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continuation of Day 1

"Hey, do you want to talk for a little bit?"Eva went over and asked Matt, interrupting his conversation with Indi.

"Sure."he happily said. He followed her over to one of the daybeds.

"So, obviously you know I have this decision to make tomorrow night. How would you feel if I chose to couple up with you?"

He grinned, "That would be sick. Like...I know it would suck for Indi but....honestly dude...I dont even think she's into me. Like, she stepped forward for every single guy that came out. I thought I was the special one but...I guess not."

"So you'd be okay with it?"

"Hell yea! Are you into me?"

Eva twisted her mouth,"Im.....open to getting to know you."


VC-Matt-Eva seems like a cool chick bro. Have you seen her hair? Its awesome!

VC-Eva-Matt is quite a unique individual. But by the looks of it, he's not too content with being in a couple with Indi because apparently she has eyes for all the guys. He'd be a safe bet for me for sure.

"Its been a long time hasnt it?"Eva said to Dean as she led him to one of the day beds.

For your information, this villa has a ton of daybeds so dont get confused. We have more daybeds than we have islanders.

"Long time since...what?"Dean asked.

They both sat on the day bed.

"Since we've seen each other?"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "Ive never seen you in my life. Unless we hooked up years ago and I cant remember. In that case...if I owe you money....then im not the guy you're looking for."

She playfully pushed him,"Dean, we were on Free Agents together. I was the girl with the red hair, remember?"

"There were like 10 girls with red hair on that show."

She laughed, "Anyway, I just wanted to get to know you a bit more because of this decision im going to have to make. I know you're dating Liv but...are you open to maybe venturing out a little bit?"

He shrugged, "I really dont think I have much of a choice. This is a game and whether I like it or not, we're here to play."

"Im not going to lie though, out of all the guys here, I find you the most interesting. You're just my type."

Dean scoffed, "Me? Your type? You need better taste darling."

"Oh come on. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror? Whats not to like?"

"Sometimes I forget that I own mirrors."

"Well...im looking forward to getting to know you a lot better...if thats okay with you."she said.

"I mean...sure, whatever."he said.

VC-Eva-I know Dean is a tough one to crack and his whole gimmick is being this indifferent, laid back guy but....im kind of drawn to that. We'll see where this goes.

VC-Dean-Eva is an obviously pretty girl. I dont trust the pretty ones. Anytime a pretty girl shows interest in me im like....what the hell is wrong with you. Im still trying to figure out whats wrong with Liv.


Ah, finally the sun had set, bringing the first day of Love Island closer to the end. This was one of the longest days ever if you ask me.

It was 7pm. All of the girls were seen in the dressing room, doing their hair, their makeup and getting changed into their fancy outfits.

VC-Sasha-Its our first night together here in the villa so, why not just have a good night and keep the party going a little?

Do you guys ever get tired?

"So Eva, do you have any idea who you're going to choose yet?"Bianca asked as she braided her long hair.

"I havent talked to all of the guys yet. You guys have like-no idea how hard this is going to be for me to do. I dont want you guys to like-hate me or anything."Eva responded as she was doing her makeup.

"I mean, you werent asked to be put in this position so why would we hate you? This is just the cards you were dealt."said Liv.

"If you want to go ahead and couple up with Adam then id be fine with that."said Sasha.

Alexa looked over at her.

"Then you'd be at risk of getting dumped from the island."said Eva.

"Oh well."Sasha shrugged.

VC-Sasha-If Eva wants to couple up with Adam then she has my blessing. I know I would be at risk of getting dumped or whatever but...im not going to take it personally. Adam is a cool guy but its just so awkward knowing that im coupled up with him considering his girlfriend and I have quite the checkered past.

"Obviously you know that Dean and I are together."Liv said to Eva, "But if you are thinking about coupling up with him then all im asking for a heads up. I mean, I would appreciate if you dont steal him from me but its your decision so do what you gotta do. Just, give me a heads up. Thats it."

