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Please comment and most of this chapter has to do with Tokoyami.

I just love writing scenes with the edgy bird lord. (You will either love me or hate me for this chapter.)

Also remember in this story the are 17-18!!!

Right after Kirishima pulled Todoroki into the closet

"Just... Just one date." Kirishima whispered to him. "I know I am an idiot for kissing you and asking you this, but please. Just one date."

Todoroki stared at him in the dark. "One date. One date and I get to pick the place."

Kirishima smiled widely. "Thank you!" He opened the closet and started to leave. "You won't regret this!" He smiled before heading to class.

After class

The dance.

Oh my gosh you actually got the card?

You seemed pretty worried.

So yes or no?

What about the bet?

I actually forgot about it.

No worries.

Todoroki chuckled before he got a message from an unknown number.

Where's the justice, Todoroki?

Todoroki stared at the unknown number. What were they talking about? He took a screenshot of it just in case he need it for later.

In Bakugou's dorm

"Where'd you get the rose from?" Kirishima asked his friend as he walked in. The card and rose from Todoroki was sitting on his desk.

Bakugou casualty looked at it and then at Kirishima. "The mystery texter sent it. He invited me to that dance."

"He did?" Kirishima almost tripped over his own two feet. Of course Todoroki did! Why wouldn't he?! "Hey... Um Todoroki and I are gonna go on a date..."

Bakugou quickly sat up. "You are?" Kirishima nodded. "Um congratulations." For some reason his heart had a twisted feeling.

"Yeah, but after that one date I'm going to stop trying to go after him." Kirishima confessed. "He... He likes someone else."

"Oh, probably Ponytail or Zero Gravity." Bakugou guessed.

"Um no actually he likes a g-" Kirishima cuts himself off. It wasn't his place to out Todoroki. "A different person."

Bakugou stared at him for a few seconds before laying back down looking at some hero magazine. "So... This school is going to start having some more extras."

"Really? What do you mean?" Kirishima asked as he sat down in a desk chair.

"Heard Nezu talking to Aizawa about transfers. About five students from America or something." Bakugou grunted.

"Oh, heard anything about their quirks?" Kirishima was genuinely curious.

"I heard only two. A truth quirk and a flirt quirk." Bakugou replied. Kirishima nodded in return. The two started taking about random shit.

Elsewhere at a diner

"Tokoyami, you okay?" Tsu and Mina looked at him concerned. "You haven't been yourself lately, ribbit."

"Hmm?" Bird boy looked up from his plate. "Oh yes. I'm alright."

Yakeru stared at the beaked boy before taking a sip of his tea. "You're dating someone, aren't you? Who is she? Do I know her?"

Tokoyami shook his head. "I'm not dating anyone, I've just had a lot on my mind Ito." He called Yakeru by his last name. "And if anyone is dating someone I would believe that would be you."

"Moi? Who would I be dating?" The brunette asked. Tsu and Mina just watched the show unfold.

"Budou, Hibiki." Tokoyami replied and Yakeru chuckled. "Am I wrong?"

"Yes in fact you are." Yakeru stated before taking another sip of his coffee and leaving. As he started to leave he passed Nicholas and the two shared a glance. Yakeru's cheeks dusted a light pink, which was very uncommon of the goth teen.

"Hey! Coffee boy!" Mina smiled when she saw Nicholas. "I thought you worked at that new café?"

"Well actually I had quiet my job there." He replied before heading to a different table to take orders.

"He's nice." Mina smiled. She then looked at the second goth boy in the friend group, Tokoyami. "Soooo how did Mineta react to finding you instead of a hot girl at the café?"

Tokoyami lets out a sigh before giving her an answer. "He was not very happy about it."

"Deserves him right." Tsu mumbled. The three continued chatting and eating until the two girls started to leave. "Hey why didn't Jiro join us today?" Tsu asked.

"She's on a date." Mina answered before looking at Tokoyami. "You coming with us?"

Tokoyami shook his head. "No. I'll stay here a little longer."

The two girls nodded. "Okay well don't be for to long, it's supposed to storm later." Mina mentioned before walking away with one of her girlfriends.

Tokoyami watched the couple walk away and released another sigh. Deep down he wished he had someone to be with. Mina, Tsu, and Uraraka are in a relationship together. Shinsou is crushing badly on Denki, Bakugou is probably going to end up with either Deku or Kirishima. Even Sero is thinking about asking a girl from 1B out.

Tokoyami felt like.. He felt like he has no one. He felt like he couldn't talk about his fears and problems with. It doesn't even feel like he can talk to his friends about it.

"Excuse me?" Tokoyami looked up to see a girl with long red hair. "Is this seat taken?"

"Um no." He motioned for her to sit.

"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm Lee-Yang, Lemon."

"Lemon?" Tokoyami asked.

The girl giggled. "My parents love fruit." She replied. After awhile the two learned a little more about each other. "Sorry if this seems strang, but can I have your number?" Tokoyami nodded before giving it to her. "Thank you Tokoyami."

"You're welcome Lee-Yang." He told her.

"Please, call me Lemon." She told him before leaving.

"Lemon..." He whispered.

He watched as the girl left the café. She kinda reminded him of a character he saw from a movie. What was it again? It had some robot that looked like a huge marshmallow... Big Hero 6. That's it, it was Big Hero 6. The girl he just met reminded him of the character Honey Lemon. Either because the dorky way she acted, her name, or the glasses that kept looking like they would fall of any second.

