in the direction of the kitchen. Guided by the light of my torch, I pad slowly along the laminate corridors until I reach the room. I enter silently, and am surprised by what I find.

The room is already illuminated by the yellowish glow of tea lights, which are set on the counters. Harry is standing with a lighter in one hand, and the bag of small candles in the other, focusing on lighting them successfully. His back is to me, and he doesn't seem to have noticed my presence. But the sight of him makes my heart jump into my throat.

Recently, I could have sworn Harry has been trying to kill me. These past few weeks have been made pure torture, and what's even worse, is that he seems to have no idea what he's doing to me. I'm not sure how much longer I can just sit back and do nothing. It all began when the summer heat kicked in...

For about a month now, Harry has been wearing nothing but cropped shirts around the flat. And I'm not sure why it's affecting me so badly. But he looks irresistible. The slightest bit of his midriff sets me off for the rest of the day. And God forbid he dares to stretch in my presence. I feel like a horny fucking teenager.

And tonight is the same. He stands there, sporting a cropped Sidemen hoodie. But for some reason, there's something new about him. I can't tell what it is. But it makes me want him even more.

He shouldn't look any different to normal. But somehow, he does. Under the warm, dim light of the candles around him, he appears almost magical. He glows in a way that is new. I honestly don't think I can find it in me to resist him tonight. Just as I think that, he chooses this moment to put down the things in his hands, and stretch his arms up over his head. The band of his skin that was on display widens, and I swallow thickly.

"Hey Harold," I say, managing not to stutter as I speak up at last. I step hesitantly into the kitchen, and move towards him. It's finally time to make my move.

"Cal," he responds, without turning around. This presents the perfect opportunity for me. Quietly, I walk up behind him, and place both of my hands gently but firmly on his hips. He jumps slightly at the unexpected contact, but makes no attempt to free himself from my grip. He twists his head round to look at me, flustered confusion on his face.

"What're you doing?" He asks, flushing slightly. I grin at him, and gently rub my thumbs over his warm skin.

"Something long overdue," I say huskily against his neck, and begin pressing gentle kisses against the skin there. He hums in response, and looks forward once again. I'm very surprised that he hasn't tried to push me off yet, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Shyly, he leans into my touch as I continue to kiss his neck. I consider leaving a mark, but decide against that for now. He tilts his head towards me again, so I move upwards to make my way along his jaw. He seems to want me to kiss him on the mouth, but I can't reach him from the awkward angle.

Hesitantly, I move down his neck again, and this time, go to his shoulder. I use a hand to move the collar of his hoodie to the side, giving me a small patch of skin that could be easily concealed if he wanted to. Cautiously, I begin sucking on the spot, lightly at first, to test the waters. When he doesn't protest, I continue working, and add a hint of teeth. He whines lowly at me, but cuts himself off suddenly.

"Cal, wait," he says, sounding worried. I pull away from him quickly, wanting to respect his request. Fuck, have I just ruined our friendship?

"Harry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have just come in here and done that-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"It's fine, I don't mind. It was good actually," he says, blushing more. "But what if Lux comes in?" I let out a relieved breath. Of course that's what he would be worried about. I chuckle at him lightly, which earns a disgruntled look.

I nibble gently on his earlobe, my best attempt at being seductive. "That's the least of my worries right now," I say, and exhale over the sensitive skin of his neck. He shivers slightly, and looks at me with a shy grin on his face.

"So you're telling me that I've been trying to bait you for nearly a month now, and the thing that sells it for you is candles?" He says with a small laugh.

"You fucking tease," I growl at him lowly. So he's been doing all this on purpose? The whole damn time? I'm caught between two thoughts. One, that he knew all along, he knew exactly what he was doing to me. The other, that if that is the case, surely he has some sort of attraction towards me.

"What're you gonna do about it?" He challenges, shaking me from my thoughts. Thinking fast, I spin him around so that he's facing me now. I smirk at him slyly, and push him back against the counter, making it so that there's no space between us. My hands are on his waist, holding him firmly there. The skin that I've fantasised about for a month now is warm and soft under my fingers.

He gives no objection when I slide my hands around to rest on the small of his back, and lean down to kiss him gently. He kisses back, and loops his arms over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. It's a slow, but quite passionate kiss, meaning I'm able to divide my attention between it, and where I'm putting my hands.

Slowly, I push my hands up along his spine. The sensation makes him shiver again, and I can feel his muscles thrumming underneath his soft flesh. I make my way up his back to his surprisingly broad shoulders, my hands underneath the soft fabric of his hoodie. I trace his shoulder blades lightly, before moving all the way down to his hips once more.

"Can I take this off?" I purr, after breaking the kiss, toying with the hem of his top. He gives me a brief nod, and flushes even more than before. I lift it up, and over his head, discarding it on the counter behind him, and leaving his torso completely exposed. Sure I've seen him shirtless before, but there's something different about it now. I drag both of my hands up his body to rest on his breastbone, and look him in the eyes.

The worst thing about me finding this man so attractive, is that I now know that he knows exactly how intoxicating he is to me. So he can use it to his advantage. He bites his lower lip, eyes shining with something that I've never seen in them before. Lust. And it's fucking gorgeous.

