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continuation of night 45

VC-Liv-So, tonight has been pretty crazy. First Adam decides to leave, then we had a recoupling in which Montez recoupled with Jade. I dont know about y'all but...it doesnt make sense that he recoupled with her. They barely know each other and plus, Montez just ruined a couple that had a lot of potential. He basically screwed Jey over and...I dont think anyone is too happy about it. It just doesnt make sense this late in the show.

"I just feel like she wasted my time."Jey said as he, Roman, Liv, Dean, Jojo and Carmella was at the outdoor kitchen having drinks.

"I basically spent half of my time here with her, and this is what she does to me?"he continued venting.

Jojo put her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't blame her. It's Montez's fault."said Carmella.

"Yea but she could have at least acted pissed. She seemed happy that he chose her."said Liv.

"They need to get their asses out of here."said Roman, "The fact that Montez picked her instead of Cam or Jojo is just straight up disrespectful. He knew that Jey and Jade had something going on yet he still went ahead with it. Thats spiteful."

"Yea I mean like, how much of a connection can you form in four or five days?"Jojo agreed.

"He aint here for love, he's here to fuck with Jey."Roman added.

VC-Jojo-With Adam now gone, I feel left alone. Im coupled with Jey now which is great but....I dont think there is potential between us. I would have loved to get to know Montez better because, what other option do I have at this point? But, he's smitten by Jade. So yea...I feel very lost.

As the group was talking, Montez and Jade were walking by at the same time. Montez looked over only to find Roman death glaring him.

"Damn, I must be looking fine as hell because Aquaman over there cant stop staring at me."Montez commented.

"You got jokes huh?"Roman asked.

Montez blew a kiss to him and continued walking with Jade.

Roman began walking towards him, "Get your ass back here."

Montez stopped in his tracks and looked at him.

"Roman, stop."Liv pleaded as she and the others ran to his side.

"You got something to say big boy?"Montez asked Roman.

The two were now standing face to face. Roman continued glaring at him.

"Make a move homie. Go ahead."Montez said.

Jey pulled Roman back, "That bum aint worth it man."

"Bum?"Montez replied.


"TRY TO SEND ME HOME THEN UCE!"Montez got up in his face.


Dean put his hand on Jey's shoulder and subtly pulled him away from Montez.

"THIS AINT A GAME FOR ME BRUH! I DONT KNOW IF YOU DOING THIS OUT OF SPITE BUT IT AINT A GAME!"Jey continued ranting, "And you Jade, you failed me the most."

"How did I fail you Jey? We were never together in the first place."

"You think I brought you here because I wanted to be best friends? You used me! Thats what you did! You used me!"

Jade just stared at him. She wasn't going to let herself entertain an argument between the both of them.

Liv was seen wiping a tear from her eye.

VC-Liv-Ugh, this is all too much.

"Y'all done? Can we leave?"Montez asked.

Jade grabbed his hand and walked away. The group all watched as they left.

"Wow."Carmella said in disbelief.

VC-Jade-I feel like ive been made the villain for something that wasnt even my fault. You think I knew Montez was going to pick me tonight? No. But Tez and I basically got ganged up on by Jey and his squad and...its ridiculous.

"I want their asses out of here."Roman said.

"But he just got back."Dean said.

"I dont give a fuck. I dont like them, I dont respect them and I want them gone."Roman demanded.

VC-Jey-I dont know if im going to be able to get over this anytime soon. She wrecked me bruh. She wrecked me. I put all my time and effort into this girl....and she spat in my face. Walking past me like she aint even know me. Thats messed up.

A few minutes after, Jade returned and asked to have a moment of Jey's time to which he agreed. They both headed to the recoupling bench.

"Okay so, shit has been crazy since yesterday."Jade said.


"Jey, I feel like you made a mountain out of a molehill. Im sorry that this happened. I didnt know that he was going to pick me tonight."

"What stung is the fact that you didnt even pull me aside or talk to me to ask me how im feeling until now. As soon as the recoupling was over you stuck by his side. Like he was the one coupled with you for 3 weeks. That shit hurt. I felt invisible."

"It was just a very over whelming night. I wasnt thinking straight. I was just shocked by everything. I apologize if I hurt you."

"I bet you're happy, huh? To be coupled with him."

"Despite what you think, no. Theres all this drama now that I didnt even want."

"Jade....you were the one keeping me together. If you werent here, I wouldnt be here. I had truly given up...until I met you. I saw that you had faith in me...and that made me have faith in myself. You really dont understand how much you mean to me. You dont. I was down and you brought me back to life."

