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continuation of day 3

Liv and Eva were seen sitting on the terrace together.

VC-Eva-So I pulled Liv aside to try to see if her and I can have a more....civilised conversation compared to the one we had last night. I just feel like I should try to patch things up as best as I can and try to remain on her good side.

Be careful Eva, Liv isnt very 'civilised' when it comes to people messing with her or her man.

"So, I just want to apologise if I came across as disrespectful to you last night. Its not what I was intending."she said to Liv.

"Really? Because I feel like you really have it out for me. First, you steal Dean, then you go ahead and kiss him in the challenge today without me giving you the okay to do that."

"Alright I should have asked your permission to do that. But I kissed him not because I wanted to but because I genuinely thought that the secret had belonged to him. Look, I dont want any bad blood between us. I think you need to understand the fact that every one of the single people here are looking for love and that you and Dean are going to be in a risky position at most times. Dont hate me because im here doing what I came to do."

"Okay yea, you're right. But all im asking is for a little bit of respect towards me and my relationship. Thats all I really want and I feel like you're not giving me that."Liv said.

"How am I not giving you that? Since Dean and I coupled up we barely even hung out together. Its not like im throwing myself all over him."

"I just dont feel like your intentions are good. You said you had this 'connection' with Dean, if you were a good hearted person you would have still chosen to couple up with a single guy or at least have the decency to tell me about your plan."

"We've been through this already. It was an on the spot decision."

"Yea sure. Whatever."

"Look, im sorry if I upset you. I genuinely think you have nothing to worry about. As I can see, you and Dean are unbreakable and I respect that. Plus, its only the 3rd day. Who knows, maybe another single guy is going to walk in here soon and end up being the man of my dreams. I just dont want this little issue ruin our friendship. We still have a long way to go."

Liv nodded and sighed, "You're right. Ugh...I keep forgetting that its only day 3 and we have a lot of time left. I guess im over reacting a bit."

"So......are we cool?"Eva asked.

"Yea I guess."Liv smiled.

"Can we hug it out?"she asked.

"Sure."Liv responded as they both shared a quick hug.

VC-Liv- As much as I dont completely buy into what she's selling....im going to try my best to keep the peace. After all, I was the one that came in here the first day and was preaching about us girls sticking together. The other girls have been doing great so far and thats because they dont got anyone trying to steal their guys. Im going to put my best foot forward and try not to stress about Eva.


6:45 pm

Montez, Matt, Austin and Sasha were all seen in the pool.

"Alright Indi! On three."said Montez, "One....two.....three!"

Indi then took off running and cannonballed into the pool. They all cheered for her.

Top tier entertainment right here folks.

As Dean was taking his microphone off to cannonball into the pool himself, his phone buzzed.

"You got a text?"Sasha asked him.

"I think."he said as he pulled out the phone.

"YO! DEAN'S GOT A TEXT!"Montez yelled out.

Everyone left what they were doing to gather around him. He began reading the text out loud.

"Ooooo Dean's going on a date!"Montez cooed.

"Great. Just great."Liv sarcastically said.

VC-Liv-*sighs*.....I hope the date goes terrible....

Quick, somebody go to the nearest grave yard and get some flowers for Dean! And make sure Eva's mom is no where around!


Dean was seen in the guys' dressing room getting ready for his date. Matt and Montez were there with him.

"Bro, this is exactly how I imagine it would be when you get married."Matt said to Dean, "You'd be busy getting ready and stuff and we'll be here besides you, giving you support for your big day."

"Matt, aint nobody in this house was thinking about marriage dawg, what goes on in your mind sometimes?"Montez asked him.

"Im doing some foreshadowing man. Dean, you'll have us as some of your groomsmen right?"Matt asked.

"Ive never really thought about these things in my life but if you want in then sure. Your spot's booked."Dean responded as he put on a white t-shirt.

"Awesome man!"Matt smiled.

"Well...now I feel left out."said Montez, "I want in too."

"You got it."said Dean.

"We'll have the sickest bachelor party!"Matt laughed.

