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continuation of the 1st day

Our Islanders have just been coupled up. Here are the highlights. Alexa was stolen by new boy Austin which left Adam being coupled up with Sasha by default. Also, to stir things up, Beth introduced the wildcard of the house, Eva Marie. By tomorrow night, Eva will have to couple up with one of the guys which will ultimately leave one girl single and at risk at being dumped from the island.

The islanders were all seen at the outdoor bar.

"Cheers to a great summer guys!"said Liv as her and everybody else raised their drinks in the air.

VC-Alexa-So we just got done with the first coupling and boy.....what a mess that was. This Austin kid coupled up with me which led to Sasha and Adam being coupled up. Im trying to stay calm about it because I know Beth said that we will get a chance to recouple. So for the time being, i'll just...play nice.

"Ohhh this is nice!"Said Indi as she and the 10 other Islanders checked out the bedroom area.

"Awesome! We're all room mates!"Said Matt as he jumped atop his and Indi's bed, "We can like, build blanket forts and shit."

"That would be sick."Dean said.

Indi also joined Matt as he was jumping atop their bed.

"Come on guys! Dont leave us hanging!"said Indi.

"Yea I dont like my bed sheets messy so...no."said Bianca.

Matt took a pillow and whacked Indi with it. She fell down.

"You motherfucker!"she yelled as she tackled him down onto the bed. Matt couldnt stop laughing.

"Aww. Look at y'all bonding already. Thats so cute."Sasha cooed.

"Guys, if you're hearing any noises coming from our bed.....just mind your business okay."Liv jokingly warned.

"Yea we can be pretty loud."Dean said.

"Y'all not about to be keeping me up all night. Y'all better go on the couch."said Sasha.

VC-Adam-Its kind of depressing that im not going to be waking up next to Alexa. Where Sasha and my bed is positioned, I cant even see her.

"Are you more of a big spoon or a little spoon type of girl?"Austin asked Alexa.

She turned to look at him, "Excuse me?"

"You seem like you enjoy being the little spoon."he said.

"I do. Why do you want to know?"

"We are sharing a bed after all."

"Yea and id really appreciate if you'd stick to your side and i'll stick to mine."

VC-Austin-Alexa's being really harsh. Like-is this not what she signed up for? I dont care. Im not going to hold back.

"Eva, I guess you're all by yourself then on that big ass bed huh?"said Montez.

"Not for long."Eva smirked.

VC-Eva-So Beth said that tomorrow night, i'll be coupling up with any guy of my choice leaving one of the girls at risk of being sent home. I love this power. Im sure they're all on edge. But...I dont really know these guys too well. I still gotta conduct some interviews and familiarise myself with them.

Liv assembled all the girls in the outdoor kitchen.

"So guys, its just the 6 of us here for now. And...im tired of always seeing women fighting each other. I hope that on this show we can really see some sisterhood. I want our bond to be strong. I want us to be a unit. I know some of us here have bad history with others but im begging like-please lets leave all of that in the past and just try to enjoy ourselves while we're here. No need for the drama okay?"said Liv.

Alexa and Sasha looked at each other.

Liv, do you even know what you're asking for right now?

"You know what...I think she's right."said Sasha, "Alexa, you and I dont have to be besties but....I dont see why we cant...try to get along for once. I think its about time we grow up."

Alexa folded her arms, "I.....got no problem with that."

"Yay! Sisters before misters!"Indi cheered as she put her arm around them both.

"Lets keep this girl code alive!"said Bianca.

Eva smiled.

GC-Sasha and Bianca

Sasha-Bianca and I....always had this sort of rivalry.

Bianca-Oh yea...

Sasha-It started when she tried to take Roman away from me but its cool *flips hair*

Bianca-Girl, that was like ages ago. And I didnt even know you back then.

Sasha-Even after that though. On Takeover ive always tried to be your friend but you were always so harsh to me. I just feel like you've never liked me for whatever reason.

Bianca-Arent we passed that though? We've moved on.

Sasha-Thats right. Bianca and I buried the hatchet some time ago. Aint no reason two bad bitches should be pitted against each other so now, we besties.

Bianca-Damn right!


Eventually all the guys joined the girls over at the outdoor kitchen to help them with the margaritas they were making.

Matt had thrown some ice, alcohol and margarita mix into the blender. He pressed the button to begin blending but what he forgot to add to the blender was the lid. Ultimately, the contents of the blenders began spewing everywhere.

