Chapter Nineteen

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Do you have any favourite or memorable moment of your life?

His first reaction was absolutely nothing. He just kept staring at her face and blinked his eyes. A minute later he stepped a little back and raised his eyebrows.

"What did you... uh... what did you say?" He asked unsure and she pursed her lips to stop the giggle from escaping.

"I said I─" She stopped deliberately teasing him while he impatiently waited for her to complete.

"I what?" He asked in a urgent voice and she pretended to think. Manik frowned seeing her taking so much time and it was irritating him as well.

"I can't remember." She declared and his mouth hung open as he narrowed his eyes at her. Did she forget that she was still in his arms. Absolutely! Because he pulled her close with a jerk causing her to gasp.

"Really? You don't remember?" He raised his eyebrow and she fumbled causing him to smirk.

"Just say it Nandini." He whispered and she nibbled on her lower lip gaining his attention but he said nothing.

"I like you." She blushed avoiding his eyes and his eyes twinkled as he stared at her face. With his free hand he held her chin and made her look at him.

"You don't know how important this is to me. Yet I know there's a but lingering around." He said softly and she was stunned at how well he knew her. She pushed his hand away and stepped closer only to rest her head on his chest.

It surprised him but he wasn't complaining as his hands immediately went around her frame.

"I'm scared Manik." She finally voiced it out and sighed closing her eyes. He remained quiet and waited for her to continue.

"My world is far different from yours. I live a simple life and I love it that way. I'm not saying yours is a messy one but you chose that because you like it that way. And now I'm scared because I like you too much to give you up. I'm scared to suddenly enter into your world. I'm scared that one fine day you'll have had enough of me and will get bored of me. I aspire to become a professor and then live a simple life ahead too. But I don't know if I can do that now." She sighed into the hug and clearly not wanting to let him go.

Manik tried to break the hug but she just whined in return making him chuckle. So he let her stay where she was and rested his chin on the top of her head, tightening his hold.

"I'd like to thank you first for telling me about your fears. It isn't easy and I know that. As for this problem, I know my profession is tad bit annoying because there is no privacy anywhere. Also I'm ecstatic that you like me so much because I can't give up on you either." He felt her moving and looked down only to find her gazing up at him with a grin.

He smiled back and leaned down to rest his forehead on hers.

"Nandini, I don't know if I can give you a life like you want if you be with me. I won't even force or pressure you to be with me because it will be your decision. But I can assure you one thing that no one ever has and ever will have my attention as you have. You drew memories in my mind I could never erase, You painted colors in my heart I could never replace." He shrugged and she chuckled.

"Very smooth but whose quote was this?" She asked and he gave her an offended look. She raised her eyebrows and he sighed rolling his eyes.

"Okay fine, I read it on Instagram somewhere." He confessed and she laughed while he joined soon.

"Nandini" He called out and she hummed looking up at him.

Quickly leaning down he pecked her lips and her eyes widened. He grinned and her cheeks grew red as she looked away blushing.

She left him and walked away awkwardly not knowing what to say. She could feel his eyes on her but didn't have it in her to turn around and look at him without shying away.

"You're cute when you blush." He said rather loudly to tease her and she blushed even more. As if he somehow knew this even without looking he chuckled.

"Okay, enough with the teasing. I think I should leave as it's quite late." She turned around at this and watched him glancing at his watch.

"I'll come to meet you tomorrow." He smiled and she mirrored his expressions. Stepping ahead she realised that her legs had a mind of their own because soon she going herself in his arms once again.

"Lock the door behind properly and sleep well." He whispered into the hug and she nodded with a smile.

With one last kiss on her forehead he walked out of her house while she kept staring at him, standing on the door. He waved at her from his car and she waved back. He gestured her to close the door and she rolled her eyes but reluctantly did as told because he wasn't leaving until then. As she locked the door, she heard his car zooming away.

Smiling she walked inside finally feeling content about the progress between them. Of course nothing had been solved yet nor had they entered in any kind of relationship but atleast there wasn't this feeling of longing or pain, there wasn't this guilty feeling inside her chest.

Infact she was happy, happy to share about her feelings with him. And all of this was only possible because of her brother. She had to thank him!


"Yeah yeah don't thank me, I know I'm the best." Avinash said arrogantly and Nandini cursed herself for calling him.

"I shouldn't have called you." She spat and was going to cut the call when he laughed.

"Okay chill. Everything good?" He asked and she smiled to herself.

"Yes," She whispered shyly and he groaned causing her to frown.

"Don't talk to me in that shy tone ever. It creeps me out." He said in a disgusting tone and she glared at the wall ahead.

"You─" And he hung up on her while she fumed and cursed her brother. She had called to thank him but guess he didn't deserve it. Idiot.

Trust your siblings to spoil your good mood.

So just one last chapter to go followed by an Epilogue and bonus chapter but on Sunday!

Thank you for reading :)

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