//6 - reassurance {REQUEST}

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A.N: my first request, for @beamerboyx . i hope that you enjoy it! also wanted to quickly say thanks for 100 reads so far, it means a lot :)

Prompt: Harry thinks he's ugly, so Cal tries to prove him wrong.

[1410 words approx.]



"Morning babe," I yawn, spotting my boyfriend while trudging slowly into the kitchen. Harry is perched on the counter next to the sink, munching contentedly on a slice of buttered bread. I note that two slots of the toaster are occupied as well. He glances over at me, and smiles.

"Hey Cal," he says, seeming a lot more chipper than I am feeling. I wonder how long he's been up for. It doesn't like it's been much longer than me, as he's still dressed in his sleepwear; a loose fitting T-Shirt and baggy joggers. His hair is messy, but that's a normal part of his look.

"Sleep okay?" I ask casually, leaning back against the counter opposite him. I run my fingers quickly through my cropped hair, attempting to flatten it down a bit.

"Yeah, fine. You?" He responds politely, taking another bite out of his bread.

"Good. I was out like a light last night," I say, and stifle another yawn with my hand.

"I know," he grins. "I had to listen to you snoring for half an hour before I went to sleep." I reach over to him, and smack his leg playfully.

"I do not snore," I insist, earning a skeptical look.

"You really do. There may as well of been some late night construction going on in the flat," he laughs, and I fake an unamused huff, folding my arms tightly across my chest.

"It's a good job you're cute," I say. "Or else there's no way that I'd let you get away with that." He gives me a small, disbelieving smile.

"You're so sappy Cal. Even if you are deluded," he half jokes. I frown at him slightly.

"How am I deluded?" I pry, carefully. He shifts slightly, seeming uncomfortable. I can tell that there's something on his mind.

"I'm not cute at all. I'm ugly," he responds, with a barely noticeable undertone of upset.

"You're not ugly, Harry," I say firmly, and he shakes his head.

"Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean that you have to lie," he says quietly. "I know I'm clapped." He meets my eyes with a sad smile, which almost breaks my heart.

"Baby, what are you talking about?" I ask, gently. He shrugs. "You're beautiful. Why would I lie?"

"I don't know Cal," he sighs. "To make me feel better or something?"

"Why do you think you're ugly?" I question. He avoids looking at me, seeming to find his hands in his lap very interesting all of a sudden.

"I dunno," he answers, flatly. "I just am."

"Harry, I need you to listen to me, okay?" I say sternly, and move to stand directly in front of him.

"Can you hop down for a second?" I ask. He complies, sliding off the counter, and standing pretty much chest to chest with me. He still avoids meeting my gaze, so I hook a finger under his chin, and gently lift his head up. His blue eyes finally meet mine.

"Harry Lewis. I stand here, and swear on everything sacred that what I'm about to say is nothing but the truth. You are the most beautiful," I put my lips against his forehead;

"Caring," I press a kiss to the tip of his nose;

"Funny," I plant a kiss just under his left eye;

"Talented," A final kiss to his jaw;

"Person that I know. The list goes on. Words can't describe how much you mean to me. I would not have chosen you if I didn't believe in you. There's nothing you could say or do that will change my mind. Ever. You're gorgeous, just the way you are, and I love you."

His eyes widen slightly at my last three words. I've never told him that I love him before. Not because I didn't want to, but just because I wanted to wait for the right moment. We've been together for nearing two and a half months now. If not now, when?

He recovers from his shock surprisingly quickly. "I love you too," he whispers, and loops his arms around my neck, pulling me into a joyful kiss. I can feel his smile on my lips as I kiss back slowly, resting my hands on his hips.

The kiss is languid, almost lazy, but still full of love. After a minute or so, I pull back, and grin at him. His lips curve up into a gentle smile. However, there's a hint of something else as well. His eyes are hooded slightly, and his arms remain around my neck, suggesting he still wants more.

I comply quickly to his nonverbal request, leaning back down to press kisses along his jawline. He tilts his chin up, and sighs contentedly as I slowly make my way down his neck, peppering him with innocent kisses.

Towards the base of his neck, I find a spot that should be easy for him to conceal, and begin working on a smallish mark. He winds his fingers into my hair, seeming to love the sensation on his skin. I add a hint of teeth, to which he lets out a small noise of surprise.

Just as I'm getting near to finishing the hickey, I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Lux. Harry attempts to crane his head to look around at the door, but I growl at him lowly. He takes the hint, and moves his head back, but his toe taps anxiously on the laminate floor. I, on the other hand, am not too worried about our flatmate coming in.

"Oh, guys, come on!" Cal groans, exasperatedly upon entering the room and spotting us. "Do you have to do that in here?"

"Apparently so," says Harry, sounding deeply apologetic, and a bit embarrassed. I sigh, and move away from the younger's neck. I stand back up, and resume my original position, leaning against the counter. I glare lightheartedly at Cal, who's put the kettle on to boil.

He raises his hands innocently. "It's not my fault that you chose to have a moment somewhere that I could walk in. What's the occasion this time anyway?" He asks jokingly, gesturing to the rapidly darkening bruise on Harry's neck.

"Nothing special," I reply, smiling. "Just reminding Harry that I appreciate him."

"Ah, so that's how you show appreciation," says Lux, sarcastically. "I'll have to remember that, for the next time anyone does something nice for me." I chuckle lightly at his odd, but very British, sense of humour.

"If you ever do that to anyone, please don't tell them that you learned it from Cal," says Harry, feigning a worried tone. "I really don't want to have to come out to the world because you sexually harassed someone."

"Whatever," grins Lux. The kettle finished boiling, and he pours himself a cup of hot tea. Just before he leaves again, he walks over to the toaster, and removes the two pieces of slightly burned toast.

"Hey!" Objects Harry, loudly. "Those are mine!"

"They're mine now," replies Lux, smugly, and saunters back off in the direction he came from. "It's the least I deserve after what you two made my poor eyes witness. You have all that 'appreciation' from Cal anyway, so you shouldn't need toast." He winks, and then rounds the corner, laughing evilly.

"Prick!" Harry calls after him. I chuckle lightly at his disgruntled expression.

"Babe, it's calm. I can make more if you want," I offer, but he shakes his head dismissively.

"It's fine, don't worry. I'm not even that hungry, if I'm being honest," he admits.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna get some cereal, so you better not try to steal any of that," I warn, only half joking, and begin searching for what I need.

"Cal?" Harry says, interrupting the long, comfortable silence, just as I begin to pour my milk.

I don't look around, but reply. "Yeah?"

"Thank you for what you said." I can practically hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. I place down the milk carton, and turn to face him.

"It's okay. If you ever need reminding, don't hesitate to ask," I say sincerely, and reach out to pull him into my chest. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist, and I put mine around his shoulders, resting my chin on top of his head.

"Okay," he whispers. "You want to know something?"

I hum gently in response.

"You're beautiful too," he says shyly.

"I know."


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