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VC-Liv-So....Eva just chose to couple up with Dean and honestly....I am pissed beyond belief right now.

Liv, Alexa and Indi were all seen in the dressing room.


Alexa and Indi nodded.

"Oh my god."Liv buried her face in her hands, "Why would she do this? Honestly? I cant catch a break from these bitches trying to take my man! Every fucking time this happens! Why!?"

"I dont even know. Dean's not even all that."Indi said. Alexa nudged her.

"Hey, you okay?"Dean said as he entered into the room.

"NO! IM NOT!"she yelled.

"I dont know why she did that babe."he said, "I honestly wasnt expecting that to happen."

"She's a fucking fake bitch! Thats why she did what she did!"Liv yelled.

"Look, calm down alright. We're just in a couple, it doesnt mean anything."said Dean.

"I dont care that you're in a couple together! What im pissed about is the fact that she completely ignored what I politely asked her to do!"

"Just forget about it. Leave it as it is."he pleaded.

"I cant. I need some answers."said Liv as she stormed out of the room.

Dean sighed.

VC-Dean-*sigh*.......All of this could have been avoided if we didnt come here in the first place.

Liv found Eva just about to make her way into the house.

"We should probably go talk."She said to her in a rough tone.

"Yea I think we need to."Eva agreed.

The two girls went over onto the outdoor sofa and sat down.

"So like,"Liv tucked her hair behind her ear, "Obviously im a little angry that you chose Dean. Im trying not to over react right now but Eva, yesterday I told you that if you wanted to pick him just please-tell me."

"I know I know but honestly Liv it was such a last minute decision. I didnt even know I was going to pick him. It was just-at that moment I had made up my mind. This wasnt planned, I swear."

"But why him though? There are a bunch of other single guys here. You clearly know that he's my boyfriend."

"From the conversations I had with Dean I just felt like we connected better."

"Connected? Dean doesnt connect with anyone!"

"Well there was something there between us. I felt it. But I asked him, I said if I chose you would you be okay with it and he said he had no choice because this is the game that you two both signed up to play. And he has a point."

"I just feel...disrespected and betrayed by you. Yesterday all six girls said that we'd have each others backs no matter what and....then you do something like this to me."

"I think you're over reacting a bit. I just coupled up with him it really doesnt mean anything. You're still getting to see him, you're still getting to be with him. Im just in this imaginary couple with him."

"Okay but what if I end up getting dumped from the island, huh?"

"Its not going to be the end of the world. Its just a show."

Liv scoffed and stood up.

"You have no remorse dont you?"

"Maybe you should have thought twice before coming here."said Eva, "Im not sure what you thought would have ended up happening."

Liv ignored her comment and walked away.

"Liv!"Eva called out. Liv kept on walking.

VC-Liv-Im not trying to cause chaos tonight. Its only the second day and....im trying...my best...to keep the peace even though I want to rip all of her stupid, pink hair out. Urghhhh! I can already tell Eva is a fake bitch. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but....she proved me wrong. Im sure there was no good intentions behind her picking Dean. What connection could she and Dean possibly have had? Are you kidding me? She has a better chance at making a connection with a concrete wall!

VC-Eva-Im sorry Liv. Im sure you had this picture perfect vision of how your time here on Love Island would play out but....I gotta play my game too. Im not here to make friends. If you wanted your relationship to remain untouched then you should have left it in the glass box that it was in, not come onto a dating show. She's right, I dont have any remorse for her.

Everyone changed out of their fancy clothing and into their sleep wear, prepared to get another good night's rest after having quite the stressful day like I mentioned before. Laying around and gossiping isnt as easy as you thought folks.

Because Eva and Dean were the villa's newest couple, Dean had to move out from Liv's bed and into Eva's.

"Good night."Eva turned to Dean and said.

"Dont let the bed bugs bite."he replied. She smiled.

Just like the night before, most of the couples-actually all of the couples kept a significant amount of distance between each other on the bed. There was no cuddling, no pillow talk, only a big space. Then there was Liv who was all alone.

