//30 - the great game

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Warning: explicit smut, marked with the ******** at the start and end.

A.N: yes! it's finally here! just quickly before you read, there is most likely going to be quite a bit of editing done to ethan and jj's parts, since i haven't proofed them yet. but i really wanted to get it out today, so here we are. if you come back to reread in a couple of days, it will probably be more polished. without further ado, i hope you all enjoy, this took me forever to write! :)

[8250 words approx.]


The chaos has all started with Tobi. He had been the first one to make a move, however innocent it may have been. His actions began the continuous competition to one up each other that the boys liked to call 'The Great Game'. Saying it was all of the Sidemen is a lie though. The only person who didn't know about the game, was the subject of it. Harry.

Tobi hadn't intended to start it. Far from it. He found the other Sidemen's pissing contest immature. And unfair on Harry. All he had done, was kiss Harry's cheek. Once. Just for reassurance. And as soon as he saw the way the all of the other boy's (apart from Vikk's) eyes lit up, he knew he had started something that he couldn't easily put an end to.

JJ was the one who had created the group chat. All of the Sidemen, except Harry. He was the one who proposed the game. Everyone knew exactly why he wanted to start the game. He wanted Harry. And they only knew because they had all felt the same about the youngest boy at some point in time.

All of the Sidemen had a soft spot for Harry. There was something different about him. At first it was his innocence that had stirred up a protective nature in each of the boys. But as the years progressed, and they all watched him grow up, that protectiveness changed to something very different. They all saw how handsome he had become. How desirable he was. And all of them felt more strongly about him than they perhaps should.

And so the game began. The game to see who could get the furthest with Harry.



We're all pretty drunk. That's plain to see. And so, as reasonable level-headed individual he is at this current time, JJ suggests a game of Truth or Dare. Innocent enough. But not for long.

"Harry, truth or dare," says Tobi, when the bottle spins to land on the youngest boy. Harry takes a moment to think about it, before answering.

"I want a dare please mate," he responds, sounding confident. But I see a look that crosses everyone's faces, that I recognise instantly. They all turn their gaze expectantly to Tobi, but he pretends to ignore it.

"Alright Boggo. I dare you, to kiss Vikk," Tobi says, looking over at me. I can sense the other boys quietly seething at their missed opportunity, all of them glaring at Tobi. I know exactly why he picked me. So that I can get it over with, and we can both just forget about their stupid game. And I'm grateful for it.

"I can do that," Harry says, shrugging casually. "Get your ass over here Vikk." Despite no longer having feelings for Harry, I can't help but feel slightly nervous approaching him. His easy confidence makes me feel easily overshadowed.

Finally, I'm kneeling in front of Harry. His gaze is intense, looking me up and down hungrily. I'm not sure if it's the alcohol in his system that's causing it, but I certainly hope so.

"Get on with it lads," says Ethan, and I can hear the barely hidden disdain in his voice.

"Fine, fine," says Harry, snaking his hand around to hold the back of my neck, and pulling my firmly in for the kiss.

It's nothing spectacular at all, no movement, but after he pulls away, I feel a sense of relief. I've not come last in the game. And I don't have to do anything like this ever again.

"How was it boys," asks Josh, with a joking tone.

"It was alright," says Harry. "Wouldn't mind doing it again." I just shuffle back to my previous spot by Tobi, laughing at Harry.

"Never again Boggo."



Filming videos for the second channel is usually boring. A lot of the time, it consists of sitting around and talking, which doesn't take much to organise, but gets tedious after doing it for too long.

The only times that it's slightly more interesting are the times when I get to sit beside Harry.

I have a thing where I will rest my hand on his leg, and see how long it takes him to shrug me off. He doesn't mind it really, but doesn't like me doing it on camera. I used to do it before The Game started, but since it has, its become more of a thing.

We're in the middle of filming a video, and I reach out discreetly beside me to place my palm on his thigh, quite close to his knee to begin with. I hear his breathing stop for a second, but he doesn't push me off yet.

Gradually, I slide my hand up his thigh without looking at him, feeling his taut muscles underneath my fingers. I stop in a place where I'm only just toeing the line of being safe or not.

He doesn't say anything for a good five minutes, sitting perfectly still, and not contributing his thoughts to the video. When I accidentally shift my hand up a bit higher, his breath hitches, and he grasps my wrist to stop me going any further.

I finally look across at him, and his expression is that of complete mortification. His cheeks are flushed, and his eyes are wide. He uses his free hand to pull the hem of his hoodie down so that it covers his lap.

"Josh, can you move your hand please," he mutters, his voice sounding tight. I smirk at him, but comply to his request. He lets out a relieved breath, looking around to see if anyone noticed the exchange. I pull out my phone and shoot him a text.

You: Are you alright Haz?

He jumps slightly when he receives the message, and retrieves his phone from his pocket to check it. He doesn't look up at me before tapping out his reply.

Harry: I'm fine Josh. You just... ya know...

