//9 - secrets

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Concept: After months of keeping it quiet, somebody finds out Cal and Harry's secret.

[1940 words approx.]


Harry POV

Days like these are simultaneously the best thing, and the worst thing ever. Bittersweet would be a better phrase for it. Cal and I lie together in his bed, wrapped up in each other's arms, grinning contentedly as we both still try to slow our breathing from our... prior activities. I'm curled into his side, my head resting on his bare chest, while his fingers card gently through my slightly damp hair.

This is an unusual thing for us to do. Normally it's all about being quick, so that we don't get caught. But today, there's no risk of that. Lux is supposed to be round at his girlfriend's house all day, which means that Cal and I have the flat all to ourselves. And so, we take the rare opportunity to carry out what is deemed a simple thing for most couples, but a rare luxury for us. Cuddling.

It has been difficult to cope with keeping our relationship a secret for all these months, adding extra, unnecessary strain on both of us. It's not that either of us are particularly worried about telling people, but we thought that it would be better to keep everything private while we're still figuring it all out. We make do though. Small touches, hidden kisses and days like this seeing us through to where we are now. It was never going to be easy. But he makes it worth it.

It's only about midday, and I'm already exhausted. To say that Cal ruins me on days that we have alone is a huge understatement. By the time Lux gets home, I will be barely able to stand, let alone walk, and my chest and stomach will be covered in enough hickeys and other marks to make people think that I got beaten up. He never leaves bruises on my neck though, to try and keep suspicions low.

I sit up slowly, and stretch out a bit, shivering when the cool air wafts over my bare skin. Wincing slightly with the extensive movement of my back, I lean over to the end of the bed and grab the duvet, pulling it over us. I lie back down on my side again, this time facing away from Cal, and let out a sigh. The mattress dips behind me slightly as he rolls over too, and presses his chest to my back, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

His breath tickles the back of my neck as he presses small kisses there. Slowly, he makes his way around the side of my neck to attach his lips to the skin just under my ear, sucking lightly on the sensitive flesh. I should tell him not to leave a mark somewhere so visible, but instead I lean further into him, enjoying the sensation of his warm skin on my own. I close my eyes, feeling as if everything is right in the world.

"What. The. Fuck."

"Bloody hell!" I yell in surprise as Cal suddenly tears himself away from me, and hastily throws his duvet over my head. I twist around so that somehow I'm sat up, and rip the covers off my head. Next to me, Cal is also bolt upright, breathing heavily, eyes wide. His face is flushed, and his gaze is trained on the door. When I look over, his horrified expression suddenly makes sense.

Lux stands in the doorway, a video camera in his hand, which is pointing at us. He has a borderline shocked expression on his face, but also looks like he's close to laughing. I feel my face heat up slightly with embarrassment, and look down at my lap. I feel Cal put a reassuring hand on my knee under the safety of the duvet, a small attempt at comfort for both of us.

"A knock would be nice next time mate," says Cal, frustratedly. "I thought you weren't getting back until later anyway?" Lux rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, and turns off his camera.

"I wanted to come home early and scare you for my vlog," he admits, shifting uncomfortably. The fact that he caught Cal and I being intimate on camera only just begins to dawn on me. Fear rises in my throat. He could show anyone that. It could wind up on the internet. Even if he doesn't do anything with it, his camera  could get stolen, or-

Cal notices me panicking slightly, and squeezes my knee gently to get my attention. I look over to him, and meet his eyes, trying to calm myself down.

"You okay?" He asks quietly, and I nod in response. He gives me a worried look, but glances back to where the other Cal stands awkwardly in the doorway. "You can't show anyone that footage. I'm being one hundred percent serious here," says Freezy, a slightly threatening edge to his tone.

"Duh," Lux responds, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm not gonna show your one night stand to anyone. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"One night stand?" I say, genuinely confused for a moment. But then it makes sense. Sometimes I forget that before me, Cal basically thrived on various one night stands, and was known for never settling with anyone for long amounts of time. Ever. He hasn't been with anyone but me since we got together though, obviously, but must have kept telling tales to keep people from getting suspicious.

"Yeah Bog, one night stand. Unless this is a friends with benefits kind of thing?" Lux asks, not seeming to particularly care about the precise nature of our relationship. He only seems to be worried about getting out of the room as quickly as possible.

"He's my boyfriend, you asshole," says Cal defiantly, and he moves his hand from my leg, so that he can wrap his arm protectively around my shoulders. "And if you have a problem with it, you better get out," he growls lowly, shooting a defensive glare at Lux.

