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If you're reading this, its December 2022 and ive just realized a chapter of this book has been deleted. Im not sure how it got deleted but I know that I didnt do it because it was a very important chapter. The chapter was titled 'Black Dahlia' and it was published in October 2022. It was initially the chapter published before this one. Let me give you a summary of the important things that happened.

After the recoupling was over, Liv stumbled upon Alexa and AdamP making out in the outdoor kitchen. She was very thrown off by this since Alexa was showing no remorse about what happened with her and AdamC just hours earlier. Even though he was now coupled with Jojo, AdamC chose not to sleep in the same bed with her because he was still coming to terms with his recent break up. Meanwhile, Alexa and AdamP spent most of the night with each other in the pool.
It was day 43 in the Villa. Liv and Alexa had gotten into an argument about how poorly Alexa had been treating AdamC. Liv expressed disappointment in seeing her and AdamP kissing the night before, letting her know that AdamC was still torn up about everything. Alexa did not care to hear it, especially from Liv.

Bianca and Damian found themselves getting closer. They expressed how much they cared about each other and even admitted to being attracted to one another even though they are both so different. They then shared a kiss.

Cameron tried to charm Damian back into being with her, saying that she had gotten over Dolph and was ready to continue what she had with him. However, Damian refused to be second place and told her that he wasn't interested.

Roman told Jey that Seth was the one that informed Bianca about him and Mandy. This led Jey to confront Seth about the situation in  which Seth unapologetically owned up to it. Jey was upset at the fact that Seth ruined things between him and Bianca and acted innocent all this time. As they were arguing, Roman came to Jey's defense and Sasha came to Seth's. Because of this argument, Seth is no longer on Jey's good side. Later on in the night, Beth returned to the Villa and announced to the Islanders that the public had been voting for their favorite couples. The 3 couples with the least amount of votes risked being dumped from the Island. The bottom 3 couples ended up being Alexa and AdamP, Jojo and AdamC, and Indi and Ricochet. Indi and Ricochet being on the bottom 3 was a great shock to everyone. Then, Beth threw a curveball at everyone as she brought in a new islander and a returning one. Carmella was the newest Islander to join the cast (and the last one) and with great surprise, Montez was the returning islander, back for a shot to find love. They both were given the option to recouple with the Islanders that were currently at risk- Indi, Alexa, Jojo, Ricochet, AdamP or AdamC. Whoever they did not couple up with, will be dumped from the island. Montez coupled up with Jojo and Carmella coupled up with AdamC therefore, Indi and Ricochet, and Alexa and AdamP were dumped. Sasha was the most heart broken by Indi and Ricochet having to leave as she had to say goodbye to two of her closest friends. Liv's goodbye to Alexa was bittersweet as Liv continued to express her disappointment with Alexa's actions. AdamC also said his goodbyes to Alexa which ended up in them having an argument. However, Adam was able to stand his ground and walk away, ultimately confirming the end to their relationship.


day 44

8:45 am

Sasha was seen sitting upright on her and Seth's bed, blankly staring at the bed that Indi and Ricochet used to sleep on.  Montez and Jojo had taken it over.

VC-Sasha-Its hard waking up this morning and not seeing Indi and Ric. Indi's voice was always the first voice I heard in the morning. They were one of the couples you swore would have made it until the end. I still cant get over that they're not here anymore but a couple like Roman and Cam are. Im still mad.


Carmella, Liv, Dean and Roman were all seen at the outdoor kitchen standing around, having breakfast.

"So you're the last single thats going to be joining the villa?"Liv asked Carmella.

"Yup. They saved the best for last obviously."Carmella responded with sass.

"Thank god."Liv said as she ate her cereal, "I cant handle anymore hot people joining this villa."

"But you only got a few days left though."Roman pointed out to Carmella, "What the hell can you possibly do in 7 days?"

"You're right. I got to get what I came here for asap."she agreed.

"So you already have someone in mind?"Liv asked.


"Who is it?"Roman asked.

She smiled at him and batted her eyes, "Its a secret. Cant say just yet."

His intense eyes maintained contact with hers.

She put the straw of her drink up to her mouth and twirled it around with her tongue.

Roman smiled.

"Ooooo I see whats going on here."Liv gushed.

Carmella giggled.

VC-Carmella-Roman and his fine, single ass just has my knees weak. I definitely want to get to know him more. He is who I came here for. Adam, you're sweet and all but you got too much baggage boo.

