//17 - day nine {SMUT}

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A.N: omfg this is the most filthy thing i've ever written, like jesus. i need some holy water. anyway, yeah. this is literally just pwp lmao. for those who don't understand the title, it's referencing 'day nine' in the testosterone cycle, which is essentially, the day when a mans testosterone levels are highest, which can lead to some, ya know, side effects *insert lenny face* (which is what happens to harry in this story lol) anyway, enjoy this filth :)

Concept: literally just porn without plot, read it and find out bitchessssss

[4390 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Oh, come on Harry! Really?" Says Vikk, a disgusted look on his face. Everyone else in the room quickly turns their attention to me, trying to catch whatever embarrassing thing they think I'm doing before I can stop. Unluckily for them, only Cal is fast enough to catch me, and shoots me an amused smirk.

"What was he doing?" Asks JJ, seeming intrigued.

"He had his hand down his trousers, again," responds Vikk, still looking repulsed.

"Hey, my balls were itchy," I lie, earning a laugh from Ethan and JJ, and grossed out looks from the others. Cal continues grinning evilly at me from his seat across the room, and I just glare back at him. Of course he knows what I was actually doing.

It's all his fault too. I'm not sure why it's his fault, but it probably is. Whoever's fault it is though, today has been awful because of it. And I'm just about ready to kill someone.

This morning, I woke up, and for some reason, I just felt really fucking horny. I don't know why I did, but I did. Of course, I did the most reasonable thing I could think of, and asked Cal to help me out. And him, being the brilliant boyfriend he is, happily did so.

But even after an incredible blowjob from him, about half an hour later, the feeling came back. I tried my best to ignore it, but eventually had to remove myself from the room to take care of it, having decided I couldn't ask Cal again. He found out what I had been up to anyway, much to my dismay, from the fact that I had been... less than quiet about it.

For whole car journey to the Sidemen house, he teased me about it. But thankfully, by that point, the problem seemed to have stopped. Seemed to.

But now, I'm sat in a chair in the Sidemen house, surrounded by all my friends, with my newest boner tucked into the waistband of my boxers. Hopefully they won't see it, but I can't exactly excuse myself in this situation. They're not stupid, they would definitely figure out what's going on. Or Cal would tell them.

I've had just about enough of him poking fun at me this morning, so I decide, it's time to get a bit of revenge. And if I'm lucky, revenge will include him sorting my problem out for me again.

So I pull out my phone, and send him a quick text.

You: What's so funny? :(

Across the room, I watch him jump slightly as he receives my message, and take out his phone to check it. He smirks up at me when he reads it, and quickly starts tapping out a reply.

Freezy💙❄️: Nothing's funny babe, what do you mean?

You: Oh, of course not, you've just got that shit eating grin on your face for no reason?

Freezy💙❄️: Isn't this what my face usually looks like? XP

You: Nah, you usually look worse... hehe

Freezy💙❄️: ...ouch. :(

You: Come on, you know I didn't mean it. You're so handsome. <3

Freezy💙❄️: Nice try babe, but I'm not going to suck you off in their bathroom.

You: Who said that's what I wanted?

Freezy💙❄️: Go on then, do enlighten me. What is it you want?

You: I want you to fuck me in their bathroom. ;)

Freezy💙❄️: Not happening baby. Wait till we get home.

I look up from my screen to pout at him. He just shakes his head at me. But there's a small grin forming on his face, telling me that I might be able to persuade him.

You: But Cal... I need you now.

Freezy💙❄️: Don't beg babe, you know I can't resist you for long.

You: Then don't try and resist. I know you want it too. ;)

Freezy💙❄️: You're ruthless Harry.

You: You know it.

Freezy💙❄️: Alright, I'll bite. Convince me. ;)

You: Imagine how good it'd feel...

Freezy💙❄️: How good what would feel, baby?

You: Pushing me up against the wall, and fucking me hard and deep with your amazing cock.

He looks up from his phone, with a surprised expression on his face at this message. I'm not usually this forward, but he has to know just how much I want him right now. How much I need him.

Freezy💙❄️: Sounds tempting. Care to elaborate?

You: Think about how thrilling it would be, taking me in our friend's bathroom.

Freezy💙❄️: You dirty boy, Harold.

