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continuation of day 44

4:18 pm

After the day's challenge was over, the Islanders were now back at the Villa with nothing left to do but be bothered by all of your wonderful tweets. I hope you feel proud. However, there was one Islander that was being bothered by something else.

Adam was seen sitting on the terrace by himself, looking up at the clear, Fijian sky. Every time he saw a plane fly by, he couldn't help but wonder if Alexa was aboard.

VC-Adam-I am....not in the right head space right now. Im not...feeling great. I feel mentally and emotionally drained and....sick. Yes....I am not taking this break up well.

"Hey."said Liv as she joined Adam on the terrace.

He looked up and smiled at her.

She took a seat next to him.

"How are you feeling?"she asked.

He sighed, "Like....I dont want to be here anymore."

She nodded, "Yea, I understand that feeling."

"I really dont think I can carry on with the rest of the show. I dont have the mental energy. I just...want to be alone. But.....I feel really selfish for wanting that."

"Thats not selfish at all Adam. I know exactly how you're feeling."

"I want to leave but at the same time.....I dont want to let Jojo down. Or neither Carmella. Im just....really conflicted right now."

"Put yourself first. Your mental health should be the most important thing. You know that whatever you decide to do, we all will support you."

He nodded, "Thanks Liv."

"Im sorry she did this to you. I really am."Liv said.

"Its not your fault. Its mine."

"No its not. Its hers. You deserve so much better Adam, you really do."

He forced a smile.

She reached over and gave him a hug.

VC-Adam-Maybe i'll be able to get over the way im feeling? *sigh* I dont know. The break up is still so fresh and new. Im still very affected by it. Maybe time will heal me. Plus i'd feel really bad about leaving Jojo. We have a great connection. That would be unfair to her and even Carmella. Im definitely going to sleep on the decision and by tomorrow, if I still feel like I cant handle being here then.....im going to cut my time short. It makes no sense to stick around if im just going to be miserable.

Poor Adam. How about we check in with Montez? After all, he's known to be a very empathetic person and is great at reading the room. Im sure he's being affected by everything thats been going on.

VC-Montez-Ya boy's back in town so you know what that means? *takes off sunglasses* THATS RIGHT! WE GON PARTY! AINT NO SUCH THING AS SITTING AROUND AND BEING SAD! OH NO NO! KING TEZ IS BACK IN THE HOUSE WE GOING CRAZY TONIGHT!

Its official. This is Montez's world and we're all just NPCs.

9:23 pm

Like Montez said, an impromptu party broke out in the villa which only means one thing. Thats right! Our alcohol bill is getting even higher! If you'd like to support the cause, we'd kindly appreciate if you donate to our Gofundme. Taking care of these stupid idiots isnt cheap.

Sasha was seen downing a tequila shot.

"I needed that."she said when she was done.

VC-Sasha-A party is just what we need because I need to de-stress. After losing Indi and Ric and then hearing all those ridiculous comments about me and Seth-hell yes, I need the alcohol and I need my man to help me relax. I just want to forget about everything and enjoy our last few days here.

Sasha put her arms around Seth neck, "I love you."

"I love you too."he responded as he leaned in and kissed her.


VC-Jade-So....there's someone that im very interested in talking to. And....I feel like tonight is the night im going to take the opportunity to do so.

"Im so happy to finally meet you."Jade said to Montez as they were standing near the pool.

"Likewise, likewise."

"I really enjoyed watching you on tv. You're so freaking goofy."

"Damn. That hurt my feelings. You think im goofy?"


He frowned, "Well....thanks I guess. Im actually a really serious person but...you out here thinking im goofy. Im just trying to be me. The real me."

Jade laughed, "You playing, right?"

He wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"You're something else."she said.

He laughed, "Obviously im messing with you. I know im goofy. My own mother calls me that. I heard girls like goofy guys though. I dont know how true that is."

"Its true. Trust me. It is."she smiled.

