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day 45

If you have forgotten what went on last episode, well then lets get you caught up. Adam is sad about his ex leaving with another guy named Adam, Roman and Carmella swapped DNA via mouth, Jade is into Bianca's ex (no, not Jey), Cameron made Bayley cry and Finn angry, Bianca tried to get Cameron to apologize which failed miserably and lastly, Dean beat Seth at multiple rounds of Poker so now Seth owes him money (yes we know it wasnt televised).

9:35 am

"You alright man?"Damian asked Jey as he took a seat on the lounge chair next to him.

He had noticed that Jey had been sitting there for the past 30 minutes just staring at ground. Obviously a lot was on his mind.

Jey sighed, "Bruh...the shit ive been dealing with since ive been here aint easy. I dont know what im doing wrong. I dont. Im trying to be the best I can be but....it aint enough. Im this close to giving up."

"I understand man. But if I can give you some advice, it would be to give up on chasing after her if you want. Just dont give up on yourself. She may not be the one but the good news is, she's not the only one out there."said Damian.

Jey nodded as he listened.

VC-Jey-Hopefully today I can get some time to talk to Jade and figure out what the hell is going on. I feel like she's playing me yo. I feel like...all this time...she's been using me. One little conversation with Montez-a guy she doesnt even know-and she turns against me? Thats all it takes? Really?

Jey found Jade at the outdoor kitchen.

"Hey. You busy?"he asked her.

She took a sip of her coffee and then answered, "Not really."

"Can we talk?"

She agreed and then they both headed up to the terrace.

"So...whats going on? What was that last night?"he asked.

"What was what? Jey, you're the one that came over and caused a scene."

"Me? Jade, Montez was the one mouthing off on me! I didnt do shit!"

"There you go again, getting riled up."

"What the hell bruh-so im the problem now? Jade I spent all this time with you. I put in all this effort with you. And now you acting completely different."

"There are things about you that I dont appreciate Jey. All this anger and aggression, you gotta change it if we're ever going to be something."

"You're acting like im the fucking Hulk or something girl. The only time I let myself lose control is when people are messing with me or those that I love. I have never showed any type of aggression to you. You're just making excuses now."

"It doesnt matter Jey. You need to mature a lot. I know you dont want to hear it but its the truth."

"Man....I really thought we were gonna be endgame. But now its just excuses after excuses."

"What you mean excuses?"

"You used me right? You played me just to get into the villa."

"So now you're accusing me of being a fake? Honey I dont fake anything for anyone."

"I thought someone finally had faith in me. I thought someone was finally on my side."Jey said with tears settling in his eyes, "But...I dont think anyone could ever have faith in me."

"Jey-"Jade sighed.

"Nah, its alright."he shook his head, "Man, do whatever the hell you want. If he's better than me then make yourself happy. Stop coming at me with these excuses."

"I had one conversation with him Jey. Why are you acting like this? I cant talk to another man?"

Jey didnt answer her question. He walked away.

She shook her head.

VC-Jade-I truly believe that Jey is so used to the drama and toxicity that he refuses to have any sort of relationship without it. He's always trying to start some shit even when there is no need to. Its....exhausting. The only tantrums I want to be dealing with is the tantrums my little daughter throws, not no grown man.

VC-Jey-Man I dont even know why im still here. I aint even gonna bother anymore. Y'all are probably saying I deserve this and yea...you're right. I had something good and I fucked it up. And now....ive been having nothing but struggles. I really do want to find love and be in love but....I dont think thats in my cards. If it aint meant to be then it aint meant to be.


Bayley was seen in bed, wrapped up in her blanket despite it being 12 in the afternoon.

VC-Bayley-Im still thinking about what Cameron said and like...yea...I feel like im the brick tied to Finn's ankles. Look at the girls he's been in relationships with in the past. Peyton, Becky, Sasha even though I knew they werent official. But my point is...no one ever talked about how boring his other relationships were. Thats why I think im the problem. I dont even know why he's with me to be honest. Things would have been better if we just never got together.