She frowned and pulled him in for a hug, "Listen, im sorry okay. We'll get through this. You got me, you know that."

They both silently remained embraced in each other's arms for a few seconds.

"You aint gonna sleep in that bed with him tonight are you?"he asked her.

She shook her head, "No. Im not. You and I can sleep on one of the day beds."

He nodded and then leaned in and kissed her.

VC-Jey-Im not going down without a fight.

VC-Jade-Ugh.......why do I have to be in this position? I like Montez but I feel horrible for Jey. I don't know what to do.


Day 46

8:05 am

The Islanders were all seen in the communal bedroom, still fast asleep (except for Jey and Jade who were outside). Some of them were cuddled up next to their partners. It was peaceful. It was quiet. The only sounds heard were snoring and birds chirping.

Some of the Islanders really wanted to soak in their last few days they had here. Very soon, this was all going to be over and even though they'd hate to admit it, they would miss the chaos that this show brought. Not only the chaos but they'd also miss living in paradise where the hardest thing they had to do was find love.

Liv's eyes slowly opened. She found herself laying on top of Dean's chest aka her second pillow. He was still asleep. She decided to close her eyes to get some extra minutes of rest. That was until a strange sound rang through the air, almost giving her a heart attack.


She, along with multiple other Islanders bolted upright on their bed.

"What the actual hell is that?"Sasha asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh my god."Jojo said.

WAHHHHH!  The noise kept going.

It sounded like a high pitched crying sound. Multiple of them.

"Am I hearing crying?"Damian, who had just woken up, asked.

"Turn it off."Dean mumbled as he buried his face in his pillow.

"We dont know what it is."Sasha said.

VC-Carmella-So its like 8 in the morning and out of nowhere, we're hearing these crying sounds. Did someone let a baby in the villa or what?

One by one the Islanders got out of bed and went to the location where the sounds emitted from which was the living room.

As they entered the living room, they were stunned by what was awaiting them.

"Oh god no."Bayley groaned.

"What in the name of Chucky and Annabelle is this?"Montez asked.

This, Montez, is today's challenge! Thats right, today the Islanders will be putting their parenting skills to the test. Each couple will have a designated baby. Their task is to spend all day with their babies feeding them, changing their diapers and caring for them as if they were real. I'll be paying special attention to how well each couple takes care of their baby. At the end of the day, the couple that were the best parents, wins a special night in the Getaway Room where they can go right ahead and make an actual baby if they want. PS, the couples does not know that they are competing for a prize so lets keep that between us.

Liv squealed in excitement as she rushed to find her and Dean's baby.

VC-Liv-Im finally getting to be a mom! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!

Meanwhile, the rest of the Islanders seemed very perplexed by what was going on.

"Ive woken up to my nightmare."Damian commented.

"You and me both."said Sasha.

VC-Sasha-Kids are alright but....Its not something I want right now. I know a few weeks ago I said id let Seth put a baby in me but I was just exaggerating okay! I didn't actually mean it. Im not the biggest fan of kids. They're annoying and need way to much attention.

"Awww they're all so cute!"Carmella gushed.

"They all look like regular plastic dolls."an unimpressed Bayley said as she picked her baby up by its head and looked at it. Finn took the doll away from her and held it properly. He then shot her a look.

"Im going back to bed."she said as she walked away.

VC-Bayley-You want me to wake up at 8 to care for a doll? Are you insane? Goodnight, I got some sleep to catch up on.

Jade picked her baby up and cradled it in her arms.

"Its been a long time since ive done this."she said.

"Damn, I knew we talked about kids just last night but I didnt mean to give you a baby this quick."said Montez which made her laugh.

The couples all took their designated baby and so, their day of being parents began.


Dean and Liv were seen cuddled together on a day bed with their daughter.

"What are we naming her?"Liv asked him.

"I dont know. How about....Jane or something?"


"Mary Jane."he laughed.

"Fuck no. Im not naming my kid after weed."

"You just cursed in front of the kid."he pointed out, "You cant do that."

She gasped, "Oh my god. Im so sorry little baby. Damn, you're already in full dad mode huh?"

He nodded.

"Thats so hot."she said before she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Didnt you want to name our kid Olivia back on Temptation Island?"

"Awww you remember that? But no Olivia is too basic. I love the name Arabella. Arabella Rose Ambrose. What do you think?"

"Cool but...I am not going to remember that."

"You can just call her Bella."

"Like the twins."

"Or you can call her Ari. That should be easier."

"Im going to need to write that down."

VC-Liv-I am so excited to be parents with Dean today. Im interested to see how he'd be as a dad. Im planning on having a lot of kids in the future with him of course so, I think this is a cute little experiment to put us to the test. I hope he's taking it seriously as I am.