You: Accidentally have you a boner?

Harry: Ffs man, it's not meant to be weird
Harry: Your hand was warm, and really close to my dick
Harry: I couldn't help it

You: It's fine, don't stress
You: I could help you out after the video, if you wanted?

Harry: I'm okay mate. Thank you though

You: Np

I knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try at least. And now I'm the furthest ahead. I bet the others can't beat this.



It's way too often that we all find ourselves drunk at the Sidemen house, and looking for stupid things to do. Or stupid games to play.

Tonight's game is an interesting one. One that we've never played before, because we've never been wasted enough to consider it entertaining. But one lucky man will get ahead in the game. And I can't help but hope that it's me.

"Harry! You can pick first," slurs JJ, holding out the bag of items. Everyone has put something of theirs in it, and whoever's item gets picked decides who Harry will play chicken with. He reaches into the bag without looking, and pulls something out a moment later. My pinky ring.

"Who's is this?" He asks, looking around the circle.

"Mine," I say, reaching out to take it from him, and slipping it back onto my finger.

"Alright then, Harry and Simon!" Says Vikk. "The rules are simple boys. Whoever pulls away first is the loser. And play fair," he adds the last bit sternly, eyeing me. I just feign a look of confusion back at him.

"Alright then Haz, ready to get your ass beat?" I say, watching him crawl over to where I'm sat.

He scoffs at me. "Someone's confident." I can tell that he's going to step up his game now, his pride already grown enough that he isn't going to accept defeat easily.

"I have reason to be," I say with a sly smile. Harry then moves to quickly seat himself in my lap, catching me off guard.

"Still think you can win?" He says, gripping my shoulders lightly.

I swallow thickly. "Stop talking and get on with it you prick," I say, keeping my tone confident as I rest my hand on his jawline. He leans in slowly, his eyes hooded. I know I'm probably never going to get this chance again, so I try to savour it. Remember how he looks. How he smells. How his skin feels under my hands. And finally, how his lips taste.

He moves against me slowly, almost tentatively, but it doesn't seem like he's going to pull away any time soon. His lips are soft, and he tastes distinctly of alcohol. He tilts his head to get a better angle, and sneaks his tongue between my parted lips.

It could have been thirty second, but it felt more like an eternity. We both pull away at the same time, panting lightly.

"Well, looks like it's a draw!" Announces Vikk. Harry moves hesitantly out of my lap, and shuffles back to where he was sat previously. I can feel his gaze burning into me, but when I glance at him, he looks away.

"Does anyone else want a go?" Says JJ. There's a collective of shaking heads. "'Aight, we can find something else to do I guess."

"Actually, I think I'm gonna text Cal and ask him to pick me up," says Harry, before feigning a yawn. "I'm really tired."

"I can wait with you until he gets here?" I offer, earning some odd looks from the others. Harry smiles.

"Sure," he responds, giving me a look I can't understand, before gathering his things. "See you later guys."

Everyone says their goodbyes, and Harry and I go to stand in the hallway. I lean up against the wall, and look at him.

"So what do you want to-" start speaking, but am cut off by Harry pressing his lips hungrily to mine. I take a moment to get over the shock, but then wind my fingers into his hair and kiss him back with equal vigour. His hands rest on my chest, and I can tell he's going onto his tip toes to get a better reach.

I spin him around, and press him against the wall that I was leaning on, making sure that there's very little space between us. He lets out a breathy moan as I pull away from his lips, and press kisses along his jawline.

"Simon," he whispers, but saying my name seems to snap him out of the haze he's in. "Simon," he says a little more firmly, pushing me away from him. "Stop. We can't. I'm sorry."

"Okay," I say, taking a step back. I'm a bit disappointed, but I try not to let it show. "That's fine. I'm sorry for... y'know. All of that."

"I didn't mind," he says softly. "But we can't do it again." He picks up his coat, and opens the door. "I think it might be better if I just walk home. I need some time to think."

"Okay. Be safe Boggo," I say, and he smiles at me softly.

"Bye Simon." And with that he closed the door. I take a deep breath, and try to calm myself.

That really just happened.

And it never will again.



I feel like, to some degree, I have an advantage over everyone else in the game.

Harry and I have always had quite a physical friendship with each other, in the form hugging each other a lot, and him turning to me for affection if he's feeling down. He's quite open to cuddling up with me, even if it's just in a friendly way.

After seeing how far Simon managed to get, it made me fancy trying my luck. I've decided to go with a slightly more subtle route, something he won't easily suspect, and hopefully the others won't either.

We're filming a video for the main channel today, which is a lot of fun, as always. And it also provides the perfect time for me to slip in some comments that should go unnoticed by everyone. Apart from Harry.

It starts with me just casually touching him every chance I get. He doesn't notice. I guess he just shrugs it off as me being me. It's how we always are after all.

My second part of the plan is a little less subtle. I keep complimenting him with any opportunity I see. This he does notice. He gives me a shy smile with every compliment, seeming to be taking each of them to heart. Which is exactly what I want.