You: Imagine you, biting my neck, my nails dragging up your back, as you make me yours, in ways nobody else could imagine.

Freezy💙❄️: Fuck. This keeps sounding better by the minute...

You: Imagine how good it will feel, when we both finally cum, calling each other's names.

Freezy💙❄️: You have no idea what you're doing to me, Harry.

You: I know exactly what I'm doing to you. ;)

Freezy💙❄️: You know what, bathroom sex sounds fucking amazing right now. But how the hell do we leave inconspicuously?

You: Screw leaving inconspicuously. I don't care if they know, I just want you right now.

Freezy💙❄️: You horny bastard.

You: Only for you, Cal.

Freezy💙❄️: Fuck it, let's just go then.

Suddenly, he stands up, interrupting whatever conversation they boys were having around us. They all turn their attention towards him, watching silently as he shoves his phone back into his pocket, and walks over to me. When he reaches me, he grabs my wrist, and pulls me to my feet.

"I need to go talk to Harry. It might take a while," he announces loudly, flashing a smirk. Well, that's any small hope we had at inconspicuoucy gone out the window. Everyone pulls a similar face, one that's caught between confusion, and disgust.

"Uhhh, sure, take as long as you need," says Josh, looking uncertain, as Cal pretty much drags me out of the room. They definitely know what's going on. And if they don't, well, then they're dumber than we all thought.

We walk hastily up the stairs together, Cal still in the lead. He has a hold of my hand now, rather than my wrist, which is a bit more comfortable. When we reach the top of the stairs, Cal begins walking in the direction of JJ's room, rather than the bathroom, leaving me feeling confused.

"Why are we going to JJ's room?" I ask, just as we stop outside the door.

"I just need to get something, wait here," he responds, and disappears into the room. I stand, as patiently as I can, and wait for him. About a minute later, he returns, with what seems to be nothing. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"What did you get?" I question, as I follow him along the corridor to the bathroom.

"Don't worry about it," he says simply, and carries on walking. We finally reach the bathroom door, which he opens quickly, and heads inside. I step in after him, and as soon as the door is shut, I'm being pinned against it by his body.

The close proximity isn't helping my situation, and I let out a shaky breath, only just managing to meet his eyes. He looks so fucking hot right now, all riled up from just the messages I sent him. I feel him take a hold of both my wrists, and he moves them up, to hold them over my head with one hand. His other hand rests on my hip.

"Well Harry, are you gonna follow through with all those things you said earlier?" He growls, his breath tickling my face gently. Our noses are brushing, and we're already very close to each other.

"Why don't you kiss me and find out," I challenge. He complies with no hesitation, leaning forwards and closing the gap. His lips meet mine surprisingly gently, but this doesn't last long. His hand reaches up under my shirt, trailing round to rest on the small of my back, while he tilts his head more to deepen the kiss.

I try to match his levels of passion as I kiss back hungrily, but find it difficult since he isn't allowing me to touch him, keeping my arms pinned above my head still. I try to pull out of his grip, and whine at him when he doesn't let go. He pulls away from me, and smirks.

"You want something babe?" He asks, slyly, raising his eyebrows slightly. I whine at him again, and try pushing my hips forwards. He moves away from me when I do so, denying me the friction I need so desperately now.

"Come on Cal, please," I whimper needily. He begins pressing open mouthed kisses along my jaw, and I lean into his touch.

"Please what?" He mumbles against my skin.

"I want to be able to touch you," I whine. He's slowly started going down my neck now, sucking gently on the odd spot.

"Be patient baby. If you're good, I'll let you go in a minute," he mutters, and continues his way down my neck, nibbling, licking and sucking on my sensitive flesh. I let out a small, low groan at the sensation of his lips on my skin. He's testing lots of different places, trying to find a good spot before he settles to mark me properly.

That spot just so happens to be at the meeting of my neck and collar bone. He moves there after a while, and starts out by just sucking gently to gauge my reaction. I moan involuntarily, and feel him smirk against my skin. He knows he's found the perfect place. So, he bites down, hard, making me moan again at the sharp, almost painful sensation.

I try to push my hips forwards again, to no avail. He moves his hand from the small of my back to grip my hip, holding me still. I whine at him again, needing the friction sooner rather than later. Everywhere he touches feels like fire on my skin, affecting me more and more with every passing second.

