Chapter Twenty

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The last chapter :)

Nandini had been feeling ecstatic, giddy and on top of the world after accepting her feelings to him. She knew there were a lot of things in the way but right now she didn't care because she was extremely cheery.

The next morning she woke up to a text from Manik and that had her insides churning, in a good way of course.

She hadn't felt this excited to meet him as she felt today. So of course she was going to get a little dressed up for him today.

She messaged him the college address and the timings before she left for college. As she reached, she found people staring at her and snickering along themselves. What? Haven't they seen a girl dressed up or what? Idiots.

The lectures went by boring because all she was looking forward to was spending time with him.

Soon as the time to leave came she hurried out and practically half ran towards the exit. But just as she reached the gate, she was called from behind.


She knew that voice. Of course she would know it.

Slowly she turned around to see Ahaan standing there with Aditi who couldn't look at her in the eye. Her attention was solely on Aditi because she looked disheveled.

"Nandini I know what has happened between you too. Aditi told me everything and even though I'm angry at her for doing so I can't see her in this state. She hasn't been talking properly or sleeping properly. All she does is cry in guilt for doing this to you. Can you please make her understand? It's hurting me to see her like this." He practically begged her and Aditi had already started crying till then making Ahaan sigh.

"Aditi..." Nandini sighed as well as she looked at her former best friend, "Come here." She pulled Aditi into a hug, comforting her and all Aditi did was cry until she was hicupping.

"Now listen," She broke the hug and held her chin, wiping her tears.

"Stop doing this to yourself. I already forgave you and you know that. You're hurting him and yourself by doing this. Learn a lesson from this and move on in life Aditi. Don't hold onto the past and keep the guilt inside you." Nandini explained and Aditi stared at her.

"But I want you back." She whispered and Nandini took in a sharp breath. This is what she was upset about? Because she wanted her back?

"I know I'm a horrible friend and I don't deserve you but I don't want to lose you Nandini. I promise I'll earn your trust but please don't push me away." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Nandini stood there in a dilemma looking at Aditi and before she could say anything, Ahaan came forward.

"Aditi now don't do this. Don't emotional blackmail her into this. She won't obviously say no looking at your state. Give her sometime and when you're in your right mind, talk to her about it. Okay?" He softly caressed her cheek and Nandini looked at them in awe.

They were so cute together.

"Thank you Ahaan." She thanked him and he just smiled at her.

"I should be the one thanking you. So thank you Nandini for agreeing to talk to her." He held out his hand and she looked at it before accepting it with a smile.

As soon as they left, Nandini turned and stepped out of the gate where Manik's car was already waiting. She quickly sat inside not wanting anyone to notice and Manik started the car.

"Was that Ahaan?" Manik questioned after a two minute silence and she looked at him. So he saw everything?

"Yes, isn't he cute?" She teased him and even though he knew it, he turned and glared at her. She giggled at his reaction and shook her head.

"Stop being jealous, he's already in a relationship with Aditi." She informed and his eyes widened.

"Aditi? The same Aditi?" He confirmed and she nodded taking a deep breath.

"Yes, the same Aditi." And then she told him all that happened between her and her ex-bestfriend while he just listened patiently.

"Did I do the right thing?" She asked nervously and he held her hand, interlocking their fingers.

"Right or wrong, whatever decision you take, I'll always be with you." He promised and she felt her heart soaring up with his words. What did she do to deserve him?

"So where are we going now?" She asked enthusiastically and he stuttered making her suspicious.

"Manik" She narrowed her eyes and he chuckled nervously.

"We're actually going to meet my parents." He dropped the bomb and her eyes widened as she snatched her hand from his hold.

"WHAT?" She screamed and he winced knowing this was coming. She hit him on his arm and he screeched loudly.

"Hey, no hitting the driver." She glared at him hard and he pursed him lips feeling helpless.

"Okay I'm sorry but if I had told you, you would've denied and my parents have been annoying me since I told them about you." He confessed and she slumped back into her seat.

"Manik I'm scared. What if they don't like me?" She voiced out her fear and he chuckled causing her to fume.

"Likely to happen." He muttered but she didn't hear it in her anxiety.

The rest of the ride went in him coaxing her and her hitting him, yelling at him and feeling scared and nervous. When he parked the car infront of his home, she refused to step out of the car and he sighed.

"So you're not going to come out?" He questioned for the last time and she nodded stubbornly crossing her arms.

"Alright then here you go." He said and she frowned being confused. Before she could ask what he meant, he yelled loudly.

"Mommmmm!" She gasped and pushed the door open running behind him to hit him whereas he could only laugh loudly at her horrified expressions.

They didn't realise when the door to his home opened and a couple kept staring at them until ─

"Manik what is going on?" Both of them froze on their places hearing the voice.

Epilogue coming up tomorrow!

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