After about an hour, I know I've got his attention. And I know he's enjoying the extra attention from me. He's hooked already.

"Hey Ethan, can I talk to you for a minute?" Harry says when we're taking a break from filming. I can't help but notice that there's a blush dusting his cheeks.

"Sure Bog," I say. "What's up?"

"Well, I thought we could go somewhere a little more quiet than this," he says, seeming embarrassed as he gestures to the others. They aren't paying attention to our conversation though, thankfully.

"Okay. We can go upstairs if you like?" I offer, and he nods.

The walk upstairs is a quiet, and slightly awkward one. We walk into one of the spare rooms, and he closes the door carefully behind us.

"Alright Bog, what's going on?" I ask, feigning concern. He just rolls his eyes at me.

"I should be the one asking that," he says. "You've been acting weird with me all day. Is something up?"

"Weird? I don't think reminding you that you're great is weird," I shrug, and he blushes again.

"No I mean... oh, I don't know what I mean," he mutters, waving his hand at me dismissively. "It doesn't matter, we can go back downstairs again if you like."

Now is my chance.

I cup his cheek gently, and lean forwards to press a brief kiss to the corner of his mouth. When I pull away, he gives me a shocked expression, but doesn't move away from me.

"I think, we should stay up here for a while," I say, throwing subtlety out of the window. "How does that sound?" He nods quickly, eyes never leaving mine.

"Are you going to kiss me again, or what?" He asks, smiling shyly.

"I might do," I tease, tracing his cheekbone with my thumb. "Do you want me to?"

He bites his lip. "I might want you to."

"I'll take that as permission," I murmur, leaning in to kiss him again, properly this time. He wraps his arms around my neck, kissing back slowly. His body presses against mine, and I wrap an arm around his waist, so that my palm rests on the small of his back.

It gets heated pretty quickly. I back him up against the door, enjoying the soft groan he lets out into my mouth as I do. His hands run up and down my back, sending shivers down my spine. I grip his hips firmly, holding him in place. He seems to like it.

I pull away from his lips after a little while, to allow us both to breathe. His warm breath fans gently across my face, and he looks into my eyes.

"This alright?" I ask, wanting to make sure he's still comfortable.

"Yeah," he responds breathlessly. I shift forwards slightly, and hear him let out a gasp. I can feel the start of something pressing against my hip.

"Is this getting you all excited?" I ask, a teasing edge to my tone. He blushes and looks away. He looks as if he's about to come up with an answer, but just lets out a quiet moan as I grind down onto him.

"You'll need to keep quiet Harry," I say again this neck, rolling my hips down again. He bites his lip to stifle the noise that leaves him.

"Fuck, it's good," he whines, but his half lidded eyes suddenly open fully, and he looks at me as if he's seeing me for the first time.

"What's wrong Bog?" I ask, pausing my actions for a moment.

"This isn't right," he murmurs, looking away from me.

"That's okay. If you want me to stop, I will," I say, removing my hands from his waist and taking a small step back. He sighs quietly.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I just don't see you in that way. Going through with this isn't fair on you."

I swallow the sinking feeling in my gut. I have to respect his decision.

"That's alright. Come on then, we should probably tidy up a bit and get back to the others. They'll be wondering where we are," I say, brushing the wrinkles from my clothes. He sighs again.




I think it's safe to say that my approach is going to be the most risky. But it's worth a shot.

Harry and I do flirt sometimes. But that's just how I am. I flirt with most people. And he's no exception.

The only exception is the fact that when I flirt with him, I actually mean it. I want to get closer to him. But not in a romantic way.

It feels horrible to say, but I definitely only like Harry in a sexual way. He's just so fucking beautiful. And sometimes, he looks so innocent. It makes me want to be the one to take that innocence away. To be the one who makes him scream my name, begging for more. To fulfil his needs.

So my approach is just flirting relentlessly with him during a shoot. He cannot stop blushing at my words that I mutter to him. He doesn't need to bite back. I know what I'm doing is working.

And so, when I drag him off to an empty bathroom in the middle of the shoot, he isn't surprised. And he doesn't object.

"JJ, what's up with you today?" He breathes as I press him up against the sink.

"You are," I growl. "What right do you have to look so fucking kissable?" He gives me a shocked look, and blushes more if at all possible at this point. I rest both hands on his jaw, and he seems surprised at how gentle I'm being to contest how I'm talking to him.

"JJ," he whimpers softly, closing his eyes. I guess that's as much as I'm getting out of him. I don't really mind it though. I lean in pressing my lips to his roughly. He kisses back after a moment, already seeming very submissive. Which I like.

I tilt his head back slightly with a hand in his hair, trying to get a better angle to deepen the kiss. He moans into my mouth, holding tentatively onto my biceps. I move my hands down, grabbing a cheeky handful of his ass on the way, and grip the backs of his thighs. I lift him up to sit on the edge of the sink, and he wraps his legs around my waist.