"MATT! WHAT THE HELL!"Liv yelled out as she ran over to stop him.

He released the button.

"Oh shit."he laughed, "I totally forgot the lid."

"Ya think?!"said Liv.

"Have you even worked a blender before dude? How can you forget to put the lid on?"Montez asked him.

"Its not everyday I use a blender bro."

"Yea but..its-its the lid man. Did you not look at the blender and think that something was missing?"

Matt laughed, "Honestly bro.....no."

VC-Sasha-.......If there are more single men thats going to be joining us they better hurry the hell up.

"You guys were on Are You The One right?"Austin asked as he pointed to Dean and Alexa.

"I was there too."said Sasha.

"Is that how you knew my name?"Alexa asked him.

"Yea. I loved that show. I tried to get on it but I was a little too young at the time. I mean, that show happened like ages ago."

"It was like....3 years ago."said Alexa.

"Exactly, ages ago. Anyway, Alexa, you were my favourite on that show. I had such a huge crush on you. I shouldnt even be saying that because its so embarrassing."Austin laughed.

Alexa awkwardly smiled.

"What happened to you and AJ?"He asked.

Alexa's eyes widened, "We....broke up."

No Austin, AJ magically morphed into Adam. What do you think happened!?

"I think you were way out of his league anyway."said Austin.

VC-Austin-As soon as I walked out and saw Alexa standing there, I knew she was the one that I was going to pick. I think she's absolutely gorgeous. I dont know too much about Adam, I dont care to know too much about Adam. He doesnt matter. I know Alexa is being a bit cold towards me right now but its only the first day. Give it time and im sure she'll warm up to me eventually.

"Hey, do you wanna have a quick chat?"Adam asked Austin.

"Oh yea, ive been meaning to talk to you."

The two went over to the re-coupling bench and they sat down.

"So I know you're probably pissed that I took Alexa away from you huh?"said Austin.

"No, its not that im pissed. Just wasnt really expecting it. But I get it, you're here for you. You're doing what you came here to do. I know you're going to want to get to know her but...keep in mind we have a relationship going on and all im asking is for you to be respectful of that."

Austin nodded, "Yea man. No worries. But...you keep in mind that I am in a couple with her so if you're being bothered by the things that we may end up doing then...thats on you. You came here. You chose to put your relationship at risk."

Adam lowered his eyebrows.

"I just...wanted to have a simple talk with you but now I feel like you're being a bit passive aggressive with me,man."

"No no no, im just telling you things that you already know. I just dont feel I need to be talked too like a child, thats all."Austin responded.

Adam amusingly smiled and stood up, "Listen kid, you make the wrong move...and Alexa's gonna eat you alive. Stay safe."he said before he walked away.

VC-Adam-Austin is just in way over his head. He really thought he did something by choosing to couple up with Alexa. He really has no idea what he got himself into. He said that he hopes I dont get bothered by the things he and Alexa are going to be doing? What things? She doesnt even want to have a conversation with the kid. I cant wait to just sit back and watch Alexa make his time here absolutely miserable.

VC-Austin-Oh, he wants me to be respectful? Thats him basically saying that he wants me to hold back. Alexa is the girl im most attracted too here and im going to make advances towards her whether little Adam likes it or not. Soon, im going to have her forgetting that this chump is even in the villa.

Wow....Austin seems like quite the arrogant, egotistical douche bag doesn't he? Adam, does he remind you of anyone? Oh yea.....yourself!


"So I heard that you have two exes in the house right now?"Eva said to Montez as they were sitting on the lounge chairs.

"Oh yea. Great to be me huh? Sasha and Bianca are both my exes. Bianca's my most recent."

VC-Eva-I dont have a lot of time left to get to know all the guys so im putting in work. I want to make the best decision for myself at the end of the day.

"And you're coupled with her? How are you feeling about that?"

"Honestly...a bit hopeful. I think we ended really abruptly and I see this as a way for her and I to really talk about things, figure everything out and start again."

"So....you wouldn't want me to pick you tomorrow night then?"

Montez's eyes lit up.

"I mean...do you as you please. Im not saying dont...im not saying do. Its all up to you sweet face. If you chose me then...id be honoured."

"But then id have to compete with Bianca?"

"I mean...if you're genuinely interested in getting to know me and we click and I see potential in us then....maybe not. Bianca's being a bit standoffish anyway."