"Good, Harry," he murmurs against my neck, after I finally stop any attempt at escaping his grip, instead just sitting back and letting him do as he pleases. He's finished his mark, so stands up properly, and steps closer to me. This in turn brings his lower half nearer to mine, and I can feel his warmth now. He's stood between my feet, looking down at me with hooded eyes.

"Can I have my hands back please?" I ask, breathing heavily. The overwhelming need to touch him is becoming too much now, I need him even closer that he is now.

"I suppose so," he says, seeming a little reluctant as he lets my hands go. I instantly wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him in closer to me. My fingers ruck up the bottom of his hoodie, feeling the soft bumps of his spine as I make my way up his back. He shivers slightly at the sensation.

"Jesus, your hands are cold," he complains, and cups my jaw with the hand he now has free. I lean into his touch, pressing my cheek against his warm palm.

"Shut up," I grumble, and lean in to kiss him again. I feel him smile against my mouth as he kisses back slowly. His hand moves around to hold the back of my head, weaving his fingers into my hair. He clenches his fist, successfully pulling on my hair, and making me moan. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

There's absolutely no space between us now. It's almost as if we've merged, become one entity. I'm still backed up against the door, held there by his body. I'm finally starting to get a little bit of that much needed friction, from his thigh or hip brushing over my crotch slightly. Every time this happens, I can't help but groan lowly, and press further into his warmth.

Our movements are somewhat frantic, trying to give ourselves, and each other what we need. Finally, I feel him push his hips forwards into mine, both of us relishing in the feeling it gives us. I can feel his already hard dick press against me as he grinds down again, with a little more force this time. We both moan, a low, synchronised sound that echoes in the small room.

We break away from each other's lips, both panting heavily, as he continues to grind down on me. I lean my head back against the door, small whimpers and moans escaping from my lips. He starts pressing open mouthed kisses across my neck and face, his breath hot against my skin.

Gently, I start to tug at the hem of his hoodie, hoping he will take the hint. After a moment, he steps back from me slightly, and grabs the neckline of his hoodie. He pulls it swiftly over his head, along with his T-shirt, and abandons both items on the floor. Then, he reaches over to me, takes hold of the hem of my shirt. He quickly pulls it off me, and discards it with his clothes.

We take a moment to admire each other's bare torsos. He's a lot skinnier than I am, and there's some muscle definition to his stomach, chest and arms. I'm not fat exactly, but I'm definitely a lot... softer compared to him. Occasionally, I feel self conscious about it, but then Cal makes sure to remind me just how much he loves my body.

"You're gorgeous," he smiles, as if reading my mind. He leans forwards to press a long kiss to my forehead, while rubbing gentle circles into my hips with the pads of his thumbs. My heart swells slightly, but his sudden affection doesn't make me entirely forget about what we came here for.

"You know it, handsome," I purr, and lean in to meet his lips briefly. As soon as I pull away, he just leans in again, meeting me with a more passionate kiss. I move my arms from his waist, and wrap them around his neck, toying with his hair gently.

Smoothly, he trails his hands down from my hips, along the backs of my thighs. He gives my ass a cheeky squeeze, before moving further down. I finally get the idea, and jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He grips onto my the underside of my thighs tightly, pushing me further back against the door to try and make it easier to hold me up.

While he now busies himself with the kiss, I try to roll my hips down onto his, needing the friction again. The attempt doesn't work though, instead making Cal stumble slightly with my unexpected movement. He seems to get what I'm trying to do though, and after shifting me up higher again, he moves one hand from my thigh to rest on the side of my neck.

Slowly, I feel him trail his hand down my chest, and stomach, making an almost direct line for my crotch. When he finally reaches there, he wastes no time, slipping his hand straight into my boxers. His hand wraps loosely around my length, and he starts moving it slowly, teasing me a bit. I moan into his mouth, pleasure the only thing  filling my mind.

He moves his hand slightly quicker, but nowhere near fast enough to finish me off yet. I break away from his mouth, panting heavily, and lay my forehead against his shoulder.

"Fuck," I mutter quietly. This still isn't enough. I want him.

"That good babe?" He asks, huskily, pressing a kiss to my ear.