"Really? Because I had a lot of girls call me annoying and...I dont blame them. Sometimes I annoy myself."

She laughed, "Well something must be wrong with those girls."

"Well I must say its a pleasure meeting you as well, Ms.Jade. You're beautiful. Not only physically but personality wise. I can tell you're a woman with good morals and values. Definitely the type you bring home to mom, right?"

"Just dont let me sleep over."

Montez's jaw dropped, "Explain."

She burst out laughing, "No. I'll leave you guessing."

"Hmmmm."he said as he rubbed his beard.

VC-Jade-I just want to get out there and talk to other people. With what was said in the challenge today....it has made me really skeptical about Jey. Personally he hasnt done nothing to me to make me question him but....y'all it was about 3 or 4 comments in the challenge where the public basically called him shady and untrustworthy. Ive always liked how goofy and wild Montez was. And im really happy to see him back. So....I want to get to know him better.

Jade's loud laughter had caught the attention of Jey who was chilling with Roman on the outdoor sofa.

"Oh. Thats what happening?"Jey said as his eyes focused on Jade and Montez, "He must be out of his mind."

"Dude, chill out."said Roman.

"Chill out? Uce she hasnt spoken to me since we came back from the challenge. She's brushing me off, man. Now she's over there talking to this fool?"

"Relax Jey. Relax."Roman insisted, "You really think you're competing with a guy like Montez? There aint no competition dude. He aint on your level. She's gonna realize that soon. The hell does he have that you dont?"

Though he had his mean face on, Jey decided to do what Roman said and not cause a scene.

A little further away from where Jey and Roman was, stood Carmella and Bayley.

"He is so sexy."said Carmella as her eyes secretly admired Roman, "Id climb him like a tree, I swear."

"Since when did you get a crush on him?"Bayley asked.

"Since forever Bayley! Look at him. Ive always liked him but I never acted on it because he always had something going on. He's gorgeous. Sasha's crazy for passing him up."

"Well go talk to him. Jeez, I feel like we're in high school right now."Bayley said.

Carmella laughed, "I dont know. Im nervous. Maybe after one more drink. Or three."


"Im not ready yet!"

"Dude-its just Roman."

"Why are you saying that like he's a regular guy?"

"Because he is!"

"Have you seen him? No he aint. He's so intimidating but..I like that. You know that's my type."

At the same time, Roman got up from his seat and began walking in the direction where the girls were.

Carmella instantly started blushing.

"Oh, hey Roman!"Bayley said to him, calling him over.

"Oh my god."Carmella muttered and blocked her smile with her palm.

He made his way to them, "Ladies."

"I got something to tell you."said Bayley.

"Oh no."Carmella laughed.

"Im listening."

"I just wanted to say that......you're really sexy, you know that?"she said.

Roman tilted his head.

Carmella burst out laughing.

"Look at you, you sexy devil."Bayley added, "Have you ever been climbed like a tree?"

"What?"he asked.

"Bayley just-stop!"Carmella laughed.

"Damn Bayley, you're trying to get a piece of this?"he asked.

"I would love to get a piece, yes. And then id give that piece to my friend over here."Bayley pointed to Carmella.

"By the way, those comments were on behalf of her."Bayley said, "I dont really think you're all that."

"Ouch! So you dont want to climb me like a tree?"he asked.

"No."she shrugged.

"Damn. I dont hear that often."he said.

"Maybe if you were a bit smaller and Irish, id be into you. Anyway, im going to leave to find my small, little Irish boyfriend. I'll leave you two to carry on. Bye guys!"said Bayley as she walked away, leaving Carmella and Roman alone.

VC-Bayley-I am such a good wing-woman.

"Sorry for her to interrupt you like that from whatever you were going to do."Carmella apologized.

"I was just going to get a refill."Roman shook his empty whisky glass, "You need one?"

Carmella quickly downed her drink and then said, "Please."

They both headed to the outdoor kitchen, got their refills and then headed up to the terrace where it was a bit more quiet.

