//18 - in love with a monster

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Warning: One section of this story contains explicit smut. I've put a  ******  where it starts and ends if you want to skip.

A.N: hello! guess who's back! with a proper update! whoop. so this is an interesting one, i actually really like how it turned out. quick note on ages, because it's kinda relevant. harry is 18 at the start, and 19 at the end, and cal is 20 at the start and 21 at the end. harry's siblings make a brief appearance, rosie is 16 and josh is 10. i know this isn't the actual age gap, but it makes more sense for the plot. other than that, hope y'all enjoy this mess.

[6170 words approx.]


Harry POV

He'll buy me a thorn before he'll buy me a rose

"Why hello there, gorgeous." A tall, dirty blonde man saunters over to the table I'm sat at, and promptly takes the seat opposite me. Usually, I would just shoot down such advances, but something about him intrigues me. I place down my mug of coffee for a minute to look at him properly, pretending I don't see the smirk that works it's way onto his lips.

"Anything better to say to me than that?" I sass, leaning forwards slightly, and resting my chin on the heel of my palm. I may not know him, but there's something about the cocky way he holds himself that tells me he won't be offended by my tone.

"Oh, I have a lot of things I'd like to say. I just don't think they'd be appropriate to tell a stranger," he responds, with a wicked grin. I quirk a brow at him, and hold out my left hand.

"I'm Harry," I say plainly, and he takes my hand, but doesn't shake it yet. His palm is surprisingly soft.

"Cal," he responds, icy blue eyes looking straight into mine. "Pleased to make your... acquaintance." It's only now that he shakes my hand, before letting go a second later than needed.

"Now that we're acquainted, fancy telling me those things you wanted to say?" I ask sweetly. His eyes light up, seeming pleased that I'm actually flirting back.

"I might do, if you let me take you out on a date first," he replies, looking me over carefully.

"How forward of you," I say, trying my best to match his easy confidence. "Let me get your number, then I might think about it."

"Naturally," he says, and holds his hand out expectantly for my phone. I raise a brow skeptically. "I'm not going to rob you. Just trust me," he reassures, with a small laugh. I sigh, but unlock my phone and pass it to him. I watch him carefully as he types his number into a new contact, focusing intently.

"Here you go," he says after a minute, and hands me back my phone. The contact he created is simply named 'Callum Airey'.

"Airey? So you're Northern?" I ask, and he laughs at me.

"How did you get that from my surname and not from my accent?" He chuckles, and I frown at him. It's not that I hadn't noticed his accent, I just couldn't work out exactly where it was from. He sounds like he's lived in too many different places.

"No offence, but your accent is kinda fucked up," I joke, and he gasps in mock offence. Suddenly though, his phone goes off, and he checks it discreetly, sighing when he does.

"I'm sorry beautiful, but I have to go," he says, sounding disappointed as he stands up. "I'll see you around though, yeah?"

"You would certainly hope so," I grin, and watch as he walks out of the coffee shop without another word. I let out a short breath, and relax back into my chair. How can he make me feel like this? I don't even know him.

But, I smirk to myself, I'm definitely going to text him later.

Be covered in dirt before I'm covered in gold

Unknown Number: Hey Airey, it's Harry

Callum Airey: Ah, hello again gorgeous

     [Would you like to rename Unknown Number to 'Pretty Boy 💕'? Yes/No]

Pretty Boy 💕: I have a name, you know?

Callum Airey: Yeah, I know. I just think gorgeous suits you better ;)

Pretty Boy 💕: You're such a flirt

Callum Airey: Don't try to pretend you don't love it

Pretty Boy 💕: I never said that
Pretty Boy 💕: So, how many people are you speaking to right now then?

Callum Airey: Jealous much? XP

Pretty Boy 💕: No, just wondering
Pretty Boy 💕: I figured from how easily you spoke to me earlier, you chat people up a lot.