"Why are you in here alone? Everyone's outside."Finn asked Bayley as he walked into the room.

"I would just prefer to be by myself for a little bit."

He crawled into bed next to her.

"Are you okay?"he asked.

She nodded.

"Do you need anything?"

She shook her head 'no'.

"Do you want me to stay with you? We can cuddle and i'll tell you a bedtime story and we can fall asleep together."

She giggled, "Maybe later."

He frowned.

"Okay well i'll be in the pool if you need me."he said before he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

VC-Bayley-I know I shouldnt let what these idiots think about me affect me but....its easier said than done. Those comments from the tweet challenge and Cameron was just like ripping off a band aid and revealing old wounds. I have always struggled with feeling insecure and....it hasnt changed. I think it just got worse.

9:05 pm

"So, how are things with you and him? Y'all kissed and made up?"Montez asked Jade as the two were sitting on a daybed together.

She scoffed, "I feel like...he just made things worse. Dont get me wrong, he's a sweet guy. He's never done anything to me. But...I dont know. I just feel like....the spark is gone. He is not what im looking for at this point in my life."

"What are you looking for?"

"A grown ass man."she said with a laugh, "But...I want someone who doesnt take themselves too seriously. Someone thats going to be a good role model for my daughter. Someone that doesnt stress me out."

"I hope you find him because thats what you deserve."he said.

She locked eyes with him and smiled.

"You know um....im actually a father myself."Montez confessed.

"Really?"she said in shock.

"I got two little ones. But from a past relationship. They stay with their mom most of the times. But being a father is something I enjoy so so so much."

"Awww I love that. Do you want more kids in the future?"

"Most certainly. How about yourself?"

"Hell yes."she smiled.

VC-Jade-God, the more I talk to Montez is the more I realize that....he is everything that I want. And finding out that he's also a father just makes him so much more attractive to me. I know im straying away from Jey and I feel bad about it but....im putting me first.

VC-Montez-I really am attracted to Jade. Look at her, she's the whole package. What's not to like? I dont really know how she feels about me yet but as soon as she gives me the green light, i'll go all in. There is nobody else in this house that im attracted to in that way. And I don't want to be attracted to anybody else.

As everyone was in the backyard, a familiar voice was heard.

"Islanders!"the person said.

It was, of course, Beth.

"The grim reaper is here everyone. Brace yourselves."Seth said.

"Grim reaper, I like it."Beth smiled, "Everyone, please gathered around the fire pit immediately. We got some business to take care of."

"This is no bueno."said Montez as he and everyone else proceeded to the recoupling bench.

All 16 Islanders took their seats on the bench as Beth stood in front of them.

"Everyone, I need you to be quiet and listen up because....one of your own has something they'd like to say."she said.

Everyone looked around in confusion. Then, Adam got up from his seat and went and stood next to Beth.

Upon seeing this, Liv frowned.

"Adam, the floor is yours."Beth said to him.

"Thanks Beth. Um....you know...ive been here since day one. Its day forty five now and...man has it been a journey. I came here for one reason. And it wasnt to find love. I believed that I already found it. My purpose of being here was to find out if my relationship was rock solid. It was to find out if we would have been able to over come any and every obstacle put in our way. And....I found my answer. The answer is....god no. This relationship was not rock solid at all."he said with a laugh. Everyone laughed with him.

He continued, "In spite of that, my purpose has been fulfilled and...I feel like I no longer need to be here. I am not going to fall in love in 5 days. Plus, im still trying to recover from everything that happened and I dont think this is the best environment for me to do so in. Jojo, Carmella, thank you girls for understanding my decision. Its been a blast everyone but, this is where im going to say good bye."

Beth nodded.

"We love you Adam."Liv said as she and everyone else applauded him.