"Oh yea for sure."said Eva.

"Well since we're here offering up our guys on a silver platter then you can go right ahead and steal Austin from me."said Alexa as she was zipping up her dress, "You dont even have to give me a heads up. I literally wont care."

"Aw come on Alexa, give the guy a chance."said Bianca.

"He's just annoying."she scoffed.

"I honestly wish we can switch partners."Sasha said to her, "I dont mind getting to know Austin."

"Well please! Try to get to know him so he can back off from me."Alexa said.

"Yo, did anybody else see Indi step forward for all the guys earlier?"Bianca laughed. All the other girls laughed as well.

"Hey! You miss 100% of the shots you dont take okay!"Indi laughed.

"Indi's here to play y'all. She aint messing around."said Sasha.

"Are you happy with Matt so far?"Liv asked.

"Yea we get on really well. The guy is like a giant toddler. I think we can make it work. We seem really compatible."Indi responded.

"Really? I dont think Matt feels the same way."said Eva, "He actually told me that he wont mind if I chose to couple up with him because he doesn't trust you."

Indi's jaw dropped, "What! What does he mean he doesnt trust me! We've only known each other for a day!"

"Its because you stepped forward for all the guys. He said he'd be excited if I chose to couple up with him."

"Yikes."said Sasha.

"That son of a bitch!"Indi said in disbelief, "We're going to have a chat about this for sure."

VC-Indi-Just because I stepped forward for all the guys doesnt mean im thirsty for them! Hell, I was the only girl that stepped forward for anyone! Can you imagine how humiliated the guys would have felt if no one stepped forward for them? If anything, I did a good deed! I really do like Matt and I think him and I can end up having a lot of fun together. I cant believe he would say those things about me.

As the girls were getting ready, the 5 guys were all sitting on the re-coupling bench already dressed and waiting for them.

"So you work in a cannabis dispensary?"Dean asked Matt.

"Hell yea! 420 all day bro!"Matt grinned.

Dean chuckled and high fived him.

"Why do I have a feeling that you and I are going to be best friends?"Dean asked.

"I think we're already best friends bro! I see all of you guys as my best friends. I would literally die for any of you."Matt responded.

"Alright. Take it easy there bud."Adam said.

VC-Matt-I genuinely like everyone here in the villa. I think everyone's awesome in their own way. I basically feel like we're all family already.

Matt, you poor, naive little thing.

"So fellas, the big question is, what do you think of Miss Eva Marie?"Montez asked.

"I think she's smoking hot."said Matt.

Austin nodded.

"I dont think im allowed to have an opinion about her."said Dean.

"Same here."Adam agreed.

"Admit it guys. She's obviously a babe."said Matt, "I'll be the one to admit it for you since you're scared of your girlfriends."

"Yea sure she's hot but she just looks like trouble honestly."said Dean.

"I hope she couples up with me. Indi's cool and all but I dont think she's into me."said Matt.

"And you think Eva is into you?"Austin asked.

"She could be. Who knows?"

Austin shook his head.

"She is....really nice to look at though."said Montez.

"So what about Bianca?"asked Adam.

"Dude we havent even had a conversation since we got coupled up. She's been pushing me away and ignoring me like-what the hell do you want me to do? Eva and I talked earlier and I got some good vibes from her. If she chooses me then....I wont be mad."

"But im pretty sure she's gonna choose me though."Matt said.

Dean scoffed.

"What if she chooses you, Adam?"Austin asked.

"We havent talked yet so....I dont know. But if she does then, id be open to getting to know her. Im not planning on being closed off to all of the girls. However, there wont be any romance going on so id kind of feel sorry for Eva if she does pick me. At the end of the day my heart belongs to Alexa and I know for a fact that we're secure."

"Lets hope you didnt just jinx yourself."Austin laughed.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey boys! Sorry for the long wait!"Liv said as she and the other girls made their way over to where the guys were.

"Shit, I thought we were on Love Island? Not America's Next Top Model."said Montez, "Ladies, you all look stunning!"