Callum Airey: I used to.
Callum Airey: I'm only talking to you right now though, if that makes you feel better.

Pretty Boy 💕: Yeah slightly.

Callum Airey: So, how about that date?

Pretty Boy 💕: I'm still thinking about it...
Pretty Boy 💕: But for your sake, say we were to go on a date
Pretty Boy 💕: In theory
Pretty Boy 💕: Where would we go?

Callum Airey: I'd take you out to see a film, and then I'd cook for you at my place
Callum Airey: In theory, of course

Pretty Boy 💕: Oh, that actually sounds quite nice
Pretty Boy 💕: Didn't take you for a romantic type

Callum Airey: Oh trust me babe, I'm not.
Callum Airey: But you get that chance, for one evening and one evening only :)

Pretty Boy 💕: I thought the phrase was 'one night and one night only'??

Callum Airey: The night and the evening are two completely different things...
Callum Airey: If you know what I'm saying ;)

Pretty Boy 💕: Dirty boy

Callum Airey: That's more like it

Pretty Boy 💕: Pray tell, what would the 'night' entail then?

Callum Airey: Well, that's a surprise beautiful
Callum Airey: But, I might end up telling you all those things I wanted to say when I first saw you ;)

Pretty Boy 💕: Sounds inviting.
Pretty Boy 💕: You better have a lot of things to say
Pretty Boy 💕: Because I don't think I'll ever want that night to end...

Callum Airey: Now who's dirty...
Callum Airey: So is that a yes to the date then?

Pretty Boy 💕: I suppose it is
Pretty Boy 💕: Where and when?

Callum Airey: Are you free at 4pm on Saturday?

Pretty Boy 💕: For you, yes

Callum Airey: Sounds good. Meet me outside the cinema then.

Pretty Boy 💕: I'll look forwards to it

Callum Airey: Me too.

Pretty Boy 💕: Anyway, it's getting late now, so I'll talk to you tomorrow?

Callum Airey: Count on it. Goodnight gorgeous

Pretty Boy 💕: Goodnight stupid xx

He's trying it on, yeah he's ticking me off

Say what you want but I won't ever be told

"Holy fuck, that was brilliant," I pant, as Cal lays down beside me. He wraps his arms around my sweaty body, and pulls me back into his chest, pressing sweet kisses to the nape of my neck.

"That's the review I usually tend to get," he teases, and I can feel him gently tracing his fingers up and down my stomach.

"Will the second date be even better?" I ask, and he smiles against my neck.

"You want a second date? We haven't even finished the first yet," he grins.

"Duh, of course I want a second date. This one's been amazing," I say, craning my neck around to look him in the eye.

"It's not over yet babe," he mutters, unwrapping his arms from around me and getting out of bed. I'm about to ask where he's going, but he scoops me up into his arms, and starts carrying me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looping my arms around his neck.

"Where do you think?" He retorts, a wicked grin on his face.

"Round two in the shower?" I say, a slightly joking edge to my tone.


I'm in love with a monster

Friends say I'm stupid and I'm out of my mind

"So Harry, you're trying to tell me, that you already slept with the guy, and you only met him the other day?" Sighs Vikk.

"It sounds bad when you put it like that, but yeah," I respond, and take a sip of my nearly cold coffee. I'm back in the same place I was when I first met Cal, and thoughts of him refuse to leave my mind. It's Sunday afternoon, and I just got back from seeing him. So of course, I called Vikk and asked him to meet me here.

"Harry, this guy seems really dodgy," Vikk says, worry crossing his expression. "How do you know he isn't just using you, or something like that?"

I wave a hand at him dismissively. "I know, he seems like a fuckboy, but he's different to anyone else I've ever been with. He's not the commitment type, so I'm not expecting anything like that, but he's fun. I had fun last night."

"I know you had fun last night, you should see your neck," Vikk mutters. I blush slightly, and rearrange the collar of Cal's jacket that he lent me so that it covers the lovebites on my neck.

