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All seven Islanders were standing on the lawn in a horizontal row looking like swimsuit models as the girls were all dressed in bikinis and the guys were simply wearing swim shorts. Beth stood in front of them. Adam was seen standing next to Alexa and Dean was seen standing next to Liv.

"So let me welcome you to the first official coupling up. As you can see, our real couples have already coupled themselves up because-well, obviously that was going to happen."said Beth, "So what im going to do now is bring out one of our single men. Ladies, if you're interested in that boy all you need to do is take one step forward. Alexa, Liv, that includes you too. Anyone that is interested in him, all you need to do is step forward, got it? Great, so let me bring out our first single guy, ladies, meet.....Matt!"

Making his entrance was a guy that seemed familiar to some of the islanders already. He was tall, muscular, had long, dirty blonde hair and sported a bright, wide grin as he strolled out on a scooter.

VC-Riddle-Whats up bros, im Matt Riddle, you can just call me Riddle. Its way catchier. Im 30, im from Allentown, Pennsylvania. Im a pro boxer but I also work in a cannabis dispensary. Im very passionate about my job *laughs* I also grow a little on my own you know, for personal use.....I dunno man, im a really laid back guy....I take life one day at a time....I dont...feel the need to rush anything. I like letting things be as they are you know....When it comes to girls, I dont really have a specific type. Looks dont matter to me. Im all about personality. Because you know what, you can have the prettiest face but still be a shitty person. Im not about that. I want someone thats just....fun to be around you know? Someone that understands me. Someone thats easy going and free spirited and not afraid to be themselves. Someone like.....me. If I can find the girl version of myself then....that would be rad.

"Yo isnt that the stoner guy?"Dean quietly asked Sasha. She nodded.

"So ladies, if any of you are interested in Matt, please step forward."said Beth with Matt standing next to her.

About 5 seconds passed until a girl stepped forward. It was Indi. Only Indi.

"Wow, so just Indi? Bianca, why didnt you step forward?"asked Beth.

"No offence Matt but im just sticking it out to see who else may show up. I dont want to put all my eggs in one basket right now."said Bianca.

"No worries. Its cool."he smiled.

"You're right Bianca, we still have two more guys."said Beth, "But heres the thing Matt. Even though only Indi stepped forward, you can choose any of these women to couple up with. Even the ones that are already in couples."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Sweet!"Matt smiled.

VC-Liv-Wait so...I can potentially be taken away from Dean? Are you kidding?

"So, who's it going to be?"Beth asked.

Matt took a quick look at each girl that was there. He even took some glances at Dean and Adam who were both glaring at him in a threatening manner.

VC-Dean-Matt, dont cross me brother. I think you and I could be friends. Dont fuck this up for yourself.

"Beth....just because she was the only one that liked me...i'll couple up with Indi."he said.

He walked over to Indi and stood next to her.

"Indi and Matt, you are now our third couple. Lets bring out our second single guy. Ladies, give it up for.....Montez!"

"Hold up-huh?"said Bianca.

Making his way to Beth doing a little dance was an oh-too familiar face holding a red solo cup in hand.

VC-Montez-What it do! Its ya boy Montez Ford aka King Tez! Im from Chi-Town baby! Im a retired military marine-yes, yes, you're welcome for my service. Currently I run a nightclub with my best friend, its located in the Illinois area. We're currently working on expanding our business. Im here on Love Island to give this experience a try. I was dating this girl recently and she found out that I was texting this other girl, long story short, we ended things even though she really had nothing to be worried about. I just think its my lifestyle that she couldnt handle. I recently retired from the marines so it took me a long time to sort of get back out there. Now that im out there, im out there like....I dont wanna be held down. I want to find a woman that can be side by side with me you know. Not trying to anchor me down all the time. Running this business is hectic. Like I said, im trying to expand it so im always all over the country. I need me a woman that can be right by my side through all of that like-physically. I want a woman that is confident, that wont let other women get to her head, I like the dominant ones for sure. I dont want to have to keep reassuring her. I want to be the one thats scared thats she's going to cheat on my ass.