VC-Liv-This sucks. I cant believe Dean is right there but I cant be next to him right now. The last time I slept on a bed without Dean by my side was literally back in December 2020 when he was on The Challenge. Im like...missing him like crazy.

After about 30 minutes of twisting and turning, Liv got out of bed and went over to where Dean and Eva was. She shook Dean to wake him up.

"What?"he quietly groaned.

"Can you come with me?"she said.

He slowly got out of bed and followed her out into the dark living room.

"Whats up?"he asked.

She threw her arms around his neck and began kissing him.

He smiled, "Oh I see where this is going."

"I cant sleep."

"Then I dont mind keeping you up all night even more."he responded as they continued making out.

They both then went and laid down on the sofa, throwing a blanket over both their bodies. The movements under the blanket suggested that they were both taking their pants off.

VC-Liv-As long as im here, he is not sleeping on that bed with her.

Day 3

"Jesus Christ man, why is yo ass out?"Montez asked as he walked into the living room and saw Dean.

"Its 7 am. What a great view to start my morning."Adam said sarcastically.

"Nothing like a cup of coffee and a full view of Dean's ass to get my day started."Montez joked, "Im ready for anything now!"

Dean's eyes opened. Liv was right next to him still asleep-and hogging all of the blanket. Indeed, his ass was out in all its glory.

The two had end up falling asleep on the sofa together after having their midnight rendezvous.

"I was wondering where the two of you had went."Indi said as she entered into the living room as well.

Matt went over and smacked Dean on his ass.

"That was for good luck."He laughed.

Eva had also stepped into the living room and saw them.

VC-Eva-This was so expected. Liv and her insecure self couldnt stand to have her man sleeping next to me. Thats amusing. Look, im not trying to break Dean and Liv up. But...I like the idea of toying with them a little bit. In the real world, would Dean be a guy id go after? No. But while we're here, he is the one I want to go after. Theres something so exciting about being the trouble maker *laughs*


1:23 pm

As Montez was in the outdoor kitchen making himself something to eat, his phone went off.


"Oh shit."he muttered as he got it out of his pocket.

"AY YO! I GOT A TEXT! YA BOY'S GOT A TEXT!"he yelled as he did a little dance.

Soon enough, everyone left what they were doing and gathered around him. He read the text out loud for everyone to hear. The text said-

Everyone ooed.

"Pucker up? Are we gonna be kissing each other?"Sasha pointed out.

Its Love Island, what do you think Sasha?

"Wait, we got challenges on this show?"Dean asked.

Werent you complaining about how bored you were? You should be jumping for joy right now, Dean.



All 11 islanders were seen running in slow motion down the beach looking like a dollar tree, low budget version of Baywatch.

Today, they will be facing off in a game called Excess Baggage. Here' s how its going to go down.

-To begin, its going to be all the girls versus all the boys.

-A suitcase will be dispatched along the conveyor belt. The pink suitcases represents the girls and blue suitcases represents the boys.

-When the team retrieves the suitcase, one member must open it up.

-In the suitcase there will be two envelopes. Inside the first envelope will contain a dirty secret about one of the islanders.

-The person who opened the envelope must decide who's secret it might be. Then they must walk over to that person and kiss them.

-After they have done so, they must open the other envelope which will contain the answer to see if they got it right.

-Each person must take a turn.

VC-Montez-Wooooooh this is gon be messy. *lowers sunglasses* What dirty secret y'all know about me? And who told you?

What do the islanders win you may be wondering? Well, we have spared no expenses! The group that wins today's challenge wins.....absolutely nothing!

Hey, you wouldn't believe what we had to go through to get these secrets. The fact that they are going to get to know all of these raunchy facts about their fellow islanders is a win in itself.

Knowledge is the prize today!

The guys decided to go first.

The first pink suitcase rolled down the conveyor belt. Dean went over and retrieved it.