"Come on Vikk, I had a good time. What's so wrong with it?" I say, growing slightly tired of his skepticism.

"Theres nothing wrong with it Harry," he replies, seeming exasperated. "I'm just worried he's gonna break your heart after you get attached to him."

"That's not going to happen," I say, firmly. "I'm not stupid enough to get attached. Just trust me, please Vikk."

He sighs. "Fine. I can't say I think it's gonna end well, but you're an adult. You can make your own decisions, no matter how poor your best friend thinks they are." He says the last part in a teasing tone, patting my arm gently.

"I'll be careful Vikk, I promise," I reassure him, with a small grin.

"Well well well, I seem to be getting déjá vu, how about you gorgeous?" I instantly recognise that cocky tone, and strange accent, craning my neck to find Cal stood behind me. I smile up at him widely.

"Hey Cal," I say, and he leans down to kiss me briefly. Afterwards, he straightens up, and places his hands on my shoulders, still standing behind me since there's no room for him at the table.

"You doing okay?" He asks, beginning to massage my shoulders gently with his thumbs.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where did you go this morning?" I respond, leaning my head back slightly to look up at him.

"I had work, sorry babe," he says, seeming apologetic.

"Who works on a Sunday morning," I joke, and he smiles down at me grimly.

"Me, unfortunately," he replies. "You didn't nick anything from my flat did you?" He teases.

"Only your jacket," I say, tugging lightly on one of the sleeves.

"Ah, could have been worse then. It suits you, ya know?"

"Yeah yeah," I say, trying to brush off his complement without flushing.

"So, who's your friend?" He asks, gesturing to Vikk, who has been sat very quietly throughout the exchange, probably hyper analysing Cal.

"I'm Vikk," he says, seeming a little tense, but not enough that Cal would easily notice it. "Harry's just been telling me about you."

"Oh, has he?" Replies Cal with a smirk.

"Shush you," I say, blushing slightly.

"Your wish is my command. I need to head off now anyway, I was just passing through when I saw you in the window. Figured I'd come and say hi," he says.

"Don't go," I pout, only half joking.

"I need to babe. I'll text you later though," he says, and leans down to kiss my cheek this time.

"Okay fine, talk to you later," I respond reluctantly. Vikk and I both watch as he heads for the door, not looking back once.

"Well, he's certainly charismatic," says Vikk after Cal has gone, with as minimal sarcasm as he can muster.

"Be quiet Vikk," I shoot back. "He's nice."

"He could have been worse."

"I'll take that."

"Just Harry, please be careful with him."

"I will."

But without you boy, I'd be bored all the time

Cal ❄️: This might seem quite forward, since we've only been seeing each other for a few weeks now
Cal ❄️: But, I'm visiting my parents in Scotland for the weekend
Cal ❄️: And was wondering if you fancied coming?

Hazza 💕: That sounds really nice actually
Hazza 💕: I've been looking for an excuse to get away with you tbh

Cal ❄️: Really?

Hazza 💕: Yeah, really x
Hazza 💕: Don't think I would know what to do with myself if you weren't here

Cal ❄️: Aww, you'd miss me babe?

Hazza 💕: Maybe a little bit...

Cal ❄️: So, you want to come?

Hazza 💕: Yeah, as long as you're sure you want me to.

Cal ❄️: Why would I offer if I didn't want you to come, you donut xx

Hazza 💕: Just making sure lol

Cal ❄️: I'll pay for your ticket, so don't worry about that.
Cal ❄️: Our train is at 5:30 on Friday, so I'll pick you up at about 5, that okay?

Hazza 💕: Yeah, that's fine
Hazza 💕: And are you sure? I don't mind paying for myself

Cal ❄️: I've got it, don't worry :)
Cal ❄️: I'm sure you can pay me back some other way...