VC-Roman-Ive never really gotten the chance to know Carmella on a deeper level but hey, that can change. She's stunning. I think there could be some potential there. I dont see why I shouldnt take a shot.


"Look at you."Sasha said with a smile to Montez, "I cant believe im sitting here talking to you right now. I cant believe you're back."

At the moment, she and Montez were sitting on bean bag chairs in the backyard.

"You and me both girl. This place is much more different to the way I left it."he responded, "By the way, I am beyond happy for you. You seem genuinely happy and this is what you deserve. Im happy that I get to come back and you're still here. The cherry on top for me is knowing that you found your special someone."

"Awww thanks Tez."she smiled.

"You give me hope."

"Well speaking of that, who you got your eye on?"

"That Jojo sure is something else."Montez said as he casted his eyes on Jojo who was getting a morning workout in with Jade, "Jade's pretty fine too, not gonna lie."

"Thats dangerous territory right there."

"Please. I dont know what Jade's doing with a bum like Jey. She's too good for him. He's a piece of trash that should have been sent home a long time now."

"Damn. Someone's got a chip on their shoulder."

"I just dont like the guy."said Montez, "There aint nothing good about him. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

"Just please stay away from him and Roman. Dont get yourself into trouble with them."

"I aint scared of them."

"I know but we dont need drama. Its seems like thats all they're here for."

"Anyway, Cameron's also hella fine."

"Oh my god you and Cameron would be...interesting. I can already imagine y'all loud, crazy asses together."

"Decisions, decisions."

"You better pick the right one."

VC-Montez-I got my eye on a few people. Im still here to find love. Im lucky that I was given a second chance so trust me, I aint gonna waste it.


12:04 pm

As Bianca was relaxing on a daybed, her phone went off.


"Guys! I got a text!"she yelled out.

Everyone soon gathered around her. She began reading it out loud.

As you can imagine, the Islanders were all ecstatic upon receiving this news! They all let out a unanimous sigh followed by some groans! Thats the spirit!

"Id literally rather not." Liv folded her arms.

VC-Liv-Yea we all know the public hates me so I can only imagine what they're going to say about me. I guarantee you, nothing good is going to come from this. Ugh, lets just get it over with.

You're absolutely right Liv! Todays challenge is called Online Buzz and heres how its going to be played.

-Played in couples.

-The Islanders will be read a series of tweets (sent in by you, the viewers). However, some parts of the tweets will be blank.

-The Islanders must fill in the blanks with what they think the answers are.

-If a couple thinks they know the answer, they must press their buzzer and give the answer.

-If they are right, they get a point. If they are wrong, another couple will be able to guess the answer.

-The couple with the most points, win.

(again, these are your comments im using. Some of them ive shortened or slightly changed the wording. Ive also included a few of my own comments but they'll be written as if they've come from other reality stars. I could not include every single comment I got because the chapter would have been too long. Also, a lot of the comments I got had similar viewpoints so to avoid repetitiveness, I did not include them.)


All of the couples were seen at their respective podiums. Montez and Jojo decided to be the hosts.

"Alright y'all, first tweet, here we go."said Montez, "Its from @S14272. They say, I dont trust blank one bit. I dont know how he's still here. Who y'all think it is?"

Bayley pressed her buzzer.

"Is it Damian?"she asked.

Damian's turned to look at her, "Damn. Its like you had that answer ready and waiting. Did you send in this tweet?"

Bayley laughed.

"Nope, its not Damian. Any other guesses?"Jojo said.

"Jey?"Sasha guessed.

Montez peeled off the sticker on the question board that was blocking the answer, revealing the answer to in fact, be Jey.

Seth and Sasha cheered.

A clearly upset Jey just shook his head.

VC-Jey-This shit just started and im already pissed off.

Jojo began speaking, "So this other tweet was sent in by @totaleetee. They said, 'blank and blank deserve each other. They are both blank and arent stable enough to have a good relationship with each other or anybody else.'"

All of the Islander's jaws dropped.

"What the hell? Thats so fucking mean."Liv commented.

Jey pressed his buzzer.

"I think its Sasha and Seth deserve each other because they're.....toxic?"he guessed.

"Okay. I see you Jey."Sasha said.

"He's calling us toxic? Pft."Seth added.

"Homeboy, you got part of the answer right."said Montez, "The answer is....Dean and Liv deserve each other. They are both toxic and arent stable enough to have a good relationship with each other or anybody else."