"Thanks guys."he said.

"Well Adam, you've decided to leave the island. Its been wonderful having you. You have 30 minutes to pack your things and say your goodbyes. Take care."said Beth.

Everyone rushed over to say their goodbyes and give hugs to Adam.

"Take care okay."Liv said as she hugged him, "I'll miss you so much. This isnt the ending you deserved at all."

"I'll be alright. I'll be watching at home rooting for you and Dean."

VC-Liv-I just feel so bad for Adam. Him and I are so similar because we both wear our hearts on our sleeves. When we love, we love hard. And just imagine the person that you love cheating on you and not showing any kind of remorse. Thats cruel. Alexa, if you're watching, you need help sis. Like seriously.

"I am so sorry."Adam said to Jojo as he put his arms around her.

"No! No dont be."

"I feel like im letting you down."

She looked up and smiled at him, "You're not. Trust me. You're not. You need to go home and rest."

"I hope everything works out for you. And...thanks so much for being my shoulder to lean on."


He gave a kiss on the cheek before pulled her back in for another hug.

VC-Jojo-Earlier today Adam came to me and got my blessing for him to leave so...I knew this was coming. He's honestly a wonderful guy and literally my dream man but....if he feels like he's not able to stay here any longer then he should have every right to leave. Hopefully we reconnect when I get out of here.

"You're probably the happiest you've ever been huh?"Adam said to Seth, "My girl cheated on me, we broke up and now im leaving with my tail between my legs."

"Look, Adam."Seth sighed, "I know we've had our ups and downs. I know that we hate each other. But...I understand what you're going through and it sucks. Ive been there, you should know that. Heartbreak isnt easy. But just understand that...everything that Alexa has put you through....you deserved every bit of it."

Adam couldnt help but laugh, "Go to hell Seth."

"I'll see you there!"Seth cackled.

VC-Seth-Can we not forget about what a scumbag Adam is? Sure Alexa is a menace but Adam is just as bad. I dont feel sad for him at all. He knew what he got himself into when he chased after her. Poor bastard. Cant relate though! *cackles* My life is great right now!

VC-Adam-Im honestly happy to be going back home. Like I said, I came here for one purpose and...that purpose was met. I found the answers I was looking for. This experience has been eye opening. It made me realize that my relationship was not built on a solid foundation. Its been a wild ride and i'll miss everyone here. When the time is right, I definitely will reach out to Jojo and maybe give things a try. Thats only if she hasnt met someone by then. She's a great girl.

After Adam said all his goodbyes, he headed back into the villa to pack his belongings. However, the rest of the Islanders were told to remain where they were-on the recoupling bench. Also, Beth was still there.

"Alright Beth, what are you up to now?"Seth asked her.

"Well Seth, you called me the grim reaper for a reason, didnt you?"she responded, "With Adam being gone, that means we have an uneven amount of men and women in the villa. It also means that Carmella is single and without a partner. The end of the show is near and we cant have that. Everyone must be coupled up. So...right now, we're going to have a recoupling. And that means that tonight, one girl will be dumped from the island."

"Wow."Liv whispered.

Cameron closed her eyes.

"Theres also another twist. Since Montez and Carmella just got here, they are going to have first dibs on whoever they want. Its only fair. So, Montez, Carmella, come on up here, take your picks and then the men will finish the rest of the recoupling. The girl that is not chosen tonight will be dumped from the island."

"Fuck."Jey muttered under his breath.

Montez and Carmella got up from their seats and stood next to Beth.

"Carmella, who's it going to be?"Beth asked her, "You can pick any guy you'd like, even Montez."

Carmella smiled, "Well....there was one specific person that I came here with the intention of getting to know better. And...I think last night, we really got to know each other better. He's a gentleman, a sweetheart and in my opinion, the hottest guy in the house. So, the guy id like to couple up with is.....Roman."

Sasha raised her eyebrows.

