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continuation of the 3rd day

GC-Matt and Montez

Matt-So...we got 2 out of 8 correct.

Montez-Thanks to me!

Matt-Yea we sucked out there.

Montez-Those other guys didnt even fucking try!

Matt-Bro, I tried.

Montez-Yea but the other 3 didnt!

Matt-*laughs*Calm down man. We're not even winning a prize.

Montez-I just hate losing.

It was now time for the girls' turn.

VC-Liv-Im not going to lie, im excited to get the dirt on the guys. Im just hoping that Dean's secrets arent that bad.

Sasha was up first.

The blue suitcase strolled down the conveyor belt. She opened it up and got out the envelope. She read the secret out loud. It said-

This guy steals flowers from grave sites to give to his dates.

"Oh my god I already know who this is."said Sasha as she confidently walked over to the group of guys.

VC-Sasha-Who else would do something like that besides Dean? Honestly? If this isnt him im going to be so shocked. Like...im so sure this is him that id even bet money on it.

Sasha went over to Dean and pulled him in for a kiss.

Liv cringed at the sight of them.

VC-Sasha-So yea, the downside of me being so sure that this secret belongs to Dean is the fact that I have to kiss him.......as you can imagine, it was very awkward.

VC-Liv-Im not mad because I know Sasha and Dean are as compatible as oil and water is. They're the type of duo that you'd usually see in a buddy cop movie together.

When Sasha was done, she went back to the suitcase and opened the other envelope.

"Yup, I was right! The secret belonged to Dean!"she said as the girls cheered.

VC-Sasha-At least the kiss was worth something.

"Damn. Flowers aint even that expensive though."Montez commented.

VC-Dean-Why would you buy a bouquet of fresh flowers to just throw it on a grave? It makes no sense. Its a waste of money and it could really help me out by getting me laid so...if we gotta use flowers then lets use it for the right reason you know? In the end, im putting the flowers to good use, it saves me money and ends up helping me score so its a win win.

VC-Liv-Now im wondering...how many dead people's flowers has he given me?

Alexa was up next.

She opened the envelope and read her secret which said-

This guy had a one night stand a day after breaking up with his last ex.

"Wow."said Alexa.

The girls huddled together to discuss it. After a quick discussion, Alexa walked over and kissed Adam.

"Wow. I should be offended."he said to her when she was done.

"We have no idea okay. You were the safe bet."she said as walked back to the suitcase.

VC-Alexa-It could be Adam. I feel like it would be something that he'd do. Who knows?

"The guy that this secret belongs too is......"Alexa gasped, "Montez!"

The girls all booed him.

Montez turned his back towards everyone and pretended to be fascinated by the clouds in the sky by pointing up at it.

"Is that a bird?"he muttered.

"You real quiet now huh Montez?"Sasha yelled.

"Yea! You got nothing to say?"Liv added.

Bianca folded her arms and shook her head.

VC-Producer-Who was your last ex?


Up next was Indi. She opened the envelope and read the secret. It said-

This guy got fired for always getting high on the job.

Matt immediately started laughing. The other guys couldn't help but laugh too.

For Indi, it was a no brainer. She walked over to Matt and gave him a kiss.

VC-Indi-This is our second kiss for the day and...considering the fact that we're not on the best terms right now makes it so much more awkward. Plus, he's always smiling so that makes the kiss even weirder.

When she was done, she went back and opened the envelope with the answer.

"Obviously this secret belonged to Matt!"she said as the girls all cheered.

VC-Matt-Yea ive worked at multiple cannabis dispensaries. Got fired from the first one for always getting high on the job. Then, I just went and got a job at another dispensary. How'd I get hired again? No clue. Do I still get high on the job? I'll never tell.

Liv was up next.

She opened her envelope and read the secret. It said-

This guy once got caught having sex by the police.

"I cant wait to hear this story."said Bianca.

The girls all huddled together.

"I feel like this can be any of them to be honest."said Sasha.

"True. Call me biased but im leaning more towards Dean."said Liv, "If anyones going to get caught by the police while having sex, im sure its him."

"Makes sense."said Alexa.