Eva smiled.

VC-Montez-Eva Marie is *chefs kiss* muy muy muy caliente! She's definitely a boss babe. But...on the other hand..I really wanted to mend things with Bianca so...if Eva chooses me, I dont know whats going to happen.

VC-Eva-I like Montez. He definitely has this swagger about him. He's a smooth talker. He seems like a really fun person plus, I find him to be insanely attractive. I have my eye on him for sure.


"What are your thoughts on this whole Eva situation?"Alexa asked Liv.

The two were sitting on the terrace together.

"I dont really know what to think. Like-obviously she's hot. I dont really know her but so far, she seems cool."

"What do you think of the other guys so far?"

"Okay...dont judge me but....I think Austin's a hottie."Liv giggled.

Alexa playfully hit her, "Liv!"

"So what! It doesnt mean anything. I just think he's really nice to look at. But, my heart still belongs to Dean of course."

"I hope so. I have no interest in Austin whatsoever."Alexa scoffed, "I dont usually go for guys that are younger than me anyway."

"What about Matt or Montez?"

"They're both great guys but...I dont think theres any possibility that id ever have a romantic connection with either of them. So as for now, I think Adam and I are rock solid."

Liv twisted her mouth,"Be honest with me Lex, do you think I made the right decision by coming here?"

"Well......if I told you no then id sound like a hypocrite wouldnt I?"Alexa sighed, "Its only the first day of seven weeks. So much can happen during that time. I hope we made the right decision honestly. For example, when I went onto Temptation Island, I thought there was absolutely no way that someone would make me change my mind from wanting to be with AJ. But...it happened. Anything can happen and....its scary."

Liv sighed.

"Its just that....Dean and I have been having issues lately."she said, "I havent told anyone about this. Not even my mom. But yea...things between us havent been picture perfect like people may think its been. Thats kind of why I wanted to do this. Lately, he's been spending more time with his friends and....I feel a disconnect between us. I feel like...he's put me on the back burner."

"Oh my gosh."Alexa said in disbelief.

"There was this one time that he even went to a fucking strip club with his stupid friend Eddie. I can only imagined what happened while he was there. He does things...and expects me to be okay with it for whatever reason. Do you remember how he acted on Takeover with AJ? Letting her wear his clothes and shit. He keeps on doing stuff like that and expects me to be totally fine but like....its not, you know?"

Alexa nodded.

Liv sniffled, "I dont know, ive just been in my head a lot lately. Like...I love him to death. Id do anything for him. But sometimes...I feel like he doesnt love me as much."

Alexa placed her hand on Liv's thigh.

"Ugh, maybe im over reacting."

"No. You're not. You have real reasons to be worried Liv. Dont justify the situation by blaming yourself."

"I know. I just...hate that im going through this you know? I dont really want to accept it."

"If he's giving off red flags then its best that you take action as soon as possible. For your sake."

"But at the same time, I dont want to lose him, you know?"

"Trust me, I know what you're feeling. Ive been there. But always remember, you need to put yourself and your happiness first."

"He is my happiness. Im afraid that im not his."

"Have you ever tried talking to him about how you're feeling?"

"Ive tried but he always changes the subject when things get too deep. He's not one to talk about feelings and stuff while he's sober. Its hard for him."

"These are conversations that you need to have with him whether he likes it or not."

Liv nodded.

VC-Alexa-Ugh, poor Liv. We've seen this time and time again. Couples come onto these dating shows when they're in an unhappy place in their relationship and.....at the end of everything, they end up going their separate ways.

"Do you think he loves me? Or do you think he's just putting up a front?"Liv asked.

Alexa shook her head, "Dean is a very complexed individual. He's so hard to read. But honestly Liv.....I think he does. The way he looks at you sometimes, you can just tell that he's in love with you and that you mean a lot to him."

She smiled, "I hope so."

VC-Liv-Some people may think im over thinking things but.....yea sometimes I feel like our relationship is a bit superficial or one sided. Things between us now arent the way they were when we first got together. Thats kind of why I decided to do this show because...I want to see Dean's true colours. When he was on The Challenge Takeover, he kind of...let me down with the whole AJ situation. I havent really brought it up with him since but.....its still been in the back of my mind. I think this show is really going to put us to the test. I want to know what we have is real. Like ive said before....if Dean and I are able to survive this then...we can survive anything.


Up Next-

Eva makes her pick.


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