Smile Smile Make a Lie

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Peter rushed passed people on the sidewalk at an inhuman pace. He didn't care at this point. There was only one goal in mind. To keep away from the Avengers and stay under the radar afterward. At least they hadn't figured out that he was Spiderman. 

They definitely knew he was some kind of mutant though. 

It was sad he thought. How much changed from a single text. Well multiple. Now he couldn't face his aunt and was running from the goddamn Earth's mightiest heroes.

People started to stop and look behind him almost in awe. He guessed that at least one of the Avengers was close behind him. An empty bench lied next to an apartment building. Peter grabbed it and a squealing noise of bending nails echoed down the road. 

He turned around in a blur and shoved the poor seat into the person in pursuit. A shout he knew meant troubled froze him in his tracks. Shoooooooooot, please don't turn green. 

in front of him was the famous Bruce Banner kneeling on the ground. Despite his instinct to flee Peter ran over and sat next to him whispering, "I'm so sorry Mr. Banner. Please don't turn green. I didn't mean to. How did you keep up with me? Mr. Banner? Mr. Banner! How were you that fast?"

The scientist was shoving Peter away as green patches erupted on his skin. "G-go Peter, Run. Get Tony!" Peter staggered away as Bruce's body grew and swelled to an enormous height.

He started running back to the Avengers Tower and winced every time he heard a crunch or shattering sound. Smoke filled the air as power lines and street lights were felled. 

"Mr. Stark!" He cried in a panic. "Mr. Stark I kinda accidentally set off the Hulk. I need you!" His face was getting blurry with tears, debris, and smoke. He started banging into people that were still shocked at the scene in front of them. Relying just on his sense he kept on going. 

Peter felt his neck tingling as he relied more and more on his senses. Racing through the street once again he felt a firm hand on his shoulders. 

"Peter, I know this exactly as bad as it seems but we will handle this." The boy took time to wipe his face and his vision cleared. Steve, Clint, and Nat stood in front of him ready.

Looking down at his feet he gave an apology, "I'm sorry Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Barton, and Mrs. Romanoff. You found my secret now, didn't you. Super strength happy? I'll stay with you know. Now please just deal with the rampaging monster!"

The super soldier started to reply but a blast of an engine cut him off. An iron-man suit descended next to Peter. The faceplate retracted, revealing a certain salt and pepper haired scientist. "No need guys. I've got this wrapped up." 

Peter did a double-take along with the rest of the team. "Tony, drop the illusion thing." Bruce said getting out of the suit.

The Hulk that was running around stopped and stood up. he spoke in Tony's voice, "Okay thanks, Bruce. This was kinda awesome. I love how you go around and scream when you're like this. I would totally do that as a job." 

Hulk and the whole street then vanished in a thin mist of blue light replaced by an undamaged version. 

"How- why- Mr. Stark you don't mean that-" 

"It mostly was all a ploy to trick you."

"Well..." In lack of other words Peter shrugged, "Yeah."


"So you have illusion powers now?" Peter said to clarify the story. He was sitting on the unwatered couch with Tony and Bruce. Natasha had forced them to explain what had actually happened there. Clint was in the kitchen with Steve trying to figure out how to make dinner.

"I would call it more of the ability to distort the senses of the brain. And it's not completely perfect yet." The billionaire said calling his gauntlet. It wrapped around his hand and projected something onto the coffee table in front of him.

Leaning in with interest Peter saw a flower vase appear. "It... Look normal Mr. Stark." Tony motioned for Peter to touch it. Edging his hand closer Peter poked it. His finger went through it a couple centimeters before coming to a stop at a freezing cold surface.

"Any guesses?" The engineer asked expecting a decent answers. Boy he did not know what he started. As soon as Peter started talking it was almost too fast to follow.

"The surface of the projection is created by small nanobots. You don't have enough to complete the surface area of the automaton impression so it does what it can in its core and projects the bigger illusion outside. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you are trying to figure out how to stabilize the bots so that they can split and fill the full perimeter of the scenes. You would need higher temperatures for the necessary diffusion of the alloying elements into your iron carbide to form alloy carbide, which is thermodynamically more stable than the pure iron carbide you use. That will allow your bots to stand the strain of holding up the illusion while able to spread out further. I'm guessing you haven't done that already because after you finish the alloy carbide it's not stable when introduced to-"

Peter looked back up at the genius and saw him take a full five seconds to blink. Shifting uncomfortably he pointed his gaze to the other couch which happened to house Natasha. 

Not wanting to look even more awkward he held her gaze. he knew that most likely the readers decided not to read the paragraph which was understandable.

"So you either learn all this in high school or memorized a thesaurus?" Tony said breaking the moment of staring. 

The world clearly not done with spilling Peter's secrets took the time to tell Ned it was a perfect time to call. Already on edge, Peter jumped nearly hitting the ceiling before landing back down. 

Nat and Bruce didn't bat an eyelash when he took the call.

"Peter you're ok!"

"Yes, I'm ok now what do you want? I'm kinda in trouble right now I still need to explain some stuff to the Avengers. Things are a little crazy could you call me back in say an hour?"

"Well that depends. You know your bag? The one with your suit and gear? Well, something really interesting happened. If you weren't with the avengers I would have bothered. You know I still can't believe that-"

"Ned!" Peter looked up and hushed his tone, "Be a little quieter please."

He heard a squeak of a door and Ned gave him an update in his freaked out voice. "Okay, okay so your bag you lent me is glowing and I hid it in my closet."

Natasha was now twirling a knife and Tony was looking at her very nervously. Peter walked further away out of caution. Well and not wanting to be a part of the storm that the assassin was going to bring down. 

Giving one more glance he continued the matter at hand, "Are you joking?"

In a dead-serious tone, Ned replied, "Why would I joke about a glowing backpack?"

"Ok  geez, can you open it please?" 

"I'm not touching that thing." 

A groaning squeak of springs alerted Peter that Ned had sat on his bed. He was definitely spooked out about the backpack. "Well, I can't touch it," Peter said in a half-baked attempt at convincing Ned.

The line was silent and Peter stole a glance at the now regretful Tony. He was in a headlock with a knife pressed to his forehead. There wasn't a big wait before Ned gave in. he definitely wasn't as stubborn as Peter. "Fine. But you owe me."

"Owe you what? I own literally nothing." Walking around the couches he sat at the dining table. Steve and Clint were still arguing about how long pasta should cook. He sighed and Ned took that as aimed at himself. 

"I don't know yet ok? Also, the thing that was glowing was just Web."

Peter banged his head on the table which got him looks from Bruce who was at the other end. "When did you get here Bruce? Weren't you on the couch?" Taking out his headphone the avenger replied, "I was always here." In a mysterious voice.

Then to Ned, Peter said, "Shoot I forget about Web."

"Well, what do I do?"

"Just put on the earpiece inside the suit Web will talk to you."

"Ooooh this is so cool I get to talk to your AI!" Rustling could be heard as Ned eagerly put in the speaker. 

Clint and Steve had finished arguing and poured in the pasta. Tony having enough gave in to whatever Natasha was threatening him for. Bruce was once again listening to his music. Not wanting to be rude Peter cut the conversation short. "I have to go the Avengers are getting suspicious."

"Bye Peter!"


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