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Todoroki's POV

I sat down with Kirishima on a park bench near UA with a twisted feeling in my gut. We just left the restaurant, which was mainly just talking about random school stuff.

"Thank you for this Todoroki." Kirishima told me as he stared at the night sky.

"You're welcome." I told him.

"So you planning on telling Bakugou about the texting?" He asked me and I shrug. "Really?"

"Really. I don't know if I should or not. It's bugging me, what if he doesn't like me?" I stare at him.

I felt him pat me on the shoulder lightly. "Love is love dude, no matter who you are. It's your choice to tell him and if he likes you back that's awesome! If not? There will be someone better worth your time. Even if he doesn't like you don't worry because he will be okay with you being gay."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked him.

"Because when I-" He stops talking. "Because he's a really good guy even though he doesn't look like it. He will keep it a secret if you want to. Just talk to him."

"You're really good at giving advice." I smile.

He smiles. "That's what I'm here for." We stood up and I put my hand out for him to shake, but he gives me a hug. "Thanks for the chance."

"You're welcome." I bit my lip nervously as he pulled away from the hug. "You'll make someone very happy one day."

"One day." He smiled, ruffled my hair, and started walking away.

The next day

Something happened while I was gone last night. I have no idea what, but I know something happened.

"Everyone I'm sorry to say this, but the dance is cancelled." Aizawa announced. All the robot babies were in a makeshift daycare that Nezu and Recovery Girl had put together.

"Noooo!" Mina frowns. "It was going to be absolutely perfect!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Although I don't want to, I'm giving you this a free period."

Everyone besides myself, Midoriya, and one of the new foreign students took out their phones. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and glanced at it.

No dance? That sucks. Now I can't figure out who you are :(

Sorry Bakugou.
So calling off the bet?

Absolutely not!
I got until the end of the month to find out, if not you will still tell me. If I win you pay for my lunch.

And if I win?

Anything you want




I chuckled a little. I'm clearly joking about that. There's no way no how he would agree without knowing me, and plus I'm definitely not doing that anytime soon. I glanced in Bakugou's direction.

His hand was over his mouth, glaring at his phone with his cheeks dusted the lightest shade of pink. Kirishima was waving his hand infront of his face ashing if he was okay while Mina, Denki, Sero, and Jiro just looked confused.

A few seconds go by and Bakugou drags Kirishima out of the room. That's very confusing.

Lemon plops herself in front of me. "Hey, Shoto Todoroki. Correct?"

"Yes." I replied.

I smelt a sweet scent. Must be her perfume or something. I saw a small twinkle in her eye. "I got a question for you."

"Yes?" I questioned. Something didn't seem right.

"Do you know someone by the name of Everly Yamane?" She asked.

I staredd at her confused. That name did sound a little familiar, but I'm not sure why. "Maybe."


"The name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure why." I replied honestly. Lemon just stared at me for a moment before nodding. "If you don't mind me asking though, where is Nathaniel?"

"Oh he was feeling a little under the weather. He should be okay in a week or so." She shrugged.

"A week?" I questioned. She nodded again before getting up and going back to her seat.

I felt my phone buzz again and glanced at it once more. Just one single word almost made my eyes bug out and my whole left side almost burst into flame.


He said sure? Oh dear. This wasn't going to plan. Wait he's probably just saying sure because he thinks he can win.

After a very long time school was finally able to leave. For some reason I felt like everyone was watching me. "Hey Todoroki, how you feeling?"

"For some reason I feel very very vernable." I confessed truthfully to Lemon. Then I make a confused face, I wasn't going to say that. Why the heck did I say that?! Wait... Lemon... Freaking truth quirk!

I looked at her to see she was looking through a backpack. There was a back notebook and weird cloth. "How long does your truth quirk last on someone?"

"Usually a full day." She smiled as she looked back at me. "Well I got to go meet up with Tokoyami and then I got to take Nathaniel his binder."

A whole day? Oh dear I better keep my mouth shut.

With Tokoyami and Lemon (Narrator's POV)

Tokoyami couldn't believe he was going to do this. He waited for the red head until she showed up. "Hi Tokoyami!" Lemon smiled.

"Hi Lemon." Tokoyami smiled. "Um I have a question."

"Go on." Lemon kept smiling.

"Will you go out with me?" Tokoyami asked, Lemon's smiled flattened, and Mineta watched from a distance he had a strange feeling in his chest and he didn't like that.

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