Roman stood up as Carmella walked over to him. They exchanged a quick kiss before they sat down.

Sasha scoffed. Seth was a little confused by her reaction but decided not to say anything.

"And now Montez, which of these ladies will you be choosing and why?"Beth asked him.

"Good question Beth. They're all just incredible. I feel very intimidated to be standing here with all these beautiful women looking at me. Yourself included Beth. I havent gotten the chance to get to know all of these ladies a little better-excluding Sasha, B, Bayley and Liv of course because I already know y'all. However, there was one girl that pulled me to the side and chatted me up. And...I really liked her vibe and her demeanor and....everything about her really. So, id like to continue that because I enjoy spending time with her. The girl id like to couple up with is....the beautiful Miss Jade."

Jey immediately turned his face away out of anger.

Roman sighed.

VC-Roman-He could have chosen Jojo. He could have chosen Cam. But no. He made a real ballsy move. A stupid one to.

Montez walked over to Jade, gave her a hug and then they both sat down.

Everyone all looked at each other.

"Damn."Bayley quietly said.

VC-Damian-Jade just got stolen....and she dont even seem mad.

VC-Liv-Another strong couple has just been tossed out the window. Jade and Jey have been together since Casa Amor and in my opinion, they've been doing pretty well together. But now that Montez took her away, this just throws a wrench in everything.

The rest of the girls got up from their seats and stood next to Beth as all the guys plus the two new couples, remained on the recoupling bench.

It was now time for the rest of the men to make their picks.

Dean coupled up with Liv, Seth coupled up with Sasha and Finn coupled up with Bayley.

Damian stood up next. His three remaining options were Bianca, Cameron and Jojo.

"I think at this point, its a no brainer. This girl is my ride or die and i'll always have her back. The girl id like to couple up with is...Bianca."he said.

She walked over to him, gave him a quick kiss and together, they took their seats.

"It just had to be me huh?"Jey said as he looked at the two remaining women in front of him.

"Jey, the fate of one of these girls lie on your shoulder. Who will you be coupling up with and why?"Beth asked him.

Jojo had her fingers crossed.

He sighed, "I felt like I should have pulled an Adam and get my ass out of here. What's the point anymore? You got jackasses like him-"Jey pointed at Montez, "Coming in here and ruining everything. Weeks of loyalty, trust, opening up, just flushed down the toilet just like that."

"Poor Jey. Always the victim."Montez sarcastically said.

"Jey, please make your decision."Beth reminded him.

"Fine." He blurted, "Id like to couple up with Jojo. Cam, you my homie but I dont think we'd be good partners. Im sorry."

Cameron nodded.

Jojo walked over to Jey, gave him a hug and then they both took their seats.

"Are you okay?"Jojo asked Jey. He shook his head 'no'.

"Well Cameron, you have officially been dumped from the island. You have 30 minutes to pack your things and say your goodbyes. Take care."Beth said.

"Aint a problem at all."said Cameron.

As Beth took her exit, everyone rushed out of their seats to say their goodbyes to Cameron (except Bianca, Bayley and Finn).

VC-Cameron-Yea ive been dumped from the island, its whatever. I didnt find love unfortunately. But thats okay. I'll keep looking. Damian was great but he was just to sensitive for my liking. I havent forgotten about Dolph and im really excited to go back to the United States and meet up with him. He's just so yummy. Also, im not sorry for what I said about Finn and Bayley. You can tell them that Cameron said 'girl, bye'!

VC-Bianca-I am not going to miss her loud, annoying ass at all. Good riddance.


coming up next-The Islanders put their parenting skills to the test!


A/N-Y'all, im so sorry for being away for so long. I had a bunch of assignments to complete plus I got a little carried away with partying last week 😬😬The good news is, my assignments are done. I just got finals left but thats weeks away. I am hoping to publish a chapter every one or two days just to get this book done.

Stay Tuned!

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