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continuation of day 4

VC-Indi-So we got new islanders! And they're boys!

All of the islanders had gathered around John and Jey to greet them.

"Whats up dawg."said Montez.

"Whats up homie."said Jey as they both did a handshake and shoulder bump.

VC-Jey-Whats up! My name's Jey Uso. Im 28 years old, I currently live in San Francisco, California. You may remember me from being on Ex On The Beach or being the twin brother of Jimmy Uso.

"How did you not even notice us?"Jey asked Sasha.

"I dont know! Look, its really early in the morning, I just woke up, my brain's still a little foggy okay."she responded.

"Does Naomi know you're here?"Dean asked him.

"Um....I mentioned it to her, yea."Jey responded.

"And...she was okay with it?"he asked.

"She didnt really seem to care. She just said that she hopes I find an actual good woman this time."

Dean squinted his eyes, "Im so confused."

Sasha began laughing, "Dean! This isnt Jimmy! This is his brother!"


VC-Jey-I recently got out of a very toxic relationship. She ended up cheating on me. So right now, im here to see if I can find a good woman. I dont want any kind of drama or anything like that. But the thing about me is.....I tend to be attracted to the drama. Its a bad habit but....I dont know man, theres something about it that just draws me. I tend to always go for the bad girls. The girls with attitude. The girls that can fight. Thats why I always end up heartbroken. But anyway, im not trying to fuck around on Love Island. Im here to make a real connection. Im here to really find love and im going to try my best to stay away from the toxic ones.

"We got a professional stripper in the house guys!"said Sasha referring to John, "Ladies, we're never gonna get bored now."

"You better put on a performance for us tonight!"said Liv.

"I hope y'all got some dollar bills to make it rain on me."said John.

VC-John-Hey, my name's John Morrison aka Johnny Drip Drip aka Johnny Nitro, im 31 years old. Im a model, professional actor and stuntman and also a professional stripper. Recently toured the United States performing with some of my friends. Everyone now calls me America's Moist Wanted. Why? Because I get all the ladies m-

"So are we going to take some shots or what?"asked John.

"Shots of what? You better be talking about espresso."said Bianca.

"Hell no! Im talking about Tequila!"

"Dude, its 7 in the morning."said Adam.

"Its never too early to get the party started!"he responded.

VC-John-You may look at a guy like me and think, well John, since you're a stripper you must have thousands of women dying to be with you. And you're right. I do. You should see my dms. Incredibly moist. But thats not the way I want to find love. I want something authentic. Im ready to find a real woman and settle down. Because of my professions I dont really find a lot of mature women. I usually find the wild crazy party girls-which are very fun but....im kind of over that. Hopefully while im here, I can find the woman that's right for me.

All of the girls raced up to the dressing area to do their makeup and slip into something cute since when the guys arrived, they were all in their pajamas.

"Gosh, a heads up about the guys would've been nice or something."said Sasha as she did her hair.

"Right? I was literally wearing my Mickie Mouse pajamas looking like a 6 year old when I went outside."said Alexa.

"Dude I walked out there with my toothbrush and toothpaste still in my mouth."said Liv, "The producers are so wrong for having the guys walk in here unannounced like that."

"Yea, we were in no state to be seen by two new single guys."said Indi.

"Y'all talking about us, what about the guys? They were all in their boxers."said Bianca, "Montez and Dean werent even wearing anything. They came out wrapped in a towel."

Sasha laughed, "What a sight for Jey and John to witness this morning. Im sure they feel very welcomed."

VC-Sasha-Listen, when I woke up this morning....you really think I was expecting to see John and Jey. No one had any idea that we were going to get new islanders today.

"Bianca, how are you feeling girl?"Liv asked.

Bianca blushed, "Honestly....I dont know how to feel."

"You and Jey are exes right?"Sasha asked.

"No we're not. We use to hook up, that was it. But after he got with Mandy we never really kept in contact."

"But he's here now! I say you should give it a chance."said Liv, "I saw the way he looked at you this morning and giiiiiirl, he wants you."

