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Hoseok never even in his worst dreams had thought that he would be opening his apartment door to something like this. He had returned to Busan the very next day of Christmas and thanked God for doing so. The night Jimin and the "Taehyung" guy came, it was already 2 a.m of 27th there.

Seeing Jimin all broken and crying was terrifying for Hobi but when Tae fainted, he almost had a heart attack. The guy really didn't look good but he was so gone that he would pass out in an instant scared Hoseok.

"Hyungie what happened to him? Mochi is scared!" Jimin asked as Hoseok placed Tae on the bed.

"I don't know baby. Maybe he is sleepy....that's all." Hoseok said worried.

"Really are you sure? Tae-tae held Mochi for long. Is Mochi heavy that Tae-tae fainted?" Jimin sobbed.

Hoseok looked at the sleeping man. What Jimin said made him look at Tae with so much respect and admiration. There were still good people out there Taehyung was definitely one of them. He still had to know Jimin's relationship with Tae but the fact that he brought Jiminie back unharmed and safely already made Hoseok like Tae.

After he had tucked Tae in bed, he took Jimin to his room and sang him a lullaby so that he could also sleep. It wasn't long before he had fallen asleep and Hoseok tucked him in too.

The first thing that came to Hoseok's mind after this was to call Yoongi and give him a piece of his mind but now wasn't the time for that. He waited for the morning to do this. The next morning Jimin woke up but Taehyung still hadn't. After Hobi fed Jimin and gave him some games to play, he went to check on Tae.

Hoseok's POV

I was still shaken by the night's incident and made all efforts not to disturb the guy. He was sleeping peacefully and truthfully he looked so damn beautiful. I mean I have been with enough men but this man right here was ethereal as if God made him with all the love, time and beauty. He was unwell but still managed to look good. I sat beside him and held his hand which was quite warm. His face was buried in the pillow which made his cheeks squish. As I extended my hand to touch them he groaned and laid on his back completely. That's when I saw that in addition to the tan cheeks he had a really sharp nose and moles on his eye and nose. His hair was all over his forehead and when I tried to brush them off I felt hot. I quickly touched his forehead and it was burning hot.

"Oh My God! Taehyung wake up....hey Tae get up!" but he didn't move.

"Jiminie! Come here quick. Jiminie!"

Once Jimin came, we both picked Tae up and immediately put him under the cold shower. It was something my mom told me to do in emergency and without thinking about his clothes I got him under the cold winter water.

After some minutes he opened his eyes. He pushed us away trying to catch his breath. He then leaned on the wall and asked us to leave. We didn't fight and giving him a set of clothes, I left the room.

It had been quite some time since Tae had been in the bathroom and was getting impatient with every minute passing. After an hour or so I barged into the room.

There on the bed Taehyung sat with his back towards me. I walked closer to him only to find a piece of mirror in his hand. He was making cuts on his left wrist and his thighs were already bleeding.

"What the hell Tae!" I took the glass out of his hands and ran to get the first aid kit.

There in the bathroom I found pieces of the broken mirror but I had to tend him first.

"Why are you hurting yourself Tae? If there is something troubling you then please tell me....please baby.." I tried to be really calm outside but internally I was panicking too.

He didn't say anything as I bandaged him nor did he wince due to the pain. He was far broken then I had thought he was.

"Tae look at me." I cupped his face.

"Is hurting yourself gonna make everything right? No, it won't. So please stop this. Think how your family and friends must feel about this, how your mother would think about it- that her baby is doing this. So please just stop and talk it out. If you aren't comfortable with me I can call Jimin or even if that doesn't work you can write it down but please don't hurt yourself anymore."

He remained quiet through out but just nodded at the end of my speech. After this I left to get some groceries and cooked them dinner. Once they both were well fed I put them to sleep and decided to sleep with Tae. I still wasn't sure if he would stop cutting. However Jimin slipped into little space and asked me to accompany him instead. I really wanted to be with Tae right now but couldn't do anything so I accepted Jiminie's request. Before going to sleep I finally decided to call that bastard Yoongi.

"Hello Yoongi."

"Y-yes Hoseok..ca-can we talk l-later.." he stuttered.

"You bet not you dog.... What have you done with Jimin huh?"


"Oh cut the crap. He is here with me in Busan. I don't know what happened but he came here crying his heart out all because of you. God bless Taehyung for getting him here."

"Wh-what Tae is there?"

"Oh yes he is and he isn't doing great either. I don't care what happens but I want you here tomorrow. You have a lot of things to clear up."

I frankly didn't wait for his reply and cut the call. Tomorrow its going to be either of the two things- either Yoongi has a solid reason for all this bull shit or I personally will dig his grave and bury him in it.


It had been 2 days since both Tae and Jimin were gone. As time passed Jungkook's condition worsened but to add to it Jin and Yoongi had stopped eating and talking. Namjoon was really scared for all of them and gave them sleeping pills so that they could atleast sleep. The police too weren't able to get any clues.

They were sitting in Jungkook and Tae's room currently when Yoongi's phone rang.

Immediately all the heads turned his way but when he saw the caller id he died a thousand deaths. It was Hoseok and Jimin wasn't really here. He gulped but picked it up nevertheless. He expected a calm voice but Hoseok didn't do that. He was worried for Jimin but when he heard that Jimin is safe, he sighed in relief. The next words that left Hoseok's mouth brought him back to life. Not only was Jimin safe but so was Tae and that too in the same place.

"Who was it Yoongi? And what about Tae?" Namjoon asked.

"They both are in Busan. Tae and Jimin are in Busan." Yoongi cried in relief.

"Then what are we waiting for...let's go." Jin said.

"They aren't any flights now Jin." Namjoon answered.

"I don't care! We are driving there. Namjoon get the car ready. Jin you get Jungkook ready. We will leave in an hour." Yoongi ordered.

The four of them started their journey and within four and a half hour reached their destination. It was 5 in the morning when Yoongi rung the bell. Within seconds the door opened and out came an angry Hoseoek. Without even asking anything he punched Yoongi.

"I deserved that." Yoongi spoke.

"The hell you did. Come in now and don't make noise both of them are still sleeping." and all of them entered the house.

Once seated on the couch, Jin started-

"Where is Tae?" all of them looking at Hoseok. Hoseok stood up and so did Jin and Kook.

"Come." He took them towards the room but when he opened it...

The room was empty with no signs of Taehyung there except for a small letter on the pillow of the bed.

And just like that Taehyung had managed to run away from all of them......


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