Liv gleefully skipped over towards Dean, jumped up, wrapped her legs around his waist and began full on making out with him as he held her.

"This is how we expect our kisses to be, ladies!"Montez said.

"You better hush! You got some explaining to do!"Sasha fired back at him.

"You right, you right."he said.

After Liv was done, she went over to read the answer.

"This secret belongs too.....Adam? What the fuck?"she said.

"Alexa, did you sabotage us?"Indi asked Alexa.

"What! I had no idea! I swear!"Alexa responded, "Adam, what the hell?"

"Its a long story."he said.

"We got time."Liv said.

VC-Adam-So it was late at night. Me and my girlfriend at the time were driving along a fairly empty road and...we both were in the mood. Plus the rain had just started lightly falling so the atmosphere was ideal. We pulled over at the side of the road, got into the backseat and....got busy. Turns out we got a little too carried away because we didnt even notice the flashing lights of the cop car that had pulled up behind us. They came around to the windows of the car and...caught us right in the act. We both ended up getting charged with public indecency and got fined $1000 each.

"Nothing but major respect bro."Dean patted him on the shoulder.

VC-Alexa-Not gonna lie...after hearing Adam's story....im kind of turned on by it. Ooo im dating a criminal *smiles*

Just make sure that before the two of you fornicate in the backseat of his car and end up going to jail, you have a Spotify playlist of classic Disney songs ready.

Boy, I would hate to be those cops.

Eva was up next.

She opened the envelope and read what it said out loud. It said-

This guy is notorious for taking girls out on dates only to ditch them.

The girls all gasped.

"Whoever this is, you are a douchebag!"Indi yelled.

"Yea you fucking suck for doing that!"said Sasha.

The girls huddled together once again.

"Again, this sounds like something Dean would do."said Sasha.

"Honestly, all of the secrets so far sounds like things Dean would do."said Alexa.

"I mean...you're not wrong. But I dont think Dean would ditch a girl. He's not heartless like that."said Liv.

"He ditched Nia on that date back on Temptation Island remember?"Bianca pointed out.

"Good point."said Alexa.

"Yea but thats because he was going through some shit."Liv defended him.

"Austin's the only one that hasnt had a secret yet. Its probably him."Indi said.

"Im just going to trust my gut on this one."said Eva before she walked over to the guys.

She walked right up to Dean and began kissing him. As she kissed him, she took his hands and rested them on her lower back. After a second or 2, he moved them.

"Of course. Of course she was going to do that."Liv muttered, "Fucking bitch."

VC-Liv-Eva is out for me. She is. Nobody can convince me otherwise. God I hate her.

When Eva was done, she read the answer.

"This secret belongs too....Matt?"

"Matt, thats really mean! You should be ashamed!"Indi scolded him.

"It only happened like twice!"he said.

VC-Matt-Look, it only happened twice. Both times, we were at a bar and coincidentally, both times I ended up running into friends of mine that I hadnt seen in a long time. It sucks to say but...I ended up forgetting that I even came with a date in the first place. I just got carried away man. I only remembered after I received really mean texts on my phone. I feel really bad about it, trust me.

Bianca was up next.

She opened her envelope. It read-

This guy has a body count of 85.

VC-Indi-85? Thats nothing to brag about. If anything, thats pretty gross. I dont think any girl here wants a guy thats been used so many times. Disgusting.

The girls had a quick discussion before Bianca walked over to the guys.

"One night stand after we broke up. Yea, im sure this is your ass."Bianca said before she gave Montez a quick kiss.

She went back and opened the envelope with the answer.

"This secret belongs too...Austin."

"Im sure he's exaggerating those numbers."said Alexa.

VC-Austin-For a 24 year old, thats pretty impressive right? Hey, when I say I can go all day, I mean it.

VC-Adam-Sure, 85 is a big number. What I want to know is....how many STDs he got along the way? Now, thats the secret that should have been revealed.

Indi decided to take another turn.

She opened up her envelope and read the secret. It said-

This guy once hooked up with his date's mom instead of his date.

"Oh my gosh." Sasha put her hands on her head.

After a quick discussion, the girls had no clue who this could have belonged too.