I push my hands up under his shirt, running my palms over the soft skin of his stomach and sides. His legs tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I pull away, taking his bottom lip between my teeth as I do. He pants softly, his eyes still closed. I move my lips to trail along his jaw, and down his neck.

"Don't leave any marks," he stutters, tilting his head back to give me more room.

"Alright," I murmur, settling for just kissing his neck, occasionally grazing my teeth very lightly across his skin. While I'm doing that, I make a very risky move. But if it works, it will pay off big time.

I slowly trail my right hand down his body, aiming for the waistband of his joggers. He doesn't object yet, but I'm not sure he's realised what I'm doing. Carefully, I lay my hand over his clothed cock, earning a moan. I smirk slightly against his skin. That's enough of a go ahead for me.

I try to slide my hand into his joggers, but he flinches away suddenly, tearing himself from my grip.

"JJ, don't," he whispers, looking at me with wide eyes. "Fuck, what is wrong with me? Why do I keep letting this happen?" He runs his hands frustratedly through his hair.

"Harry..." I sigh, reaching out for him.

"No," he says, pushing my hands away. "I'm sorry. I need some air, can I get down please?" I move aside for him, and he slides down from the sink, making his way to the door. He unlocks it quickly, and exits without another word.

This has just made me realise how much The Game is affecting him.

"I'm sorry," I mutter. But nobody hears.

Well fuck.



"Hey Cal? Can I talk to you about something?" Harry asks. I turn to see him standing in my doorway, a troubled look on his face.

"Sure Dinho, come and sit down," I say, gesturing to my bed. I take a moment to remove my headphones, and pause the game I'm playing, swivelling my chair around so that I'm facing the anxious looking boy on my bed. "What's up?"

"I think the guys might be trying to troll me or something," he says, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, and he just sighs.

"This might seem kinda weird, but hear me out. So, over the last month and a half, all of the guys, apart from Vikk and Tobi, have tried to come onto me," he says, and I look at him confused.

"In what way?" I ask, and he looks away blushing slightly.

"I got a boner from Josh putting his hand on my leg, and instead of being mad, he offered to help," he says, and I feel my jaw drop.

"What?" I say, and he puts his face in his hands.

"I don't know man," he mumbles. "And then Simon came onto me after a game of chicken, and I was a little bit wasted, so I made out with him."

Suddenly the gears begin to turn in my head. The guys have told me about their little pissing contest. They invited me to join actually, but I declined out of respect for Harry, even though I'd love to get my hands on him.

"Okay," I say, nodding to him to show I'm paying attention. "What about Ethan and JJ?"

"Ethan kept complimenting me during a video, so after, I pulled him aside to ask why. And then... he kissed me. We made out for a bit, but then it started getting a bit too much, so I asked him to stop."

"Jesus Harry," I say. I hadn't realised quite how far The Game had gone.

"I know," he says, rubbing his hands over his face. He looks so stressed out. "And then JJ kept flirting with me, and I might of liked it a little bit, and then he dragged me off into the bathroom," he trails off slightly towards the end, seeming embarrassed. My stomach drops. Surely they didn't go all the way.

"You didn't fuck, did you?" I say, voicing my thoughts.

"No, we didn't. We kissed for a bit, but then he seemed like he was about to try and give me a handjob, so I panicked and told him to stop."

"I didn't realise it'd gone this far," I mutter, and he looks up at me sharply.

"You knew about this?" Harry demands, a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Yes," I say. He bristles slightly, but I hold up my hands. "Let me explain, please."

"Fine," he huffs, glaring at me.

"They call it The Great Game. It was essentially just to see who could get the furthest with you. When they told me about it, I didn't think they'd actually get anywhere, so I didn't say anything. They actually invited me to join, y'know. JJ is giving money to whoever wins. But I said no."

Harry relaxes, but still seems slightly irritated. "So you had a chance to win some cash, and you said no?" He asks, confused.

"Yeah, something like that," I reply, looking at him nervously.

"You dumbass. If you had told me, we could have won and split it," he says, punching my arm gently.

I look at him, carefully. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we could have fucked, and won a ton of money," he says casually.

"You would have done that?" I ask, raising a brow.

He glances at me somewhat shyly. "I mean, I would fuck you anyway, but since there's money on the line, yeah definitely."

"You would fuck me?" I echo, my brain reeling to catch up with what's happening. Wasn't he mad at me a second ago? How has his demeanour changed so damn quickly?

"Maybe I would," Harry says, looking at me through his lashes, and biting his lower lip. He looks so kissable right now.

"Don't do that," I say, swallowing thickly. He just laughs quietly, and places his warm palm on my knee.

"Do what Cal?" He says huskily.

"You know exactly fucking what."

He grins at me mischievously, slowly standing up, and moving over to where I'm sat. Before I can even register what's happening, he climbs into my lap, his knees on either side of my hips, and his hands on my shoulders for support.

"What do you say we make some money?" He purrs, leaning forwards until his breath tickles my face.