Hazza 💕: I'm pretty sure I can ;)
Hazza 💕: I take it we're still meeting tomorrow?

Cal ❄️: Of course, if you still want to

Hazza 💕: I do. And I'll pay you back then.

Cal ❄️: I'll look forward to it.

Hazza 💕: Can you call me for a bit? I want to listen to your stupid accent while I fall asleep.

Cal ❄️: I honestly can't tell if that's a compliment, or an insult

Hazza 💕: It's a compliment lol
Hazza 💕: Now are you gonna call me or not?

Cal ❄️: Ask me nicely and I might XP

Hazza 💕: Fine
Hazza 💕: Please can you call me so I can listen to your stupid accent while I fall asleep?

Cal ❄️: That's better
Cal ❄️: I'm calling now xx

No I don't really care for the same conversation

"Cal!" I hear someone shout, and see a smallish woman with a crazy resemblance to Cal rushing in our direction. That must be him mum. When she reaches us, she embraces him wholeheartedly.

"Hey Mum," he says, hugging back. I stand awkwardly and watch, until she pulls away and turns in my direction. "This is Harry," Cal says, gesturing in my direction.

"Hello," I say nervously, and his mum just smiles at me warmly.

"No need to be worried, I won't bite," she laughs. "It's him with the reputation for that, I see," she says, pointing to one of the fading bruises on my neck. I blush, and Cal looks at her with horror written on his face.

"Mum!" He hisses, the tips of his ears going pink. I've never seen him get embarrassed before, he's usually so chill about everything. It's quite cute.

"Callum!" She sasses back, paying no mind to her son's mild irritation. "So how are you Harry? Has he been treating you well?"

"Mostly," I grin, and Cal sends a defensive glare in my direction.

"Well, he has always been like that, I'm afraid," she sighs, and gives me an apologetic look.

"It's okay, I don't mind it," I reassure her.

"Well, if he ever tries something you don't like, I give you my full permission to kick him in the balls." She whispers the last part jokingly, but not quietly enough that Cal doesn't hear. I chuckle lightly, deciding that I like her already.

"Mum, can you not please," Cal practically begs, seeming as if he wants to melt into the floor.

"Stop being so dramatic Callum," she says, waving a hand at him dismissively. "Anyway, I expect you're both tired after the journey, so let's head off. The car is just outside."

Got everything I need and I'd rather be chasing

Chasing love with a monster

It's about 11pm when we finally make it to his family's home, both of us excusing ourselves almost immediately, trudging up the stairs, and heading for his bedroom. The room is quite small, and full of random boxes and things, but it feels cozy. Cal dumps both of our bags onto the wooden chest of drawers, before flopping down onto his smallish double bed. I kick off my shoes, and lie down beside him.

"I could fall asleep like this," he murmurs, sighing gently.

"Me too," I say, before sitting back up. "But we should get changed at least."

"Yeah, I suppose so," he grumbles, and gets up off the bed again. I watch, unable to avert my gaze, as he strips from his hoodie and T-shirt, the muscles of his back flexing impressively. He turns around while beginning to undo his belt, catching me staring at him. He gives me his signature cocky smirk, and I can't help but blush.

"See something you like?" He teases quietly, and I finally look away as he starts to peel off his jeans. It's only now that I take the initiative to undress as well, hastily pulling my shirt over my head. Once I am also down to nothing but my underwear, I get into bed next to him, cuddling into his side. He wraps his arm around my waist as I hook my leg over his thighs, and nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck.

"Comfy there?" He asks, a slightly amused edge to his tone. I just nod, and begin tracing the faint outline of his abs with my index finger. I can already feel him beginning to relax, his body slowly going limp, and his breathing evening out.

"Goodnight Cal," I smile.

"Goodnight, love," he murmurs, pressing a sleepy kiss to my forehead. I just lie for a while, listening to him fall asleep right next to me. Even once I'm certain he's gone, my heart continues to hammer wildly in my chest.

