//5 - music

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A.N: just a short one today, more of a character study than an actual fic to be honest. i'm working on my first request at the moment, so if anyone else has anything that they want to see, free to send it my way :)

Concept: [Character Study] Harry constantly listens to music, and his flatmates wonder why.

[630 words approx.]



One of the first things that I noticed about Harry when we moved into the flat together was his love for music. Not just love, at the time it seemed like damn near obsession. It would have been very difficult not to notice. He would always need to have music playing, no matter what he was doing. Wether it was through his headphones, speakers, laptop or just playing straight off his phone.

For the first few months, Lux and I didn't say anything. But because we weren't used to the constant noise, it also endlessly pissed us both off. I could always hear music emanating from Harry's room, especially if he was in there alone. Which included a quiet hum at night too.

When we were all out of the flat together, he would constantly have to keep one earbud in. And at home, he just walked around with songs playing off his phone. Lux and I were beginning to lose tolerance for it, and so, together, we called him out. And what we got as a response was surprising for both of us.

He told us that listening to music is a coping mechanism he uses to help with his anxiety. He can't stand the silence. It makes him feel uncomfortable, and watched. Having music, even just as background noise, helps him feel more at ease. Once we realise this, we both back down instantly and apologise.

We've all lived together for a long time now. And I can honestly say that I would not be able to comfortably live without Harry's music. It fills a gap. The house feels odd and quiet on the rare occasion that he chooses to put his earbuds in. When he's away, on holiday or visiting family, I have to get one of his playlists from Spotify, and put it on for the vibe to feel normal again.

It helps a lot that he has a brilliant taste in music. He will listen to pretty much any genre, depending on how he feels. Mostly he has tailored playlists for different moods, but he enjoys listening to albums and soundtracks too. He says that listening to individual songs without the rest of the album is weird, and that's why he hardly ever listens to his favourited songs. He doesn't like not knowing what song will come next.

That's something I've noticed about him. He can't deal with not knowing what's going to happen next. I suppose it's some fear of the unknown that ties in with his anxiety. He hates being jump scared, and will never put both of his earbuds in (if he can help it) because he can't hear enough of the surroundings. If he ever does have both of them in, the music is down low.

On rare occasions, he will let Lux and I request songs or albums, as long as he approves of them. He's in complete control the rest of the time. Lux and I don't mind it this way. Only sometimes either of will have to ask him to turn it down. Or ask him to change the album, as he has an annoying habit of listening to the same thing five times in a row. Other than that, he's left to it.

The longest time I've ever known him to not have some sort of hum in his ears, is when he's sleeping. He used to play music through his earbuds when he slept alone. But since we've started sharing a bed most nights now, he's stopped doing that. If he's stressed though, he will listen as he drifts off, wrapped in my arms. Once I'm certain he's gone to sleep, I confiscate the dangerous earbud wires, and fall asleep peacefully beside him.


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