"Fuck you!"said Liv as she looked into one of the cameras and raised her middle finger, "We're perfectly stable! "

GC-Dean and Liv

Liv-Haters! They're all haters!

Dean-They dont need to understand us babe. Its fine.

Liv-We're not fucking toxic though! Ugh!

"This tweet comes in from @teenwolfchic101. They say that 'blank and blank's relationship is 100% fake. I dont trust them one bit.' Make your guesses."said Montez.

Cameron hit her buzzer first, "Finn and Bayley?"

"That is....correct!"said Jojo.

Cameron squealed.

"What the fooking hell."Finn muttered.

VC-Finn-Fake? What the hell is it that makes people think we're faking it? I just dont understand.

VC-Jade-I really am starting to get suspicious of Finn and Bayley because like...if the public is thinking they're faking it then...something sketchy must be going on. They must know something we dont.

"This tweet comes in from @Fallbubble. They say, 'To be honest, the whole Villa is filled with blank. Hashtag, blank couples."said Jojo.

Bianca hit the buzzer, "Is it, the whole villa is filled with snakes? Hashtag shady couples?"

"Nope!"said Montez.

Carmella hit her buzzer, "The whole villa is filled with babes? Hashtag sexy couples?"

"Aint even close."said Montez as he revealed the answer, "The answer is, 'To be honest, the whole Villa is filled with hookups. Hashtag, trash couples.'"

This causes an uproar among the islanders.

"They wrong for that."said Bianca.

VC-Bayley-Hook ups? The only person I hooked up with is my boyfriend. I dont see how we're all trash couples.

VC-Sasha-There are a few couples that are trashy but it isnt all of us. You're trying to call Seth and I a trash couple? Bitch. Please.

"Okay this tweet comes from @itsraynedrusilla."said Jojo, "They say, 'blank, you can do so much better than blank. Suddenly when he's done being reality tv's biggest fuckboy he wants you? He only wants you because no one wants him anymore.'"

"Damn. Someone's salty as fuck with that one."said Sasha.

Everyone took some time to think about what the answer could be.

VC-Bianca-To be honest, this tweet could be talking about any of our guys in the villa so.......I dont know who to go with.

Bianca hit her buzzer first.

"Im going to go with.....me and Damian?"she said.

"Damn B."Damian responded.

"Im sorry! I dont want to call anybody else out."

"Its nice to see what you think of me."a hurt Damian said.

"Bianca, you are wrong."said Jojo.

Roman then hit his buzzer, "Is it Finn and Bayley?"

"Nope the answer is not Finn and Bayley."said Montez, "The answer is, Sasha, you can do so much better than Seth."

"What!"Sasha exclaimed.

Everyone 'ooed'.

Seth didnt react. He was too embarrassed too. Especially since everyone's eyes were on him. All he did was shake his head.

"Dont listen to them. I want you. I'll always want you."she said to comfort him.

VC-Sasha-You all are so fucking mean! How could you say that about Seth! No one wants him anymore? Are you out of your mind? Whoever made that tweet, we're beefing now! You're my enemy.

VC-Seth-Yea...that one hurt. Especially because...I think Sasha can do better than me too. Guess im not crazy for thinking that after all.

"The next tweet is from @motun5000."said Montez, "They say, 'I feel like blank will cheat on blank.' Who y'all think it is?"

The couples all hesitated to answer.

VC-Bianca-Its tricky answering these questions because you dont want to end up calling anyone out. Plus, there is a lot of overly sensitive people in this Villa so...I dont feel comfortable calling anyone's name especially for a tweet like that.

Cameron pressed her buzzer.

"I think the answer is....I feel like Damian will cheat on Bianca."she guessed.

"DING DING DING! That is correct!"Montez said, "One more point for you and Roman!"

"Damn! Im on a roll today!"said Cameron as she did a little victory dance.

"We aint even together so that dont make any sense."Bianca said.

"The next tweet is from @teenwolfchic101 again."said Jojo, "They say....'Blank, you're a bitch and deserve to go to hell for what you did to Blank."

"Damn, why they so rude?"Jey asked.

Carmella hit her buzzer, "Is it Sasha, you're a bitch, go to hell for what you did to....Bianca?"

"Nope, not correct."said Montez.

"Excuse me?"Sasha said.

"Sasha and Roman."Dean blurted out.

Sasha shot him a dirty look.

