An Ungodly Hour

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A cool draft hit Peter's face as he rolled over. Mumbling in annoyance he flipped his pillow over his head. There were a few flaws in his plan he soon realized. The main one being he couldn't breath in a mattress and Loki didn't really want to bother making a good impression.

The Asgardian flipped the blanket over and apparently Peter came with it. 

"What in the nine realms-"

The pillow was stuck to Peter and his blanket looked to be glued to him as well. Before Loki could try anything else Steve knocked on the door and barged in much like animal crossing characters during a flea market, which is so very annoy.

"Everything okay Loki?"

"Well if you could call this okay, then yes." The god said motioning to the boy lying on the floor with amusment.

"Don't worry about it. That happens all the time. He's a heavy sleeper when he want to be."

"So he can stick to things normally?"

"He has super strength of course you're not going to be able to pull that from him."

"That's not what I-"

Steve left the room while saying, "If you can't wake him up use about 5 gallons of water."

Peter bolted upright at that statement before coming to his senses and looking around.

Seeing Loki he sprang up and hit the ceiling and hanged on the light fixture as an afterthought.

"What are you doing in my room? What are you even doing back on earth!"

"Well I'm supposed to serve my sentence here much like Thor did." He replied making a shrugging motion.



"Could you get out of my room I need to get ready and really don't want you here, no offence."


The god shimmered away in a green light.

Peter got down from the ceiling and sighed. This was going to be a long day. Especially since there was no doubt that Loki was going figure out he was Spiderman somehow. I mean he was god of lies after all.


Peter got down to the living room for breakfast. He had slept over after a busy day in the lab.

Most of the team was there already eating. Like usual Steve was cooking some pancakes and everyone was lounging around. He tended to hang out with Clint on the ceiling but with Loki here he was to high strung to do anything other than sit at the table and play with his hands.

A few minutes passed and Tony joined them along with Thor. Steve had already set everything up. The aroma of sweet syrup spread through the room and the group gather to the table like ants.

He could tell most everyone disliked Loki's presence and it was oddly quiet. The silence blanketing the air. Well that's until Tony being Tony decided to make a comment.

"So how long you staying here Rudolph?" He piped up.

"Until I'm worthy."

If the silence could become any greater then it did.

"Worthy of what?" Peter asked just to reach some sort of feeling of norm.

"Worthy of Mjolnir." Thor stated grimly stating everyone's nightmare.

Clint stormed out with his plate. Most likely needed a few minutes to gather his thoughts. Worriedly Nat followed him while giving Loki a threatening look on the way.

Bruce who had stayed quiet had his eyes closed and looked to be murmuring something. Loki had a blank look so Peter shoveled in the rest of his pancakes and said his goodbyes.

He tried to find where the two agents had rushed off to but didn't have any luck. Eventually, he returned to his room and sat on his bed pondering. Eyeing his backpack he grabbed it and moved to the bathroom.

Everyone was lost in their own thoughts and it was about time that he went on patrol. Before he went he texted everyone so they wouldn't freak out like they did a few weeks ago. He shuddered at the memory.

Gen chat


Hey guys I'm gonna be heading out for some air I'll be back in 2 then head back to my Aunt.

Tony forced me to get rid of the Mr.     X


Banner Dude

don't die


--- -.- .- -.--


He said okay

Peter nodded unconsciously as he finished pulling on his suit.

"WEB are you there?"

"I always am."

"You know I think you'd get along with Jarvis."


"Can you sing?"

"Never tried."


With that Peter quickly opened the bathroom window and snuck out.

His actual room window was locked after his first few escape attempts but Tony over looked this window. Partially because there wasn't even supposed to be a window there.  Surprisingly, Ned sneaked a window in for him. How the heck he did it Peter didn't know. He also covered it with a big poster of all of the pictures Peter had of the Avengers.

Webbing around the city he didn't see anything out of place. He had patrolled yesterday and they small criminals all got spooked for a few days before trying again.

The boy enjoyed swinging around for the next few hours and eventually stopped by his favorite sandwich place. 

The place was always buzzing with energy. Even on the days were there wasn't much business. It was strange but Peter felt at home there.

"Hey Delmar could you get me the usual? Remember to squish it down flat!" The boy said. He knew he was still in his suit but the shop was used to seeing him swing by. 

He noticed another man behind the register and he waved. The old man walked over and leaned in.

"Hey kid, I knew your uncle well. Don't worry about living up to his name, not many people can. Just do want you are able to, and take this you'll need it."

Peter Parker was in absolute shock. He didn't know what to say so he nodded and slowly reached for the package.

"Who are you?"

"Don't worry yourself with that. I'm just an old man trying to make a living."

Before they could continue talking Delmar finished his order and slid it over the counter.

"Have a good day Spiderboy."

"It's Spiderman!" Peter corrected automatically.

The rest of the day was uneventful. He arrived back on time and was eager to open the package that the man had gave him.

Sitting on his bed he laid the gift in front of him and unwrapped the newspaper. Red and blue entered his vision and he gave a intake of breath. It was a suit. Practically made for him. He had to go thank that man.

Even though he had just arrived a few seconds ago he had thank him. Fumbling he stuffed the new suit in his bag and slung it over his shoulder. 

Gen Chat


I know I just got back but I think I dropped something while I was out

I'll be back soon

He didn't wait for a response he rushed down to the elevator this time and after a few seconds of energetic waiting he burst out the doors and ran in the direction of the shop.

It took him a bit longer than if he were swinging but putting on the old suit would have been a hassle.

"Mr.Delmar! Mr.Delmar!" He said as he rushed to the regester.

"Where's the old man that is working for you?"

"What old man? There's only me here today?"


"What what?"

"Nevermind I have to go."

"Bye?" The owner said in confusion while the brown haired teen rushed out of the store again.


A/N: Hoped you liked it. Most of the people wanted the avengers to find out Peter was Spiderman so that's what I'm going to be writing about for the next few chapters.

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