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day 5

8:45 am

"So how were your dates last night?"Jey asked John.

The two were sitting on the lounge chairs that were over looking the pool.

"They were good. Liv kept going on and on about Dean but besides that, her and I had a pretty good time. Alexa and I did too. I think she digs me."


"Yea. I felt a connection between us."

"So are you going to go after her?"asked Jey.

"Yea, lets turn this shit into a triple threat match. Adam versus Austin versus me."he said as he and Jey laughed, "No but honestly, I like her but I think she has enough on her plate already. I actually wanted to take Eva on the date last night but I found out that you already chose her."

"Oh damn I didnt know. Sorry about that dude."

"Its fine. Im planning on talking with her today. How did your dates go?"John asked Jey.

"They were great. I had a good time with both girls but Bianca is the one im leaning more towards. Dont get me wrong, Eva fine as hell. But she reminds me of Mandy so I dont even want to try to get to know her better. I said I was gonna stay away from toxic girls and I mean it."

"Eva looks like fun though."John said with a smirk.

"What kinda fun you talking about John?"

"All kinds of fun."John chuckled.

"I know but....I feel like if I do pursue her, i'll find myself in the same situation again: in love with a bad girl that nobody likes, ignoring my family for her and putting her first just to get screwed over in the end. She's interesting but...i'll pass. You can have her."

"Well dont mind if I do."

At the same time, Eva walked passed them in her bikini.

"Morning, boys."she said to them with a smile.

"Morning."they replied.

They watched as she headed over onto the lawn, laid out her workout mat and began doing yoga stretches. She was currently doing the downward facing dog.

John turned to Jey, "This just might be paradise."

Jey laughed and bumped fists with him.


11:45 pm

Sasha, Dean and Montez were all seen sitting on bean bag chairs that were on the lawn.

From where Montez was sitting, he could have seen Bianca and Jey in the outdoor kitchen cleaning up together. Good thing he was wearing his sunglasses so they didnt know that his eyes were locked on them the entire time.

"You've been acting real different since yesterday man."Dean said to Montez, "You're not as loud as you usually are."

"Well damn, sometimes us extroverts need to take breaks too. It aint easy being the only entertaining one here."he said. Sasha laughed.

"Im just one man trying to make everyone laugh, im a bit over worked aight? I gotta take some time to rebuild my energy."

VC-Dean-Montez is a pretty cool dude. Definitely my kinda guy. He's always buzzing, always talking, always doing some dumb bullshit, we get along perfectly. He and Matt are my closest buddies here right now.

"How do you feel about Jey and Bianca?"Sasha asked Montez.

"Good for them."he replied.

"You're jealous aren't you?"she asked.

"No, the thing is, all this time she was being real standoffish and cold with me. And then Jey, someone who has also wronged her, comes in and she lights up like a Christmas tree?"

"She's probably trying to get you jealous man."said Dean.

Montez sighed, "Well its working."

"Its not that."said Sasha, "Bianca and Jey have a real connection. Remember she knew him way before she knew you Montez."

"Whatever man. Like I said, good for them."

"Jey's my homie but...I honestly think she's making a mistake messing with him. You're so much better."said Sasha to Montez.

"Its up to her to figure that out eventually."he replied.

"Stop stressing man. Arent you the same guy that gave me a pep talk a few days ago about having a good time?"said Dean.

Montez laughed, "Yea that was me."

"Just...relax. Take your own advice."said Dean.

"Are you actually here to find love Montez or is your sole purpose of being here is to try to get back with Bianca?"Sasha asked.

"Im open to anything Sash. If a girl comes in here and we're feeling each other then i'll go after that. This is Love Island. Not Bianca Island."

"Then like Dean said, relax. You never know who may show up."said Sasha, "Stop stressing and go back to being your loud, crazy self."

VC-Montez-The feelings I had for B was real. It just sucks to know that she trust Jey more than she trust me. I know I aint no saint but neither is he.


Indi and Matt were seen on one of the day beds talking.

"Do you see us going any further? Like, do you see potential between us?"Indi asked him.

"Yea man, you're a cool chick. I like hanging out with you. You're fun."he responded.

"But like romantic wise? Do you think theres anything there?"

"I dont know man. I think we still have to figure that out."

"Well...im willing to do that. Im willing to put in the effort to see if anything's there but if you're hung up on Eva then like, what's the point?"

"Im not hung up on Eva."

"Yea right."