"We're not even in America though. We're in Fiji."Liv pointed out.

"And im not American."Indi added.

"Jeez y'all, its just a compliment like-damn."Montez responded.

They all went over to the outdoor bar to get themselves some drinks.

"Eve, what are you drinking?"Dean asked her as he was pouring himself a drink.

"Um...sparkling water would be fine. Or anything non-alcoholic."she responded.

He looked up at her as if what she just said was in complete gibberish.

"Im not a drinker."she added.

"Since when? Like, 2 hours ago?"he asked.

"No, all the stuff I drank earlier was non alcoholic. I dont drink anymore. Ive been living a life of sobriety for the past 5 years and im committed to it."

Dean nodded, "I respect that."

VC-Eva-We dont always need to drink alcohol to have fun. Well at least I dont.

Too bad my bestie CM Punk isnt up for grabs here in the villa because I think these two would make a great pair. Imagine them sitting around all day talking shit about us alcohol consumers. Yup, match made in heaven.

Bianca and Montez were seen sitting on the daybed together.

"It took you like a whole ass 8 hours but, im glad you finally wanna talk."Montez said to her.

"I just want to know where your head is at. I know we're kind of in an awkward situation here."

"Aint nothing awkward about it. My head is with you. Like, isnt it ironic that we're both here. You know im a man of god and I think this is a sign."he interlocked his fingers into hers, "Baby, I want us to forget whatever happened and start fresh."

"But thats the thing though Montez. I cant forget what happened. I thought you were different. I trusted you. I put my faith in you. And...you turned out to be just like all the other guys ive been with!"

"Look, it was wrong of me to be talking and flirting with other girls, I know. And im sorry."

"I just dont think I can trust you anymore."

"What do I got to do to have you build back that trust in me? Let me know and i'll do it."

"I dont know. Actions speak louder than words. But like...we both came here for ourselves. So...I dont want you to feel any pressure about making it up to me or proving yourself to me or anything like that. Lets just...play this game and let everything happen naturally."

He nodded.

"You do know that im still crazy about you though?"he said.

She scoffed,"Yet you decide to come onto a dating show?"

"Well what else was I supposed to do. You had cut me off completely."

"Yea....and it was hard for me to do. But I had to protect myself."

"I understand."

There was a few moments of silence between the two.

"Well again, im sorry for everything. I hope you and I can have fun while we're here and not have this wall of tension between us."he said, "Lets just enjoy this for what it is."

She smiled, "I agree."

"So maybe we should seal this conversation with a kiss?"Montez said as he began leaning in closer to her.

Bianca got up from the daybed "You think you slick huh? See you around,Tez."she said as she walked away.

"Playing hard to get is just gonna make me want you even more."he said to her. She ignored him.

The Islanders didnt stay up too late partying. Most of them were tired anyway. After some drinks and a game of charades, they decided to call it a night.

They all got into their sleepwear which-for the girls was a simple tank top and shorts and for the guys, just their boxers.

Everyone got settled into their respective beds.

"Today was awesome guys."said Liv as she was currently being cuddled by Dean who was already fast asleep.

"Day one is officially in the books."said Montez.

"Good night Lex."said Adam from over on his bed.

"Good night babe."Alexa responded.

"Goodnight everyone! Sweet dreams!"said Indi. Everyone all said their goodnights and with that, the room light turned off.

Dean and Liv were seen snuggled up in each others' arms, Alexa and Austin were seen far away from each other on the ends of the bed with a pillow in between them, Sasha and Adam were also keeping their distance with their backs turned away from each other, Bianca and Montez were having some quiet pillow talk, Matt was seen talking to a half asleep, barely responsive Indi and Eva was seen all alone, basking in the enjoyment of having the bed all to herself for the first and last time.


Day 2

Its the second day in the villa and what we can gather from witnessing day 1 is that, only Dean and Liv are truly happy to be coupled up together. Everybody else are just miserable. What a great way to start this journey right? Love Island, baby!