"Harry. I don't want this if it's just for the money," I say seriously. He shakes his head, and looks me in the eye.

"It's not Cal, I promise," he says sincerely, before leaning down to my ear. "I want you." His words send shivers down my spine, and I can already feel my blood rushing south.

"Fuck. Don't do this to me Harry," I say, feeling restless with him in my lap, still trying to resist the overwhelming urge to touch him. From the way he smirks at me, I know he knows exactly what he's doing to me.

"I know you want it too, Cal," he whispers, before running his tongue teasingly over the shell of my ear. "But I won't do anything more before you say it."

"Oh fuck you," I hiss, as he shifts forwards slightly. He laughs at me breathily.

"I could just leave then," he says with a smirk, dragging his finger slowly down my chest. I can't help but feel a little confused, as well as turned on. Since when was he so forward? He lets out a small sigh, seeming as if he's about to give up and go away, but I finally find my words.

"Don't go," I say, sitting completely still. I don't trust myself to even move when he's this close.

"Why not?" He challenges, quirking a brow. Fucking hell, he's really going to make me say it.

"Because I want you Harry," I say, feeling my dick twitch slightly. He gives me a smug grin, leaning in to press a brief kiss to my lips.

"That's better," he says, his brilliantly blue eyes burning holes into my soul itself.

"Fucking kiss me again then," I growl, not in the mood for playing games. Unfortunately, it seems like all Harry wants to do is mess with me.

"Can't you ask nicely?" He asks, his voice sickly sweet, like honey dripping from his tongue.

"Fine. Please can you kiss me again?" I say through gritted teeth. This boy is going to absolutely ruin me tonight. And I'm going to love every second of it.

"Okay," he responds without hesitation, tilting his chin forwards to kiss me again, properly this time. His lips work smoothly, but passionately against mine, and I could of sworn it's the best thing I've ever felt. But I'm almost certain that later on, he's going to make me feel easily a hundred times better.

His hand that was cupping my cheek slides back into my hair, tugging lightly on the roots. I let out a low moan, and he takes it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He's so much better at this than I thought he might of been, knowing exactly how and when to do things to get the right reactions.

He breaks away from my lips after a minute, allowing us both a chance to breathe again. He seems to have resigned himself to the fact that I'm not touching him  yet, and he's going with it. Slowly, he kisses along my jaw and down my neck, breath fanning pleasantly across my skin, his fingers toying with the hem of my shirt.

"You can take it off if you want," I prompt, hoping he will. He moves away from my neck to meet my eyes.

"Is that you asking me to, or telling me to?" He asks, raising a brow.

"If you won't, I will," I grumble, finally moving my hands and reaching for the hem of my shirt. He grabs my wrists, and places my hands firmly back on the arms of my chair.

"Don't," he demands, sounding slightly breathless. "I want to be the one who makes you feel good." He then takes hold of the hem of my shirt, and drags it over my head. Slowly, he traces his warm fingers down my torso, making me shiver pleasantly.

"Fuck, Harry," I mutter, as he leans down and starts sucking marks into my collar bones.

"Is that good?" He murmurs, starting to slowly roll his hips down onto mine, in a torturous rhythm. I let out a low groan of satisfaction, but that doesn't seem to cut it for him. "Say it Cal," he growls, sinking his teeth harshly into the side of my neck.

"It feels good, so good," I say, gripping the arms of my chair. How has he already got me so tightly wound without any effort at all? I feel as if he could command me to do anything right now, and I would comply, no questions asked.


"Do you want me to suck your cock, Cal?" He whispers, gently biting down on another spot that he just bruised. The mere thought of him giving me head seems like too much. But I need it more than anything.

"Yes," I moan. "Please." He looks back to me with hooded eyes.

"As you wish," he responds, sliding down onto the floor, kneeling between my thighs. Teasingly slow, he pulls my joggers and boxers down to reveal my already hard dick. He looks up at me through his lashes, before wrapping one hand around my length.

"Oh my God, Harry," I stutter, as he starts slowly working me with his hand. He knows exactly what he's doing too, not breaking eye contact, with the same smug look on his face. I watch in awe as he leans over, still not looking away from me, and finally wraps his pretty pink lips around the tip of my cock.

"Holy-" I begin to speak, but cut myself off with a broken moan as Harry goes down on me painfully slowly, and manages to fit my entire length into the pleasant heat of his mouth, not gagging or hesitating once. It's taking every ounce of self control I have not to reach out to wind my fingers into his hair, and take control over him.

I suppose he could sense my want, because he grabs my wrist, and places my hand on the back of his head. When I look into his eyes, all I can see is pure, undeniable trust. I weave my fingers into his silky locks, and tug gently from the roots. He lets out a moan around my dick, and the vibration it creates nearly makes me lose sight of everything.

"You're so beautiful Harry," I praise between laboured breaths, as he begins to bob his head up and down.