Finn and Bayley were seen pushing their baby around the edge of the pool in a stroller.

How did Finn convince Bayley to get out of bed and do this, I have no idea.

VC-Bayley-So we decided to name our baby boy Levi because....Finn suggested it and I liked it. So, why not? Its a pretty cute name.

"You know, with Levi being here, this makes me a father of two."Finn said.

"How?"Bayley asked.

"I had my first son with Paige on Are You The One. He was just an egg, not a doll. His name was Phineas. She....killed him."

Bayley stopped walking and looked at him, "Im....so sorry."

"Yea."he nodded, "Im still going to counselling for that."

"Hey aunty Bayley and uncle Finn!"Bianca said as she and Damian approached the couple with their baby boy.

"Ew, I hate the sound of that. Dont call me aunty again."said Bayley.

"Did you guys meet our son Levi?"Finn proudly said.

"Aww he's adorable! This is our son Princeton."Bianca said, showing the couple her 'son'.

"No."said Damian, "His name is Judas."

Bianca looked at him, "You must be crazy. Judas?"

Aw, guys, im honored.

"Yea, so his name will be like the metal band, Judas Priest. They're one of my favorite bands."

Better yet, he'd be named after my hit song, Judas by my insanely popular band, Fozzy! Stream it now.

"I am not naming our baby after the man that betrayed Jesus! Why not Princeton?"she asked.

"I wanted something a little more badass. Princeton's pretty bland. How about....Draven?"

"Draven? You know what....I kinda like it. Draven Princeton Priest."

"You might as well put some eyeliner and tattoos on the kid."said Bayley.

"Im pretty sure he's destined to be the frontman of a metal band with that name."said Finn.

"Hey, id be the proudest father ever if that happens."Damian smiled. Bianca looked at him, seeming legitimately worried about her son's future.

VC-Bianca-Thank god the chances of me ever having a baby with Damian is slim because lord, id be stressed all the time. Is he putting eyeliner on the baby? Did he take the baby to the tattoo shop? Is teaching the baby how to head bang? Is she showing the baby heavy metal music videos instead of Cocomelon? Is he raising the baby to be an atheist? Stress. That ain't nothing but stress.

Sasha and Seth were seen sitting on the bean bag chairs on the lawn. Seth was cradling their daughter, Skylar, who was crying non stop. Sasha was uncomfortably looking on.

"This is giving me a head ache."she said.

"Maybe Sky wants her mom?"he suggested.

"But I held her already."

"For five minutes."

"I dont think she likes me."

"She's only two hours old. She barely knows you."

"Ugh, fine. Give it to me."Sasha said.

Seth gave Sasha the baby and she began patting her back.

"Shhh. Quiet down."Sasha repeatedly said as she did so.

The baby's cries were just getting louder.

"The hell am I doing wrong?"she asked.

"Just be a little patient."Seth advised.

She gave him back the doll, "Im going get some vodka. I cant deal with this right now."

"You cant be intoxicated when taking care of a baby."

She ignored him and walked away.

"Today's going to be a long day."he sighed.

VC-Seth-(while bottle feeding Skylar)Yea its pretty obvious that Sasha....doesnt really have a maternal instinct. Maybe she's being this way because Skylar is just a fake doll but....it wouldve been fun if she'd play along.

"We gotta change these diapers. Yes we do! Yes we do!"Montez said to his and Jade's baby as he laid her on the bed.

The doll made laughing noises.

"She's a very giggly baby. She's been laughing non stop."said Jade.

"She's my daughter, what do you expect. Nothing but good vibes, right Montana?"Montez asked the doll.

GC-Montez and Jade

Montez-Our daughter's name is Montana Celeste Ford and she is perfection.

Jade-The birthing process was a nightmare but our blessing has arrived.

Montez-Is it to early to ask for another one.

Jade-Hold your damn horses now.

"Who's a handsome little fella? You are! You are!"Jojo cooed at her and Jey's baby boy.

"Damn, he looks just like his dad."said Jey, "When he grows up he better be swagged out just like his dad to!"

GC-Jey and Jojo

Jey-Y'all, we got the newest member of the Bloodline right here. *raises doll up* Meet Jordan Uso.

Jojo-Our little bundle of joy.

Jordan-*starts crying*

Jey-*gives Jordan to Jojo* He wants you.

Jojo-*pats his back and quiets him down*

Jey-You're so good at this. I feel like I can leave you to take care of him all day.

Jojo-Ha ha, very funny.

"Aww you guys have a girl too?"Liv asked Carmella and Roman as she and Dean sat next to them on the recoupling bench.