He opened it up and got the envelope. The secret inside the envelope said-

This girl has hooked up with most of her clients.

The guys all hollered.

"Clients? Quick, ladies what do you all do for a living?"Montez asked.

Without consulting the guys, Dean went over to the girls, grabbed Liv's face and kissed her.

VC-Dean-I know Liv doesnt have clients but......I wasnt going to kiss anybody else.

VC-Liv-Im so confused.

"Smart. Thats smart."Montez commended him as he made his way back to the group of guys.

"I never had clients babe!"Liv stated.

"Did you want me to kiss another girl?"he asked.

"Good point."she giggled.

He got out the other envelope and opened it up.

"So, like I expected, I was wrong."said Dean, "That secret actually belonged to....Bianca?"

"What!"Montez said in disbelief.

The girls all cheered for her.

VC-Bianca-I am a personal trainer and my male clients are usually very good looking okay. Most of the times they're already in shape and ripped as hell so I dont even know why they want me to be their personal trainer. But yea...in the past ive let myself get carried away with them. I havent done that in a long time though. Like I said, its a thing of the past.

VC-Producer-When was your most recent?

VC-Bianca-Like, right before Montez and I first got together.....

Next up was Montez. He opened up the suitcase and read the secret that was on the envelope. It said-

This girl has been a part of a threesome, four different times.

"What in god's name?"Montez exclaimed.

VC-Montez-Baby girl, whoever you are, please go to church.....or find a new hobby.

"Alright fellas, who y'all think it is?"Montez asked the other guys. They were all huddled together.

"Could be Bianca again."Dean said.

"I really hope it isnt."said Montez.

"Well its not Alexa, thats for sure."said Adam.

"Could it be Indi?"Montez asked.

"She's only 21."said Dean.

"College girls are wild bro, dont forget that."Matt said.

"Im sure all of the girls have been to freaking college, not just Indi!"said Montez.

"What about Sasha?"Austin asked.

"I dont think Sasha's that type."said Adam.

"Could be Liv."said Matt.

"Its not her. She would have told me about it already."said Dean.

"Eva then?"Montez asked.

"We got no choice."said Austin.

Montez quickly walked over to Eva, hooked his arm around her waist and leaned in for the kiss.

"Eva, if you feel disrespected by that im sorry. We deliberated and it came down to you."Montez said when he was done.

"Its all good."she smiled.

He then went back to the suitcase and opened the other envelope.

"Oh shit.....we got it right fellas!"Montez yelled. The guys all started jumping up and down and cheering.

"These idiots."Sasha said with a laugh as she watched them.

VC-Eva-Look...I did a lot of crazy things when I was younger.

VC-Montez-Eva-girl, why you out here telling people that you've been a part of four threesomes. Aint nobody need to know that.

Adam was up next.

He opened the envelope and read the secret out loud. It said-

This girl was engaged up to a month ago.

Everyone all gasped.

Montez dropped to his knees,"Y'all...these secrets are killing me. And not in the good way. Im mentally done."

VC-Matt-Bro...one of these girls were engaged? Up to a month ago? What the hell man *laughs* How can you go from engaged to putting yourself on a dating show one month after. Like....what happened?

The guys all huddled together again.

"Dean, Adam, did y'all pop the question recently?"Montez asked.

They both said no.

"Well it aint Lexi and Liv. It aint Bianca either because I know I didnt propose. Couldnt be Sasha because she's been single for a while. That just leaves Indi and Eva."said Montez.

"Again, Indi's just 21."said Dean.

"College girls bro."said Matt.

"I think its Eva."said Austin.

"Yea it has to be."said Montez.

Adam walked over to where the girls were. He then turned to face the guys.

"Boys, im sorry but....I gotta take this L today."said Adam before he went over to Alexa and kissed her.

The guys all groaned and cursed.

VC-Montez-It was alright when Dean did it but now this is getting a little too out of hand for my liking.

"Good call."Alexa said to him when he was done.