Waves of pleasure ripple through my body, and I allow myself to moan quietly. The wet suction his mouth provides is otherworldly. His tongue works expertly, and he hollows out his cheeks, increasing the already intense feeling I'm getting. There's no doubt in my mind that he's done this before. He soon starts to move faster, and I know that I won't last long if he keeps up like this.

"I'm close," I warn, and he pulls off almost instantly. He licks a teasing stripe along the underside of my cock, from the base to the tip, before sitting back on his heels, and pulling his shirt over his head.

"My turn," he mutters breathily, standing up and removing his joggers, abandoning them carelessly on my floor. He moves back into his previous position, straddling my lap. He wraps his arms around my neck, leaning in to kiss me deeply. I allow myself to rest my hands to rest on his waist, enjoying the feeling of his warm, smooth skin underneath my fingers.

He pulls away after a while, panting heavily through bruised lips. "I want you, Cal," he says, resting his forehead against mine. I take the initiative this time, and lean in to press a brief kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"If you're sure that's what you want," I say softly, meeting his blue eyed gaze once again.

"I'm sure," he responds.

"Okay. I'm all yours," I whisper, gently rubbing my thumbs over his skin. He grins at me, and makes quick work of ridding himself from his boxers. He now sits in my lap, fully naked, and looking gorgeous. I've never needed someone more. I watch as he spits into his hand, and uses that to slick up my dick more than it was before.

"I have lube, y'know," I say, with a hint of amusement to my tone.

He ignores me, focused on lining himself up with my tip. He hisses lowly as he starts to inch down my cock, his face reflecting a pained expression. He grips my shoulders tightly, nails nearly breaking the skin. I allow him to do it though, and keeping my hands on his hips to help support him. It takes him a minute before he manages to sheath all of me inside himself, collapsing forwards into my chest when he does.

"Lord tell me why I didn't stretch first," he whines, clearly in some discomfort. I feel a pang of guilt.

"Look, if it's hurting too much, you can stretch, and we can try again using lube," I say, pressing gentle kisses to the side of his neck.

He shakes his head, "I'll be alright. Just give me a minute," he says, shifting back into a sitting position.

"If you insist. But if it's too painful, tell me," I say, and he gives me a grateful glance.

"Thanks Cal," he replies, leaning in to kiss me gently. I grip his waist more tightly, and he groans lowly into my mouth. "I think I can move now," he says.

"Okay," I respond. He begins slowly at first, and I'm thrown into a state of bliss. He feels amazing, so tight and hot. He moans softly, and picks up his pace a little bit.

"Fuck," he stutters, fingers holding tightly onto my shoulders, digging his nails in again.

"You're so tight," I pant, rubbing the pads of my thumbs across his hip bones. A bright flush is beginning to rise on his neck and chest. The small whines and moans he lets out are heavenly.

"Cal," he whimpers, keeping up the steady rhythm he has built. It's only now that he's getting what he wants, no, needs, that I realise quite how vocal he is. Noises leave his lips in an almost continuous stream, and he sounds fucking beautiful.

After a while, he seems to falter a bit. His legs quiver underneath his weight, and his chest heaves from the effort it's taking to try and keep up with himself. I lift one hand from his hip, and move it up to cup his jaw, lifting his chin up so that he has to look at me.

"Are you tired?" I ask, and he nods, his head falling forwards slightly. I take hold of his hips to still him. "Let me fuck you," I offer, trying to keep my voice low.

"Yes," he whines. "Make me yours."

With that, I stand up, gripping his thighs tightly as I move us over to my bed. I lay him back gently onto my sheets, pressing kisses to his face as I position myself over him. He looks gorgeous, his hair plastered against his forehead, his chest heaving, his lips bruised and his face flushed. I want to remember him, like this, for the rest of time.

"Cal, please." He sounds so desperate for it, his fingers scrabbling needily at my back, attempting to bring me closer. I stoop down to kiss him sweetly, his hands now moving to tangle into my hair as I slowly push back into him again.

"Take me, I need you," he moans. I'm not sure if he even knows what he's saying at this point, his body acting of it's own accord in his new state of ecstasy. He complies to my every touch, allowing me to just have my way with him. Complete submission. I graze my lips gently over his neck and collar bones, tempted greatly by the idea of marking up his pale skin, claiming him as mine.

"You're doing so well," I rasp, beginning to create a steady rhythm. He's taking me like he was built for it, murmuring incoherent words, and letting moans hang  on his lips. His hands slide lightly up and down my torso, touching any part of me he can reach. Suddenly though, he begins to squirm under my grip, letting out a choked off moan, and catching me by surprise.

"You okay?" I ask, concerned. I pause for a minute, and he looks up at me, cheeks flushed bright red.

"Keep going," he demands, his pupils blown wide.

"What happened?" I ask, and he gives me a slightly amused look.

"You just hit my prostate, you doughnut," he laughs, and then shoots me a reassuring look. "You didn't hurt me, if that's what you thought." I feel slightly stupid for not realising that was what had happened. But he just smiles, and pulls me down for a kiss.