"Its obvious that he still had feelings for you even when he got with Mandy."said Alexa.

"I feel like Jey still has feelings for anyone he slept with."said Bianca.

VC-Bianca-Jey and I go really well together. In the past we never got into a relationship, we just fooled around. But even when we did, we really enjoyed each other's company. He's like a best friend. I hate to admit it but I got a soft spot for him. I dont trust him though. He's cheated on his girlfriends in the past. And plus, his last girlfriend was Mandy. I personally feel like im above his standards and might be too good for him. I dont know....we'll see how this goes.

As the girls got all dolled up, all seven guys were sitting on the re-coupling bench.

"So you guys have been seeing everything thats been going on?"Adam asked.

"Yea. We watch the show live just as everybody else."said John.

"So you know all the dirt huh? Anything that we should know about?"asked Austin.

"I mean....there is something that one of y'all should know but....I dont feel comfortable telling everybody here. Later I might pull that guy aside and talk to him one on one."said Jey.

VC-Montez-So the two new guys, John and Jey, im familiar with them because we were all on Ex On The Beach together. They're a good looking pair, not gonna lie. One's a sexy Samoan and the other one's a sexy stripper. Id be lying if I said that I wasnt a little threatened. Just a little.

"So, are any of the girls off limits?"asked John, "Well, besides Liv and Alexa of course."

"Naw bro, you're free to get to know the rest of them."said Matt.

"Who do you guys have in mind?"asked Austin.

"I mean well obviously im excited that B is here because we go way back. So, if she gives me the time of day id like to explore that a little more."said Jey.

"Hm. Well, we are coupled up together but I appreciate you being upfront and saying that."said Montez.

"No offence bro but it seems like you two arent on a good page right now."Jey responded.

"You're right you're right."he agreed, "But we are open to resolving our issues though. But hey, dont let me be in the way of anything. Do what you gotta do."

VC-Jey-Montez, boy I wasnt even thinking about your ass. You sounding a little hurt. Bianca aint want nothing to do with you.

"Eva has my interest."said John, "I think she's a really sweet girl. But she seems really into Dean so who am I to come in between a good thing."

"We're not even a thing so dont worry about it."said Dean.

VC-John-All of the girls are interesting in their own way. Im open to getting to know everyone. Even the ones that are in relationships. Just like Eva and Austin, I dont believe that I should deprive myself just because these couples decided to put their relationships at risk. This show isnt about that.

5:09 pm

Everyone was seen hanging out in the backyard-well obviously. What else is there to do?


"Someone got a text?"Liv loudly asked from on one of the day beds.

John fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Its me! I got a text!"he yelled as he was sitting on the lounge chair next to Jey.

Everyone ran over to him. He stood up and began reading the text out loud.

Liv gasped.

VC-Liv-Oh my gosh! Im getting to go on a date!

Liv squealed, "No way!"

Dean was caught a little off guard by her excitement.


VC-John-Well thank you America.

Then suddenly, Jey's phone went off.

"Y'all! I got a text too!"he said as everyone cheered.

He began reading the message out loud.

The girls all cheered for Bianca. Jey looked at her and smiled.

VC-Bianca-Im excited. Jey and I always have a good time together so I know this is going to be fun. I needed this. Thank you so much America.

Liv and Bianca held hands and ran over into the dressing room to begin prepping for their dates.

VC-Liv-Im a little surprised that I was chosen to go on this date but you know what, ive been stressing a lot since I came onto this show so, a nice night out with a cool guy is maybe just what I need to relax. Plus, I kinda want Dean to get jealous a little.


When she was finished getting dressed, Liv went over to find Dean who was taking a shower. She headed inside the bathroom.

"Babe. Im about to leave."she said to him.

He peeked his head out from in the shower.

"Alright. Enjoy your date."he simply responded.

"Are you gonna miss me while im gone?"she asked.

"You're....not gonna be gone forever."he said with a little laugh.

"Well jeez, cant you act a little hurt that im going on a date with another guy?"