"Yes. Her name is Prada. It sounds fancy and expensive doesnt it?"said Carmella.

"Awww thats cute!"

"She's a little boujee baby, yes she is!"Carmella said to her baby. The baby laughed.

"Whats your kid's name?"Roman asked Dean and Liv.

"Ariana."said Dean.

"No Dean. Its Annabella! Wait-I mean Arabella! Its Arabella."said Liv.

"You two dont know even know your own daughter's name?"Roman laughed.

"We just got her! We're still getting used to it."said Liv.


11:25 am

The Islanders were all seen with their babies in the backyard.


"I GOT A TEXT!"Carmella shouted, which ended up waking up Skylar and Levi from sleep. Then, they started crying.

"Fuck. Really Carmella?"Sasha complained.

"Omg, I didnt know that was going to happen."Carmella responded with a guilty look.

"What does the text say?"Damian asked. Carmella began reading the text out loud. It said-

"Oh thank God!"Sasha shot up from her seat. Some of the other girls also cheered a little too loudly which woke up Prada, Draven and Montana.

VC-Sasha-Thank god im getting to leave for a little bit because I am not having a good time right now. Being stuck in a house filled with crying dolls is a nightmare. I legit hate it. Who would enjoy something like this?

VC-Liv-(with Arabella)Man, I already feel like ive gotten attached to Ari. I dont want to leave her with her dad and all her uncles. She'll miss me.

The girls were all seen in the dressing room getting ready. Then, in walked Seth with a bawling Skylar in her stroller.

"She needs her mom."he said.

"Are you kidding me?"Sasha said when she saw them.

"Aww Sasha, your baby girl wants you."Jade gushed.

"Im in the middle of getting ready Seth."Sasha said.

"Can you at least be with her for five minutes? Ive had her all day and im going to be stuck with her when you're gone."he argued.

"Guys, dont forget you gotta pretend that this is your real kid."Jojo reminded them.

"You want to watch mommy get ready?"Seth asked Skylar.

"Seth! No!"Sasha yelled.

He bolted out of the dressing room, leaving Skylar (still crying) behind.

"Urghhhhh! What the hell!"she said as she tossed one of her makeup brushes aside.

Guess who's definitely not going to win a night in that Getaway room now.

She marched out of the dressing room pushing the stroller in front of her.

"Seth!"she called out to Seth as he was walking away.

"This is a team effort and you're literally not helping me."he said.


"So you cant get ready with her there?"

"No! And what are you doing? Why cant you keep her until im done!"

"I just need a break. Ive been with her all day."

"Seth!"she whined, "Dont do this to me."

"You're a great mom. I know you can do it."Seth said as he continued walking away, "Drop her off when you're done."

"I fucking hate the both of you."she said to him as she pushed the pram back into the dressing room.

"I love you to babe."he replied.

VC-Seth-(talking to Skylar) Do you think mommy deserves anything for Mothers Day next year? Yea, neither do I.

"Can someone shut this thing up?"Sasha asked as she entered back into the dressing room.

"Damn girl, why do you hate your baby so much?"Liv asked.

"Its just a doll though!"she said with a laugh.

"Its your bundle of joy that you and Seth created."said Bianca.

"That things been crying non stop. Its not a bundle of joy. Its a bundle of frustration."Sasha said.

Jade took Skylar up and began bouncing her and patting her back while softly telling her to 'sh'.

After 10 seconds of doing so, Skylar quieted down.

Jade placed her back into the stroller.

"Its literally that easy."she said.

"You can be her new mom if you want."Sasha said as she applied mascara.

VC-Bianca-I really hope Seth aint planning on having kids in the future.

The girls all eventually got ready, said their goodbyes to their partners and babies and then left to enjoy their day out.

At the moment, the men were all in the backyard with their dolls. Thankfully, the dolls were all quiet.

"Dean, remember what happened the last time us men were left alone."said Montez, "We had a blast!"

He currently had Montana strapped against his chest in a baby harness.

"Yea but we're dads now. We got to take it easy."said Dean.

"True true. But theres no rule against having a beer while being a new father, right? We can have a beer, talk about the weather, mow the lawn, crack a few dad jokes, you know, some real dad shit."

Dean nodded, "Sounds good. And you know, since im a dad now, I gotta start working on my dad bod."

"Indeed my friend."

Dean got up from the lounge chair and placed Arabella down on it.

"Listen Mary Jane, daddy's going to be back okay. Seth-"he turned to Seth who was sitting on the chair next to his, "Leave your kid with MJ. Lets go get some cold ones."

"Is that the responsible thing to do?"Seth asked.