"I don't have any problem with it, don't worry," Lux reassures us, raising his hands in surrender. His words allow me to relax a little bit, and I hear Cal let out a relieved breath. "How long has this been going on for anyway? And how come you guys didn't say anything to anyone? Everyone already knows you're both bi, and nobody has an issue that."

Cal leans back against the headboard, seeming to be more at ease. I relax my posture too, pressing further into his warm side. The duvet has fallen so that it's only covering us from the waist downwards, meaning that both of our bare chests on display. Lux eyes my hickey covered torso discreetly, before averting his eyes very quickly.

"Well, we've been together for about four months now, give or take. And we didn't tell anyone because we wanted to keep it private until we fully figured everything out," explains Freezy, while absentmindedly tracing gentle patterns into my upper arm.

"Damn, four months is a long time to keep a secret, how the hell did you guys cope like that?" He asks, seeming impressed.

"Mainly sneaky ass-grabbing and days when you weren't home," I say, which earns a low chuckle from both Cals.

"Fair enough," grins Lux, as he leans against the doorframe. "So, what now? Are you gonna tell people, or do you need me to help keep your secret?" Cal meets my eyes, and I can tell that we're both thinking the same thing.

"I suppose we could tell people, if you're ready to Harry," Freezy says, checking my expression carefully to make sure he's saying the right thing. I just smile at him, and nod happily.

"Yeah. I'm ready. I love you Cal, telling people won't change that," I say confidently, and press a kiss to his shoulder. He raises his eyebrows, trying to work out if he heard me correctly.

"Did I just hear you say that you love me?" He asks, disbelievingly. I blush, but don't look away.

"Yes dumbass," I respond playfully.

He grins widely. "I love you too Harold." He pulls me in for a brief kiss. I smile against his mouth, enjoying this feeling. Everything seems right. After a moment, he pulls away, and looks back to Lux.

"Alright then Romeo and Romeo," Lux jokes. "Does this mean I can put it in my vlog? It'll get hella views if I make you two the thumbnail. Ooh, what do you think of this for a title?" He puts on a shocked expression. "'My flatmates are secretly shagging?!'" Cal and I chuckle at the older boy's excitable antics.

"You can put the clip in if you really want, it gives us an excuse to make a video on it anyway," Cal says, thoughtfully. He does have a point. If people see Lux's video, and ask questions, it creates the perfect set up for us to make a video about it.

"No fancy titles or thumbnails though," I clarify, "It's a dick move to use your poor best mates' gayness for views." He laughs at me lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that much of a ass," he smiles, reassuringly. "I'll leave you two to it, but tell me, do I need to go out again, or am I safe from any unholy sounds?"

"You might want to go out," says Cal, only half joking, and he presses a kiss to my jaw.

"Okay. I need to go to the office anyway, so that flat is all yours," he says, with a grin and wanders out of the room.

"Okay, see you later mate," Cal calls after him. We hear him walk down to his room, presumably to get something, and then a couple of minutes later, the sound of the front door closing. Cal relaxes slightly beside me, and begins pressing lazy kisses along the side of my neck.

"You okay?" He murmurs between contact, not looking up at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I say, smiling.

"I dunno, we kinda just agreed to tell everyone about us," he chuckles nervously. I loop my arm around his waist, and give him a reassuring half-hug.

"It'll be fine. Are you okay with it?" I ask, looking across to meet his eyes.

"Yeah," he says, but doesn't look totally certain.

"Cal, if it's too soon, we can just ask Lux to delete the footage and not tell anyone yet. It's not a big deal," I try to reassure him, but he shakes his head at me.

"It's alright. I'm sure it will all be fine. As long as I'm with you, we can get through it," he responds, and grabs my hand, squeezing it gently. He looks like he's still trying to convince himself, but once he's slept on it, I'm sure he will feel better. But right now, he definitely needs a distraction.

"Hey," I say, and poke his side lightly. "What do you say I help you take your mind off everything for now?" I ask, and lean towards him in a suggestive manner, a smirk plastered on my face. He quirks a brow, and places a hand on my thigh.

"Yeah? What did you have in mind?" He asks, in a flirty tone.

I grin at him. "Whatever you want."

His face changes to an evil smirk. "You've really gone and said it now Harold," he growls playfully, reeling me in further by a firm hand on my waist.

I stick my chin out definitely, with a grin. "Do your worst," I challenge.

"Oh, I intend to."


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