"You worry too much," he murmurs upon pulling away, resting our foreheads together. "I promise, if it hurts, I'll let you know. Until then, don't stop." The way he says the last two words makes me shiver. He wants this. He wants me.

"Okay beautiful," I respond without thinking, and feeling proud when he blushes even more. I start a slow rhythm back up again, encouraged to go harder and deeper with every little breathless moan Harry lets escape from his lips. And this time around when I find his sweet spot, I don't stop. I aim to find it again.

"Oh my- Holy shit, Cal," he groans, dragging his nails up my back. I grip his hips hard enough to leave bruises, only focused on giving him what he wants. "Harder, please," he whimpers. He sounds so desperate for it, and it makes me feel even more hot and bothered than before, if at all possible.

"Yes, there, right there, fucking hell," he nearly shouts, as I continue to hit his prostate hard with every deep thrust. His eyes are slightly glassy, and I feel him wrap his legs tightly around my hips.

"You're so pretty Harry, so fuckin' good for me baby boy," I praise, beginning to feel slightly out of breath. He just moans loudly in response.

"Fuck, Cal," he whines, closing his eyes. "I'm so close." I lean down, and start sucking large marks into his neck, claiming him. He's off limits to anyone else now. He's mine. I pick up my pace even more, earning a ragged moan from Harry. I then reach my hand down, and brush my fingertips over his aching cock.

"Please," he whimpers, honest to God whimpers, and I swear it's one of the most perfectly desperate things I've ever heard. Finally I give him what he wants, wrapping my hand around his dick, and pumping slowly, all while still slamming my hips into his. He was never going to last.

When he shoots over the edge, his back arches off the bed, and he tightens around my cock almost impossibly. I let out a low groan, and begin to chase my own orgasm, thrusting quickly into his shaking body. It takes practically nothing for me to finish too, my vision whitening as I release deep inside of him, with his name on my lips.


My arms almost give way completely as I pull out of him, and it takes all of the coordination I have left not to fall directly on top of Harry's smaller frame. I manage to fall just to the side of him, and the two of us simply lie there for a while, listening to each others laboured breathing, still lost in the feeling of bliss we're both experiencing.

After a while, Harry turns to face me, his blue eyes meeting mine expectantly.

He sighs contentedly. "Did that really just happen?"

"I sure fucking hope so," I say, a hint of amusement to my tone. I quickly reach over to grab both of our shirts from the floor, using his to clean us both up a bit. "If this turns out to just be a really good dream, I'm gonna be so pissed."

He laughs at me, and reaches out to gently pinch my arm. "Did you feel that?" He asks, a smile playing on his lips.


"So, then it's not a dream," he says, as if that clears it up. I snort at him theatrically.

"That's exactly what someone in my dream would say," I respond, wiggling my eyebrows at him. He giggles at me.

"You're such a dumbass," he says fondly.

"You know you love it," I yawn, throwing his shirt back onto the floor. I notice that he's shivering slightly, so I tug my shirt gently over his head, and pull the duvet over both of us, before lying down again. "Now, go to sleep, stupid," I mumble, reaching out and pulling his body into me.

"That's not very nice of you," he pouts, but also stifles a yawn.

"You started it. Just go to sleep," I respond, closing my eyes.

He sighs. "The lights are on."

"Close your eyes and it won't be so bright."

"I hate you sometimes."

"No you don't." He finally returns the embrace, nuzzling his face into my bare chest.

"You're right. I don't."

"Goodnight Haz."

"Night Cal."



Sometimes, I really hate having a room next to Freezy.

Last night made me wish that I own a pair of noise cancelling headphones that actually work. I could hear every little thing Cal did to Harry. Cal usually makes some effort to keep his lovers quiet, but last night he did nothing of the sort. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they finally figured things out between them. But I really didn't need to hear it all.

I did, however, think of a plan for how to get revenge in the best way possible.

My first step was taking a short audio recording of them going at it last night. I could hear it all clearly enough from my room, so going into Cal's room to witness it first hand thankfully wasn't necessary.

And then, when they finally tired themselves out, I went to sleep.

It's morning now, and I quietly sneak into Cal's room, hoping the pair are still asleep. And hoping Harry stayed the night. Which by the looks of things, he did.

If I'm being honest, they do look very cute together. Both of them are lay on their sides, Cal curled protectively around Harry, with his arms tightly around his waist, and his nose buried in the younger boys hair. Harry is wearing Cal's shirt, and holding onto one of his hands, seeming as if he doesn't ever want to let go.

I take a quick picture of them, before exiting the room silently, and closing the door behind me.

It's go time...


[CalluxTPD joined the chat 'The Great Game']
[CalluxTPD added Haroldinho and Freezy to the chat 'The Great Game']

Jiddle: wtf man? how did you join?
Jiddle: and why did you add harry and cal?

