The Five Chapter Spiderman and is Avenger Identity Plot Arc

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This was the dreaded week. It was time to do team building exercises. If you haven't been in the tower gym before during this time then Peter's advice is to stay out.


"On your left kid!" Captain America shouted after Peter. This was unfortunately the 114th time that the brown-haired boy had heard this phrase over the course of his stay in the avengers tower.

Rolling sideways he dodge an arrow.

It was however lucky that this time it had nothing to do with a morning run.

"Clint, You missed again!" He heard Natasha yell from who knows where. He looked up to see Clint hanging upside down from the ceiling like a kid on the monkey bars. 

Following this poor maneuver all his arrows fell out of his quiver.

It only took him a half a second to acknowledge this before half yelling, half laughing, "Everyone's gonna die!"

Peter's heart pounded as he leaped and vaulted off all the equipment trying to reach the edge of the gym.

He saw Steve neck to neck with him, well neck to waist. Tony was already booking out the door. Loki and Natasha were no where to be seen. 

As he continued through his checklist he realized that Thor had made a Asgardian shaped hole in the roof, Bruce was frantically pressing buttons in the control room. 

Before he had time to think Steve practically yeeted him towards the exit while doubling back.

Throwing his glorified frisbee it hummed through the air cutting a few of the arrows heads mid descent.

It was a fantastic show of colors as the arrows all exploded in pieces before getting sucked together in a flaming ball of death.

Mere moments before the clump of burning arrows landed on the original arrow intended for Peter, Steve grabbed his shield midair and deflected the avengers level threat.

Everyone watched as the melted ball of materials fizzled sparked and burned its way through the floor.

Tony got out of his suit walked out of the gym, "Clint looks like you are paying for the floors this time."

Peter looked the misfunctioning group before scurrying after Mr.Stark. 

"Kid if it's about the suit don't worry it's fire proof."

"No actually Mr. Tony I think I've come up with my superhero name."

"Really? Let's hear it."



"Do you not like it Mr.Tony?"

"It's interesting to say the least."

"Well Mr.Clint is Hawkeye! And it's literally because he has good eyesight. I might as well be Footeagle because of my athletic-ness. If I tried to use your style I'd be Spandexboy. Now that's stupid."

"Hm maybe it'll grow on me, Spandexboy."


Tony chuckled and patted the now alleged Footeagle. They walked side by side to the elevator both list in thought.

Jarvis led them down to the lab by guess which Peter appreciated. He was planning to add an eagle emblem onto the suit he was wearing. Unbeknownst to the group, he styled it strikingly similar to the suit that he was gifted. He didn't wasn't planning on going out as Spiderman for awhile now that he had his new job.

Since it had been such a long time after being adopted they were routine to his midnight strolls. His excused was that his mutation made him need less sleep. Although they highly doubted it, they still let him through.

It's eyes were turned up in a half-circle and it's exterior is brown without any web design, and essentially everything else was the same since he wanted to honor the old man's suit.

He grabbed some thread and started outlining the eagle. As he got absorbed in the rhythm he started spacing out. When he finished up after painstaking work and references he swiveled in his chair only to be met by Tony peaking over his shoulder.

He gave a small flinch is surprise while Tony backed up a little. 

"Nice work kid, Do you want to add metal lining or some sort of emblem to fill it in?"

Peter glowed in the praise and wavered before responded, "How long have you been watching? And not right now, I think I'll give it a go and see how it feels first."

Tony nodded, "Just a few minutes. I finished up fine tuning my newest suit and wanted to watch. Since the gym is now in a quite a state do you want to go for a spin outside?"

"What happened to the gym? Wasn't Clint supposed to fix it."

"Peter, it's Will Treaty we are talking about, you know it's gonna go wrong."

With that Peter grabbed his suit and dashed to the bathroom to change.


Peter met Ironman on the roof and was handed a parachute bag. Even though it was a running joke that Peter had to fall a fatal height every so often, they all cared for his safety. 

"There's a trio of people that were trying to get their hands on some of the Alien technology from the Battle of New York. It's secured in a Shield operated base, but apparently they want one of use to interrogate them. The report stated they have powers, so stay alert and ready."

A small suit encased Peter and they flew towards the coast. It only took a few minutes. As they approached the building they saw weeds and vines covering the bordering wall. Scratches and prints were laid into the surrounding area.

"I'm calling shapeshifting aliens, or hydra experiments." Tony said to no-one in particular. They landed and were escorted to the holding cell. Peter got out of the suit for mobility while Stark preferred to stay in his.

Through the cell's walls Peter saw a bronze skinned teen with rather startling green eyes. Next to here was a boy who was paler in comparison. He was lying on his back and toying with Shield cuffs on each wrist. A dark mop of hair adorned both of their heads.

The cell was much like the one that was created to hold Hulk though Peter didn't know that. Their eyes trailed Tony as he walked up to the glass.

"So why'd you do it."

They just glared.

"Look guys I'll let you go free granted it's just because a stupid dare or something.  Just tell us why you did it."

"Us?" The girl asked.

Peter walked over. The view was clearer and he could see that the boy was younger than him while the girl was undecipherable.

"Us." He repeated in a confident voice.

"Wait hold up-" The boy said getting up, "What are you doing here now? We told you tomorrow." He stared at Peter.

Peter looked behind him and back, "Me? What do you mean?"

The boy just shook his head, "Han what the heck are you doing playing hero? We discussed this."

Tony pushed Peter behind him, "Who is Han? This is Footeagle." 

The green-eyed teen scoffed, "That's a stupid name. Han, when I said mash nouns together I still expected it to be cool."

Peter was just as bewildered as Tony now.

"Do you go to Midtown High or something?"

The boy spoke up again, "Okay what I'm getting from this is that you must be Han's doppelgänger or something and we must look like bad guys to you two. Well do we have some stuff to share with you."

I know it's a little short but after the next few chapters this'll be done and I'm trying to do this before I lose motivation to continue. The picture at the top I played with in photoshop and ended up with not a half bad Footeagle suit. And yes I agree it's a stupid name but meh.

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