We've never fallen asleep like this before. All of the other times we've shared a bed together overnight have been after sex. But this is different. It feels... intimate. And that thought makes unwanted butterflies fill my stomach.

"I love you," I whisper, shocking myself by saying it out loud. I curse quietly. I've done the one thing that I promised myself, for my own good, I wouldn't do. I've started to fall for him.

I'm in love, I'm in love with a monster


Wrap me in leather before you wrap me in lace

"Holy fuck, holy fuck," I moan, feeling completely overwhelmed with pleasure. I'm lay back on Cal's bed, his fingers gripping my shoulders as he thrusts mercilessly into me. I'm close to coming undone at his touch already, but I can tell he's still a way off yet. So, I try to hold out, which is much harder than I originally thought it would be.

"You're doing so well baby," he encourages, and leans down to press kisses across my chest and collar bones. I almost get lost in the feeling of his lips in my skin, but get pulled back into the moment by his hand wrapping around my length.

"Oh God," I whimper, feeling heat start to pool on my abdomen. He just continues what he's doing, unaware of how close I am right now. I attempt to warn him, but all that emits from my mouth is a strangled moan when he hits my prostate again. Before I know what's happening, I fly over the edge, the edges of my vision whitening slightly.

I collapse backwards into the pillows, panting heavily. I'm vaguely aware of him pulling out, and peppering gentle kisses across my face, while he waits for me to come down from my post orgasm high.

"Did you finish?" I ask him once I come down a bit, my throat feeling slightly hoarse.

"No, but don't worry about that-"

"Keep going then," I growl. He gazes down at me, concern written into his features.

"I don't want to hurt you," he murmurs sweetly.

"You won't. Please, just keep going," I say. I know I'm lying. This is probably going to hurt like hell, but I don't mind.

"Okay. But if it hurts too much, tell me to stop," he responds, before lining himself up and pushing all the way back in again. He begins slowly at first, fucking me deeply, but increases pace after a while, unable to refrain from giving himself what he needs.

"So good," he groans, gripping my hips tightly. I can feel a dull heat forming in my lower back, which is slightly more painful than usual, since my nerve endings still feel like they're on fire. But it's nothing compared to the pain and pleasure that crashes over me all at once when he hits my prostate.

"Oh God," I whimper, allowing ragged moans to tear loose from my throat. It hurts, but still manages to feel so fucking good. I can't comprehend it in my new state of pure ecstasy. I can feel my dick beginning to harden again, and can almost sense Cal's disbelief when he sees what he's doing to me.

I reach my arms around his body, dragging my nails up his back, leaving welts that will last for days to come. He leans down onto his elbows to kiss me, drinking my moans in hungrily. He has got into a rhythm of continuously slamming hard into my prostate, making me squirm under his touch. My throat feels raw, stinging every time I let out another cry of pleasure.

"Fucking hell," I hiss when he pulls away from my bruised lips, and I feel his hand gently brush my oversensitive cock. It's so painful, and yet, I've never felt better. I dig my fingers into any part of him that I can reach, trying to stay grounded in reality. He now grasps my length once again, and begins pumping slowly.

"Yes baby," he groans, as I clench involuntarily around his cock. At this point, I'm not even sure if I have any control over my body or not, just lost in the feelings of him. All I can hear within the otherwise empty room is him panting heavily from exhaustion, and my breathless moans.

"Fuck. It feels so good Cal," I whine, the overstimulation nearly becoming too much for me. I'm going to cum again soon, feeling close to release for the second time tonight. "So fucking good."

"I'm close," he warns, leaning his head down to rest on my shoulder, his breath hot on my skin. I can feel the condensation from his breathing mingling with the thin sheen of sweat that coats my body. He smells heady, the scent of pure lust.