"Yeah," I moan, as he picks up the pace a little more. "Fuck, Cal. I need you."

"Is that right?" He whispers, his tone making me shiver slightly.

"Yeah," I whimper.

"Since you asked so nicely..." he murmurs, breath ghosting over my skin. Suddenly, he removed his hand, and places it back on the underside of my thigh. "I'm gonna need you to hop down for a minute babe." I comply, slowly sliding down so that my feet touch the floor again.

He steps away from me, and bends down to look in the cupboard under the sink for something. I watch, slightly confused, until he stands back up, with a bottle of lube in his hand and a smirk on his face. Quickly, he reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small, square foil wrapper, which I recognise as a condom. Suddenly his trip to JJ's room makes sense. He puts both things on the side, still within easy reach, next to the sink.

"May I?" He asks huskily, after coming back to me, and hooking his fingers into the waistband of my joggers. I nod, and help him make quick work of ridding me from my joggers and boxers. I now stand in front of him, fully exposed, and feeling only a little self conscious.

"Beautiful," he praises quietly, before lifting me back up again. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, and my arms over his shoulders again. My cock brushes slightly over his stomach, allowing me at least a little bit of contact. He reaches over to the bottle of lube, and squeezes some into his hand, before coating his fingers.

"Ready?" He asks, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Yeah," I respond. I feel him press a slightly cold fingertip to my entrance. Slowly, he pushes one finger in, up to the knuckle. I whine quietly at the touch. Thankfully, I've done this enough times now that one finger causes me pretty much no discomfort at all. He takes a minute to check that I'm okay, before adding another.

"Fuck," I groan when he begins to move, curling his fingers slightly as he does. I lean my head back against the door, and close my eyes. I can't begin to imagine what I must look like right now. A crazy, lust driven mess.

After a short while, when he's certain I've adjusted, he adds a third finger. I can feel the stretch a lot more this time, but am slowly beginning to feel more comfortable. This will make it easier when he actually goes to fuck me at least. I feel him trying to angle his fingers slightly, knowing exactly what he's aiming to find.

"Holy fuck, right there," I moan loudly when he finally finds my prostate. I can almost sense his triumph as he angles his fingers purposely now, and hits the bundle of nerves again. "Oh my God, yes," I whimper, and move to tangle my fingers tightly in his hair.

"Is that good?" He asks, leaning forwards to press kisses to my chest.

"So good Cal, fuck, so good," I groan, as he continues thrusting into me, hitting the same spot every time. Waves of pleasure are pulsing through my body, making me feel better than ever before.

"You want more?" He says huskily.

"God yes," I respond, whimpering slightly when he removes his fingers. I open my eyes for a moment, and watch as he reaches for the condom, tearing open the packaging with his teeth. I hold onto his neck more tightly to keep myself from slipping, while he uses both hands to roll the condom on, and slick himself up with the excess lube from earlier.

"You okay?" He asks sweetly, looking over me carefully. I can feel his tip pressing slightly against me.

"Yeah. Do it," I demand needily, looking him in the eyes.

"Okay, let me know if it hurts," he says. Slowly, he begins to push into me, watching me intently for any sign of discomfort. I lean my head back against the door again, and let out a hiss, really feeling the stretch this time. Sure, his fingers are long, but they're nothing compared to the size of his cock.

He peppers gentle kisses across my face, neck, and chest once he's fully sheathed inside me, giving me a minute to adjust. My breaths come out in short pants, and I grip onto his shoulders tightly. He watches me, clearly a little worried, but says nothing, just waiting for the go ahead.

"Okay, you can move now," I sigh, after the pain has finally subsided enough. He carefully grips my thighs, and begins to move, slowly at first. It's always a little painful to start with, so I just wait until he gets into a rhythm. Wait for the pleasure to come.

I hear him groan lowly against the skin of my neck. "How're you still so fucking tight baby?" He moans, pushing up into me with a little more force this time. A dull heat is starting to build as he moves faster, drowning the slight discomfort with pleasure.

"Oh fuck, that's good," I whimper, digging my nails into his shoulders.

"Yeah?" He responds, biting my neck gently.

"Yeah," I moan, my mind being overtaken by the building pleasure. "So good." I can feel him now, trying to angle his thrusts again, wanting to find my prostate. And hell, do I know it when he does.