As Montez got a good look of the women, his face grew small.

"Oh."he said.

"Hi Tez."Sasha greeted.

VC-Bianca-*sigh*.....This shit cant be real right now.

"So ladies, whichever of you are interested in Montez, please step forward."said Beth.

After five seconds, someone stepped forward. It was Indi. Again.

VC-Indi-What? Im putting myself out there. I dont care.

VC-Sasha-Montez is my ex from way back when so....I just dont see him in that manner anymore you know? He's kind of like a best friend to me.

"B, you aint gonna step forward for ya boy?"Montez asked.

"Why should I?"Bianca responded.

"Because I would have stepped forward for you."

"Alright Montez, Indi is the only one that stepped forward however, you can choose to couple up with anyone of these women that you'd like."said Beth, "Who's it going to be?"

"Well shit, giving that the only two available women are my exes...this is going to be a very tough choice."Montez scratched his head.

VC-Montez-I must be having a fever dream right now. Where in the world does shit like this happen where you got to choose between your exes to couple up with? I know theres Liv and Alexa but they already got their men. And then theres the other girl but she already with someone. I aint gonna be snatching nobody away from their guy. I aint tryna create new enemies this soon. So I think its best I stick with my old enemy at the moment.

"I say we give it one more try B. Im choosing you!"he said as he danced his way over to her.

He gave her a tight hug.

"Its like the lord himself brought us here together again huh?"he said to her.

"Montez...just please stay quiet for the rest of this."

"Bianca, you seem a bit....agitated. Why is that?"Beth asked.

"Montez is my ex so....theres that factor."Bianca responded.

Montez put his arm around her,"She's just acting like she's mad Beth. Give her about an hour and its gonna be like nothing ever happened. She cant stay mad at me and she know it."

Bianca blushed as she shook her head.

VC-Bianca-Its....a very awkward position to be in right now. Montez and I broke up...but here we are....together again on this dating show. How am I supposed to get the best out of this experience with him being here. Im just afraid that I fall back into his trap and have the same shit happen to me again. Gosh...I should have stepped forward for Matt.

"Let me go ahead and bring out our last single guy. Ladies, meet......Austin."

Out walked another new face. From the way he carried himself, you can tell that he was a confident one.

VC-Austin-My name is Austin Theory, im 24, im from Atlanta Georgia and im a model, fitness instructor and influencer. Ive always wanted to do reality tv, I love watching it so im really stoked that im here. I cant wait to be let loose in that villa *laughs* My last relationship, believe it or not, I was 20 years old. We broke up because...I wasnt really into her anymore. What can I say, sometimes the flame dies out and theres nothing you can do to fix it. Im young, im handsome and im not trying to be committed to anyone but myself at the moment. Its going to have to take the most stunning, amazing woman for me to want to get tied down. And when I say stunning, im talking model type stunning. Im here to do what I want, I dont care about stepping on anybody else's toes. If I see a girl that im interested in then im going to go after her no matter what. I heard there were going to be some real couples here so dudes, if I end up stealing your girl, thats on you pal. You knew what you signed up for.

Liv raised her eyebrows at the sight of him.

VC-Liv-Yea, Austin's......cute or whatever.....

"Ladies, for the last time, if any of you are interested in Austin, please step forward."said Beth.

Like she did for the last two, Indi stepped forward. Only Indi.

VC-Indi-Im broadening my horizons guys, seriously, buzz off.

"Sasha, you havent stepped forward for anyone. Why is that?"asked Beth.

"Yea...these guys arent really my type. Sorry."she gritted her teeth.

"How do you know if we're your type or not. Its not all about looks. Sometimes you gotta just give people a chance bro."said Matt.

"That is very true Matt."said Beth, "Austin, now its up to you. You can select any girl that you want, to couple up with. You can choose our only available single, Sasha. Or....any of the other girls."

"Im not going to lie Beth, all of these ladies are gorgeous. But most of them are already coupled up and....I respect that."said Austin, "But I didnt come here to play nice. The girl I want to couple up with is....Alexa."

"He.... knows my name?"Alexa asked.

