//17.5 - stuff and things

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Hello! So, I've got a bit of writers block at the moment, but I thought it would be interesting to share some of the stuff that I started and never finished, just because. If there's anything that people particularly like, I might try to carry on with it, but no promises. Enjoy! :)

(Also just quickly, I've updated my formatting too, lmk what you think)


Candy Store

Concept: Harry asks for Vikk and Simon's help on how to get Cal's attention. They spend two months creating their own choreography to Candystore from Heathers, and perform it on Valentine's Day. Chaos ensues.


"Oh my God!" Groans JJ. "They're taking forever!" He drags out the last word, and leans his head back to rest on the top of the couch. He sits back up again quickly, and runs his hands frustratedly through his dreads.

JJ, Tobi and myself are sat on the sofa together in the front room of the Sidemen house. We're not entirely sure what we're waiting for, but Vikk Simon and Harry have been upstairs preparing for a good fifteen minutes now.

If I'm completely honest, I'm not sure why I'm here. From what I can deduce, Simon and Vikk are doing something to impress their boyfriends, and they asked Harry to help. Maybe Harry invited me so he didn't feel like he was fifth wheeling. It is Valentine's Day after all.

"Dude, chill out," says Tobi, and pats JJ's shoulder reassuringly. "They'll be out soon."

"Yeah man, don't worry about it," I add.

"That's fine for you two to say. I've been waiting for this since Simon told me two months ago," JJ retorts. That's fair enough. Tobi and I both found out about a week ago.

"I guess. But I'm sure it'll be worth the wait," I reply.

"Fuckin' better be," huffs JJ, earning a light smack from Tobi. No sooner than the exchange has occurred, there's a knock on the door frame.

"You guys ready?" It's Harry speaking. He sounds nervous, but with a unmissable undertone of excitement.

"Finally! You guys took your bloody time-" JJ is cut off by his own jaw dropping when the three saunter into the room. Honestly, my reaction isn't dissimilar. They look fucking incredible.

All of them are wearing similar things, but with different colours and alterations. Each of them wear a black mini skirt, black flats and white button down shirt. They also have a tailored blazer and knee high socks, a different colour for each boy.

Vikk wears sunny yellow, Simon wears emerald green and Harry is bright red. Harry however, is also wearing makeup. Crimson lipstick and eyeshadow, where the other's faces are clean.

They file into the room, and stand in front of the TV, in a triangular formation. Harry is front and centre, with Simon and Vikk to his sides and slightly behind. Tobi, JJ and I all sit speechless on the sofa, stunned into silence, waiting for someone to make a move.

"Are one of you gonna stop staring and press play, or are we gonna stay here all night?" Quips Harry, hands on his hips. I can't move my eyes away from him.

He looks absolutely stunning. Almost beautiful. But he still, somehow, looks like himself. Which I love. I suppose people would tell me that I've liked him as more than friends for a while now. But tonight may just be the night that I finally end up telling him.

"Cal!" Snaps JJ, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him with a most likely stupid expression. "You have the remote, man," he says, and points to the object in my lap. Kicking myself internally, I pick up the sleek object and press play.

Okay yeah! So I might carry on with this, I've actually got it finished, it's just a case of typing it up. Which is gonna be difficult, because I have no idea how to format it so you actually know who's speaking without getting confused. Just because a lot of parts in the song more than one person is speaking, and it gets hella confusing to keep up.




Tonight has been absolutely brilliant so far, much to everyones surprise. All of the Sidemen, Callux and I have gone out to a karaoke place that Simon found. To be honest, most of us were quite reluctant about the idea to start with. We all caved when JJ took his boyfriend's side though, arguing that it could be fun.

So, now, we're all sat together in a decent sized room, sipping on drinks, and watching Josh and Simon do a duet. The place is a lot different to what I expected, it's quite modern, almost cool if I'm being honest. The room that we've been assigned has a large screen and slightly raised wooden stage. There are speakers on either side of the Smart TV, playing whatever song we put onto the tablet connected to both other devices.

The walls are painted bright red, with black couches along the back and side walls. The only door, also painted black, is on the left wall, between a sofa and the stage. The group are spread out around the spacious room, about three to a sofa. I'm sat on the sofa along the back wall, with Harry on my right, and Ethan on my left.

On the couch to the right, sits Tobi and Vikk, with a space for Josh to their lefts. This leaves JJ and Cal on the final sofa, a spot next to Jide saved for Simon. All of us have various alcoholic drinks, apart from Tobi, who holds onto a glass of apple juice. Nobody's off the rails yet, only having drunk enough to make us a little tipsy.

Some highlights of the evening include Harry singing the whole ten minutes of Meatloaf's 'Bat Out Of Hell', JJ serenading Simon with 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran, and Tobi and Vikk singing 'Baby Shark' together as a joke. Everyone except myself has sung so far. I just sit, sipping my drink, with my arm around Harry's shoulders, listening to Simon and Josh sing 'Don't Stop Me Now'. Which gives me an idea.

I lean over to Harry, and press a gentle kiss to his jaw to get his attention. He turns his gaze to meet mine, and smiles at me softly.

"What's up Cal?" He asks quietly, so he doesn't disrupt the song, but loud enough for me to hear.

"I think I might have a go after them," I murmur to him. His eyes light up instantly.

"Really?" He inquires, excitedly.

"Yeah. Could you pass me the tablet?"

"Sure," he responds, and reaches over to grab it from it's spot on the arm of the sofa. He then passes it to me. I switch it on, and begin searching for the song I have in mind, tilting the screen away from my boyfriend's prying eyes. I add the song to the queue, put it to play next, then hand the tablet over to Ethan.

"Hey bro, can you sort playing my song for me when they are finished?" I ask, lowly.

