//31 - loopy {REQUEST}

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Prompt: Harry hits his head, and becomes an absolute nightmare to look after.

[2060 words approx.]



"Harry, can you please calm the fuck down?" Sighs Josh, looking at the over-excited younger boy with an exasperated expression.

"Stop being such a kill joy, dad," Harry jokes, still bouncing enthusiastically on the balls of his feet.

"Alright, I'll bite," I muse, watching Harry from my spot on the kitchen counter. "What's got you so hyped up anyway?"

"I don't really know," he says, moving to exit the room. "I just feel so damn happy!" To emphasise his last word, he jumps up and tries to click his heels together. Emphasis on tires to. It all goes wrong, given he has chosen to jump underneath a low doorframe.

His head connects with the wood with a loud crack, and he falls flat on his back, knocking his head again on the floor.

"Holy fuck, Harry, are you okay?" I shout, swiftly jumping from the counter, and kneeling beside his head. His eyes are closed, and his face relaxed. When I pat his cheek gently, there's no response.

"Maybe he's knocked himself out?" Suggests Josh, kneeling beside me. Almost as soon as he's said this, Harry's eyes flutter open, and he looks up at me.

"You alright Haz?" I ask, bringing him into a sitting position. He doesn't look normal at all. His eyes are wide, and he's grinning crazily.

"I feel fucking fantastic," he says, leaning forwards to kiss my cheek, and getting quickly to his feet. He skips over to the kitchen island, and his expression changes to wonder. "Woah! What's this?" He asks, picking a kiwi from the fruit bowl.

"It's a kiwi," I say, turning to Josh and giving him a look of confusion which he mirrors back at me. Josh mouths 'what's up with him?' and I just shrug.

"It's so fuzzy," Harry exclaims, rubbing the small fruit against his cheek.

"Mhmm," I mutter, walking over to him. "Don't you think you should sit down? You did just knock yourself out."

"Did I? I feel fine," Harry shrugs, still holding the kiwi. "I think I'm gonna go and show this to JJ, he'll love it!" With that, he races out of the kitchen, and in the direction of the front room, where JJ is chilling.

"Harry!" I call after him, following him through to the living room. Once I get in there, I find Harry sprawled across a stunned looking JJ, waving the kiwi in his face.

"JJ, look at this!" Harry shouts. "Isn't it amazing?"

"Sure buddy," says JJ sarcastically, before turning to me. "Did you let him smoke something? Dayum."

"He hit his head," explains Josh. JJ rolls his eyes.

"He's acting like a crackhead, man," he complains. "Get him off me." He shoves Harry lightly, but he doesn't budge.

"Haz, come on, get off him," I say, walking over and grabbing his arm, trying to drag him off JJ.

"I don't want to," Harry whines. "He's comfy."

"You can sit on me if you want," I offer. "Just leave JJ alone."

"Fine," he huffs, getting up. I sit down on an unoccupied sofa, and Harry drapes himself across my lap. Which I thought would be fine, but he can't stop fidgeting.

"Sit still," I say, but he ignores me, continuing to shift around. I've had enough when his elbow lands on my dick.

"Harry, come on," I wheeze, doubling over. "That fucking hurt." Across the room, JJ is in fits of laughter.

"I'm sorry Cal," Harry says, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. I sigh reluctantly.

"It's fine," I say. "But you need to get off if you can't keep still." He rolls over again, and falls off my lap onto the floor. He starts laughing at himself, just lying on his back on the floor. I shake my head at him. This is going to be a long day.

I look across apologetically at Josh and JJ. "Should I take him home?" I ask, and Josh just shakes his head.

"It's fine mate, don't worry. I don't think you really want to drive with that in the car," Josh says, gesturing to Harry, who's just rolling around on the floor, still holding onto his kiwi and laughing maniacally.

"Yeah, maybe not the best idea," I say, scratching my head. "So what do we do with him?"

"I dunno man. Stop him from doing stupid shit, and hope he tires himself out?" Says Josh with a shrug.

"What is with all the noise? We're trying to record," says Simon, appearing in the doorway with Tobi. He looks at Harry, and then to the rest of us, with a raised eyebrow. "The fuck is he on?"

"He hit his head, and now he's being an utter twat," says JJ.

"Don't be a dick JJ," I say, shooting him a glare. Even if JJ is right, and Harry is acting like a twat, he's not allowed to talk about him like that.

"Sorry," he mutters, raising his hands defensively.

"Do you think he's concussed?" Asks Tobi, eyeing the loopy boy on the floor.

"Maybe," Josh shrugs.

"Well, shouldn't we take him to A&E then?" Says Tobi, like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"I would, but we already decided that driving with him in the car is an awful idea, and I don't think he would be appreciated in the waiting area," I say, and Tobi just nods.

"Hey, Simon! Hey Tobi!" Shouts Harry, finally standing up and bouncing over to them. "Have you seen this?" He waves the now probably very squashed kiwi in each of their faces.

"Very nice, man," says Tobi kindly, pushing Harry's hand gently out of his face.

"Hey, how about we go outside and play some football?" Suggests Simon.

"I've got a better idea," says Harry. "Come and catch me if you can!" He runs back into the room, and launches himself onto the sofa JJ is sat on, standing on the back of it. His balance is off though, so he wobbles slightly, seeming as if he's going to fall.