"Nope thats incorrect as well."said Jojo, "The answer is....Cameron, you're a bitch and deserve to go to hell for what you did to Damian."

"Damn. Y'all better chill."said Cameron in shock.

VC-Cameron-It aint that serious y'all, like, for real. Girl, bye.

"The next tweet is from @BlackRxsePlanter."said Montez, "They say, 'Blank needs to calm his ass down. Im sick of seeing him bitch every episode about Blank or him bitching at any man who breathes in her direction. Get over it.'"

Seth hit his buzzer, "Im guessing its Jey needs to calm his ass down. Im sick of seeing him bitch about Bianca?"

"And that is correct! One point for you and Sasha."said Jojo.

"This is bullshit."Jey complained, "That aint even true. I dont bitch about her every episode!"

Jade raised her eyebrows.

"The next tweet comes from a familiar name,  @TheRealBillieKay."said Jojo, "She says, 'It seems like blank is still living up to her title of being a blank blank. Some people are stuck in their ways.'"

The Islanders took some time to think about this one.

Carmella pressed her buzzer, "Is it, It seems like Liv is still living up to her title of being a second option?"

Liv's jaw dropped, "What?"

"Im sorry! Its just a guess!"Carmella said.

VC-Liv-Just a guess? You have to personally be thinking that for that to be your answer. Second option? Second to fucking who?

"Nope that is not correct."said Montez.

Seth pressed his buzzer, "Is it...It seems like Bayley is still living up to her title of being a push over?"

"Push over?"Bayley asked.

"Dont be offended,  im just guessing."said Seth hopelessly.

VC-Seth-I know Billie and Bayley had their issues so...it makes sense for the tweet to be directed at her.

"That is also incorrect."said Montez, "The right answer is....It seems like Jojo is living up to her title of being a home wrecker. Ouch."

Jojo rolled her eyes.

"What a throwback."said Finn.

VC-Jojo-Home wrecker? Really Billie? You're bringing up things from the past? Plus, I didnt even wreck a home this time. What I did wreck was an unstable, toxic relationship thank you very much.

Jojo proceeded to read the next tweet. It said-

@itsraynedrusilla -________ has always been a player. Look up his dating history. ______ if I were you id run while I still can. He's just using you to win the game!

Jey hit his buzzer, "Is it Finn and Bayley?"

"Nope. It is not Finn and Bayley."said Jojo.

Cameron hit her buzzer, "Seth and Sasha?"

"That is also incorrect."Said Montez. Then, he peeled off the sticker on the board to reveal the correct answers.

The actual tweet was-

Jey has always been a player. Look up his dating history. Jade, if I were you, id run while I still can. He's just using you to win the game.

Jade nervously looked over at Jey who was beyond pissed at this point.

"Im about to fucking wreck this whole thing bruh. This shit aint funny anymore."Jey angrily said.

VC-Jade-These tweets about Jey is making me hella worried now. They are not painting him in the best light and like I said, the public knows more about whats been going on than I do. They are saying all this shit for a reason.

Tweet- @naaedollasign - ________ needs to get over himself. He's not the protector of the villa.

Bianca hit her buzzer, "Seth?"

"Nope."said Jojo.

Liv hit her buzzer, "Damian?"

"Wrong."said Montez, "The answer is Roman. Roman needs to get over himself."

Roman smirked.

VC-Roman-Im not the protector of the villa nor do I want to be. Im the protector of the Bloodline. Plus, i'll get over myself as soon as y'all get over me. Y'all dont think I know you were begging for me to show up here? Please. No matter what I do y'all gonna keep acknowledging me.

Tweet-@between1&2- _____ is better off with _____ than ______

Carmella hit her buzzer, "Is it....Damian is better off with Cameron than Bianca?"

"Incorrect."said Montez.

Bayley hit her buzzer, "I think its Bianca is better off with Montez than Damian. No offense Damian."

"That is also incorrect."said Jojo, "The answer is.....Finn is better off with Sasha than Seth."

The Islanders all 'ooed'.

Sasha shook her head. The awkwardness was killing her, Seth, Finn and Bayley all together.

VC-Sasha-I dont get it like....do y'all not like seeing me happy? Y'all rather me be miserable or something? Be serious guys.

Tweet-@southeast- ________ is only with _______ to make _______ jealous.

Cameron hit her buzzer first, "So I dont personally think this but this is what I think the public would say. I think the answer is.....Jey is only with Jade to make Bianca jealous."

