//32 - jealousy

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A.N: hi! this is going to be the last update for about a week. i'm taking a week off from this book to try and get some chapters sorted on my groupchat book, and also finish off all the works in progress for this book that i have pending. the next update will be another request, one from midnightteardrops this time. so see you all in about a week, hope you enjoy this short chapter. :)

Concept: Harry feels left out at Cal's birthday party.

[1070 words approx.]


Harry POV

I'm starting to wish that I hadn't come back from Guernsey for this party.

It's a little selfish of me to think like that, since it's my boyfriends birthday and everything. But I can't stand it here.

There's too many people. And I don't even know most of them. They're all Cal's friends, from either his childhood, or people he goes out drinking with. Either way, they're all acting absolutely crazy.

Cal's on the opposite side of the room, chatting to people, and sipping on his drink. I haven't managed to get near him all night.

So I just stand in the corner of the room, watching bitterly as everyone else has fun. I wish I was less awkward, and maybe then I could join in without regret, or anxiety.

"Alright Cal!" Shouts JJ, who has entered the room, followed by a very attractive looking woman. She's not wearing much, and has a glint in her eye that worries me. "Happy birthday man!"

"Hey JJ," says Cal, looking slightly nervous about the way the woman is approaching him.

"She's here for you," smirks JJ, noticing Cal's questioning glance. "Enjoy mate."

I can't do anything but watch in horror as this girl sits herself in Cal's lap. He opens his mouth as if he's about to protest, but she ignores him, leaning in to mutter something in his ear. He goes completely still, looking at her with a shocked expression.

JJ is recording them on his phone, everyone in the room whooping enthusiastically as this girl starts to perform what looks like a lap dance routine.

I don't like seeing her put her hands all over him. I hate the feeling jealousy burning in my gut even more. I can tell even from here that Cal is uncomfortable, but he doesn't object to her at all.

I take another sip of my drink, and sigh. It's not her fault exactly. She doesn't know that Cal is with someone. She's just doing what she's been paid to do. I can't hate her for it.

JJ, on the other hand, I could kill right about now.

I can't stay and watch this. I push gently past all the people who are just stood watching, and make my way out into the less crowded hallway. I enter the first unoccupied bedroom I find, and sit carefully on the edge of the bed with a deep sigh. I down the rest of my drink, wincing slightly as I do, and throw my empty plastic cup into the bin.

I suppose I'll just stay here for the rest of the night.


After about ten minutes of scrolling aimlessly through twitter, I hear Cal calling my name, and opening doors loudly, trying to find me. I sigh quietly, and make no attempt to make myself known, just waiting until he eventually finds me.

I haven't decided what I'm going to say to him yet, but I suppose it depends on what he says to me.

"Harry! Oh, there you are," he says, nearly knocking the door off its hinges as he comes in. "I was worried."

"Were you really?" I ask, quirking a brow.

"Yes. What's up?" He asks softly, closing the door, and coming to sit down beside me. I bristle slightly.

"What's up? Oh gee Cal, let me think," I say sarcastically.

"Harry, I don't know what this is about if you don't tell me. But I'm pretty sure it's to do with JJ's 'present'," He says, looking at me carefully.

"What gave it away?" I mutter, still not wanting to look at him.

"Babe, I had no idea he was going to do that," Cal says.

"Mhmm," I respond, and sense him getting a little bit irritated with me now.

"Did you really think I enjoyed it?" He asks, annoyed at my lack of faith.

"I didn't think that exactly," I admit. "I just thought maybe she would be better than me, or something."

"Harry, nobody could ever be better than you. You know how to drive me absolutely insane with the smallest touches, and I fucking love it. I love you, baby." He sounds like he's borderline pleading with me, begging for me to forgive him for something that wasn't his fault in the first place.

I cave almost instantly. "I love you too Cal," I say, finally looking up at him. "I'm sorry for getting upset about it. I know you wouldn't do that to me."

"Damn right I wouldn't," he says sincerely, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek, and grabbing my hand. "What do you say we get back in there? You can come and sit with me if you want to."

"Okay," I say softly, and he tries to stand up, but I just pull him back down into a sitting position. "But first, I want to do something," I say, giving him a suggestive look.

He grins at me widely. "Is this something going to take long?" He asks.

"It might do usually, but I don't reckon you're going to last very long tonight," I purr, wandering a hand up his thigh.

"Maybe, but I'm sure as hell going to enjoy it," he says. "Come on then baby, show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do."

I smirk at him. "Gladly."


Afterwards, the two of us tidy ourselves up, and head back into the main room, hand in hand. He resumes his seat in the leather armchair, and when I try to just perch on the arm of it, he pulls me into his lap.

He makes me feel like a king. Sat sideways on his lap, with my arms loosely around his neck. He introduces me to people who come up to talk to him, and makes certain to include me in the conversations he has.

I don't feel left out or lonely for the rest of the night. He makes me feel wanted.

It's around 4am when the party ends, and instead of going home, Cal and I just cuddle up together on an empty sofa. He holds me tight, pressing gentle kisses across my face, and telling me how much he loves me until he falls asleep.

I sit and watch him for while as he just breathes gently. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. It makes my heart swell.

I swear this is what true love feels like.


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