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Comment! And hit that vote button please. It kinda encourage me to write. I don't know that many people who like Todobaku.

Aizawa walked into Principal Nezu's office. When he requested him and a few other faculty members up there it seemed serious. "Ah welcome." Nezu smiled as he turned aroun in his chair. "Want some tea?"

"Uh sir it sounded like you needed something important to say." Aizawa told him as he sat down. Soon Midnight and Present Mic walked in. Along with a few more staff members.

"It is..." Nezu trailed off. "A few years ago one or two of you may remember expelling a student in their first year."

"I expell a lot of students." Aizawa stated.

"Yes I know." Nezu got off of his chair and over to make some tea. "This particular case is a students who possess a certain quirk. They caused... The incident."

"You mean..." Midnight trailed off.

"The tragic injury of another student?" Nezu asked. "Yes. It was so bad even recover girl couldn't help that much."

"I thought that student died." A staff member whispered.

"Nope. She just moved after we expelled her, but I'm afraid she may be back." Nezu got done with his tea. "If she is back she may be the reason all of these heros are dying."

"What does that have to do with us?" Present Mic asked oblivious.

"Well." Nezu sipped somw tea. "If she is back I'm sure she may have became friends with a student or two to take us down. After all when she left she said she wanted us either dead or behind bars." He handed each of them a picture. "Keep an eye out for her."

Outside a small café

"I still don't understand why i have to do this." Tokoyami sighed.

"Oh jeez edge boy it's not bad. If you were a girl it would be way different. He'd probably try to grope you or something." Mina chuckled. "Anyway Tsu told him to meet you here in fifteen minutes. He thinks you're a girl because that is the only way we think he would come."

Bird boy nodded. "Alright..." He absolutely hated this idea.

"Also the class want you to wear this." She handed him a small black pin. "It has a camera on it and we will look over everthing when you get back."

Tokoyami took it and headed inside. Mina left the teen boy by himself, waiting for his death. He sat in booth after ordering a coffee and waited. And waited... And waited. After about forty minutes he was getting ready to leave until he saw the purple haird boy walk in.

Unlike when they were in their first year the pervert had a growth spurt, and his lisp was almost gone the braces kinda helped. He was dressed in a trench coat, band tee, ripped jeans, and a grey scarf. He looked around until he saw Tokoyami.

He shook his head before walking over. "I should have known." Mineta mumbled as he sat across from him. "Who talked you into it. Tsu, Jiro, or Mina."

"Yes." Tokoyami replied calmly before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Fuck." He laid his head on the table before looking at him. "Why did you agree?"

"Because theu have a point." Tokoyami explained. "You have been even more of a pervert recently. More then usual."

Mineta nodded before getting up. Tokoyami thought he was going to leave until he saw him go to the counter to oder something. Tokoyami looked at the pin Mina gave him before sighing, taking it off, and crushing it under his foot. He already felt bad.

Mineta soon came back with a drink. "So.... Go ahead. Mention how much you or the girls want to kill me because what I have been doing, and how much I should die in a hole."

Tokoyami blinked. That was very blunt for the grape to say. He looked at his coffee for a moment and then leaned onto the table that his arms were on. "Want to go get ice cream after this?"

It was Mineta's turn to be confused. "Uh... Sure?" He questioned. The two sat silently drinking their drinks until Mineta broke the silence. "Sorry you got wrapped into this."

"It's alright..." He looked at Mineta's shirt. "What band is that?"

Mineta looked at his own shirt before looking at Tokoyami. "It's not a band actually, but a singer. Their name is YOHIO."

"Isn't that a Swedish singer?" He nodded. Huh learn something new everyday. After a small chit chat here and there the two got done with their drinks and started to leave. "So ice cream, right?"

"Yeah." The Mineta replied, and the two headed to the nearest ice cream place. The saw a ice cream vender and got some. "Hey we would like chocolate and uh..." He looks at Tokoyami. "What you want?"

Tokoyami looked at the flavors listed until he saw one he hasn't had in a long time when he visited America once. "Grape."

Mineta stared at him then the list and then at the vender. "Uh yeah one chocolate and once grape..." The vender handed him the ice creams and Mineta handed Tokoyami the grape one. The two walked over to a near by bench and sat down. "I didn't even know they have grape ice cream."

"It's pretty good although I only tried it once." Tokoyami commented and Mineta wished he didn't have a dirty mind.

"Um." Clears throat. "That's good to know." Tokoyami nodded as a reply. The two of them continue to eat their ice cream in silence when Mineta relized something. "Out to all the people to be on a fake date with me, why did they pick you?"

"All the boys besides Bakugou drew straws, and I had the shortest one." It was Mineta's turn to nod. "Mina did the puppy dog eyes."

"Ah that explains why you agreed." Mineta chuckled and Tokoyami nodded again. "Sorry I was late by the way."

"Why were you late?" Tokoyami waz pretty curious.

"I was scared honestly." Mienta explained. "How Tsu descibed the girl I was meeting she sounded pretty amazing. I was scared I was going to mess up. Lately anytime I try to say something nice it comes out perverted, like word vomit."

"Ah I see." Tokoyami replied.

"Awe look they're so cute mom!" A little girl passed by with her mom and pointed at them. "They're boyfriends!"

"Oh honey don't point. It's rude." The mom told her and they kept walking.

"Oh jeez." Mineta huffed and looked at his watch. "I got to go to my singing lessons."

"You're taking singong lessons?" Tokoyami tilted his head as it started to rain.

"Yeah, ever since the festival thing I've been taking them. Trying to get better." He took something out of his coat jacket, opened it, and handed it to Tokoyami. "Here you can give it back to me later."

Tokoyami looked at the umbrella and shook his head. "No you should keep it, the dorms are not that far."

"I know, but I also know birds don't like the rain that much." He pushed it back to Tokoyami before leaving.

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