"Weed, strippers and alcohol! We'll go to Vegas baby! Party all night!"Montez said as Matt cheered.

"It'll be like The Hangover except non of us goes missing!"Matt added.

"Or maybe all of us go missing."said Montez.

"Or end up in jail."Dean laughed, "Alright enough. You're getting me excited about this wedding that im not having."

"There doesnt need to be a wedding to have a party in Vegas bro."Matt said.

"Anyway, you excited about this date, man?"Montez asked Dean.

"Pft no. I know Liv's going to be unhappy about this."he responded as he put on his black, leather jacket.

"Bro, take my advice and just have fun man."said Matt, "You only live once. No pun intended. Enjoy the moments as they come. Be free. Dont let anything anchor you down."

"Yea I did that once. Ended up getting myself into some trouble."he said.

"Okay man, think about it this way. If a guy came in and decided to couple up with Liv and wanted to take her on dates....how do you think she would react?"Montez asked.

Dean stopped what he was doing to think about what Montez had said.

"I think that....she would be on board with it."he said, "Liv likes making everyone feel comfortable."

"Right. And that can still happen because there are more people that are going to be coming into this villa. Some guy can come in here tomorrow and sweep her off her feet. Im not telling you to flirt with Eva or jeopardise your relationship but....just be open. Give her a chance. Have a good conversation with her and get to know her. Because im sure Liv would have done the same thing if she was in your position. There aint no harm in having a good time."

Dean took a deep breath in and nodded.

VC-Dean-Montez made some good points you know. Even though I am committed to Liv, I can still try to put on a happy face and at least try to have a good time on this date. I honestly dont know how this is going to go because I havent been on a date with another woman in a long ass time. Like...what do single girls even talk about?

At the same time, Liv walked into the dressing room.

Montez's eyes widened as he noticed that she was wearing nothing but lingerie. He quickly covered Matt's eyes.

"Hi baby."she said to Dean as she hugged him, "While you're on your date im going to be in bed all night thinking about you because im so worked up and..I need a release. But I know you got this date so.....i'll try my best to suppress the urge and wait for you, okay. Cant wait to see you when you get back."

She then proceeded to give him a kiss on his cheek. Her lipstick painted lips left a pink print.

"Oh. One more thing."she said as she opened the bottle of her perfume that she had brought with her and sprayed it all over him.

"Have a good time okay. I'll be waiting."she seductively said before she left.

A wicked smile slowly grew across Dean's face as he watched as she left. He then looked over to Montez and Matt. Montez's eyes were still wide. His hand was still covering Matt's eyes.

"Way to go Montez, I missed everything!"said Matt, "Who was that?"

VC-Montez-This Dean, let me tell you, this Dean is one lucky mother fucker.

After the secrets we learned about him earlier, id say he definitely is, Montez. He definitely is.


The Date

9:00 pm

Just like for the prize of the challenge earlier, we spared no expenses for Dean and Eva's date. Courtesy of Love Island and WWETV, the venue for their first, romantic dinner date was.......at the front gates of the villa. Their dinner? Steak and mashed potatoes courtesy Love Island's catering. Drinks? Water or cheap, non alcoholic wine. The waiters and waitresses? The mosquitoes.

Definitely a five star experience.

Despite the date setup being a little unusual, the ambiance was perfect. Where they were, it was quiet. There was only the sounds of the crickets chirping to be heard. The rope lights and candles illuminated the dark, giving the atmosphere that romantic touch to it.

"Ive never been on a date at the front of a mansion before."Eva said as she sat down.

"I know. Its kinda luxurious if you ask me."Dean responded, also taking his seat.

Of course this is going to be luxurious to you Dean.

"Im really glad we're getting to spend this time together."said Eva.

"Same. Cheers."he said as they both clinked their glasses of non alcoholic wine together.

"So, how are you enjoying your time here so far?"she asked.

"To be honest...its alright. The guys are cool to hang out with. Personally, I didnt want to be here. But, im here because of Liv."

"Why didnt you want to be here?"

"Because I think its a stupid idea. Liv and I were doing so well. Coming here was only going to attract trouble. But...ive been in a similar situation to this. Sometimes I wonder if shes just here to humiliate me and dump me off like the last one did."

