Paint Job

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Peter looked around the gym floor. He knew that Steve was there. The loud echoing thud of a punching bag kind of gave it away. 

After rushing across the equipment and accidentally take a wrong turn through the shooting range, Peter found the now dubbed 'Punchy Room'.

There was a rack of punching bags and a rack of mangled cloth and sand. In the center was Steve dragging a new victim to the center.

The excitement of finally quenching his burning curiosity made him quiver. Taking a deep breath he finally started talking. 

"Hi Mr. Uncle Rogers ! So I have a question for you. Mr.Starkwentandgotmeanewphoneandwasexplainingeverythingthentoldmeaboutghostmodeandiwaswonderingwhatitwasandhewaslike'goandsee'assassinlady'soididandshewaslikegoseeMr.RogerssoIcamedownherebecauseyouareapparentlytheonlyonethatusesit. Oh, also it's nice to see that you cleaned all that paint off."

The Captain turned around and hooked the bag up. 

"Take a deep breath and calm down. I'll show you afterwards."

Peter still visibly vibrating, nodded rapidly. A few inhale and exhales later he looked at Steve expectantly.

"Ready for ghost mode Peter?"


Rogers held his hand out, "Can I borrow your phone Peter? I normally only take the Starkphone if I'm going undercover with Nat and Clint."

"Yeah sure, just one second Mr. Rogers." Spiderman reached into his pocket only to feel it empty. "Ummm." 

He patted himself down before realizing that Natasha asked for it and never gave it back.

"I'm sorry to make you wait Mr. Rogers. I left my phone with Natasha. Can you give me a few minutes?"

Steve agreed in complete understanding, "Once she did that to me. I couldn't get it back because she was playing with it on ghost mode."

"She said that she never used it!"

"She is a literal super spy. Spies don't normally like giving out their advantages or weaknesses."

The super solider turned back to the punching bags and in a weighted decision twisted to face Peter. 

"Do you want to throw some punches before going?"

"Yes! Errr I mean I would love to Mr. Rogers." Peter said hastily. Steve laughed and hooked up another bag for the Spiderling. Walking up he saw Steve glance over apprehensively. To be honest it had been awhile since the teen had thrown a punch. 

The kind of patrols that Peter went one were only stringing up baddies and leaving a note. And there was also the fact that he was afraid of his own strength. One punch of his could kill a guy or two.

Bouncing on his heels he rammed his fist into the bag as soft as his Peter Parkerness would hit. The bag barely shook. 

"I thought you had super strength Parker."

Thinking quick Peter blurted out an excuse, "The fight from yesterday knocked a lot out of me. I'll do this again sometime though."

"Ok kid, see you soon." Mr. Rogers continued with his training and Peter walked up to the elevator.

"Hi Jarvis! Can you take me back up to Mo-Natasha's living quarters?"

"Right away, would you like to hear me sing?"

"Uh, Sure J."

A few awkward moments later the elevator door dinged open.

"Bye J."

"I'm always here Peter."

"Oh. Uh... ok then."

Running as fast as he reached the freshly painted room in mere seconds. He thought it was better to not knock this time. If he was to get his phone back it was probably going to be by surprise.

And anyways his senses were waaaay better than the assassin's. What could go wrong?


For the second time that night Peter was sitting on the couch with Tony and Natasha. Tony was joking with Nat and the woman was glaring at Peter.

"Peter seriously next time we have a prank war you are going on my side."

"No way, he's going to be on my side. Peter can't just walk in my room and take something. Or at least if he's going to then he shouldn't leave red shoe prints all over the place."

See Peter had gotten his phone back but at the price of ruining the Agent's paint finish. The two adults across from him were debating on what should happen. Should he get some ground rules or an awful punishment. Not being able to find out what ghost mode is.

"How about we show him what ghost mode is and then give him a few house rules. Then get him to talk to his Aunt who he's been avoiding since the morning."

"I don't think we should give him house rules as he's already pretty well mannered, just a talk with his aunt and an explanation of ghost mode."



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