"No, look, thats over. I dont care anymore. You're the one that im coupled with and I do want us to give this a shot. I really like you bro, I think you're rad. You're like the coolest girl here. I can definitely see you being one of the boys."

Indi laughed, "What?"

"Yea like how Dean, Montez and I are super tight, I can totally see you being a part of that and not having it be weird. Thats how I know you're cool. You're kind of like a girlfriend that I can bring to the bar with me when im going to hang out with my friends except you're not my girlfriend."

She laughed, "Are you crazy? You'll forget me at the bar and im going to have to call an Uber to take me home. Dont think I forgot about your dirty secret."

"No I wouldn't do that to you because you would probably kick my ass."

"Just remember that."

VC-Indi-I personally dont think Matt and I can ever have anything romantic between us. However, I do think we'll be great lads because we get along really well and he's just as childish and playful as I am but...do I ever see myself hooking up with him? As of right now....no. Ew.


4:34 pm

Liv was seen talking to Adam on the terrace. Alexa wasn't there because she was in the shower at the moment.

"I just feel like this whole relationship is one sided."she vented to him, "Anyone that watches our relationship play out can totally see that I put in effort for him. And he gives me nothing. Like last night before I went on the date, he didnt even say I love you, he didnt give me a kiss, not even a spank on the ass. Like, I would have appreciated anything. But he just told me to enjoy my date."

VC-Adam-Liv....is this not what you signed up for when you decided to be with a guy like Dean? Do you think he was some sort of Prince Charming?

"Is he like that at home?"Adam asked.

"No well....at home he's like a big teddy bear. He loves cuddling and he does cute things sometimes but thats not the point. I feel like he never goes out of his way for me. Yesterday when Lex was getting ready for her date, you came into the dressing room and just started showering her with kisses. I want him to do stuff like that you know? Do things to let me know that you want me."

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel."Adam suggested.

"I did! Last night I did. When I told him what you did he was like oh so now you're comparing our relationship to theirs? Thats what he cares about, comparing our relationships, not the fact that im basically telling him what I want him to do."Liv sighed, "You know, Alexa's so lucky. I see the way you are with her and its so cute. You're like the perfect boyfriend. I wish Dean would take notes."

Adam smiled, "Aww, thank you. My advice to you is...maybe stop showering him with all that affection and see what he does. Let him miss you."

"But its so hard for me to stay away from him. Sometimes I want to be mad at him for doing the things he does but then he smiles at me and I see his fucking stupid dimples and my dumbass heart melts and im just like....ugh, get me pregnant like now."

Adam laughed, "Oh my god."

"But you got a point."

"Look, if I ever have a conversation with him in the near future, i'll give him some pointers and talk to him a bit. Hopefully he doesn't throttle me though."

She smiled, "I would appreciate that."

VC-Liv-Ive been spoiling Dean way too much. I need to stop. Like Adam said, I need to make him miss me. Ugh...I dont know how im going to control myself though because I give into him so easily.


7:12 pm

The islanders were seen all dressed up in their fancy outfits which meant, the girls were all looking absolutely stunning and the guys were all wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The fanciest of the guys was John who decided to add a long, faux fur coat to his outfit.

Good thing im not there to stun them all with my $15000 LED light jacket.

As Austin was making his way into the backyard, his phone went off.

"Guys! I got a text!"he yelled out.

Everyone raced outside and gathered around him. He began reading the text out loud.

Indi gasped.

"Oh my god."Eva covered her mouth.

The guys all looked at each other.

The energy in the atmosphere shifted. Everyone was stunned.

VC-Austin-Shit just got real.

"I knew this was going to happen."Montez said as he walked away. Matt, Dean and Sasha followed behind him.

VC-Matt-Yo, I like all of these dudes, I dont want any of us to leave. We're like a family.

VC-Montez-I really feel like im on the chopping block. This could be it for me.

"Tez, do you want to talk a little bit?"Bianca asked him, interrupting his conversation with Sasha, Dean and Matt.

"Sure."he said as he got up from his seat.

They both went off to the outdoor kitchen.

"Look, before you say anything, do what you gotta do okay. Dont worry about me."said Montez.

"Why are you saying that?"

"I aint blind B. I been seeing this guy follow you around all day like a lost puppy. I know y'all are friends. If you want to recouple with him then, do what you gotta do. I tried with you. I told you that id love for us to give it one more shot but clearly im on a lower rank than him."

"He never broke my heart. You did."