He looked at his drink and downed the rest if it before getting up. Once he did though he heard a crack of thunder come from outside. He glanced out to see rain pouring down and he mentally cursed.

He grabbed his bag to see if he had something to cover his head when he saw something purple. He grabbed it to see the umbrella Mineta had let him use the other day. He had almost forgotten he had it.

He grabbed his backpack and the umbrella before heading outside. He looked through his wallet to see he only had some change left. With the change was his subway pass and a credit card he was given to only use for emergencies, and the last time he checked the taxis around here took neither.

He let out the third sigh that day before walking to the subway to soon be stopped by a worker. "Sorry buddy, but the subway is closed. Some villain ruined it plus the rain is flooding it a bit. From the looks of it, it will take all night. Better take a cab."

Tokoyami turned around. He guessed he could always hitch hike or something. He kept walking until he saw someone with purple hair right infront of him. "Mineta?"

"Tokoyami?" Mineta asked as he tried to stay dry under his own backpack. "Um... Got any room under there?" The bot asked glancing at the umbrella. Tokoyami moved the umbrella a little so Mineta was under it. Although he isn't that fond of the boy he couldn't just let him get wet and catch a cold. "Thanks man."

"No problem." Tokoyami replied and the two started walking.

"Hopefully the subways will get fixed soon." The grape piped up.

"A subway technician told me it might take all night." Tokoyami mentioned.

"Fuck! I don't have any money to take a cab!" Mineta whined before glancing at Tokoyami. "Hey can I b-"

"I only have a subway pass, some change, and a credit card." Tokoyami confessed. "And the card is only for emergencies."

Mineta stopped. "That sucks." He huffed before looking at a sign. "Hmm well correct me if I'm wrong, but being stranded here during a storm kinda seems like an emergency."

"What are you planning?" Tokoyami turned to look at him and Mineta pointed at the building next to them. A hotel?

"Sorry but only one room is available, and it only has one bed." The person at the hotel counter told the two teens.

"Fuck." Mineta whispered under his breath. "You sure?"

"Yes I am." The man replied.

Mineta started to walk back outside before Tokoyami grabbed his hand, so he would stop walking away, and placed his credit card on the counter. "We'll take it."

"Yes sir." Tokoyami and the hotel guy started talking about the room and payment while Mineta just stood there. He glanced around the hotel lobby before looking at his and Tokoyami's intertwined hands. It felt weird holding hands with someone. Especially Tokoyami. "Here's your key." The hotel guy handed Tokoyami the key and the two started walking to the elevator. Hands still intertwined.

"Um Tokoyami?" The boy in question looked at Mineta. Mineta pointed at their hands. "You're still holding my hand."

Tokoyami quickly lets go. "Oh sorry."

"It's fine." Mineta told him as the stood in the elevator. "And thanks for agreeing to this... So I get the bed and you get the floor?"

"Excuse me? It's my credit card so don't I deserve the bed?" Tokoyami replied.

"Yeah, but you could have just left me on the streets alone. I should take the bed!" Mineta crossed his arms and leaned against the elevator wall.

"Yes, but-" Tokoyami sighed. There was no way beating Mineta in this argument. "How about a compromise?"


"We share the bed. Deal?" Tokoyami asked him.

"..." Mineta thought about it. "Deal." The two shook hands, and the elevator opened to their floor. The two got out and made a break for the hotel room. Tokoyami wanted to take a hot shower before bed and Mineta wanted to turn on the heater. They were both freezing from the rain.

Tokoyami opened the hotel room and Mineta rushed to the heater. Tokoyami looked around and like the guy at the coubter said, there was only one bed. Should he really share a bed with the pervert? Part of him was yelling no while the other half told him to stop complaining.

"I'm going to take a shower." Tokoyami mentioned and Mineta nodded before telling the bird boy that he was going to see if they could get another blanket. Tokoyami headed to the bathroom, shut the door behind him, and lock it before undressing.

All of his clothes were soaking wet so he'd most likely have to sleep in his boxers tonight. Terrific. He would also have to let his clothes dry in front of the heater.

After he got done undressing he got into the shower, and his mind started to wonder. It started wondering to the girl from the café, and... To other places he wasn't so happy about. He felt his cheeks heat up and he looked down. "Oh no." He started thinking. If he kept the shower on chances are Mineta won't hear anything. Also chances are Mineta got distracted by some girl sooo.... Tokoyami huffed. He couldn't believe he was about to do something so... Personal, with the grape just yards away.

Mineta rubbed his left cheek as he walked back into the hotel room. He just got smacked mmby one of the hotel maids just for asking a simple question. Sure that question was "what's your bra size?" But still, it was just a simple question.

He placed the extra blanket in a chair. "Hey Tokoyami I'm b-" he gets cut of by hearing some huffing and panting.

He glanced at the bathroom door to see it open a small bit. Did he forget to shut the door? Mineta walked over to the door to close it, but when he did he accidentally glanced inside to see Tokoyami doing something pretty... Personal.

He blushed and hundred shades of red before shutting the door all the way. "Did I really just see.. That?!" Mineta whisper shouted at himself before pacing the room. No way he did, he must have been imagining things... Why woukd he fucking imagine that?!

After a few more minutes Tokoyami walked out of the bathroom. "You got an extra blanket?"

Mineta jumped a little when he heard him. "Hmm? Oh uh yeah. Enjoyed your shower?" Tokoyami nodded. "Yep I bet you did." Mineta whispered.

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