Austin walked over to Alexa as Adam went over and stood next to Beth.

VC-Adam-Thats a ballsy move kid.

"Adam, how do you feel about this?"Beth asked.

"This is the game we signed up to play right? I get it, young kid, wants to ruffle some feathers. He said he's not here to play nice, I dont expect him too. No hard feelings Austin."said Adam. Austin nodded.

"Austin, you do know that Alexa and Adam were an actual couple right? They have been together for a year."Beth asked him.

"I dont really think that matters on this show."Austin responded. Everyone's jaws dropped. Alexa rolled her eyes.

Adam smiled and folded his arms. It wasnt a smile of joy. More like a smile of amusement.

VC-Adam-Okay so we got a hot head on our hands. I think the poor kid set himself up for failure. I really do.

VC-Alexa-Im...already annoyed with Austin.

"Well Adam, since you've been booted out......that means that by default, you will be coupled up with Sasha."said Beth.

An embarrassed smile grew across Sasha's face.

"I know, this is going to be weird for the both of us Sash."said Adam as he walked over to her.

VC-Sasha-I always find myself...in these really weird situations. Are you serious right now? Adam and I....coupled up? Ughhhhhhhh kill me now.

"Well, there you have it. All of our islanders are now in couples. But dont worry, these couplings wont last forever. Throughout the show there will be recouplings. But for now, you are stuck with the person next to you."said Beth.

VC-Liv-I am so happy that Dean and I made it through this alive.

"I also hope that you dont mind sharing a bed with your partner because...thats what you're going to have do to from here on out."Beth informed.

"Are you kidding?"Sasha said.

"We're no stranger to that."said Montez as he looked at Bianca.

"So before I let you leave so you can officially kick things off....I have...one more surprise for you."said Beth.

"Another boy?"Sasha asked.

"No. Something even better. Lets shake things up a little shall we? Everyone....meet, the wildcard of the house. Come on out!"Beth called.

Out walked a woman. She was tall, tan, very fit. Out she strutted in a sultry black one piece bathing suit and black, open toed stilettos. Despite her apparel being all black, it complimented her long, wavy hair extremely well considering that it was a light, ombre pink color.

Montez did a wolf whistle when he saw her.

VC-Eva Marie-Hi everyone, my name is Eva Marie. You may remember me from doing The Challenge Free Agents...or not. I was there for a very short time *laughs* Im 28 years old and im from Cali. Yes, im a Cali girl! I am a model and fashion designer, I have my own clothing line and...not to brag or anything but its pretty successful. Im here on Love Island to have fun and let loose and just have a memorable summer. Also, to find myself some arm candy because ive been single for way too long. Im kind of a diva. I have 3 brothers so im used to being the princess of the family. And thats what I hope to be treated like in a relationship, a princess. But dont think that im all take and no give. I love being spoiled but I also love spoiling my man. Im a strong, independent woman that can hold her own. If theres something I want, i'll go right ahead and get it. I think im the full package. I have everything that any real man can ever want. If I ever find myself attracted to a guy on the show, they should consider themselves lucky and be prepared for me to upgrade their lives *blows kiss*

The girls all looked at each other.

VC-Liv-Fuck....she's hot.

"Everyone, this is Eva Marie."said Beth, "She is the 11th Islander on the show. As you can see, she's not coupled up. Soon that will change. She will be in the villa getting to know all of you but specifically, the men. Because tomorrow night....she will have a very important decision to make. Tomorrow, Eva will be coupling herself up with any of the five men we have here. Its her choice. That means, girls, one of you will be left single and at risk of getting dumped from the island. Got it?"

"Such great news, Beth."Liv sarcastically said.

"Great so, everyone you can carry on doing what you were doing. Enjoy yourselves, have fun, make yourself at home. We'll meet again very soon. Take care guys."said Beth before she left.

VC-Eva-I definitely noticed some dirty looks from some of the girls. And now that they know that I got to steal one of their men away from them then....im sure they're all panicking now. This should be fun *smiles*

T  O        B  E        C  O  N  T  I  N U E  D

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What do you think is going to happen? Who is Eva going to choose?

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