"Jey's probably sitting, wondering where the hell im at right now."Roman said.

"Oh, do you want to go back then?"she asked.

"Jey's ass can wait."

She laughed.

"Are you enjoying the party?"she asked.

"How could I not be?"

"I dont know. I thought that maybe you werent because you're sitting off to the side with Jey doing nothing."

"Doing nothing? I was there trying to get him to not start trouble. Its a lot of work trying to keep him in control."

"Why does he want to start trouble?"

"He's a jealous type."

"Should've guessed it."

He nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"So you and Cameron huh? How's that going?"Carmella asked.

"Nowhere. Its going nowhere."

"How come?"

"She aint my type."

"So then what is your type? Wait-let me guess. Petite, Boston native, loves changing their hair color, trust issues, immature, has too many guy friends?"

"Hmmm....that sounds very familiar but no, im over that. I think a more accurate description of my type would be...long, blonde hair, stylish, peppy, confident, name starts with C."

Oh, stop it you. Unfortunately though, im taken.

"Damn, I wonder if there's someone like that in the Villa?"

"Yea...I wonder."he said with a smirk, "So, why are you single?"

"Havent found the one yet. I need to stop going after these players. What about you?"

"Im going to be honest....its not easy to get back out there after just getting out of a long term relationship."

"Are you talking about you and Sasha?"

He nodded, "Yea. My guard is up these days. Im going with what my gut is telling me. If I dont got a good feeling about someone then im not going to waste my time. Originally, I didnt have a good feeling about my ex and look at what happened. Two and a half years wasted."

"Awwww. Well....not everyone is going to be like her."said Carmella, "Some of us are at a point in life where we're looking to settle down. I know I am for sure."

"Really? So you're dating to marry then?"

"More like...im trying to find my soul mate. Do you believe in soul mates?"

Roman pondered the question for a few seconds.

"Hm...I dont think I do."he answered.

"Why not?"

He shrugged, "I just dont have a good reason to. I feel like a soul mate is someone who should be perfect and not let you down. But in real life...people are going to let you down. Thats just how it is. How can someone that lets you down, be your soul mate?"

"I dont agree with you. Not everyone is going to let you down. I promise."

"I like your outlook on this."he said as he took her hand in his.

"Positive vibes only."she said.

The two maintained eye contact for a bit. To her, his eyes were hypnotizing. And for him, he was fascinated by the sparkle in hers.

"Whats on your mind?"he asked her.

She interlocked her fingers with his before she responded with, "You."

He smiled.

He pulled her closer to him and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. Then, he leaned forward and began kissing her. She placed her hands on his face as his hand was on the small of her back.

VC-Carmella-*twirls hair and smiles*......Im just....speechless right now *giggles* This man is just....ugh!


VC-Jey-So its been like over 25 minutes that Jade and Montez has been talking. The fuck do you guys got to talk about so much? No. Hell no. I aint allowing myself to be brushed off to the side like that man, no.

"I been looking for you all night. Where were you?"Jey said to Jade as he went up to her and Montez, interrupting their conversation.

"Im just talking to Tez."she responded.

"Tez? He's Tez now? You just met the guy."

"Jey," she rolled her eyes, "Whats the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing. What y'all talking about then?"he casually asked.

"You havent changed one bit, huh Jason?"Montez asked.

Jey furrowed his eyebrows.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"he asked.

Montez chuckled, "Nothing. Just forget about it."

"No, tell me what you mean. Go ahead 'Tez '."

"It means that you're still the same jealous, insecure, salty motherfucker that you were when I left."

"When you left? You mean when your ass got sent home because aint nobody wanted you here. And you wanna call me jealous and salty, of course I aint gonna be happy when I see my girl talking to another guy for a long ass time."

"Hold up. I aint nobody's girl."said Jade.

"Here we are, stuck in the same situation once again my dude."said Montez, " I let you win the first round but what did you do? You shit all over it!"

"The fuck you talking about?"Jey asked.