"Well great. Hopefully he can be the man that you need."

"I dont know if im going to recouple with him yet Montez."

"Well if it aint him then who's it gonna be? I know im not an option."

Bianca sighed.

"B, do what you makes you happy. I aint gonna be mad. Alright."he smiled, "Im honest with you."

Her eyes were fixated on the floor.

VC-Bianca-I dont know what im going to do. Theres Montez who I care about and honestly, I dont want to see him go and then theres Jey, the guy that ive been having a good time with. I dont freaking trust either of them but....im going to have to make a choice between the both of them.

"You alright?"he asked her.

She nodded.

"Then let me see a smile."he said.

She pursed her lips.

"Come on, let me see a smile. Come on. Come on."he kept saying until she finally cracked a smile.

"There we go! This aint the place to be frowning B. Dont let me ruin your night."he said as he gave her a hug, "See you around alright."

With that, he walked away.

VC-Montez-I dont wanna leave but....its not the end of the world if I do.


8:30 pm

Everyone was caught off guard as a familiar face made her way into the backyard.

It was Beth.

"Hi islanders!"she greeted. Everyone cheered when they saw her.

"Can you guys gather at the re-coupling bench real quick? Thank you!"she said.

They all did as she requested and headed over to the re-coupling bench.

All six girls were sitting as all seven guys were standing on a row in front of them.

"Okay guys, welcome to your first official re-coupling."said Beth, "Before we begin, Dean and Eva, since you guys are a pretty new couple and did not couple up on day 1, you two will be immune from this. That means, Dean, Eva, you guys will be staying as a couple. Dean, you can join Eva on the re-coupling bench."

"You gotta be kidding."Liv muttered under her breath.

Dean walked over and sat next to Eva.

VC-Liv-I was so excited that it was girls' choice tonight because I wanted to get my man back. Thanks a lot for fucking that up for me Beth!

"So the re-coupling is simple. When I call your name ladies, you will stand, say which boy you would like to couple up with and why okay?"Beth instructed, "So lets begin with Alexa. Who would you like to couple up with and why?"

Alexa blushed as she stood up. Adam looked at her and smiled.

Ooo, the suspense is killing me....

"Beth, I would like to couple up with this boy because we came in here together and planned on staying together. Obviously that didnt work out at first. He is the greatest man that ive ever been with and its going to be really hard for anyone to rip us apart. Thats why I think its best we stay together. The boy I want to couple up with is obviously my boyfriend, Adam."

"No way! What! We didnt see that coming! Nuh uh she didnt! What a plot twist!"Montez overreacted with sarcasm as everyone laughed.

Adam walked over to her and gave her a kiss. They both sat down.

"Next up is Liv."said Beth.

Liv stood up.

"Well obviously the guy id really like to couple with aka my boyfriend is already taken so i'll have to compromise. Im choosing this guy because he seems cool and we look like we'd be compatible and because I dont have much of a choice. The guy id like to couple up with is....Austin."

Austin smiled, went over to her and gave her a hug.

VC-Austin-Im very surprised that Liv chose me-well not really because I mean, look at me. Can you blame her? But her and I haven't really spoken since we've been here in the house. I really thought she was going to pick John. Im interested to see where this is going to go.

"Next is Indi."said Beth.

Indi stood up.

"Um....I want to couple up with this boy because...he's truly a gem in this house and we love having him around. He's a weirdo but so am I and thats why I think I feel comfortable with him. So the guy id like to couple up with is...Matt."she smiled.

"Awesome!"he said as he gave her a hug.

VC-Matt-Im kind of flattered that she chose me this time. I chose her in the beginning, she returned the favour. I guess I can trust her.

VC-Indi-I havent been clicking with any other guy in the house besides Matt. I didnt really get to know the new guys either. But id rather be comfortable in the couple im in rather than coupling up with someone that I wont be happy with.

"Bianca, you're up."

Bianca stood up.

She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled. Her eyes scanned the three remaining men who were Montez, Jey and John.

"Obviously its gonna be me right?"John joked. Everyone chuckled.

She cleared her throat and began speaking.

"This was a hard decision, not going to lie. I would like to couple up with this boy because....we always have a good time together no matter what. He is an incredible person despite the fact that im still on the fence about putting my trust in him. But from what ive seen, he's patient. And in time...I think we'll figure out if there is any real potential between us. I dont want to be hurt again. And he doesnt want to be hurt again either. So, we already got something to work with."