"Wow. Im so sorry. Do you think she'd do that?"

He shrugged, "Only time will tell. I mean, if you were in a great relationship with someone, would you be willing to put that at risk?"



"Well...maybe you're the only one that thinks your relationship is great. Maybe she sees some issues."Eva suggest.

"Huh.....well thats something to think about. Anyway, enough about me. How was your day?"

"It was alright. Like...I feel like an outsider even though ive been here the same amount of time as everyone else. I feel like the girls don't like me. They all have their little cliques and im just here...alone."

"Those girls dont even like each other, dont beat yourself up about it."he said as he ate the mash potatoes on his plate.

"So what did you think of my secrets earlier on today?"she asked.

"What were they again?"

"Ive spent 3 months in jail and...ive been a part of four threesomes."she laughed, "Its so embarrassing for me to say out loud. I was young and reckless at the time."

"I mean, when I heard those secrets during the challenge I thought they were my own to be honest."

She laughed, "Are you kidding?"

"I guess we have a lot more in common than we thought huh?"he said.

"Who would have thought."she smiled, "I thought your secrets were pretty interesting too. Do you still give girls grave yard flowers?"

"Well....I havent given a girl flowers in a long time. Besides Liv. But her flowers were legit."

"Thats nice. So tell me a bit about you and Liv."

"Well....we've been together for like...a year. And um....its been great. Lately I noticed she's been getting a little naggy though. I thought the nagging would have started when we got married but...I underestimated it."

"Were you mad that I chose to couple up with you?"

"Um.....I was caught off guard a bit, not gonna lie. Because a bunch of the other guys were positive that you were going to pick them. So when you said my name....I was really thrown off."

"It was a spur of the moment decision for me. You were the one that I was mostly interested in getting to know. I mean, when I talked to you the first time, if you had straight up told me 'no, dont pick me because im with Liv,' then I wouldn't have. But, you seemed open to it."

"I didnt want to be that guy again. Once upon a time....I was like that. And..I was miserable. I made those around me miserable as well. I dont want to repeat that stupid behaviour because I need to keep in mind that....im not here alone. Hell, its only the 3rd day of the 7 weeks that we're here. Liv is going to have her experiences too. I dont know what she may end up doing, you know?"

"Right, I mean we have so much time left here on Love Island. Things can change. You can still be committed to her but also get to know those around you and form friendships."said Eva,"Is she the type of girl to expect you to never have female friends?"

"Well...I have like one female friend. Her name is Paige. She's like a sister to me. We were friends way before Liv came into the picture. But, Liv's okay with her and I being close because we got a brotherly and sisterly kind of love for each other. Nothing else. And Liv was aware of that before we got together."

"So if you were to become really good friends with me for example. Would she be okay with that."

"Fuck no."Dean said with a chuckle.

"She's a bit territorial I see."

"Well...yea...but, I guess thats a good thing right?"Dean asked as he drank his wine.

"It is. But, she cant be all take and no give, you know what I mean?"


"Like....she cant want to have you all to herself but also entertaining other guys."

"Who is she entertaining?"

"No one, im just generally speaking."

Dean nodded.

VC-Eva-The date with Dean is going surprisingly good. He's opening up. He's talking to me. I feel like I can stay out here and talk to him all night. We are enjoying each other's company for sure. Maybe in the outside world I wouldnt actively pursue him but....now im glad that I am. Dont judge a book by its cover. Im liking him the more and more I get to know him and...I hope he feels the same way about me.

After a 90 minute date, Dean and Eva finally returned to the villa. They both walked into the bedroom where everyone was.

"Heyyy guys! How was the date?!"Indi asked.

"It was great."Eva smiled.

"Was that a sarcastic response?"Sasha asked.

"No. We really had a good time."she stated, "I wish it was a little longer."

"Hah, thats what she said."Matt laughed.

Dean went over to Liv who was in her bed and laid down next to her.

She immediately began kissing him. He noticed she was still in the lingerie.