"You're so hot, you know that right?" I murmur, and he smirks at me.

"You know it," he responds, and leans in towards me again. I meet him halfway with a fiery kiss, attempting to take control. I slide a hand into his hair, and tug roughly, eliciting a moan from the smaller boy. This gives me an idea. He's been a tease for a month now, surely that gives me some ground to try my own tricks. I smirk into the kiss, and slip my tongue into his mouth.

It's not long before I have him moaning and whimpering under my touch. I can tell that I'm getting him really hot and bothered, which is exactly what I'm trying to do. My hand roams freely over his back, keeping him close to me. Our bodies are pressed flush against each other, leaving little room for the imagination about exactly what I'm doing to him.

I pull back from his bruised lips, and watch as stands panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. This is the perfect time to put my plan into action. To test the waters, I push my hips forward into his slightly, and watch his face to gauge his reaction. He leans his head back, and lets out a low groan of pleasure. As beautiful as he sounds, he did have a point earlier about Lux.

"You need to keep quiet Harry," I mutter into his ear. He nods briefly, and bites his lip when I grind onto him again. His hands move from around my neck to snake loosely around my waist, bringing my lower body much closer to his. He leans forwards to bury his face in the crook of my neck, clearly not trusting himself to keep totally quiet.

This time when I roll my hips down into his, his move also, to meet me halfway, and he bites my shoulder to muffle a moan. I keep up a slow rhythm, feeling him slowly turn into a shaky mess, from my expert work. His breath is hot and ragged against the skin of my neck, and I'm certainly covered in bite marks by now, but I can't find it in myself to care.

Suddenly, the main light flickers back on, surprising us both. But this presents the right place for me to execute the best part of my plan. I grin evilly, and take a step back. He doesn't seem to understand at first, trying to keep his body glued to mine, but I manage to pull out of his grip. The worried look he gives me almost makes me decide against doing this.

"What's wrong Cal?" Harry asks, his tone nearly breaking my heart. But I steel myself to it. His arms hang limply by his sides, and he shifts quickly from foot to foot, clearly trying his best to ignore his erection.

"Well Harold," I almost growl, looking at him smugly. "This is what you get for being such a tease all month."

"Wha-? That's not fair!" He protests.

"I think it's perfectly reasonable," I respond, and turn towards the door. He just stands there, open-mouthed as a walk away. I pause briefly in the doorway, looking back at his stunned expression to add. "You should probably put out those candles before you go to bed though, we don't want the flat to set on fire." And with that, I'm out of the room.

As much as I would have loved to stay and help him out, this outcome just seems so much more... satisfying.

// BONUS //


About forty-five minutes later, I'm pleasantly surprised by Harry finding his way into my room. I'm slouched against my headboard, laptop on my legs, attempting to finish editing my video. So, I do the most rational thing I can think of, and pretend to ignore him. Once he realises what I'm doing, he lets out a loud sigh, and does something even more unexpected to get my attention. He crawls into the bed beside me.

He finds a spot next to me, and starts to settle down. He wriggles underneath the duvet, and then pushes his head underneath my arm, so that it's draped over his shoulders. I don't object as he lays his head on my stomach, and curls close into my warmth. Having him here is quite comforting actually, so I take a minute to stop working, and pay him a bit of attention.

"I hate you," he murmurs, eyes fixed firmly on my computer screen, as I begin stroking a hand through his always messy hair. I chuckle at him lightly.

"And why would that be, Harold?" I muse. He turns his head to look at me, resting his chin on my stomach.

"It took half an hour for that boner to go away," he grumbles, blushing slightly at his own words. I just grin at him, which earns an embarrassed scowl.

"Really? I didn't realise I was that good," I tease, and he bats my chest gently.

"It's not something to be proud of," he insists.

"I disagree," I grin, smugly. "Why didn't you just have a wank anyway?"

He flushes more if at all possible, and looks away. "There was no way it could have been as good as what you had just done for me," he admits shyly. Even the tips of his ears have gone pink. He looks absolutely adorable.

"That's an interesting compliment, but thanks anyway Haz," I smirk, earning an indignant grumble.

"Oh, shut up," he says, with no actual malice behind his words. I smile down at him gently, a gesture which he doesn't actually see, before closing my laptop lid, and putting it on the floor beside my bed. Groaning lightly, I shuffle down under the warmth of my duvet, and wrap an arm around Harry's waist. He moves his head to rest on my shoulder, and slings an arm over my stomach.

"Hey Cal?" He says quietly, after a moment of silence.

"Yeah?" I respond,

"What are we now?" He asks, sounding very uncertain. I think about it for a minute, but can't seem to find an appropriate answer, at least not one that I feel bold enough to suggest to him now.

"I don't know," I reply, honestly. "What do you want to be?"

"I'm not sure either."

"Well, it doesn't have to be anything right now," I suggest, but sense his disappointment at my poor choice of words, so hastily rush to recover. "What I mean by that is, we don't need to find a label for it straight away. For now, we can just be us, whatever we want that to mean."

"Okay, I suppose that makes sense," he says slowly. "Just Harry and Cal. I like that."

"I like it too," I respond, and press a gentle kiss to the top of his head. This feels right. It's enough. He's enough.


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