The Talk Commences

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It had been four days since the incident that got him here. The wound that was his reason for being here in the first place had faded to a small scar. 

He felt bad for wasting everyone's time energy and space. 

Taking a breath Peter knocked on his Aunts door.

Every footstep he heard elevated his heart rate.







The knob turned.

Inch by inch he saw the door open as if in slow motion.

As soon as it was opened fully he rushed into his Aunt's arms. 

"I'm so sorry Auntie. I didn't mean for you to have to go through this. The falling out of the window was an accident I swear. Then I ran because I didn't want to deal with everything. The thing is I am Sp-"

Aunt May put a finger to his lips and embraced him back.

"Peter. I'm sure you had a reason for everything. The day has been hectic and I understand that you were only trying to do what you thought was right at the time. That being said I have to ask, do you like it here."

Peter was taken aback. He was standing here holding onto his last family relation with his dear life and she wanted to know if he preferred to live with some other people.

The thing was he did. But there was no way he was going to leave his Aunt or let her leave him. So he lied. Not his first lie to her by far. But the one that hurt the most.

"No. But Aunt May I really do need to tell you something."

"What is it dear."

"You know how I'm sometimes going out at midnight? For school projects?"

He was still hugging her and looked up to see the pictures of his family and Uncle Ben on the walls. The quote whispered back to him. With great power comes great responsibility.

"Yes, please tell me you weren't actually doing anything bad." She said pushing Peter away to hold him by his shoulders.

"No, no, nothing like that. Well something. Please don't freak out. The thing is. . . I'm Spiderman."

She looked shocked for several seconds. Peter was scared that she was going to scream and alert the tower. But to his surprise this time she did something differnt.

"Have you ever met a friend of mine? He works at Delmar."

"N-no? I don't think so."

"I'm sure you will eventually. He won't be the usual staff."

With that the conversation was over. They walked to a nearby couch and Peter just laid his head on his guardian's shoulder.


It had been a few days. The team knew Peter was fully healed so the family moved back to their apartment. Aunt May let him visit the tower whenever he wanted as it was summer vacation. She made sure that he was getting a consistent sleep schedule even if it meant he was practically nocturnal.

At the tower the prank wars had finally begun. 

The teams were obvious from that start though there were a few gray areas. Steve and Tony were leading one team. Their team name was Sneaky Spandex.  That was all thanks to the genius of course.

On their side, they had themselves, and apparently, Thor. Who was going to make a 'dramatic entrance' later in the week. Dynamic duo Clint and Nat were the opposing side. With a big advantage of sneakiness, it was a mutual agreement that they also had to have Bruce. 

Their team name, Peter's Old Phone was given to them also by Tony. No one knew the meaning behind it. They went along with it for the sake of not having any other ideas.

Peter and Pepper were the gray area. Peter was a wild card and Pepper didn't want anything to do with it, yet they were both insisted to choose a team. 

Another option that Steve brought up was calling a few of their friends which got shot down by Pepper since she didn't want to clean up the mess that would be undoubtedly bigger if they called their friends.

He had Bucky and Sam Wilson up his sleeve. Tony had Doctor Strange and Rhodey. Both of them were willing to pull their friends into the ordeal. However, Natasha threatened to call a few loyal agents of Shield to help and Clint had a few other rouge vigilantes on hand.


It started off like any other morning though Peter wouldn't have known it. He had slept over that night since they were up late playing monopoly.

 Steve and Natasha were awake first doing their own things. Tony "awoke" second, running out of the lab to get a cup of coffee. Things were relatively quiet until Clint and Bruce came in groggily shuffling their feet. Then Peter walked in caked in flour. That's when the whole mess really started. 

He marched in furious to the surprise of the others. The kid seemed pretty easy going but today wasn't the day. 

Whipping his head around the room he eyed Natasha and started screeching. 

"Alright, who did it!?", Peter said brushing flour out of his hair.