"Come on bruh."Jey groaned.

"Id say anything to get this point. I aint playing. Sorry not sorry."Cameron shrugged.

"Cam, that is not the answer."Jojo said.

Liv then hit her buzzer, "Is it....Damian is with Bianca to get Cameron jealous?"

"Also wrong! Man, y'all suck at this game."said Montez, "The answer is.....Sasha is only with Seth to make Roman jealous."

"Oh hell no. Thats the real tweet? Seriously?"Sasha asked.

Montez nodded, "Indeed it is."

VC-Sasha-Y'all are fucking delusional! Like...what show are y'all even watching? It cant be the same show that im currently on. Must be another one. Im convinced y'all just wanna be messy because aint no way you actually think that shit. Southeast, get yourself checked out hun.

Tweet-@teenwolfchic101- ______is a jerk and needs to stop punishing _______ for what his ex did.

Adam hit the buzzer this time, "Is it...Dean is a jerk and needs to stop punishing Liv?"

"That is correct Adam! One more point for you and Mella!"said Montez.

"Wooooh!"Carmella cheered.

"You're a jerk but you're my jerk."Liv said to Dean as she pinched his cheeks, "You're my toxic, unstable, jerk."

VC-Liv-Teenwolfchic, you hit the nail on the head with that comment.

Tweet-@wildesires- ______ and ______ are boring and are honestly better off as friends.

Finn hit his buzzer, "Damian and Bianca?"

"But we are friends!"Bianca cried out.

"Damian and Bianca is not the right answer Finn."Montez said.

Sasha then hit her buzzer, "Is it...Finn and Bayley?"

"And that is correct!"Jojo said.

Bayley shook her head in disapproval.

VC-Finn-Well im sorry if my perfectly stable relationship isnt interesting enough for you. Would you prefer me to cheat? Or maybe you'd prefer us to constantly be arguing. Would that please you? You guys are hypocrites. You hate us because we're unproblematic but you'd also hate us if we were toxic. What the fook do you really want? You guys got a bunch of other toxic couples to be entertained by. Leave us out of this.

Tweet-@popnayeon- _______ is the only female in the villa that doesnt want other people to be happy.

Roman hit his buzzer, "Sasha."

Sasha glared at him. He raised an eyebrow.

"You got a problem Roman?"she asked.

"Just playing the game sweetheart."he replied.

"I dont know man, sounds like you got a fucking problem to me."she said.

"I aint the one cursing."

Seth was seen quietly standing with his fingers to his temples.

"Alright guys, lets not get carried away."said Jojo, "Roman, your answer is....correct."

"Obviously."he said.

VC-Sasha-I am this close to walking away from this stupid game. Ive had enough of it. I dont care what these people think of me. Fuck them and their comments.

Tweet-@SamiZaynReal-Why is ______ always so angry? Its  unlikeable and not very ______ of him at all. Someone has to either sleep with this guy or get him a Snickers bar to calm down.

Liv hit her buzzer, "It has to be Jey. He's the most intense one here. I think Sami said its unlikeable and not very....cool of him?"

"Liv,"said Montez, "You got the first part of the tweet right. The full tweet says, Why is Jey always so angry? Its unlikeable and not very ucey of him at all. Someone has to either sleep with this guy or get him a Snickers bar. Aint that the truth."

"Aww hell nah. The fuck?"Jey cursed.

Roman couldnt help but laugh at his cousin's embarrassment.

"He aint wrong."Roman said.

"The hell you mean he aint wrong?"Jey asked.

"Look at you. You're proving Sami right."Roman answered.

VC-Jey-Ucey? The fuck is Ucey? Sami, what you know about being an Uce dawg? Bruh, I dont even know your ass, you out here talking about I need a Snickers bar. Get the fuck outta here.

Tweet-@totaleetee - To be honest, I dont like _______ and ______ as a couple. I think he is stringing her along cause he hasnt found a real connection.

Jade hit her buzzer, "Finn and Bayley?"

"Negative."said Montez.

Liv hit her buzzer, "Jey and Jade?"

"Also negative."said Montez, "The answer is.....I dont like Damian and Bianca as a couple."

"False."said Damian, "Id never do that to her."

"Just like how you havent done it to the other girls you've been with, right?"Roman asked.

Damian turned to look at him.

"You trying to argue? You cant argue about that, fool."said Roman, "Just calling it like I see it."

"Keep your comments to yourself smartass."said Damian.