"Oh come on Liv."he groaned.

"Whatever. See you when I get back."she said before she gave him a quick kiss and left.

VC-Liv-I know he's not the most expressive person but gosh, at least give me something.

7:45 pm

Bianca and Jey and Liv and John were both seen on their dates. Just like Eva and Dean's date, it wasnt anywhere fancy. It was on one of the the balconies of the villa. There were two couches set up there, one for Bianca and Jey and one for Liv and John. They were a good distance apart however to ensure each pair got their privacy.

On tables in front them was a charcuterie board and a bottle of wine with two glasses.

John and Liv

"So how do you feel about being on this date with me? I hope you're not feeling weird or anything like that."John asked Liv.

"Oh no no no. Im really happy."she giggled, "Like, I know you were probably expecting me to be hesitant about it but honestly, I feel like this is what I need to unwind a bit. Ive been stressing way to much."

"Yes you have. You need to relax and stop worrying. This is a once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy it."he said.

"I dont think I can ever be fully relaxed in a house like this."said Liv as she drank some wine, "Anyway, if America didnt pick me tonight, who would you have liked to bring on this date with you?"

"Its a tough choice. I mean, I know you're in this relationship with Dean so I wouldn't want anything to be weird."

"So if I weren't in a relationship?"

"Then for sure you would have been the first choice. But America did all the dirty work for me so theres no blood on my hands, thank god."

She laughed, "Well I mean, its just a date. Dean went on a date with Eva last night."

"So do you and Dean really plan on becoming America's favourite couple or are you open to what may come your way?"

"Well....thats the goal that we came into the villa with."

"So you dont think that theres any guy that may end up swaying you?"

"I mean, who knows. But right now, im just focused on my relationship with Dean. We're not perfect but he is the guy I see myself spending the rest of my life with."she said, "So tell me about you. Why are you single?"

VC-Liv-John's really cool. We had a great time but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldnt seem to stop bringing Dean up no matter what topic we were talking about. Im sure it annoyed him but gosh, I couldnt help it! Bless his heart.

Bianca and Jey

"So here we are once again."Bianca said to Jey with a smile.

"Crazy isnt it. By the way, you look amazing tonight."

She blushed, "Thank you."

"Yo, I talked to your homeboy earlier-Montez. The guy seemed hurt."

"Hm. Well thats his business. The more I find out about him the less I forgive myself for actually giving him a chance."

"I can relate, trust me."said Jey.

"Can you though? Like, Mandy was a walking, talking red flag. Jey you should have seen what she did coming from a mile away. I cant believe you walked right into that."

"I guess I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but I got played hard in the end."

"You had such a good thing with Zelina and you ruined it for that bitch."

"You're gonna talk about Zelina and I? Did you forget that you and I were doing our own thing while I was with her?"

"You right. You a walking talking red flag yourself."

Jey laughed, "Im trying to learn and grow from all of that. I think its time I start looking for a wife."

"Is that why you're here?"

He nodded.

"You know, im really glad that you're here."he said, "You and I have always had this special connection. We had a really good friendship-if you can call it that."

"It was more like friends with benefits."she said.

"Yea. But you and I had something that me and no other woman has had."

"How come we didnt end up getting together again?"she asked.

"The distance."

"Oh yea. Right."

"There aint no distance there right now though."

She smiled, "Take it easy baby. I have my guard up and its gonna take a lot for me to let it down."

"I understand that."

"But you know what, im glad you're here too. You're right, there was something special between us. Maybe we'll find out if its still there."she said.

"Im looking forward to that. I just wanna know...whats going on with you and Montez right now?"

"Nothing. Nothing is. Dont worry about him."

"Just needed that clarification."

VC-Bianca-Jey and I picked up right where we left off. Like I said, I dont fully trust him. The guy's a fuckboy. But I just know that....we wont be able to stay away from each other.

Back At The Villa

Dean and Montez were seen sitting on a bench in the backyard together.

"You worried about Liv at all bro?"Montez asked Dean.

