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The next day Taehyung woke up early as he remembered he still had to go the office. He groaned at the thought but the moment he turned he was met with the most beautiful face in the world.

Jungkook looked adorable sleeping next to him all cuddled in a blanket. A small smile crept on his face. He caressed the other's soft cheeks so gently as if they were the most delicate things in the world. He then leaned in to kiss him- first his forehead followed by his eyes nose cheeks and finally his lips. Jungkook scrunched his nose making Taehyung chuckle.

Swatting away any possible disturbance, Kook drove his face more into the pillow and resumed to sleep. Placing a small kiss on his forehead Tae got up to get ready. After everything, he prepared the breakfast before leaving for office. Jungkook would get really tired after sex and so he needed a lot of sleep to regain his power. This increased Tae's work but he really didn't mind.


Jungkook opened his eyes and instantly extended his hands to search for Tae who wasn't really there. He then looked at the clock only to see that it was 14:00. He mentally smacked himself for sleeping so much. Everytime he did this Tae would have to work more and he naturally came home all tired.

The first thing Kook did after getting ready was to go into the kitchen. He thought of cleaning up the house in free time but already found the place clean and breakfast there. He reheated and ate it so that he could continue with his work.

After some 4-5 hours the house was clean, clothes were washed and the dinner was prepared. Having nothing more to do, Kook wore his headset and decided to skype Jimin.

After Jimin's breakdown, Yoongi decided to drop the idea of telling him the truth but he introduced Jungkook to him as his friend. Jungkook was reluctant to lie but after hearing about Jimin decided to accept Yoongi's decision. They had decided that when they meet they would first introduce Taehyung and Jimin to each other so that the obvious question of loving each other is out of the equation. Then when Jimin and Tae would know everything, they would accept their decision to separate as husbands. It was indeed a perfect plan.

In the time being, Jimin had grown really close to Jungkook. They would talk and chat a lot. Sometimes Kook might ditch Yoongi but he never forgot to call Jimin.

Jimin too was the same. He told everything to Kook and so did the other. Well that's what Jimin thought.

So now that the call was connected he waited for someone to show up but only heard Jimin's loud laugh and Yoongi's whining.

"Hello hyung!" jimin said laughing.

"What happened Jimin? What's wrong?"

"Nothing hyung! It is just that I dyed Suga hyung's hair blue.......ha-ha-ha!" Jimin was laughing loudly throwing his head back.

"WHAT!" even Kook started to laugh. "Show it to me."

Slowly the laptop was turned towards a grumpy Yoongi sitting on the bed with a pout and hugging his pillow. He huffed multiple times as both the boys kept laughing.

"H-How did this happen?" Kook managed to speak between his laughter.

"I lied to him saying it was black dye but...." and Jimin started laughing again.

"Oh my god hyung you are so cute! Just wanna come up there a squish your cheeks!"

Yoongi just looked at the camera and huffed again making the boys laugh for the nth time. Finally Yoongi told Jimin to leave as he wanted to talk to Kookie. Once he left, Yoongi spoke -

"Tomorrow is Christmas kookie and we are coming to Seoul tomorrow."

"Jinja! Come fast then! I can't hold it in anymore." Jungkook squealed.

He wanted the meet to happen soon that he could move on with Tae.

"Come home with the first flight okay? And come here straight. I will cook the lunch. Just come back fast please!" he whined.

"Okay okay! We are coming tomorrow. Now let me pack. Bye Kookie and take care of Taebear."

"Will surely do sir. Bye bye" he gave him a flying kiss and ended the call.


On the other hand Taehyung decided to pack some red velvet cupcakes for Kook as he loved them. With a big smile he rung the bell but no one opened the door. Trying some more times he gave up and used his key. He was going to shout for the other but before he could do that he heard the most heartbreaking things-

Oh my god hyung you are so cute! Just wanna come up there a squish your cheeks!

Jinja! Come fast then! I can't hold in anymore.

Come home with the first flight ok? And come here straight. I will cook the lunch. Just come back fast please!

Jungkook sounded so happy while he talked to Yoongi. Almost like he would die without him. Taehyung wanted to cry now. The feeling of not being enough for the other had again crept in.

Does he find me cute too?
Does he want me to come back home soon too?
Does he get impatient waiting for me too?
Does he laugh and smile like this with me too?

Of course 'NO'.

Jungkook had never confirmed or said anything and even though his actions said the obvious, Tae needed some kind of answer. He wasn't too mature to know everything and maybe needed some closure. Cause after all, he was still a kid with a sensitive heart which didn't know how to handle people and emotions very well.

Without saying a word and keeping the cake on the counter he went to have a bath. Jungkook had still not noticed him.

In the shower he was crying frantically. The pain was too much for him. So he decided to do something he always had thought of doing.

( Warning: Self Harm)

He went around and slowly took out the blades from under the wash basin which was covered by a cabinet. He took out a blade, first placing it on his wrist but didn't cut. Instead he started to make cuts on his thighs.

In no time his thighs had cuts bleeding badly. The floor below was red and he had finally stopped crying but he kept staring at the blade. Suddenly

"Tae are you in there? Please open the door. Tae! Tae can you hear me?" Kook shouted.

As if waking from a dream, he flinched due to the pain but quickly threw the blade away and wrapped a towel around him.

Walking out of the bathroom, he found Jungkook laying on the bed eyeing him.

"Jungkook could you go out I need to change."

"What is the problem? It's not like I haven't seen you naked." The other answered with a smirk.

But Taehyung wasn't in any mood to joke so he just took his clothes and went to change inside the bathroom.

Jungkook was surprised at this but thought it was only out of exhaustion.

Walking out, Tae quietly went to bed and laid down.

"Tae let's eat."

"Don't want to."

"C'mon don't be a kid. Let's eat I am hungry."

But Taehyung didn't move a single bit.

"Fine you brat! Be here. I am going to eat." expecting the other to come.

"Yeah a brat really."

"Did you say something Tae?"

He got no answer but only found Taehyung's back facing him.

For the first time Kook was genuinely scared of Tae's behavior but thinking about tomorrow he smiled and after finishing the cakes Tae brought he quietly laid down on the bed.

Taehyung could feel everything. For some reason he was expecting that Jungkook would cuddle him and hold him close but it never happened.

Am I not even good enough for him to hold?

Between his silent sobs he finally tried to sleep.

Tomorrow everything will change for good!

Both the boys slept with the same thought. While one was happy the other had given up on any last hopes he ever had.

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