He went back to the suitcase and opened the other envelope.

"Well look at that. I would have gotten it wrong anyway because this secret belongs too....Indi?"Adam said.

Everyone turned too look at Indi.

"Indi, what the hell?"Liv said in shock.

"Yup....thats me."she said.

VC-Indi-I already told you guys the story. We dont need to go over it now do we?

VC-Sasha-Indi?! Who the hell would have thought that that secret would have belonged to her. Girl....I wanna know the full story. Give me the full run down. Im sure its something juicy.

VC-Montez-These girls got the faces of angels but damn....they aint at all. I dont know if I can handle anymore.

Matt was up next. He opened his envelope and read the secret. It said-

This girl has a kink for doing it to classic Disney songs

"What the?"said Sasha.

"Oh my lord."Montez put his hand over his heart.

Once again, the guys huddled together.

"I know for fact that its not Liv."said Dean, "That would be really weird for me."

"Aint Bianca either."said Montez.

"It isnt Sasha either because if it was, Roman would have told me."said Dean, "Unless he'd be too embarrassed to tell me."

"It could be Indi. She's young. It seems like she would be into that. Young people these days are weird."said Adam.

"Got it."said Matt.

He went over to Indi, pulled her close and kissed her. It was a bit of an awkward kiss between the two considering the entire time he was kissing her, he had a huge grin on his face.

When he was done, he went and opened the envelope that had the answer.

"This secret belongs too....Alexa!"said Matt.

"You sabotaged us! You sabotaged us man! You knew it was her and didnt say anything!"Montez said to Adam.

"Duh."Adam smiled.

VC-Alexa-Okay I dont know how y'all found out about that but.....yea. Its true. I find it to be really romantic.

VC-Adam-I love Disney just as much as she does so I enjoy it. It doesnt bother me.

Ah yes, doing it to good ol Disney classics. Im sure her favourite song to do it to is the 'You Got a Friend In Me' song from Toy Story.

"Disney songs?"Montez asked, "What about The Weeknd? Or Cardi B? Hell, even Gangnam Style? Why Disney?"

VC-Montez-How do you get off when Circle of Life from The Lion King is playing in the background?

Up next was Austin.

He opened his envelope and read the secret. It said-

This girl once went onto a dating show without her boyfriend knowing.

"Oh thats easy!"Montez said. Sasha smiled and shook her head.

Before Austin could have ran back to the guys, Dean, Montez and Adam all started shouting, "Its Sasha!" at him.

He headed over to the girls, walked up to Alexa and kissed her.

"What the hell man! Come on!"Montez yelled out.

Seven seconds had passed and he was still kissing her.

A pissed off Adam glared at him.

"Am I the only one trying to win here?"Montez complained.

"We're not even winning anything."said Matt.

"I dont care!"

VC-Adam-I really dont know how much longer I can take it with Austin being in the house. The guy's an idiot! If he keeps pushing the boundaries like this, im gonna snap.

Now he knows how Seth and AJ felt. Join the club Adam.

Finally, Austin pulled away and went back over to the suitcase to get the answer.

He opened the envelope, "Oh you guys were right. It was Sasha!"

"Yea no shit Sherlock! Way to go!"Montez yelled.

VC-Austin-Of course I wanted to kiss Alexa for my own selfish reasons.

VC-Alexa-I cringed throughout the entire thing.

Ive been cringing since this challenge started.

All of the guys had now had a turn each. However, there were 3 more rounds to go.

"I'll go again since it seems like im the only one that wants to win here."said Montez as he walked over to the suitcase.

He opened it up and read the secret. It said-

This girl has spent 3 months in jail.

"Not me about to kiss a convicted felon."said Montez as everyone laughed, "Im a retired Marine! I cant be kissing criminals!"

Once again the guys huddled together.

After a quick discussion, Montez walked over and kissed Eva since the guys were sure that none of the other girls had a criminal past.

As they were kissing, Montez felt Eva slip in a little tongue. His eyes lit up.