Roman grinned, antagonizing him even more.

VC-Bayley-I feel like evil Roman from an alternate universe took the place of good guy Roman from this universe. He just doesnt give a shit anymore. Usually Roman is the type of guy to de-escalate any situations, always the peacemaker. But now, he's the one stirring the pot.

Tweet-@-legitboss15-  ________ needs to stay in his lane and leave ________ and _______ alone.

Cameron hit her buzzer, "Is it....Jey needs to stay in his lane and leave Jade and Bianca alone?"

"Aint even close."said Montez.

Carmella hit her buzzer, "Is it....Damian needs to stay in his lane and leave Bianca and Cameron alone?"

"No."said Jojo, "The answer is....Roman needs to stay in his lane and leave Seth and Sasha alone."

"Thats funny."Roman commented.

VC-Roman-Leave them alone? What have I done to them? When have I ever gone out of my way to pester them? They are honestly at the back of my mind. Im not here because of them. They're nothing but an after thought to me.

Tweet-@romanishot- ________ is boring. Such a wasted spot. Poor _______

Cameron hit her buzzer, "Is it Bayley is boring? Poor Finn?"

"Thats correct!"said Jojo.

"Sorry to be so boring guys. Jeez."Bayley rolled her eyes. Finn pulled her in for a hug.

"Its kinda true though."Cameron quietly said.

VC-Bayley-Yea...these comments are destroying me. Im not okay right now.

VC-Finn-Again, with the comments of being boring. What are you expecting from us?

Tweet-@TheLanaPerry- _______, __________ , __________ and __________ havent found love. They're just settling with their partner. Get them off the show. #inauthentic

Jade hit her buzzer, "Cameron, Adam, Finn and.......Seth?"

"Finn and Seth are correct. The others are wrong."said Jojo.

Bayley frowned.

Sasha then answered with, "Jey and Bianca?"

"Thats right!"Montez said, "But no one gets this point since y'all didnt get all the names right the first time."

"Dont take these comments seriously okay."Finn said to Bayley as he gave her a kiss.

VC-Seth-Screw you Lana. How could you say im settling? Sasha and I have been through a real journey here. You see what you want to see and you believe what you want to believe. You guys are just so hungry for drama that you refuse to believe that what Sasha and I have is pure. You're probably just patiently waiting for something to go wrong between us arent you? Im not going to let anyone break my stride right now.

"The last tweet comes in from an old friend."said Montez, "@NiaJaxWWETV says....Im sure if blank got the opportunity to be with blank she'd go for it without hesitation. She seems to be obsessed with him and obviously has a crush."

Jade hit her buzzer, "Is it...Jojo and Adam?"

"You got Adam right but Jojo is not the answer to the first part."said Montez.

"Damn, who else is obsessed with this guy?"Damian asked.

"Its so obvious."said Carmella as she hit her buzzer, "Its Liv."

"And right you are Ms.Mella!"said Montez.

"Of course Nia says some bogus shit like that. And what do you mean its obvious, Carmella?"Liv asked.

"Well you're always comparing Dean to Adam. You're always saying how great of a boyfriend he is."

"That doesnt mean I want him!"

"Well you got to make that a little more clear hun."Carmella responded.

VC-Carmella-Liv always seems to be all up in Adam's grill. The way she talks about him, the way she looks at him, honey got a crush okay. My friends have great boyfriends too, you dont hear me gushing about them. I for sure think that if Adam ever gives Liv the green light, she wont turn it down.

VC-Adam-This....insinuation of Liv having a crush on me is....cute but bizarre. Im not in the right head space to deal with this. I dont think she has a crush on me. Lets just leave it at that.

VC-Liv-Damn Nia, even when your ass is at home you're still trying to cause trouble for me. So what, I cant admire the way someone is? That automatically means that I want them? If I wanted Adam, I would have shown it. Adam is a friend and a damn good guy. I respect who he is as a person. Thats it. By the way, why are you even on social media Nia? Dont you got diapers to change?

"Cameron, Roman, you guys got the most guesses right which makes you the winners of this challenge!"said Montez.

"Thats what I thought! Who you know better than me? Nobody!"Cameron proudly said as she strutted around.

"Now, lets head back to the villa!"said Jojo.

VC-Bianca-This challenge kicked our asses today. Im afraid that it isnt over. I think a lot of us were affected by what was said and it will impact our relationships. Shit's going to get messy y'all.

T O       B E      C O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D

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