"So, Sasha basically gave me permission to couple up with you."Eva said to Adam as the two were sitting on the lounge chairs soaking up some sun.

"Oh did she now?"

She giggled, "Yea. I just want to know how you'd feel about it if I did choose you?"

"Well if Sasha wants to get rid of me that bad then....maybe its better if im coupled up with you? But then....I would kind of feel bad because here you are, looking for love. Obviously you'd want to couple up with someone that you see potential in. Me, im 100% committed to Lexi. I think me being coupled up with Sasha is kind of fitting because we both know theres absolutely nothing there between us and so theres a mutual understanding and theres no pressure. Plus, I dont think Sasha has any interest in any of the other guys that are here so for now, since I cant be with Lex, im content with Sasha."

"So you wouldnt be open to getting to know me?"

"I would but....I dont think im your best option. Its going to be very one sided. There are other single guys here, like Austin for example. It makes more sense for you to choose one of them because you know that something can come from that. Whereas me, im telling you right now, im all about Alexa."

"I mean, you never know what can happen. I respect that you're all about her but, maybe if you do get to know me....i'll be able to change your mind a bit."

"And thats what I dont want. Im not trying to look like a douchebag out here."

"Be honest.....are you interested in me?"she looked him in the eyes and asked.


VC-Adam-How do I say no without sounding like an asshole?

"Like I said Eva...im all about Alexa at the moment."

She nodded, "Okay. I understand.

"Sorry if I sound like a dick head."

"Its okay. You're not really my type anyway. I like tall guys."she said before she walked away.

"Ouch."he said as his eyes followed her.

VC-Eva-Honestly, im so annoyed by these couples that are here on the show. They're being pretty selfish. They are robbing the actual singles of potentially finding love. Instead of them being here, four actual single people could have had their spots, y'know? They're all up in each others asses all the time and its annoying. Ive had enough of it. They are not going to stop me from doing what I came here to do.

"So you're 24?"Eva asked Austin.

Ah, finally Eva was conducting her last interview of the day. I guess you can say Eva is having her last Eva-luation of the day am I right? God, im such a genius.


"Oh well, then you're definitely not an option for me."she said.


"You're pretty young. Im 28. Im not really into younger guys."

"What a shame. You and I could have been the sexiest couple in here."

"I know. But, you seem to be really into Alexa."

"I am. Its kind of tough trying to get to know her but im a stubborn guy. I'll get there eventually."

"I actually like the fact that you coupled up with her. These couples shouldn't be here if you ask me. They're getting on my nerves."

"Tell me about it."

"I just had a conversation with Adam and he was like well im all about Alexa and I have no interest in you so for your sake, couple up with a single guy that you can actually have a spark with. Like, thats ridiculous isnt it?"

Kind of caring and considerate if you ask me.

"Totally. We're here to find love. And as far as im concerned, everyone is fair game. I dont care if I piss any of these guys off. Ive told Adam straight to his face that if anything happens between Alexa and I then...thats on him. They know what they signed up for."

"I know right."

"Its only the second day. These couples wouldnt last, trust me."Austin said.

"I mean, the fact that they're even here says a lot about their relationship."



7:34 pm

After a full, stressful day of lounging around, gossiping, binge drinking, working out, taking naps and constantly applying sun screen, the day had once again come to an end.

Just like the previous night, everyone got all dolled up and headed back outside to continue doing what they were doing all day.....just....this time....at night.

VC-Dean-Im not gonna lie....this place is fucking boring. All everyone does is talk and talk and talk and talk and im not much of a talker. Ive probably gotten drunk and gotten back sober like 3 times today. Its agonising. I need something to do here.

Indi was seen at the outdoor bar fixing some drinks for her and the girls.

"Yo, did I like...do something bro?"Matt asked as he walked over to her.

"What do you mean?"

"You've just been really cold towards me today. I thought we had a good thing going but you've been ignoring me like all day."