"No."he responded.

"For real?"

"Im not."

"She seemed really excited to go on that date."

"Yea. Im not gonna let it get to me. The more I distance myself, the less worries I have."

"What do you think about Jey and Bianca? Because im not like you, im worried as fuck."

"Chill out man. This guy has been here for a few hours, he aint gonna steal her."

"No no no, he and Bianca have history. They know each other."

"Oh shit. Then yea, maybe you should be worried."

VC-Montez-Right now, the ratio is 7 men to 6 women. I feel like soon theres going to be a recoupling and since there are more guys, one of us are going to get sent home. If Bianca and Jey are getting along great then whats going to stop her from recoupling with him? I dont feel secure at the moment. I could be sent home and personally....I dont feel like its my time to leave yet.


After an hour long date with their respective girls, John and Jey were now given the opportunity to send a text to a girl of their choice and invite them to join them on the balcony. When Liv and Bianca left, the guys sent the texts.

Back at the villa, the sound of a phone going off was heard.

Eva gasped, "Guys! I got a text!"

"You got a text?"Sasha asked.

She began reading it out loud.

"Its from Jey."said Eva.

Everyone ooed.

A few seconds after Eva got her text, Alexa's phone went off.

"I got a text too!"Alexa shouted. She began reading it out loud.

Alexa turned to look at Adam.

He frowned.

"Ughhhh."she groaned.

VC-Alexa-I was just about to hop into my pajamas and go to sleep. Now I gotta get ready to go on a date. John, forgive me if im constantly yawning the entire time.


9:20 pm

"What was that about earlier?"Dean asked Liv who was in the dressing room removing her makeup.

"What? When I came into the bathroom?"she asked.


"Its really not a big deal. Just forget it."

"It sure seemed like a big deal to you."

"Its just that, yesterday when you went on your date with Eva I got all sexy and gave you something to think about before you left. Tonight, I just felt like you didnt care that I was going on a date with John."

"What did you want me to do Liv?"

"Ummm, I dont know, show that you gave a shit?"

"It was just a stupid date."

"Before Alexa left for her date, Adam was in here showering her with kisses."

"Is that what you're doing right now? Comparing our relationship to somebody else's?"

"I feel like sometimes you dont put in any effort."

"Oh wow."Dean shook his head, "This is exactly why I didnt want to come here in the first place. Everything was fine but now I feel like you're looking for things to argue about."

"We're not arguing! Im just simply telling you how I feel."

"This was never an issue before-"

"It was! I just never said anything about it!"

Dean sighed and folded his arms.

"Look, just forget it okay."said Liv, "Forget that I said anything."

VC-Liv-I put in so much effort for him all the time and I feel like I get nothing in return. Sometimes I feel like he's not even scared to lose me. Can you blame me for wanting to feel wanted sometimes?


After another hour long date with their own choice of girls, John, Jey with their dates returned to the villa.

VC-Eva-The date with Jey went really well. He's so hilarious, he kept me laughing the entire time. Im definitely open to getting to know him a little more.

VC-Alexa-John is such a bonehead but in a fun, lovable way. If I was single, would he be someone that id be interested in? For sure. Judging by the guys ive dated in the past, he checks all of the boxes. Buuuuut, im not single so, oh well John *shrugs*


Most of the islanders were seen in the communal bedroom, just about ready to call it a day.

Because they were the newest additions to the house, John and Jey had to share a bed for the night. But luckily for John at the moment, Jey wasnt in the room. He and Bianca had decided to open a bottle of wine and hang out on one of the day beds outside. Montez was left all alone.

As for Liv and Dean, as usual, they decided to crash on the living room couch despite having that minor argument earlier.

I guess its going to be safe for everyone to enter into the living room in the morning. I dont think he's getting lucky tonight.

"Goodnight islanders!"said Matt, "Sweet dreams."

"Good night everybody!"said Montez.

"Goodnight!"Indi responded.


Coming Up-The first re-coupling takes place. One guy will be sent packing!

Stay tuned!

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