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In this world there are no quick answers. And with some answers, while we like it or not, we may not be happy.

Todoroki sat in ths apartment he shared with Bakugou and Jamie. The TV was on and something was not making sense. "Nicholas Yamada has gone missing. He was reported missing by a coworker and-"

Todoroki couldn't believe Nicholas was missing. Bakugou was next to him thinking the same thing. He was the last person to see Nicholas, and now he was gone. He could tell Todoroki was sad and he blamed himself a little. If they never have kissed nothing would have been awkward and Nicholas wouldn't have left.

"A card was left at the last place he was seen. He was seen right outside a love hotel. The card that was left was also left at the murder scenes of the pro-heros that had recently died. The card asks "where is the justice?" Where is the justice, indeed."

Bakugou finally had enough and turned the TV off. For some reason he felt like he should say something. "Hey Icy-ho-"

"Not now Bakugou." Todoroki whispered as he hugged his knees. First Lemon used her truth quirk on him and now Nicholas is missing. What a fantastic day!

Bakugou thought for a moment. "Let's go somewhere. I'm sure Deku will watch Jamie for us."

Todoroki looked at him. Did the blonde really just suggest that? Was he being nice? Well he has been acting different recently... "Sure..."

"Okay... Where do you want to go?" Bakugou asked.

Todoroki shrugs. "Well im really tired so technically want to go to bed, but how about." He thinks for a moment. "Yeah not sure..."

Bakugou stares at him for a moment. "We can just stay here if you want to, and ask each other random questions."

"Okay..." For some reason it felt really awkward in here.

"Do you like anyone?" Bakugou asked the peppermint human. "Kirishima mentioned you have a crush so that's why you turned him down."

"I do." Todoroki stated truthfully.

"Oh." He nodded. "You're turn."

"Do you like anyone?" Half 'n' half asked curiously.

"Not telling." Yes he does! "Best friend?"

"Midoriya." Todoroki stated. "Yours?"

"Kirishima." Bakugou stated. The two of them kept chatting about random things or the class baby project.

"It's like a swirl." Todoroki stated out of the blue before heading to his room.

"What Icy-Hot?" Bakugou asked looking confused.

"My pubic hair." He reied before shutting his bedroom door and locking it leaving Bakugou a deep red.

The blonde almost forgot the question he almost asked Freezer Burn the night before.

Freezer Burn walked back into the room wearing only pants with a towel around his neck. Water droplets fell down neck and pale chest. Without realizing it Bakuhoe was staring and his eyes started going lower.

He quickly shook his head. He was having total strange thoughts, total not straight thoughts. But this single thought was so strong it busted it, like word vomit.

"So," Bakugou started and Todoroki looked at him as he grabbed his phone. "You're hair is red and white, what about your p-"

Bakugou shook his head and tried to forget what happened last night and what Todoroki had just said.

But as he laid in bed that night he couldn't help, but think.

A swirl? Like a peppermint? He thought to himself. "Or a lollipop." He said aloud.
(This part was actually inspired by a tiktok. Just forgot the person's username 😅😭)

Todoroki blushed as he sat down on his bed. Why did he say that? Duh Lemon's truth quirk was still active. He shook his head and texted Bakugou.

You awake?

I am now.
What's up mystery boy?

Just my thoughts.

Wanna talk about it?

Not really.
Just wanted to say good night.

Good night

Todoroki smiled at the message, but he still couldn't really sleep. He got up and walked over to a box of books Nicholas gave him a few days ago. He looked through it until something caught his eye. A UA yearbook. He picked it up and started looking through it.

He looked through it and every now and then he would chuckle a tiny bit or crack a grin at the student pictures. Well that was until he reached two pictures. The names looked familiar, but only one picture he recognized.

Everly Yamane and Jonah Yamada.

Lemon asked him about Everly, but Jonah... That must be Nicholas' brother or some other relative. They ahve the same name.

He guessed twin brothers because they looked very much identical. Except he remembered Nicholas has softer features and the scar on his lips.

He looked at the girl, Everly. Long curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, black glasses, emotionless eyes. The eyes of a killer. Very pale skin. Like she hasn't seen the sun in years. He swore he has seen her somewhere before. But where is the question. A voice was nagging him like he's seen her.

With Lemon and Nathaniel

Lemon rushed into the apartment building and quickly closed the door. Nathaniel looked up from his book to see her breathing heavily. "Nathaniel Vess I need your help!"

Nathaniel groaned and he sat up. "What do you need help with?"

"Use your flirt/love at first sight quirk on someone for me!" Lemon got on her knees and begged the brunette. "I'll buy you that dog collar you wanted! Or that wallet with the chain! Or The Cure CD!"

"Are you literally trying to pimp out my quirk?" Nathaniel questioned the girl. "Why?"

"Well Tokoyami asked me out and I said yes, but because I panicked and you know I'm no good at talking to boys! I'm probably just gonna be rambling like I am right now and I don't know what to do! Teach me your flirting ways!"

Nathaniel's only reply was blinking. And then he started laughing. "Lemon I don't even know how to talk to people. How am I suppose to teach you to talk to boys? Plus if he asked you out it probably means he likes you, right?"

It was Lemon's turn to blink. "You're a genius prick."

"That's my specialty." Nathaniel smiled, but it soon faded. "A young man went missing."

"I know... I have a feeling we're further from the truth than we think." Lemon bit her lip.


We are so close to the end T_T
Well unless I add more to this story than I originally planned.
Maybe 😏

Thoughts about this chapter? Who will die next? Why was Nicholas kidnapped? Will our heros find the villains *caugh caugh* I mean... Villain?

Stay tuned!!! R.I.P Jonah Yamada

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