"Harry, get down before you fall," I say sternly, getting up and walking over to where he's precariously stood on the sofa.

"You might be my daddy, but you can't tell me what to do!" He shouts, hopping off the sofa, and running out of the room. The others all start laughing at my embarrassed expression, as I race after him.

"Harry Lewis, get your ass back here!" I follow him into the main area of the house, and watch as he slips on the tiled floor, and falls flat on his face. He gets to his feet quickly, and darts out of my reach, his socks sliding slightly on the floor.

"Catch me if you can, Cal!" He yells, turning in the direction of the huge spiral staircase. He races about halfway up the stairs, before pausing and looking up. "Oh my God! A chandelier!" He looks at it in awe.

"Harry-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I wanna swing from the chandelier!" He sings loudly, leaning over the edge of the banister to try and touch it.

"Harry, don't lean out too far," I warn, coming up the steps. "You'll fall."

"But I want to touch it," he pouts, retracting his hand.

"I know babe. Come on, let's go back downstairs," I say, taking hold of his arm.

"Fine," he huffs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to prop himself up as we walk back to the living room. "My head feels funky."

"Really? I didn't notice," I mutter, with sarcasm that he doesn't understand in his current state.

"I said maybeeeeeee!" He shouts randomly, making me jump. I turn to look at him, and he just grins at me. "You're gonna be the one that saves meeeeee!" He drapes himself across me more, making me stumble slightly.

"And after all! You're my wonderwall!" He sings, before stopping abruptly, and just humming loudly instead. I shake my head at him.

"Come on, let's go and sit back down," I coax, half guiding, half dragging him back into the front room. When we enter, JJ, Josh, Tobi and Simon are all sat on the sofas, with amused looks on their faces.

"Where do you want to sit Harry?" I ask, and he just looks at me blankly. He then flops down onto the floor, lying on his back and holding tightly to the kiwi that he still hasn't put down once.

"I wanna sit here," he says, looking up at me innocently.

"Whatever," I huff, moving to take a seat next to JJ.

"What's the matter bro?" JJ asks sweetly, elbowing me in the ribs. I just glare at him. "Is your poor, probably concussed boyfriend annoying you?"

"No, he's not annoying me," I insist, glancing at Harry. He smiles widely up at me.

"He's just grumpy," Harry dismisses, not really understanding what the conversation is about. "He's always like this. He gets embarrassed about showing affection."

"No I don't," I mumble, fighting the blush that threatens to make its way onto my face.

"Yes you do," Harry says. "But only when we're with other people. He's really cuddly when we're alone."

"Shut up Haz," I hiss, feeling the tips of my ears burning.

"No, this is interesting stuff," says JJ slyly. "Got anything else Harry? Maybe a story or two?"

"About Cal? Oh, sure," he says, completely oblivious to what he's saying. "One night, we got really high, and went skinny dipping in the Thames, and then Cal got scared because he thought an eel touched his dick. In reality, it was just me."

"You little shit! You told me I was imagining things," I say, feeling even more embarrassed. JJ is in absolute fits of laughter next to me, and across on the other sofa, Simon and Tobi are the same. "Stop laughing guys!"

"What's funny?" Says Harry, staring cluelessly around the room at everyone.

"You, apparently," I mutter under my breath.

"I can't fucking breathe, oh my God," JJ wheezes, leaning heavily on the arm of the sofa. "Come on, tell us another one."

"Umm, okay," Harry says. He's about to speak, but I glare at him.

"Don't you fucking dare," I growl, and he just grins at me mischievously.

"So, another time, Cal got really drunk, and Lux started to mess around with him. He showed Cal a picture of me hugging my sister, and Cal thought it was my girlfriend, so he started crying," Harry says, an amused look on his face.

The room goes quiet for a moment before the laughter starts again.

"Oh for fucks sake Haz," I groan, hiding my face in my hands. "Stop it."

"Stop what Cal?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused.

"Telling them embarrassing stories about me. I beg of you," I say, holding my hands together.

"They're not embarrassing," he tries to assure me. I just glare at him.

"Yes they are," I retort.

"They are, which is why it's funny," chimes in Simon, leaning forwards in his seat. "Give us another Harry, please."

"I swear to God Harry, if you tell them another one, I'm going to... I'm gonna..." I say, trying to think of something that would have an effect on him.

"You're gonna what?" He challenges.

"I'm not gonna have sex with you for a month," I say, folding my arms tightly over my chest.

"Oh please, as if you'll last that long," he scoffs, giving me an evil smirk. "Okay so, this one time, we were about to fuck, and Cal decided that he wanted to try being the bottom for once, so I said-"

"Fuck no, you are not finishing that bloody sentence!" I shout, leaping up from my seat. "We're going home, I don't give a shit!" I grab him quickly, and throw him over my shoulder.

"Cal, you dickhead! Put me down! I wasn't finished with the story," he complains, squirming in my grip.

"You're not finishing the story," I growl, keeping a tight hold of him. "We'll see ourselves out, bye guys!" I pretty much run from the room, and can still hear everyone's laughter echoing through the house, along with a Harry whining in my ear.

Occasionally, I wonder what I'm supposed to do with this man.

But, even if it's reluctantly sometimes, I still love him.


requested by: charlottesydx

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