"You know what Matt, I thought we had a good thing going too. Thats until I heard you that you said that you can trust me."


"You want to be coupled up with Eva dont you?"

"Really? Bro she asked whether I would be okay with it or not and I was like yea, id be cool with it. What did you want me to say?"

"You forgot the part where you told her that you cant trust me because apparently im thirsty for all the guys!"

"Well it did kind of hurt to see you step forward for every single guy that came out yesterday."

"Ugh, look, Matt, I actually really liked you but if your desire is to be with Eva then I have no interest in pursuing you any further. Im not going to open up and let you get to know me if you just want to up and leave in the end."

"Dude chill like....its only our second day here."

"I said what I said."said Indi as she took the tray with the drinks on it and walked away.

VC-Matt-Man, I like Indi. I do. But she's over reacting. She's acting like we've been dating for years now. Like...bro, ive only known you for 24 hours, relax.

As the islanders were all chilling in the backyard, someone's phone chimed.


"Ooo! What was that?"Liv gasped.

Eva got out her Love Island phone.

"Its me. I got a text."she said as she began reading what the text said.

It read-

Everyone all cheered in fake excitement as they rushed over to the re-coupling bench where the fire pit was.

All the couples sat together as Eva took her place in front of them.

VC-Eva-After talking to all the guys....my top 3 picks has to be Montez, Dean and Adam. I know Adam and I didnt really click but im tempted to be wicked and choose him out of spite. Plus, if I want to play it safe, theres always Matt. I dont know. I thought I knew what I was going to do but now that im standing here looking at everyone....the pressure's on.

"Well...as you guys know, this wasnt an easy thing for me to do."Eva said, "Ive gotten to know all five of the men here and they're all special in their own way."

VC-Sasha-I told Eva that I wouldnt care if she chose Adam and...I stand by that statement.

VC-Liv-Eva hasnt come up to me and expressed any interest in wanting to pick Dean so...I think we're safe.

VC-Bianca-I did see Eva and Montez spending some time together earlier so...part of me thinks that she might pick him. He's a charming guy. And I know if she does, that fool is going to be happy about it because I know that he's into her. I can just tell.

Eva continued, "After much thought...ive decided that I want to make the best decision possible for me and couple up with someone that I know id have a good time with. Even though he wants to be stubborn I feel like...a girl like me can get him to snap out of it. So, the guy I want to couple up with is.........Dean."

Liv put her hand over her jaw dropped mouth.

No one moved a muscle. They were too frozen in shock. Meanwhile, Eva remained standing there sporting a big, awkward smile.

"I-I think you might have mistaken Dean for someone else. You do know that that guy is Dean right?"Sasha said as she pointed to Dean, "I think you got the names mixed up."

"Yes im aware that he's Dean. Thats my choice and im sticking with it."said Eva.

She then looked over to Liv and pouted, "Sorry Liv."


Liv got up from her seat and stormed off. Indi and Alexa followed behind her.

At that same time, another phone went off. It was Liv's phone that she left behind on the bench.

Montez took it up and read the text that was received. It said-

VC-Dean-Eva.....what the fuck...

"Im sorry Dean."Eva said to him.

He didnt respond to her. He stood up, grabbed Liv's phone and walked off to find his girlfriend.

VC-Eva-Actually....what I meant to say was sorry not sorry Dean.

I think we should change the name of this show to Hate Island. Yea, thats way more fitting.


Coming Up-

Witness the aftermath of Eva's decision.


The Islanders take part in a challenge that airs all of their dirty laundry!

"This girl....has been a part of a threesome, four times? What in god's name?"Montez exclaimed as he read the dirty secret from a card.

VC-Montez-Baby girl, whoever you are, please go to church.

Stay tuned....


A/N-Hey guys, just wanted to address something. As you might have heard Jon Moxley has been going through some personal stuff regarding alcohol addiction. I know its a sensitive subject so I just wanna say that I mean no disrespect when I write his character in the book talking about and/or drinking alcohol.

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