"You're like a spoiled little brat that finally got that new toy they wanted. Then after playing with it for two minutes, you tossed it aside to go play with some old toy you had. You think I dont got a grudge for what you did to Bianca? You basically spat in her face."

"Dude you aint got nothing else going on in your life? Why are you bringing up old shit? Is that what you came back for?"

"So thats what Bianca is now? She's old shit?"Montez said.

"Why you talking about Bianca bro! Im here trying to talk about Jade!"Jey said.

"Im bringing this up because im disgusted that you're still here trying to lure another girl into your trap. You like to act like you're here to find love and be a good man but thats not what you're here for. The public is out there calling Finn a fake? Motherfucker, its you! You're the fake."

Jey walked up to him, they were now face to face.

"Say that again. Do it. Say it again."Jey said.

"Oh, you want the smoke huh?"

"I aint scared to knock your ass out fool-"

"Do it!"

"Jey!"Jade said as she pulled Jey away from Montez.

"What is wrong with you?"she asked.

"With me? This motherfucker out here calling me a fake!"

"This is what I dont like about you. They say you're a hot head and its true. Not everything has to result in a fight!"Jade said.

"So you taking his side? Really Jade?"

"Jealous."Montez commented.

Once again, Jey rushed up to him, "What you said?"

Jade placed herself in-between the two guys and pushed Jey back.

"Stop!"She yelled at him, "The hell is wrong with you?"

Quick! Someone call Roman! Theres a fight for him to stop!

At the same time, Damian arrived at the scene.

Wrong guy. Someone's about to get fired.

"Whats going on?"Damian asked.

"Jey just being Jey."Montez said with a laugh.

"Jade, can we talk?"Jey asked her.

"No. Im not dealing with your attitude right now."she said.

"Are you for real?"he asked.

"I'll talk to you in the morning. Have a goodnight."she said as she began walking away.

"Jade!"he called out to her.

"Im not dealing with this, Jey!"she yelled as she walked.

Montez also walked away but in a different direction to where Jade went.

VC-Jade-I am getting sick of Jey and his attitude. He went at it with Melo, then he went at it with Seth, now he's trying to go at it with Montez. That aint attractive. I still have feelings for him but he needs to improve. This tough guy attitude aint gonna fly with me.

"What the hell happened?"Damian asked Jey.

"I dont fucking know anymore bro. I fucking dont."Jey said with anger and frustration in his voice.


Finn, Bayley, Cameron, Bianca, Jojo and Adam were all seen hanging out on the recoupling bench.

"It was annoying being called boring and fake today during that challenge."Finn was saying, "They keep saying that Bayley and I are boring like-what the hell do you want us to do? They want us to cheat on each other or something? I dont get it."

"We stay out of everyone's way yet...we're being targeted."Bayley added.

"But, they're right though. Y'all boring as hell."Cameron said. Adam's jaw dropped.

"Cam!"Jojo said.

"Dont act like you dont agree Jojo."Cameron said.

"So...what do you want us to do Cameron? How do we be less boring then?"Bayley asked, clearly irritated by Cameron's comment.

"This is reality TV y'all. If you dont bring the drama y'all are worthless."she replied, "I dont know how the hell y'all got casted."

"Is this show about drama or finding love?"Finn asked.

"Drama brings in the money, honey. Plus, if y'all were already solid before you came here then why even bother?"

"We werent solid though. We recently became a couple."Bayley said.

"Whatever. Y'all boring as hell and thats that."Cameron once again said.

"Okay they get it Cam."said Bianca.

"I just feel like y'all shouldnt be here. You're cool and all but y'all been in each other's ass all the time. Thats not interesting. Nobody wants to see that."

"So you want us to fooking cheat then?"Finn asked.

"Its not even about that!"Cameron raised her voice, "Y'all personalities are dry as hell too. Everything about you guys are boring. Thats why people think you're faking it because you guys have no chemistry or personality!"

"Okay Cam you dont need to attack them like that. Calm down."Bianca said.

