Awkward Silence

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Everyone had dinner in silence waiting for Peter's aunt to come down. Peter glanced back and forth between the Avengers hoping that someone would say something. Eventually, Tony spoke up but it was not exactly what the boy wanted to hear.

"Peter, do you want to come down to the lab with me? I'm tired of female Loki aka Natasha trying to stab me from under the table. We talk about what's happen and all that escaping nonsense tomorrow it's been a long day."

He swore that he heard Stark mumble through his breath that Loki and Natasha would be an awful pair.

Natasha gave him a dirty look and Clint started coughing very hard. Peter wasn't sure if it was from laughing or a murderous intake of breath. He looked at his food which only had a few bites left resting on his plate.

"Sure Mr. Stark. But what would I-" He started but Tony shushed him and started pulling him out of the seat. Peter just leaned away from the billionaire.

 "Geez, kid do you only eat rocks or something? You're so skinny how are you this strong?" Tony asked releasing him. Without waiting for a response he started walking to the elevator and the teen scurried after him. 

"Jarvis, take me to my lab."

"Right away sir."

The elevator went down a lot smoother than Peter was used to.

Adjusting his sunglasses Tony started talking, "So do you know what your maximum strength is yet?"

"No, but I've had to do some heavy lifting to get out of a collapsing building."

"How did that happen?"

Thinking quicker than a child trying to escape their sibling he created a lie.

"I was mad at the building wall and punched it," Peter said lamely. He couldn't get into the fact that he was trying to escape a deadly gang who was paid to hunt him down now, could he?

"The poor wall." Was the reply. Stark clearly didn't buy it.

"Yeah... I can also jump about three to five stories," he said trying to fill in the gap of silence, "...and uh... I have enhanced senses so Imightjustrandomlyoverloadandcollapse."

Tony nodded, taking in the spew of words. "Ok then. Do you have any more powers that I should take note of while we build your suit?" The engineer was keeping tabs on Peter's capabilities for future reference.

The teen didn't like where this was going. Not at all. "M-Mr. Stark, I don't need a suit. It's not like I'm part of the team or anyth-." 

The protest died in his throat as the elevator dinged open revealing a mechanic's dream.

The workshop was huge. Drawers and cubbies lined every inch to make even more space. Metal, wires, and pencils lied everywhere. Holograms flickered to life revealing blueprints and equations.

"Peter. Welcome to my lab."

"Can I have a moment Mr. Stark? I think I need a break."

"Sure kid you can sit over at your workspace."

It looked like a normal office desk. Pausing a second Mr. I Don't Want a Suit asked another question, "Do I get any tools?"

"I figured you have your own somewhere but you can borrow stuff that you want as long as you return it."

Peter nodded and continued what he was going to do.

The Gen Chat


Guy's I know it's been a while 

and I'm pretty sure Bruce has kept you up to date

??? #1

Well, actually he hasn't, who are you?


Who am I? Who are you?

??? #2

You are the boy that has been escaping S.I.

Call me Thalia

and can him Perch


How do you know me?

Mr. Perch

She works for S.I.

builds firewalls and such for unimportant stuff

Such as people who enter/exit

Mr. X

Oh yeah Kidzo, These are two of my co-workers

I added them while you were being patched up with Bruce


Wait so if I'm at S.I.

and potentially 3 of you work here

Can I meet you?

Mrs. Thalia

Well that's no fun

How about you figure it out

and we can figure out who you are


I bet you already know

and so does Spice and Mr. Banner

Mr. Perch

I don't though

Mr. X

Me NeIthEr

Mr. Shield

I might

Peter stopped texting as he saw Mr. Stark on his phone. He started thinking about something. If Pepper was Spice and Spice was close to Mr. X, then was Mr. X really Mr. Stark? Knowing that it was quite a possibility then there was some fun that had to be played.


Anyways like I said

I'm in Mr. Stark's Lab!

It could use some polishing

Mr. X

Excuse me?

I've been in there myself it couldn't be cleaner!


Well actually

Mr. X



I think Jarvis could use a few upgrades.

An angry huffing sound could be heard from behind Tony's desk. Peter guess he was lying his head on his hands from annoyance.

"Ok Kidzo, you know it's me and I know it's you."

Even though he was expecting this it was still shocking. For the past few days, he had been talking to a world-famous person. Probably the most known man in the world. What if he had accidentally angered him?

"Mr. Stark I'm not feeling so good."

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