Cal climaxes first this time, buried deep inside of me, with my name on his lips. I follow suit just after him, adding to the sticky mess that I already made, not long before. He pulls out carefully, and collapses to my side, seeming utterly drained, and lost within his own post orgasm bliss.

"You okay?" He asks after a while, his voice slightly croaky.

"I'll be fine, as long as you can wait a couple of days before we go at it again," I grin weakly. "I honestly don't think I can even stand up right now." He laughs at me gently, and I feel the mattress dip slightly as he shifts into a more comfortable position.

"That's okay, I can wait," he responds, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his side. "You really are incredible, d'you know that?" He yawns, and hooks a foot under the duvet, kicking it over us.

"I'm pretty sure you've told me that before," I say, also stifling a yawn. He grins down at me sleepily with half-lidded eyes. "We should probably clean up," I add, despite feeling even more tired than he looks.

"We can sort it out tomorrow," he mumbles, not seeming to care at all about how uncomfortable waking up will be if we just stay like this. "Goodnight Harry."

I roll my eyes at him, but lay my head gently on his chest, feeling the slow rise and fall as he breathes deeply. "G'night Cal."

If Heaven was a place on Earth, for me it would be right here. Falling asleep, with the most wonderful man I've ever met, listening to his steady heartbeat, and surrounded by his scent.


We're breaking rules like we're changing the game

"Cal, seriously?" I hiss quietly, but he ignores me, continuing to kiss gently down the side of my neck. I frown, but lean into his touch slightly, trying to keep my focus on the cinema screen. If I'm completely honest, now that I've felt his lips on my skin, I've lost all interest in the end of the film, but there's no way I'm telling him that.

"Babe, you've been complaining that it's a shit movie anyway, why're you being so stubborn," he growls, letting his teeth graze my neck slightly. I suppress a shiver at his hot breath on my skin, as he begins to suck gently on the sensitive flesh.

"Because we're in a public cinema," I complain, and hear him scoff quietly. It's a terrible excuse, there's only about five other people in here, all of them seated at the front, whereas we're alone together on the back row.

"How long are you going to keep pretending you don't want me," he mutters. I sigh.

"Not long," I whisper, before climbing out of my seat and into his lap. I'm now sat, straddling his hips, reluctantly meeting his piercing blue gaze. I try to ignore the smirk he gives me, and his hands rest on my waist.

"That's more like it," he says, a teasing edge to his voice.

"Shut up," I respond, leaning in to meet his lips.

He's trying it on and he's ticking me off

Say what you want but I won't ever be told

"Oh my God," Cal laughs, leaning against his kitchen counter. "How the hell did you get flour on the ceiling?" He doubles over again, another fit of laughter overtaking him, as I just stand blushing, and feeling quite stupid.

"Don't be an ass, I was trying to do something nice," I pout, while surveying the mess I made. It's been three months today since we first met, so I thought I would surprise him by cooking breakfast. Unfortunately, it didn't quite go to plan.

"I know baby, I know," he says, sounding slightly breathless from laughing too much. "Leave the cooking to me next time though, yeah?"

I sigh, feeling disappointed. "Yeah." He notices me looking sadly at my feet, so comes over and wraps his arms around me. I hug back after a moment, burying my face in his chest.

"It's not a big deal babe, don't worry," he soothes, seeming to have caught onto my slight upset. "I can teach you to cook, if you'd like."

I look up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, if you want," he smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"That'd be cool," I grin. "Thank you."

"No problem," he responds, leaning back in to meet my lips this time with a brief kiss. I smile against his mouth, feeling happier already.

"Now, let's clean up this mess, and then I can show you how to make pancakes," he says upon pulling away from me, his mouth still curved up into a gentle smile. Every day I keep falling even harder for this boy. And he has no idea exactly how deeply I feel about him.

I'm in love with a monster

My daddy told me I should have better taste

"Fancy seeing you here!" I now notice Cal, sauntering over to where I'm stood with my family.