"Im not attacking them-"

"Yes you are!"Bianca also raised her voice.

Cameron stood up, "Im just stating the obvious here. You both can do so much better than each other."

"Who the hell are you to judge us Cameron, you dont even know us like that."said Bayley.

"You need to leave Cam. Go get a drink or something. Chill out."Said Bianca.

"You're trying to put me in time out or something?"Cameron asked.

"Yea because you're acting really childish. You're attacking them for no reason."Bianca said.

"They're sitting there like 'oh, we dont know why people think we're boring'. Are you kidding me? Well imma tell you why people think you're boring!"Cameron said.

"Alright then! You said what you had to say, now you can leave! You just gonna stand here and continue being a bitch to them?"Bianca asked.

"Being a bitch? Girl, bye. I aint got time for none of this. All of y'all are fucking lame anyway."Cameron said as she began walking away.

VC-Cameron-I dont hold back, okay. I say whats on my mind and I mean it. They can get offended all they want, what I said is the truth! I aint gonna sugar coat shit. They aint my friends.

"Look, dont listen to anything she said. She got....issues."Bianca said to Finn and Bayley.

"Lots of them."Jojo added.

VC-Finn-Thank god we only got a few more days left because im getting sick of everything and everyone in here.

Bayley abruptly shot up from her seat and began walking away.

"Bayley."Finn called out as he followed after her.

He stopped her in her tracks and turned her around. Tears were streaming down her eyes.

"Whats wrong?"he asked.

"Nothing-im fine."she said as she dried her eyes.

"Talk to me."he said.

"Nothing its just....everyone has a problem with us now."she sniffled, "Left, right and center we're being called names and I just....cant take it anymore."

As he pulled her into his chest, she began breaking down even more.

VC-Bayley-I have wanted this for so long.....and after four years....Finn and I have finally made it official but it seems like...it was a mistake *sniffles*. To think people would have been rooting for us. But no...we're fake and boring. Sooner or later...Finn is going to think the same thing too and...I just feel like im the problem *wipes tear*

Seeing Bayley break down, this angered Bianca.

VC-Bianca-Cameron pisses me the hell off sometimes. Look at what she went and did. This was so uncalled for.

Bianca found Cameron in the communal bedroom fixing her bed sheets.

"I hope you're happy, because Bayley is out there crying right now."Bianca said to her.

"Crying for what?"Cameron asked.

"Because your words hurt her."

Cameron groaned, "Oh my god. What a baby."

"You need to use your brain a little more and your mouth a little less-"

"Bitch what?"

"You heard me. You say the most nastiest things and expect people to not be offended by it!"


"You had no right to come at them like that-"

"If they're boring, they're boring! Im not going to sit there and act like I dont agree that they're boring as shit!"

"Do you ever think about anyone's feelings?"

"Girl, why the hell are you taking this so personally! You're acting like I did something to you!"

"You hurt my friend's feelings."

"But did I do anything to you? No. So why are you here up in my face? Go hop on Damian's dick or something."

Bianca's jaw dropped.

"What the hell did you just say?"she asked.

"Leave me the hell alone sis."Cameron said.

"No. Hop on who's what?"

"I SAID go hop on Damian's DICK! Now get off my back."

"Nuh uh. You're a clown. Im done with your clown ass."Bianca said as she stormed out of the room.

"Girl, bye."

"Fucking clown."Bianca commented as she walked.

"Byeeee."Cameron teased.

VC-Bianca-I am so over Cam. She's way to disrespectful and immature for me. I dont want anything to do with her again. She ain't my type of person.

VC-Cameron-Why am I not allowed to have an opinion? Just because I had a different opinion about some of Bianca's friends she felt the need to come at me for that. Girl, if my opinion is that they're boring then thats what it is! I stand by what I said. And if Bayley wants to cry about it then pft, go ahead. They know its true. Bianca needs to stop acting like a superhero and stop getting involved in shit that doesn't concern her. Period.




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