"There, Cal, there!" I shout, not caring at all about just how loud I'm being. "Holy shit. Harder, please Cal." He complies to my request without hesitation, hitting the same spot over and over again with more force. I feel like I'm falling apart, pleasure tearing at my mind.

"So fuckin' good baby," he praises. "You're so fucking good. So pretty." I puff out my chest slightly at his words, feeling proud of myself for a moment, for being able to make him feel like this.

I feel him carefully remove one of his hands from my thighs, testing to see if he can support me still with only one. When he realises he can, he moves his hand between us, and grasps my length once again. I moan at his touch, and he begins to quickly stroke my cock, with long, well practiced motions. It won't take long for me now, being stimulated in two different ways. 

"I'm close babe," Cal pants, his breath hot on my skin. He's changed from quick, choppy motions to slow, deep thrusts, continuing to hit my prostate almost every time.

"Me too," I whine. I feel impossibly good right now. His hand moves faster around my cock, sending me even closer to the edge, while he kisses my shoulder, biting occasionally. "Holy fuck. Holy fuck," I moan loudly, letting my head fall forwards a little, away from the door.

He meets my lips with his when he reaches his high, groaning into my mouth. I follow suit only seconds later, painting both of our chests white as I fall over the edge. He gives a couple more weak thrusts before pulling out, panting heavily. Lazily, me kisses me, as we both come down together from our post orgasm bliss.

"That was fucking amazing," he breathes between kisses, and I can feel him smiling tiredly against my lips.

"Thanks for that Cal," I say, pulling away and grinning at him. "It really was good."

"Of course babe," he says, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "We should probably get cleaned up, and head downstairs though," he adds, gesturing to our sticky chests.

"Yeah, I suppose so," I sigh, not really wanting the moment to end.

"Hey," he says, hooking a finger under my chin so I have to meet his eyes.


"I love you."

"Love you too, Cal."


After we've cleaned up, and redressed ourselves, Cal carries me out of the bathroom and down the stairs. If I'm honest, I'm not sore enough for this to be necessary, but it's kinda nice that he's trying to take care of me, so I don't say anything. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I loop my arms around his neck, slightly nervous about going back into the room full of our friends.

"You alright?" Cal asks softly.

"Yeah. Let's just go in and get this over with," I sigh, burying my face in his neck.

I suppose it must have been a strange sight. Cal carrying my bridal style into the room. Me wearing his hoodie and him wearing my shirt. Both of us having ruffled hair, and disheveled appearances, despite our best attempts to fix them. Me with fresh hickeys up the side of my neck.

"Hey guys," says Cal, casually, upon walking in. He wanders over to the chair that I was originally sat in, and sits down, with me sideways on his lap.

"Sup," smirks JJ, looking us over knowingly. "How was your talk?"

"Fine," Cal responds. I just rebury my face in Cal's shoulder, worried my blushing will give something away. Even though they definitely already know.

"It was a very... loud conversation," says Ethan, and I hear him barely hide a snigger.

"Oh? You heard did you?" Muses Cal. How is he not embarrassed at all about this? I feel him start to stroke a hand gently up and down my side, possibly in an attempt to relax me.

"Yep. We heard," says Vikk, not sounding impressed.

"All I can say is, dayum, Harry is loud," JJ teases, and I feel my face heat up even more.

"Sorry about that, I'll try to keep him quiet next time," Cal replies, a joking edge to his tone.

"Next time?" I say, finally lifting my head up, and looking at Cal disbelievingly.

"Yeah, next time. That's definitely happening again," he smirks. "I know you loved it."

"Shut up," I grumble, and look away.

"Hey, don't go all shy on him now Harry. Not ten minutes ago, you were the one shouting 'harder Cal, fuck me harder, oh yeah, right there Cal'-"

"Shut the fuck up JJ," I spit, no actual malice intended, while flushing an even deeper crimson.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed Haz," teases Cal, earning a gentle hit to the chest from me.

"You can be quiet too Cal," I mutter, pressing my face into his neck again. He lifts a hand to run it through my hair soothingly.

"Oh, don't pretend Harry. As soon as you get home, I bet you're going to be begging for it again, saying-"

"Shut up JJ!"


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