VC-Bianca-These guys better not judge us for our secrets because so far, theirs arent any better than ours.

Indi walked over to the guys and gave Austin a kiss.

VC-Indi-From his previous secret it looks like Austin gets around a lot so....I think it was quite a smart guess.

She then went and opened the second envelope.

"The guys this secret belongs too is....DEAN?!"Indi shouted. The guys all cheered for him.

"Babe what the hell?"Liv said.

VC-Dean-So...I went to this girl's house. She still lived with her mom. We were both like 19 at the time. And....all she wanted to do was snuggle and talk and whatever. Obviously not what I went there for. She ended up falling asleep so I decided to raid her fridge. At the same time her recently divorced mom came into the kitchen and caught me. Asked if I was her daughter's boyfriend, I said no, just a friend. We talked a bit. Had some drinks. One thing lead to another and I ended up scoring with the mom. Boy, what a night that was. And get this, I didnt even need to steal flowers before I got any action.

Sasha decided to take the last turn. She opened the envelope. It read-

This guy loves to role play Freddy and Jason in the bedroom.

"Nawww man, not Freddy and Jason in the bedroom man."said Montez, "Whoever this is.....why, just why?"said Montez.

Sasha looked at the girls. They all seemed clueless.

She then went over to Adam and gave him a kiss.

VC-Alexa-Um yea Sasha, would have been cool if you had given me a heads up before you kissed my boyfriend but...its whatever I guess.

VC-Sasha-If Alexa's into having sex with Disney music on then I wont be surprised if this is Adam. It makes sense. They both seem weird enough to do shit like that. Sorry, didnt mean to kink shame.

She then went over and read the answer from the other envelope.

"This secret belongs to....Austin."

"Why Freddy and Jason dude? You could have done Freddy and the girl from The Exorcist or sum like that. Not my man Jason!"Montez complained.

VC-Austin-Im a horror movie buff. Im like, obsessed with classic horror films. In general, I love roleplaying in the bedroom. Obviously roleplaying as Freddy and Jason is going to be a turn on for me. Ive done it many times. We always sorta act out the classic Freddy vs Jason movie except....with a sexual turn.

I hope im not the only one cursed with that image in my head now.

VC-Montez-We got some weird ass people in this mother fucking house man....

You can say that again.

Girls Total Score-2/8


4:30 pm

After the day's interesting challenge, the Islanders returned to the villa and went back to doing what they did best......laying around.

VC-Bianca-This challenge that we did today....oh my god. Like-I dont even know how to process all of the information that I heard.

Bianca, Indi and Sasha were all seen sitting on the bean bag chairs talking.

"Montez was the loudest over on the guys' side."said Sasha, "But all of a sudden, he got real quiet when his dirty little secret was revealed."

"Such a hypocrite."said Indi.

"I cant believe he'd have a one night stand a day after breaking up with me."said Bianca, "That just goes to show that he's not the man that I thought he was. Im sure it was with that bitch I was worried about."

"I really wasnt expecting that from him."said Sasha.

"This just makes me sick."Bianca added.

VC-Bianca-I used to think highly of Montez. But now....I dont see him in the same way that I used too. Like-how could you hook up with someone as soon as we broke up? That just goes to show that he had bitches on standby. He always told me that I was worrying for nothing, but clearly I was worried for a reason.


Montez, Dean, Matt and Austin were all hanging out on the re-coupling bench smoking cigars.

"Y'all....those girls are savage yo."said Montez, "Like, our secrets weren't as bad as theirs. Their shit was next level."

"Threesomes, jail, engaged, affairs, hooking up with clients."said Austin, "Unbelievable."

"Like...the worst secret that probably came from us was probably yours Montez."said Matt, "Considering Bianca was like....right there."

"Yea that must have been harsh for her to hear."said Austin.

"Yea I know I know but we were broken up when I had that one night stand so....whats the matter? Its not like it happened while I was with her. She didnt expect me to remain celibate did she?"

"Im pretty sure she did."Matt laughed, "Girls are weird man."