"Hi," I greet him, and he immediately leans down to meet my lips, snaking his arms around my waist. I kiss back happily, looping my arms around his neck, but can practically feel my family's questioning stares pinned to me. I pull away sooner than I want to, and wriggle out of his grip, hoping he'll take the hint.

"Who're you with?" Cal asks, gesturing towards my family, who are stood, looking confused. I feel a slight surge of irritation when he places his hand on the small of my back, standing close by me.

"My family," I respond, shooting him a warning look. He smirks down at me in his usual way, but respectfully removes his hand. "Mum, Dad, this is Cal, the guy I've told you about."

"Hello," says my Dad, seeming warily closed off towards the man at my side. My Mum and siblings just wave.

"And Cal, this is my Mum, my Dad, my sister Rosie and my brother Josh," I say.

Cal offers a hand to my Dad. "Nice to meet you all," he says, as he shakes my Dad's hand firmly. I'm surprised at how polite and reigned-in he's being right now, to be honest. But I'm endlessly grateful for it.

"Nice to meet you too," my Mum smiles.

"So you're Harry's boyfriend?" Pipes up Josh, giving Cal a curious look.

"I suppose you could say so, yeah," Cal says, rewrapping his arm around my waist, watching for my reaction. I allow him to do so, pressing lightly into his side to let him know I don't mind.

"That's a weird way to put it," says Rosie, with a knowing look. I glare playfully at her, and she stifles a laugh.

"What're you all doing here today anyway?" Asks Cal politely.

"We're just walking round the market, and probably getting something to eat later," I respond, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Sounds nice," Cal muses.

"If you're not busy, you could join us?" My Mum offers, seeming interested in getting to know Cal better.

"As long as that's okay with you, I wouldn't mind at all," he grins, looking down at me for approval.

"If you behave, sure," I tease, and he gasps in mock offence.

"Why Harold, when have I ever not behaved myself?" He says, while sneakily moving his hand down to grab my ass. I resist the urge to make a noise of surprise, and he places his palm back onto my hip, as if nothing happened.

"I don't think I should list the times in front of my parents," I joke, and he smirks down at me.

"Harry," my Dad says, giving me a warning look. I smile at him in what I hope is an innocent way, and he merely sighs at me. "You have a strange taste in men," he jokes.

"Dad! Don't be mean," I say, and Cal laughs at me.

"I don't mind babe, don't worry," he smiles, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"If you're coming with us, keep your hands to yourself, young man," my Dad warns, eyeing Cal.

Cal gives him a mocking salute. "Will do good sir!" He removes his hand from my hip, and steps away from me, so that we're no longer touching at all. I pout at him, but he pretends to ignore me. "Right then. Where to first?" He continues, in the same cheerful, over-enthusiastic voice.

My mum just smiles at him. "You tell me."

But I'd rather pay to see the look on his face

"Harry! It's your turn to open something!" Shouts Josh, still seeming endlessly excited. I'm never sure how he manages to maintain his high energy throughout the entirety of Christmas Day, but it really is a sight to behold.

"Alright. Throw something over here for me then, would you?" I ask, and he instantly goes for one of the biggest presents with my name on. He lifts up the box shaped gift, and passes it to me, seeming surprised by its weight.

"Thanks Josh. Who's this one from, Mum?" I ask, and she gives me a knowing look.

"A certain young man might have dropped it off a couple of weeks ago," she says, with a grin. I feel my face heat up slightly. A present from Cal.

"Go on then! Open it," Josh encourages, seeming as if he might explode if I don't open it within the next five seconds.

"Calm down Josh," laughs Rosie, watching our younger brother with amusement in her eyes.

I look down at the my name, which is scrawled in Cal's untidy handwriting directly onto the silver parcel paper. Grinning, I tear off the wrapping, to find a sleek, black box with no indication of its contents, and a note. Thank God I decided to read the note before opening the box.