"They're asleep. What could go wrong? We'll be back in like 5 minutes."

Seth shrugged, "Alright."

He tossed Skylar next to Arabella/Mary Jane and followed behind Dean and Montez.


"Cheers ladies."Bianca said as she and the other girls touched their glasses of mimosas together.

They were all sitting around a table on the outdoor patio of the restaurant they were taken to.

"We have a few days left and I think that this is what we all needed."Bianca added, "We need this time to talk and bond with each other."

"Thats true."Liv agreed, "This has been quite the journey and im glad that we're all still here. Sasha, Bianca, I know that we've had our issues but id like to move past it if we can. Hopefully we can end our time here on a good note."

"Yes, for sure. Lets just let by gones be by gones."said Bianca.

"I agree."Sasha said.

"Yay!"Liv clapped, "So, how are you guys feeling in your couples? Are you all feeling secure? Do you think he's the one? I know im ready to lock it down with Dean until the end. We are doing better than ever right now."

"Well good for you."Jojo said, "I cant relate. I got no one."

"Yea can't relate either."said Bayley.

"Roman and I are still so new that I cant really say for sure but, we definitely are having fun." Carmella responded.

"What do you mean by having fun?"Bianca asked, "Did y'all....you know, do the deed?"

She laughed, "No! We havent gotten that far yet. But we've just been flirting around and its super fun. Im having a great time."

"What about you Jade?"Sasha changed the topic, "How do you feel about Tez taking you from Jey?"

"I mean...it was his call. I didnt know he was going to do that. But he did it."she answered.

"Are you happy though?"Liv asked.

"I....dont know. Its a really complicated situation. I still care a lot for Jey but the more I talk to Tez is the more I realize that he is a much better match for me than Jey. Jey is great but....I just dont see it working out long term. And thats what im here for. To find a long term man."

"I find it weird that....you just realized these things when Montez got here."said Liv.

"Well I didnt really have anyone to compare Jey to before Montez got here."

"Yea but its not like you didnt know who Jey was. You met him at Casa Amor, you liked him, you've been with him for weeks and now all of a sudden, he's not your cup of tea anymore? What happened to that strong connection y'all had?"

Jade raised her eyebrows.

"You see how shady that is right?"Liv asked.

"Yea he even said he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend. He was serious about you."Carmella added.

"Listen, I still care a lot for him. You guys are acting like I asked Montez to pick me."

"If you hadnt been chatting him up like he said, then maybe he wouldnt have picked you."said Liv, "You gave him the green light and he went with it. You guys just basically ruined Jey's chances and Jojo's chances of finding someone. Montez should have been getting to know Jojo or even Cameron. If you were serious about Jey, you wouldn't have been talking to Montez."

Jade got up from the table and was about to walk away.

"Jade."Bayley and Jojo called out.

"Nuh uh, if I stay here longer im gonna smack a blonde bitch."said Jade.

"Dude you fucked up. Im just telling you like it is."said Liv.

"I didnt come here to get lectured by anybody!"Jade pointed her finger in Liv's face, "Im a grown ass woman, I dont need no little girl telling me what's right or wrong!"

"Can you please sit back down?"Jojo pleaded.

"So this bitch can mouth off on me?"Jade asked, referring to Liv, "Hell no. Who made her leader of anything?"

"I didnt say im the leader of anything!"Liv argued, "What you did to Jey was shady as hell and we all agree!"

"I dont."said Sasha.

"What I did to Jey? What the hell did I do to Jey!"Jade raised her voice.

"He put all his eggs in your basket and you let him down."Liv replied.

"Thats karma, Liv."said Sasha, "Jey's getting a taste of his own medicine."

"So you're saying that just because he made mistakes in the past that he doesn't deserve love? Thats not a good justification at all. Jey deserves love."Liv said.

"At the end of the day, I didnt know Montez was going to pick me nor did I ask him to. So get the hell off my back about that."said Jade.

"Okay and thats that. Lets move on."said Bianca.

"Yes please."said Jojo.

Jade finally sat back down. She gulped down the rest of her mimosa to cool off.

There was some seconds of awkward silence between the women until Carmella finally spoke.

"What do you think the guys are doing?"she asked,  to which she got some cold responses.

It was evident that there was now heavy tension in the air.

VC-Jade-Yes, I really do like Montez but....im still open to trying with Jey. The only problem is, Jey's the type of guy thats going to make me pick between either him or Tez. Theres no such thing as weighing my options with him. *sigh*I dont know man.....this whole thing is just messy now.


A/N-What are your thoughts on the triangle between Jey, Jade and Montez?

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