VC-Montez-Yea sure, maybe I seem like a douchebag for doing what I did but...we were broken up. I didnt want to break up wit B in the first place but she insisted so I had to carry on doing my own thing. What, did she secretly invoke some 30 day no sex clause on me?

"So, you and Eva huh?"Montez gave Dean a little nudge.

"Yea. Wasnt expecting that at all."Dean said as he took a pull of his cigar and exhaled, "Liv is going nuts about it but...honestly, what did she expect you know? Ive been through this shit already man. I know how it goes."

"Do you think you and Eva would work out?"Austin asked.

Dean shrugged, "I dont know. Like, I dont know why she chose me in the first place. Its not like her and I had any deep, intimate connection whatsoever. I was just as shocked as anybody else."

"Not gonna lie, I thought there was something between her and I."said Montez.

"Same."said Matt.

"But, this is just the story of your life aint it?"Montez asked Dean, "You always got women fighting over you dawg. How are you so lucky?"

Dean chuckled, "Man, I have no idea what it is."

"You always got a bunch of fine ass hunnies tryna get with you. Im jealous."Montez said.

"Dont be. This shit's exhausting."he replied.

VC-Dean-Not gonna lie, its weird when women throw themselves all over me. Im used to experiencing the opposite of that. Im used to bribing women into being with me but now its just happening naturally. I never expected a girl like Eva to want to couple up with me. She just looks high maintenance. We seem like we're from two different worlds.


Adam and Alexa was seen cuddled together on a day bed.

"So...about the whole nude picture thing....what was that about?"he said to her.

She propped herself up on her elbows, "Yea ive been meaning to tell you about that. Its just that...I didnt even know how to-it was so embarrassing. Last month I had taken a sexy picture to send to you while you were away and.....I accidentally sent it to AJ instead."

He turned his head to look at her.


"Yea I felt like such a dumbass like-you have no idea how much I wanted to freaking throw myself off of a cliff. It was so embarrassing."

"How is a mistake like that even possible?"

"Because his name is right under your name in my contacts."

"Wait-you have me as Adam on your contacts?"he asked.

"Yea...with like a bunch of heart emojis after."

"I have you as babe in mine. Jeez, I thought id get a cute pet name or something."

"Ugh, I didnt even think about that. I never updated your contact info after the first time you gave me your number. I'll change it when I get my phone back."

"Anyway, did AJ respond?"

"Funny story, I didnt even realize I sent the nude to him until he texted me and asked what the hell was wrong with me. I wanted....to die."

"Kind of surprised you still have his number on your phone."said Adam.

"Oh come on, like you dont have Britt's number still on your phone."

"I dont because I know im not going to need it."

"Whatever. It was just a stupid mistake."

"How revealing was the picture?"

"It was a full body naked mirror selfie. Nothing AJ hasnt seen before so in a way...im kind of thankful I sent it to him instead of anybody else."

Adam furrowed his eyebrows, "That...does not make me feel better."

She held his face, "Babe, the whole situation was stupid. Can we just forget about it?"

"Wait....but last month....I didnt go anywhere."


"You said you wanted to send me a nude picture while I was away. I didnt go anywhere at all."

"Remember when you went to visit your brother?"she asked.

"He lives like a 30 minute drive away from us. I came back that same day."

"Yea I wanted to surprise you with a naughty picture while you were gone. You know, to make you miss me even more."she seductively said.

"Oh. Okay..."Adam said with a bit of skepticism in his voice.

VC-Adam-I am a bit wary of Alexa's story. A guy like AJ is going to get a surprise nude from Alexa and ask what the hell is wrong with her? Yea right. I would personally love to read that text conversation myself. Like..why does she even still have his number anyway? The whole story just...doesnt check out for me. Like, ive been away from Alexa for a few days on end in the past and ive received no naughty pictures from her. I didnt even know she was into doing that. But all of a sudden when I decide to visit my brother who lives close by....thats when she wants to send a picture? To top it all off...the picture that she allegedly took for me....I havent even received it yet. Im just....really skeptical about everything.

Boy, if there was ever a time to do a lie detector test, it would be now.


Coming Up Next-

Dean and Eva go on their first date together


Two new boys arrive in the villa to shake things up.

Stay tuned!

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