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Todoroki stared at himself in the mirror. Just moments ago Bakugou asked him to watch Jamie because he was going somewhere. He texted Kirishima and asked if he could watch Jamie, he agreed.

"I can't do this." He whispered. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Jamie was staring at him. Honestly it was weird to see him, just a few weeks ago he was baby. Now he looked to be about two or three.

"Hey buddy." Todoroki patted his head. "I'm gonna take you to Uncle Kirishima's. Don't tell Dada, okay?"

Jamie nodded as Todoroki picked him up. "Okay Daddy." The toddler whispered.

Todoroki grabbed his coat and keys before going to Kirishima's and Sero's apartment(dorm?). Once he was there he knocked and soon seeing Kirishima on the other side. "Hey!"

"Uncle Shima!" Jamie smiled and tried to hug the red head. A little girl around Jamie's age was in Kirishima's arms.

It was Kirishima's and Sero's 'daughter' Yuki.

Todoroki made sure that Jamie was settled before looking at his watch. He had five minutes before he has to meet Bakugou. Where did the time go?

He gave Jamie a kiss on the forehead and gave Kirishima a hug before leaving.

He hoped he would get there in time.

Bakugou's POV

He's fucking late.

I looked at my phone seeing it was almost fifty minutes after the time I was supposed to meet the mystery boy here. I shook my head and got up, I was about to turn around when someone spoke up behind me.

"Sit down please." It was a whisper, but i heard them. I slowly sat down. I knew it was the mystery boy. "I'm sorry I was late."

I heard some sounds indicating he was sitting in the booth behind me. "Why are you?" I asked him, annoyance laced my voice.

"I had some trouble getting here, and then..." I heard him take in a deep breath. "I was contemplating on actually coming in."

"You thought I was gonna kill you or something?" I gritted my teeth. Ugh I need to calm down... I need to remember what my anger management instructor told me.

"No." He replied calmly. "I as afraid f something else."

"What?" I asked him, leaning a little into my seat.

"That you won't like me, Katsuki." He whispered, but once again I heard him. "Katsuki I l-"

I gulped and shifted in my seat a little. I scratched the back of my neck a little. "May I take your order?" A waitress asked me.

I looked at here. Before placing my order. She nodded wrote it down and left. "You were saying mystery boy?"

"Nothing." He replied. "It was nothing."

"Must be something idiot." I grumbled.

The boy sighed. "I like you Katsuki." The boy stated. After that both of our food was on out tables and we started eating. Well eating for me and drinking for the mystery boy. He just ordered tea. We said little things here and there, but for some strange reason I could tell something was bothing him. I wanted to ask, but it's nothing of my buisness... He said he fucking likes me. As a friend or? "Close your eyes."


"Closes your eyes." He demanded calmly.

I rolled my eyes before closing them. "Okay, they're closed you weirdo."

I heard shuffling, but I kept them closed. A felt a presence near me, and then somthing soft ran over my bottom lip. A thumb? I was about to ask, but I never did. Lips caught me off guard and sparks were a result. Before I could react in anyway possible they pulled away. I didn't want them to.

"Goodbye, Katsuki." The boy told me before leaving.

I opened my eyes and touched my lips lightly. I sat there for what felt like hours, but was really a few seconds. The mystery texter kissed me. A big grin, I'm pretty sure a goofy one, soon was stuck on my face.

I fucking hate it.

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