He was being responsive to the kiss by kissing back with passion. When they were done, he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I missed you."he quietly said.

She smiled as her fingers played with his hair.

VC-Liv-My man came straight to me, kissed me and told me how much he missed me *smiles*I feel good. I feel comforted by that. On TV you guys all know Dean as this big, crazy, tough guy but when he's with me, I get him to turn into a big baby. Im sure Dean just humoured Eva on the date. I know he was thinking about me the whole time.

11:30 pm

"Goodnight Islanders! Love y'all!"Montez shouted. Everyone responded with their goodnights as well.

The bedroom light was automatically turned off casting everyone into darkness. All of the couples were their next to each other on their assigned bed except for Eva and Dean. Eva was on her bed alone. Dean and Liv was no where to be found in the room.

Like the previous night, the two decided to stay in the living room, on the sofa.

VC-Liv-No, the couch isnt the most comfortable place to sleep but its a sacrifice im willing to make.

Why dont Dean just sleep with Liv on her bed you may ask? Because if you want to sleep in the communal bedroom with the other Islander, you must sleep next to the person you're coupled with. Hey, I dont make the rules.


Day 4

7:30 am

"Good lord, the sun just rose but the moon is out in all its glory."said Montez as he entered into the living room, "Every morning we gotta see your ass homie?"

Montez was of course referring to Dean who, just like the previous night, was butt naked on the couch next to Liv.

"Jeez Liv, can you loan him some blanket please?"Adam suggested.

She laughed and covered Dean's bare lower torso with the blanket.

"Its weird that I had to ask you to do that."Adam said.

GC-Montez and Dean

Montez-Dude.....bro....my man...you scored two nights in a row. Are you usually that blessed?

Dean-No. Maybe its the Fijian climate messing with her hormones or something. She's usually not like this.

Montez-Maybe its a horoscope thing. Some astrologicalnomical geographical mathematical shit like that.

Dean-Her birthday is coming up.

Montez-Her moon sign is probably in retro-gatorade.

Dean-Retro-gatorade? Whats that?

Montez-Man, at this point I dont even know what im talking about anymore.

Since it was still pretty early in the morning, before heading outside into the backyard the Islanders were scattered about in the bathrooms brushing their teeth or showering. The first of them to step outside was Sasha. She headed over to the outdoor kitchen to make a pot of coffee for everyone. As she was setting up the coffee to brew, someone approached her from behind.

"Morning Sash."said the familiar male voice.

With her back turned to the person, focused on what she was doing, she responded, "Morning."

"I hope you're making enough for the both of us."said another familair male voice behind her.

"Yea its going to be enough. If not i'll just make more."she said, still not thinking about who was behind her.

Finally she turned around.

"Im gonna make some avocado toast, you guys want any?"she asked them.

"Fuck yea."said one of the guys.

"Yea im starving."said the other.

"No prob."she said as she turned her back once again.

But then suddenly.....her brain finally caught up to what her eyes had just seen.

She quickly turned back around. Her jaw dropped. The both guys began to laugh.


She dropped what she was doing to go give them hugs.

The two voices Sasha had been talking to were the villa's newest additions.

Upon hearing Sasha's loud, elated yelling, everyone rushed out to the backyard to see what was going on.

Liv gasped, "We got company!"

VC-Bianca-So...we wake up to find two new Islanders in the villa and uh...one of them...I know a little too well.

Everyone erupted in cheers when they saw the new guys.

T. O.     B. E.     C. O. N. T. I. N. U. E. D


Viewers! Now its up to you! Cast your vote for which girls you'd like to send our new guys John and Jey on dates with.

Will It Be-







Vote Now!

A/N-Just wanted to mention that any time new Islanders come onto the show, they already know whats been going on in the villa and who is already there because just like all of you, they've been watching the show live. Everything you've seen (read) is what they have seen too. That includes all the video confessionals and everything. Thats how it is in the actual show. New Islanders watch the show as it plays out before they go into the villa.

Also, heres a fun fact. I hadnt originally planned for Jey to be one of the new Islanders on THIS chapter but...I know some of you were excited about him so I replaced the original guy with him.

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