"Sure thing mate," he replies, and turns his attention back to Josh and Simon. With that sorted, I relax back into my spot, feeling Harry settle down too. He rests his head against my shoulder, and places his hand gently on my knee.

"How come I can't know?" He huffs quietly.

"Because, it's a surprise," I say, and ruffle his hair slightly. He pouts up at me.

"I don't like surprises," he whines, and I chuckle at his antics.

"You'll find out in a minute," I laugh. He grumbles incoherently, but doesn't bother arguing back again. We both turn our attention to the duo on the stage.

After about a minute, they finally finish completely butchering the song. JJ claps with a lot more enthusiasm than the rest of us when they hop off the stage. They both take a mocking bow, and retake their original seats.

"Okay, who's your next?" Shouts Jide, looking around the room for the tablet. I slowly stand up, attracting everyone's attention.

"I'm having a go," I say, and walk towards the front of the room. The boys cheer, having not heard me tonight. They seem more curios than anything.

"This one is an absolute banger lads. And it's going out to Harry, of course," I say, and pick up the mic. I begin to feel a little nervous, but reassure myself. I picked this song on purpose, because I know that I can sing it well. I nod to Ethan hesitantly, and he presses play.

Harry POV

I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things. We can do the tango just for two.

Cal begins singing carefully, making sure to hit the right notes, and add vibrato when needed. Instantly, I feel disbelief hit me. Since when did he know how to sing like this?

I can serenade, and gently play on your heartstrings. Be your Valentino just for you.

He sounds absolutely beautiful. His accent is mostly concealed, as he tries to sing the song in the way it was originally done. But it comes through every so often, only to be quickly reigned in.

Ooh love, ooh loverboy. What're you doin' tonight, hey boy.

I do plan to continue this too, but it's effort, ya know? Lol. Yes, I like writing about singing too, don't judge me. I'm a bit of a singer, even if I'm really shit at it, so it's fun to write about I guess.


I Hate You

Part 1 - 30th October 2014


"Dinho!" I yell from the comfort of my gaming chair. I lean back in it, and spin a little. I've just finished setting up my camera, ready to record a video. I'll edit it later tonight and will most likely upload it in a couple of days.

"Yeah?" He shouts back from his room.

"Can you come here for a sec?" I call.

"Yeah sure," he responds, and I hear soft footsteps in the hallway a minute later. I'm somewhat nervous about seeing him, but that's become a normal feeling now. An inconvenient feeling, but not one that's unheard of. It's annoying but I can't help it.

I'm not certain what's happening between us, but it's hella weird. By far the most unsettling part of it is that I'm completely fine with it. What happened was, a few weeks ago, we kissed. As a dare. And neither of us hated it as much as we thought we might.

So it keeps happening. Casually. I enjoy kissing him. And even more recently, if either of us can't sleep, we end up in the others room. Harry coming into my room in the middle of the night and cuddling up with me has become a regular occurrence. But just for comfort, I think. He seems to be able to fall asleep easier next to me.

Both of these things have been happening more and more frequently. Casual touches. But as happy as it makes me, it also makes me a lot more conscious of how I act around him when others are there. I try my hardest not to touch him at all, just to be safe, and not raise suspicion.

The only person who is suspect of us is Lux. He's walked in while we've been asleep together a few times now. But he hasn't questioned it yet. He doesn't know what's going on, but to be fair, neither do Harry and I.

"Yeah Cal?" Says Harry, startling me from my thoughts. He appears in my doorway, and invites himself in. He sits down on my bed, making himself comfy.

I swallow drily. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind recording with me?" I say, and curse myself for being so affected by his presence. He's just so enticing, without meaning to be at all. It makes my heart stick in my throat.

"Sure," he shrugs, casually. "What were you thinking of doing?"

"YouTuber impressions," I respond, trying to sound as smooth as possible. "I've got some good ones." I hold out the wollen hat in which I'm keeping the slips of paper. He takes it from me, and instead of looking at which people are in there, he quickly flips the hat onto his head. By some miracle, no paper falls out.

I can't help but chuckle lightly at his antics, and he grins back at me. He's such a child. But it's still somewhat endearing.

"You're so dumb," I smile, no malice behind my words at all.

Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with this one. It's essentially what happened before Cal's YouTuber Impression Video that he did a while ago, but I wasn't sure how using real life dates and event would go down. As in, writing completely made up scenarios is one thing, but this felt a little too close to the line, ya know? I don't know if I will continue this, but probably not.


And finally! Enjoy a couple of initial ideas. I will be writing these at some point, so watch out for that. Also, excuse how I wrote these, I write down my ideas exactly how I think them in my head ^_^*

Fluff idea ting

* Harry and Cal are in the kitchen, making food and listening to music on a speaker
* While the food is cooking, "death bed (coffee for your head)" comes on
* They both know the words so sing along to it
* Slow dance together
* Legit they just sway along to it while in each other's arms
* Slow gentle kisses
* song ends and they just carry on hugging each other uwu

Ring ting

* Harry keeps accidentally losing promise rings that Cal gives him
* Not because he doesn't care, he's just not used to wearing rings and is really forgetful
* this has been happening for a year
* On their one year anniversary, cal takes them both to a tattoo parlour
* They get inked promise rings instead, so Harry can't loose it
* (A simple black band on their right ring fingers)

School ting

* Cal passes Harry a note in science
* note is pretty much just Cal asking Harry out in a cute, nerdy, science way (like 'are you made of copper and terylium? Cuz you're CuTe' or something like that)
* Harry thinks it's sweet, so says yes
* (they had known each other for a while, but never got super close bc they were nervous bois)


Anyway, yeah! Hope you enjoyed that weird step into my crazy brain. See you in the next chapter!


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