Montez sighed.

"The guy id like to couple up with is....Jey."

A wide smile grew across his face as he went over and gave her a hug.

VC-Bianca-I hated doing that. Especially since Montez was there staring at me. But....I gotta put myself first.

John and Montez gave each other a handshake and shoulder bump.

"Sasha, you're up."said Beth.

"Why you gotta make me the one to send one of them home?"she complained.

"Sash, you aint obligated to do anything okay."Montez said to her, "You dont owe me nothing. Make the decision thats best for you. I aint gonna be mad."

"Same here."John said.

She sighed, "I wish you guys were assholes. It would make this decision so much easier."

VC-Sasha-Montez and John....okay first of all, no matter who I couple up with, there isnt going to be anything romantic happening there. Im not into them like that. Montez and I go way way way back. And I know John from Ex On The Beach, he was Mickie's ex. Mickie is one of my best friends. I have history with these guys and no matter the outcome, its going to suck. Ugh...I hate being in this position.

After pondering the decision for 15 seconds, Sasha began speaking.

"Okay...im going to couple up with this guy because.....everyone here loves him. Its really hard not to love him. He's the ray of sunshine that we all need. He's more than a friend to me, he's like family. And im not doing this because I owe him anything, im doing this because this house would be nothing without him. The guy I want to couple up with is Montez."

Montez gave John a hug before he headed over to give Sasha an even tighter hug. They both sat down on the re-coupling bench together.

"Do I get to couple up with you?"John jokingly asked Beth.

She smiled, "Nope. Thats not the way it works. Unfortunately John, since you have not been chosen you have been officially dumped from Love Island. You must now gather your stuff and leave the villa."

"Good thing I barely got to unpack my suitcase."He said.

"Okay islanders, have a good night. John, have a safe trip home. See you all very soon."said Beth before she left.

Everyone shot out of their seats to give John his goodbyes.

"Im really sorry I had to do that."said Sasha as she gave him a hug.

"Its fine. Dont worry about it."he responded.

VC-John-Man, I was just getting settled in here. Ive only been on the show for about 36 hours and im already gone. That sucks. I didnt even get to perform for the ladies. Oh well.

"Do a quick striptease for us!"Sasha said to him as he was zipping up his suitcase. The girls all cheered.

He stood up, took his jacket off and then slowly began raising up his shirt, revealing his shredded abdomen. The girls (and Matt and Montez)continued cheering him on. He finally whipped off his t-shirt and threw it aside as he did body rolls.

"Get the dollar bills!"Bianca yelled out.

VC-Indi-Sasha why the fuck did you get rid of him! Can we have a do over? Take Matt and give me John!

After the islanders all said their goodbyes to him, John took his exit from the villa.

"Sasha got rid of the stripper for you Montez. You got big shoes to fill."Liv said to Montez.

"Aw damn. I'll try my best y'all."he responded.

11:30 pm

The islanders were all seen in bed in their new couples.

"Indi."Matt whispered to her.

"What?"she whispered back.

"Do you wanna cuddle?"he asked.


He moved his body closer to hers and put his arm around her.

VC-Indi-Ah what the fuck, might as well. That might be the only action I get here.

Alexa and Adam were seen with the covers over both their bodies. Obviously they were using the covers as a shield to block the cameras and everyone in the room from seeing whatever it was that they were doing. Sasha and Montez were sleeping on separate ends of the bed. Eva was seen putting in her ear plugs so the sound of Jey and Bianca talking wouldnt keep her up. Austin was seen sound asleep in his bed all alone.

Dean and Liv of course, were in the living room. However, unlike the past few nights, they were sleeping on separate couches.

"Why arent you here with me?"Dean asked her, "It feels weird sleeping here alone."

"I get up every morning with neck cramps babe. I'll be more comfortable here."she responded from over on the other couch.

"Then lets just put all the cushions on the floor. Or sleep on one of the day beds."

"Im too tired. Lets just sleep here."

"Well do you wanna come over here real quick then? You can go back when we're done."

"No. Go to sleep."she said as she turned her back to him, "I love you. Goodnight."

"Love you too."he sighed.

VC-Liv-I know what he wants. But guess what. He aint gonna get it!
Coming Up-The arrival of 4 new girls flips the villa on its head!

Stay tuned.

*This chapter is day 5, the next chapter will be day 7. We're skipping day 6 because on the real show, every week the islanders get one day off from filming. Just keeping true to the show.

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