CalluxTPD: [Audio Attached]
CalluxTPD: [Photo Attached]
CalluxTPD: I think the game is over lads.
CalluxTPD: We have our winner here.

Jiddle: freezy you cheeky bastard
Jiddle: you said you didn't want in

BehzyBoo: Wait, is this legit?
BehzyBoo: They've actually fucked?

CalluxTPD: I can confirm, this is legit.
CalluxTPD: I heard very single thing
CalluxTPD: I think I need some new flatmates...

Jiddle: jesus christ, they weren't that bad were they? lol

CalluxTPD: Cal isn't, but Harry...
CalluxTPD: Fucking hell he's loud.

Simoné: He's a bottom, what did you expect lmao

CalluxTPD: Fair point.

Freezy: CAL!!
Freezy: What the fuck man?

CalluxTPD: Oh, you're up now?

Freezy: Yeah, Harry's still asleep tho
Freezy: Why would you put that shit on the chat?

CalluxTPD: Revenge

Freezy: For what

CalluxTPD: What you made me witness last night

Freezy: Oh fuck off, we weren't that loud.

CalluxTPD: Have you not listened to the audio?

Freezy: No, Harry is asleep

CalluxTPD: I dare you to listen to it when he wakes up

Freezy: Maybe I will

Jiddle: guys, guys can we chill please

Freezy: Fine
Freezy: But I'd like Cal to know, that the only reason I'm not coming into his room to throttle him is because I can't move without disturbing Harry

Jiddle: noted
Jiddle: so what's happening with the prize money then?

Freezy: Fuck the money man, I don't want it
Freezy: If anyone deserves it though, it's Harry
Freezy: He thought he was going mad because of you lot, and your stupid game

Jiddle: okay, fair enough

Simoné: I reckon that's fair, yeah

BehzyBoo: When Bog gets up, I think we all need to apologise to him lads

Freezy: He would deffo appreciate that
Freezy: And speak of the devil, he's just woke up
Freezy: Give us a minute

Haroldinho: morning boys
Haroldinho: just listened back to the audio and jesus
Haroldinho: sorry Lux

Freezy: I'm still not sorry
Freezy: And still very proud of myself for making such beautiful noises come out of him

CalluxTPD: Cal, don't say things like that, it's gross
CalluxTPD: Thank you Harry

Freezy: It's not gross

CalluxTPD: Is too. XP

Freezy: You're such a child oml

Jiddle: guys, don't start this again

Haroldinho: yeah Cal, it's not a good look

CalluxTPD: Which one?

Haroldinho: both of you lmao
Haroldinho: Cal just hit me for saying that
Haroldinho: i call domestic abuse xp

Freezy: I tapped you on the arm lmao

Haroldinho: that's what they all say

Jiddle: what's going on with you two now anyway?
Jiddle: are you dating or what?

Haroldinho: idk
Haroldinho: i certainly wouldn't mind dating him

CalluxTPD: Is that Cal who's screeching?

Simoné: I think they might need a minute Lux

CalluxTPD: As long as they quieten down a bit, idc how long they take lol

Haroldinho: sorry about that, Lux

CalluxTPD: It's fine. What's the verdict?

Haroldinho: i now have a very handsome boyfriend

Freezy: Who might that be? XP

Haroldinho: Simon, of course

Freezy: Babe, don't be mean :(

Haroldinho: [Image Attached]
Haroldinho: <3

Simoné: Awwwww

Jiddle: ngl that's a cute selfie

CalluxTPD: Put a shirt on Cal.

BehzyBoo: Jesus, your neck doesn't look good Bog
BehzyBoo: Yours isn't great either Cal lol

Haroldinho: yeah, i think we got a bit carried away
Haroldinho: i'm gonna be wearing turtle necks for a week

Freezy: Don't even think about covering them up
Freezy: I want people to see that you're mine x

Haroldinho: if you don't mind my fans seeing them, sure lmao

Jiddle: why are you two texting? you're right next to each other

Simoné: Fuckin millennials lmfao

Jiddle: anyways, haz, i have something to say

Haroldinho: yeah?

Jiddle: i'm really sorry about starting the game. it was unfair, and just plain disrespectful to objectify you like that. you can keep the 1k if you want.

Haroldinho: it's okay JJ, really. you guys drove me up the wall with it, but in future, just talk to me about this shit, yeah?

Jiddle: sure man. love you :)

Simoné: I'm sorry too Haz. We took it way too far.

BehzyBoo: Yeah, sorry Bog.

Haroldinho: thanks for apologising lads. if we could just move on and forget about it all, that'd be great.

Jiddle: sure thing man, if that's what you want

Freezy: I've got to say though boys, if any of you try some stupid shit like that again
Freezy: With anyone, not just Harry
Freezy: I will swing for you

Simoné: Noted mate
Simoné: You can't complain too much though, you've come out of it the best

Haroldinho: i wouldn't say that
Haroldinho: i'm one grand richer, and i've got a fit boyfriend

Simoné: Okay, yeah, you win Harry :)


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