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A/n: Again they are 17 or 18 in this!!!
Also some of the truths and dares were made up by other people.

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Bakugou looked around the dorm lounge area. The only ones not there were Hibiki and Yakeru. Probably fucking somewhere.

"Hey Kacchan." Deku waved to the blonde. He looked at him and saw Todoroki next to him. Freezer Burn was scratching the back of his neck which made him notice the red jacket he was wearing...

"Bakubro you okay?" Kirishima placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder and he nodded. It's not Todoroki. Mystery boy kept saying he wasn't going to wear red... And almost everyone here is wearing red. Fucking shit.

The pomeranian grumbled a few curse words and Kirishima looked at him a little concerned. "Guys! Ito and Budou went to get us some take out!" Mina them

Ppm pom nodded before sitting down in a random chair. "Bakugou you okay dude?" Sero asked him. concerned. He looked over to see he was next to him. Wait... Could the mystery texter be him? Heh no it can't be Bakugou has his number. He nodded. "Um okay."

"Let's play spin the bottle." Mineta suggest and half of the class glared at him. "Never mind..."

After he said that Hibiki and Yakeru walked in with bags of sodas and chips. "Oh jeez dude what happened?" Denki dropped his Nintendo switch when he saw the two. Hibiki had a black eye and Yakeru's lip was bleeding.

"It's nothing." Yakeru stated before sitting down and taking a swig of water. "Just had a run in with some of our old classmates." Hibiki nodded before sitting next to him. Yakeru had a very VERY faint blush.

"So what we playing?" Hibiki smiled. Everyone felt a little off so they had let him change the subject. "How about truth or dare?"

"Okay." Uraraka smiled. "Deku truth or dare?"

"Oh um I guess truth?" He replied with a small smile.

"Who's your idol?" Come on you should know this!

"All Might!" Deku smiled widely. "Kirk truth or dare?"

"Truth." She replied.

"Who do you trust most in this class?" Daaamn Deku that can ruin friendships.

"Mostly everyone besides Mineta." Jiro looked at Denki. "Truth o-"

"Dare!" Denki cuts her off.

Jiro smirked and looked at Yakeru. "You cosplay right?" The male nods and Jiro looks back at Denki. "Wear one of his skirts."

"Challenge accepted!" Denki and Yakeru left the room and after a few minutes they returned with Denki in a skirt. "Huh I actually look good."

"I'm sending this to Shinsou." Jiro smiled before taking a picture.

"Don't you dare!" Denki blushed before reaching for Jiro's phone.

"Aaand sent." Jiro smirked. Bakugou rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly. It was barely noticeable. Except Todoroki noticed. He noticed every little detail. Bakugou had light bags under his eyes showing he hasn't slept well and he was glancing down with a tiny smile. He was thinking about something happy that happened in the past most likely.

Everyone kept playing but no one dared to ask Bakugou. He was getting a little annoyed, he also felt like someone was staring at him. He looked around to see Todoroki looking in his direction before looking away like it caught him off guard.

Then he remembered Kirishima was sitting between him and Sero. He was probably looking at the red head. They seem all buddy buddy lately.

Todoroki looked at phone and placed it in front of his face to hide the faint blush he felt wash over his face. If he kept blushing he could swear he would catch fire. "Mineta I dare you to kiss Bakugou." Todoroki heard Yakeru. Everyone looked at the boy. "What? I'm an agent of chaos when it comes to this game."

"No!" Mineta and Bakugou yelled. Todoroki chuckled a little. "You think this is funny Icy-Hot?!"

"Yes. A little." He knew the two wouldn't go through with the dare.

Bakugou glared at Todoroki. Bakugou knew that Todoroki knew he wouldn't let Mineta go through with it. "Hurry up you dumb grape."

"Hold up, you are okay with this?" Mineta looked at him suspiciously. Bakugou nodded. Anything to show Todoroki he's not right. Everyone stared either shocked or surprised. Todoroki just stared. He didn't know what to think. Mineta took a deep breath kissed Bakugou and ran out of the room screaming about washing his mouth out.

"Jeez if anyone has to wash their mouth out it's me." Bakugou got up and left the doom. He saw Todoroki as he left and he could tell something was off.

"Okay the grape is gone, Mima get the straws." Yakeru told her and she ran out of the room before running back in. "Okay all the males besides the omes in relationships and Bakugou we have to draw straws."

"For?" Iida asked as he got a straw from Mina.

"Well the girls and I thought about it and Yakeru agreed that the boys should draw straws to... Go on a date with Mineta." Uraraka explained.

"What?!" The guys replied.

"Well it's just one small date. For him he'll think we are setting him up with a girl, but it will actually be one of you guys." Tsu explained next. "Just kinda giving him a taste of his own medicine."

Denki sighed and grabbed a straw. Phew it was a long one. All the guys who were single grabbed one. Todoroki smiled when he saw he also had a long one. "So... Who has the short one?" Asked Sero.

Everyone looked around seeing the boys' straws. Finally felt remorse when they saw who had the shortest one.

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