Natasha stood up and gave him a cold stare, "I told you that I'd get you back baby spider." 

The atmosphere grew tense as Peter realized something, "Why did you call me baby spider, Nat? Do you have something secret to share with the group?"

Before anything else could happen Tony and Steve cut in.

"I think this means the Prank war has finally begun." They said in unison.

They stared at each other confused. Across the table, Bruce gave a knowing look to Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Steve looked at Tony and back to Bruce, "What did you do to us?" At the same moment, Tony spoke. 

They looked annoyed, "Why are we in sync?" 

Peter shook his head and glared at the group across the table, "It looks like someone decided to start a war."

He left without a word and needless to say Peter's Old Phone didn't feel so good about the pranks anymore.

"But seriously what did you do to us?" The voiced overlapped.

"Did you use ghost mode?"

Bruce looked sheepish and took out his phone. "I played around with Ghost Mode for the first time. Sorry I don't know how to fix it. It's only on the lowest setting I think."

Dead silence filled the room as everyone stared at him.

Clint was the first one to break the quietness, "Oh yeah, don't tell Peter what it does."


Later that evening Steve, Tony, and Peter joined up. The latter now uncovered of flour. Since the first hit always determines the fight they were struggling to find a way to one-up the other team. 

Steve was actually very experience in this type of stuff since he was on the receiving end for years. Tony's gears started going as Steve described the plot and they both turned to Peter.

"Would you be able to do all this?" It was still creepy that their voices were perfectly matched up.

Peter was zoned out but looked over and nodded. Whatever they planned it shouldn't be too hard to do. 

"Okay, remember to paint the spiders and not use actual black widows," They said strictly.

After the whole day Peter could tell that it was Steve. Then he heard Tony decided to make a point, "Also don't make Bruce too mad when mixing the blood samples, color code, or take a picture first." 

In unison, the Avengers also forbid that Peter was not to break the hearing aids only hide all the batteries.

Backing up a little, Parker looked worried, "Where am I supposed to get the spiders from? Where is Bruce's lab? For heaven's sake, Hawkeye has hearing aids!?" He threw his hands up and grabbed his Starkphone. "Can I fluffing turn off your ghost mode it's making me creep out."

Steve and Tony open their mouths to reply before the teen cut them off. "Nope, I'm just gonna look for an invisible button that should be simple to find since apparently, Steve can use it and now Bruce I guess." 

Tony lunged for the phone and Steve help up his arm as if warding off a punch. 

Peter wasn't looking as he was speed tapping his phone. On the top left corner, the phone indented and a screen popped up. Peter who was still busy speed click didn't see what he tapped. Everyone froze and straightened up. In harmony. they all said, "Well fluff what did I do?" As he brought his hand up to reopen the app Tony and Steve did as well. 

"Well kid, ghost mode sorta, uh, possesses people. There are different version and levels to it but basically you just linked all our minds together. And no despite Tony saying he actually know the science behind it I believe that he was just messing around the lab with Loki." They all said at once. 

Again they spoke, "Also I'm guessing this is level 5 since we are moving together."

Steve walked up and grabbed the phone making Tony bang into the wall and Peter trip over a table while flailing his arms. This caused Steve to fall over and Tony to smash his left arm into a light switch. Everything went dark. 

"Where is the phone?"

"Well sh-"

"SHOOT, SHOOT I DON'T SWEAR," Their voices changed to a higher pitch as they said, "Neither do I." The chaos was incredible and they all were hoping no one walked in on this.

"This is going to be a long day isn't it."

They shook their heads and Steve hit a table. "Actually Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers I have an idea. I met this wizard dude a while back he can also do brain surgery so if he mixes those together we could be us again."

"Tony says no." Everyone jumped up.

"This is Steve, by the way, I say yes."

"Well um, hey Jarvis? Call Doctor Strange." 

After a few minutes of ringing the wizard picked up. "Hel-"

"One second I'm working on something let me put you on hold."

Everyone groaned.

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