Happy Christmas Haz! Before I say anything else, PLEASE DON'T OPEN THE BOX WHEN YOUR FAMILY IS THERE. It's got things in it that I'd rather they didn't see, your dad would probably come and skin me for giving them to you. But they certainly will help you enjoy your alone time a bit more, if you know what I mean... Anyway, bring that box, and yourself, to my flat on the 29th. Why then, I hear you ask. Well, I realised the other day that the 29th marks six months since we met. And I would like to do something special with you for that. See you then. Cal xx

"Well?" Josh demands. "What is it?"

"I can't open it now, apparently it's not for everyone's eyes," I say, blushing furiously, and avoiding looking anyone directly in the eye. My Dad gives me a stern look, and my Mum holds back a laugh. I hear Rosie erupt into a small fit of giggles, and Josh just looks at me cluelessly.

"Oh okay then. It's your turn now then Rosie!" He shouts, not missing a beat. She just smiles at him when he passes her a random present.

"Thanks Josh," she says, and begins unwrapping the gift. I sigh, grateful to be ridded from the attention. I don't think my parents will ever be able to look at Cal and I the same again though.

No I don't really care for the lame conversation

Got everything I need, and I'd rather be chasing

"Well, that was certainly the most interesting Christmas present I've had for a while," I tease lightly, and curl further into Cals sweaty body. I rest my head on his shoulder, looking up at his face as he still struggles to catch his breath.

"It was good though, right?" He asks, with a smirk on his face, as he hooks an arm around my waist. I close my eyes, enjoying the quiet bliss of the moment. He raises his left hand to my face, and brushes some of my damp hair out of my eyes, while his traces gentle patterns on my hip bone with his right.

"Oh my God yeah, it was good," I laugh, placing my palm on his smooth stomach, my fingers slightly spread.

"Hey, Harry?" Cal says, a somewhat nervous edge to his tone.

"What's up Cal?" I respond, meeting his blue eyed gaze. I can never understand how he manages to get so much unspoken emotion into his eyes alone. It's beautiful to look at.

"Can I talk to you about something serious for a minute?" He asks, and my stomach plunges. Oh no. The worst eventualities instantly jump to mind. Is he gonna tell me he's found someone else? He can't see me again? I try not to let my internal panic show, letting out a steady breath to calm myself.

"Yeah sure. What's going on?" I say, my throat feeling like it's sticking together.

"I just- I'm not sure how to say it to be honest," he says, scratching his head sheepishly. "I wanted to tell you in a more formal way than this."

"It's okay," I say, and place a reassuring kiss on his shoulder. I've never seen him this nervous before, it's a little worrying. He's definitely about to dump me. Not that you could really call it that, since we never technically got together in the first place.

"Look Harry, I know in the beginning we both promised not to get attached," he starts, and I feel my heart fall even further into the floor. "But, I'm sorry. I think I've caught feelings."

"Wait what?" I blurt out, and he flushes crimson, avoiding my gaze.

"Yeah, you heard me right," he sighs. "Stupid, stupid Cal has finally fallen for someone. And trust me when I say that I've fallen hard. You're my world Harry, I love you."

I can't wipe the grin off my face as I prop myself up on my elbows, and lean forwards to kiss him deeply. He takes a moment to kiss back, tilting his head as he does so, and winding his fingers gently into my hair. I can almost feel his desperation, as if he's trying to pour his soul into mine.

I pull away after a while, feeling breathless. "I love you too Cal," I grin, cupping his jaw gently. His smile lights up the whole room at my simple words, and he presses his forehead lightly against mine.

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you as happy as you deserve to be," he promises, tracing my cheekbone with his thumb.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"I suppose there's only one thing left to ask," he says, the smile never leaving his face. "Harry Lewis, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

"A thousand times, yes," I grin back at him, and press a chaste kiss to his lips.

"I love you Cal."

"I love you more, Harry."

Chasing love with a monster


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