VC-Montez-Naw Eva, dont give me no tongue action. You didnt even couple up with me, dont play with me like that.

"He's such a good kisser."Eva said as Montez walked back to the suitcase.

Bianca rolled her eyes.

He opened up the envelope with the answer.

"We got it right again boys!"he cheered.

VC-Eva-Yes, I did spend 3 months in jail, true story. Again, it was when I was younger. I got arrested for driving under the influence. My parents wanted to bail me out but I was like no. Im going to own up to it. Im going to do my time and learn my lesson. Its a big part of the reason why ive been sober for so long.

VC-Montez-Eva....you enjoy having triple threats plus you a jailbird? Hm....I dont even know what to think about that. I aint tryna judge but...damn girl.

"Well look at that. We got something in common already Eva."said Dean. She laughed. Liv lowered her eyebrows.

Austin decided to take another turn.

He opened the envelope and read the secret. It said-

A month ago, this girl accidentally sent her ex a nude photo of herself.

The guys huddled together yet again.

"I didnt get no nude from Bianca so it aint her."said Montez.

"You're not her only ex."said Adam.


"This sounds like something Sasha would do."said Dean, "I can totally see her 'accidentally' sending Roman a nude even though we all know it definitely wasnt by accident."

"I doubt it."said Montez.

"To be honest, I have no idea who this could be."said Adam.

"Indi?"asked Matt.

"She was apparently engaged during that time."said Montez.

"Ah fuck it."said Austin. Before the group came to a decision, Austin ran off towards the girls.

"Ugh he better stay away from me, I swear."Alexa groaned when she saw him.

He went up to Liv and pulled her in for a kiss.

"This motherfucker."Dean said as he watched him.

VC-Austin-Your boy aint missing no shots. We may be losing as a group but im winning.

VC-Dean-Austin, son, I can guarantee that you absolutely wont want to be taking any chances with me. Maybe you can fuck with Adam and his girl but dont get too cocky now.

After 8 seconds of making out with Liv, he raced over to the suitcase and opened the answer envelope.

Liv tried with all her might to not start blushing.

"The girl who this secret belongs to is......wow, Alexa."said Austin.

"You're kidding."Adam said as he walked over to him. He grabbed the envelope out of his hand and read it for himself. What Austin had said, was the truth.

Adam looked over to Alexa.

She didnt know what to say. She just gave him a nervous smile.

VC-Alexa-God I hope his secret is worse than mine.

VC-Adam-Well look at that, you learn something new everyday.

Matt decided to do the last round.

He opened up the suitcase and got out the envelope. He read the secret. It said-

This girl had a secret 3 month affair with her best friend's boyfriend.

"Lordy lordy lordy."Montez commented, "Ladies, I hope y'all parents aint gonna be watching this show."

VC-Montez-I am positive that whatever my secret is, it aint gonna be half as bad as all of the girls' one.

After a quick discussion, the guys came to decision that they had absolutely no idea who this secret could have belonged to but instructed Matt to go for Sasha anyway.

He happily went over to Sasha and gave her a kiss, of course grinning throughout the entire thing.

VC-Matt-Im getting to kiss girls, you expect me not to smile?

When he was done, he went over to the suitcase, opened the second envelope and read it.

"This secret belongs too.....Liv."

Alexa's jaw dropped.

"Okay I can explain!"Liv laughed, "Alexa its not you!"

VC-Liv-Alexa, Mandy, Ruby, Sarah, Lana its not you guys okay! Chill. This happened back in my last years of high school. My ex best friend was always really rude to her boyfriend and him and I always got along really well. I guess I kind of felt sorry for him so we...started a relationship of our own. To this day she doesnt know about it. Unless she sees this.

VC-Alexa-Jeez...maybe I need to keep an eye out for Liv.

"When they said this challenge was going to be scandalous, they weren't lying."said Montez.

Guys Total Score-2/8


Up Next-All of the guys' secrets are revealed!

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