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day 7

10:30 am


Alexa gasped.

"Guys!"she shouted, "I got a text!"

Soon, everyone gathered around her. She began reading the text out loud.

All the girls erupted in cheers.

VC-Liv-Okay now this. This is what I need. This is what we all need.

"We're going to the spa!"Indi cheered as she jumped up and down.

"Wait but what about us?"asked Montez, "We got stress to. What, do we just gotta deal with it?"

Yes, thats exactly what you gotta do Montez. If I cant go, you guys cant go either.

All six girls raced up to the dressing room to get ready. They slipped into some crop tops, denim shorts and sandals and then hand in hand, they headed out the door and into the vehicle that was awaiting them.

"Damn. They were really excited to leave."said Montez, "Are we that unbearable?"

GC-Montez, Adam, Dean, Austin, Jey, Matt

Montez-Y'all, we got the house to ourselves. I say we go crazy.

Matt-Yea bro, if they can go to a spa and get relaxed then we can have our own spa here at the house.

Adam-We miss the girls already but, not for long. We're going to get our minds off of them.

Montez-If they can have fun, we can have fun too. We aint gonna be sitting around all day being sad. Hell naw!

Montez turned the sound system up. Rap music began blaring through the entire backyard.

He then headed over to the outdoor bar to begin making drinks for everyone. Jey and Austin took charge of making hamburgers and Dean, Matt and Adam were seen blowing the pool toys up with air and throwing them into the pool.

Dean went over into the outdoor kitchen, grabbed the dish soap and brought it to the pool.

"This is kind of a signature thing I do."he said as he began pouring the soap into the water. The pool jets immediately began creating suds. The guys all cheered.

"Gather round, gather round guys!"Montez said as he brought a tray with all the drinks on it. The concoction he created for everyone was a shot of whiskey in a cup of beer. They all took a cup in hand.

"I think its fair that we toast to all of us still being here. My ass almost got sent home so im grateful that I managed to avoid that and im even more grateful that im still here with y'all crazy motherfuckers! Cheers y'all! Lets get turnt!"Montez said as everyone shot their drink.

Austin gagged when he was done.

One by one, Dean, Matt, Austin and Montez cannonballed into the pool.

"JEY! TOSS US SOME BURGERS!"Dean shouted to Jey who was over at the grill.



Jey did as was told and began tossing the burgers at them. As you could have guessed it, they missed all. Some of the burgers landed in the pool and some landed on the lawn.



"Dude, this pool is filling up with foam. How much soap did you put in here?"Austin asked Dean.

"The whole bottle."

Austin was right. Around them, mountains of foam began forming.

"We better throw some of this out before this things consumes us."said Austin.

"I have an even better idea."said Matt. He scooped up a pile of foam, got out of the pool, went over to Adam who was relaxing on the lounge chair and threw it on his face.

"FOAM FIGHT!"Matt laughed as he ran away.

As he was running, Montez gave him a taste of his own medicine as he tossed a pile of foam on him.

"OH ITS ON!"Matt shouted.

"BRING IT!"Montez yelled back.

Soon, all the guys joined in, running around scooping foam out of the pool and slapping it on each other. Quickly, foam was seen in piles all around the backyard. Dean even picked up one of the hamburgers that was on the ground and threw it at Jey which resulted in Jey grabbing one of the fresh hamburgers and throwing it back at Dean.

VC-Montez-Man, I cant tell you the last time I did some dumb shit like this. Its refreshing. Here we are, a bunch of grown ass tax paying men, having a foam fight. I feel alive!

Can we call security on this?

As he was running, Montez slipped (due to everywhere being slippery from the foam) and fell hard on his back.

"Oh shit. Dude, you okay?"Dean asked as he stretched out his hand to him. The other guys gathered around him as well.

He groaned, "Lemme just....stay here for a bit. Y'all carry on. Just dont run over me."

Adam brought a drink over and handed it to him as he was laying on the ground.

"Hope this helps man."he said.

"Thank you my brother."Montez replied.

"Yo, you guys want to have a beer chugging competition?"Matt asked.

"They dont call me Chugs for nothing. Bring it!"said Adam as the guys all cheered and raced over to the outdoor kitchen.

And the moral of the story is, never leave the guys alone in an expensive villa with unlimited alcohol. They will all turn into 12 year old boys and everything will go to shit.

Somebody, please get the girls back to the house ASAP so we can restore a bit of order in this place.


The Spa

3:30 pm

Meanwhile at the spa, after receiving massages, manicures, pedicures and spending time in the sauna, the girls were all in the outdoor jacuzzi enjoying the calm, gentle breeze on their skin and listening to the leaves rustle and birds sing while sipping on some champagne (except for Eva).

"Ladies, cheers to a day of relaxation!"Bianca said as all the girls clinked their glasses.

"Today was so needed."said Liv.

"Tell me about it."Alexa agreed.

VC-Liv-Love Island....is this an early birthday gift for me? You cheeky monkeys you.

"What do you think the guys are up to?"Eva asked.

"They're probably just laying around drinking beer."said Alexa.

"As usual."said Liv.

Lets do a quick cutaway and check in with them.

//"Oh shit! Fuck! My apron's on fire!"Jey said as he quickly began untying his apron.

Matt laughed, "Dude, what? Why are you even cooking still?"

"Get the fire extinguisher!"Adam yelled.

Austin got the fire extinguisher and began spraying Jey with it.

"DUDE! LET ME GET THE APRON OFF FIRST!"Jey yelled through the white cloud being sprayed at him.

"Stop drop and roll Jey! Stop drop and roll."said Dean, "Did you not go to kindergarten?"//

Ladies, I say this because I care about you, please savor every moment at that spa.

"So....Bianca, how is it waking up to Jey every morning."Liv asked Bianca.

She blushed.

"Awww she's blushing!"Indi cooed.

"Our girl's in love guys."said Sasha.

"No no no no. None of that."said Bianca, "It was....nice. Like, I felt comfortable with him."

"So what stage are you guys at right now?"asked Liv.

"We're still talking. No kissing, nothing like that."

"Do you think that...maybe things will escalate soon?"Sasha asked.

"Duh, its Jey. But, let's see how long we can resist each other."Bianca responded.

"I dont think its going to be long at all."said Liv.

"So what about you Liv?"Sasha said, "I saw Austin made you breakfast this morning. Spill the tea girl."

Liv laughed, "Theres no tea. But yea, he did. I dont know why he did that but it was very thoughtful of him."

"He never did that for me. What gives?"said Alexa.

"You literally never talked to the guy."Bianca responded.


"Does Dean know Austin did that?"Sasha asked Liv.

"No I didnt mention it. I dont think its necessary. Im in a couple with Austin after all so maybe he did that just to be nice."

"Indi, what about you and Matt?"Bianca asked, "Give us the updates."

"Be honest with me guys, do you see any potential between us?"Indi asked.

"No."said Sasha and Liv.

"How similar is he to your ex fiance?"Bianca asked.

"Oh my gosh, so different. Matt talks way more than he does."Indi responded.

"Do you still have feelings for your ex or are you completely over him?"Alexa asked.

"Of course I still have feelings for him. I was kind of forced to ditch him. My folks didnt like him at all."said Indi.

"Jeez, its 2021, are parents still that controlling? I mean if he was giving off serial killer vibes then id understand but gosh, they shouldnt be like that to you."said Sasha.

Indi gritted her teeth"Well....."

"So if you find someone here, are you going to forget about your fiance?"Eva asked.

Indi nodded, "Yea. Thats why I came here. Just to show my parents that im at least trying to see if I can find anyone better. But if not then im going to get married and they're not going to stop me."

"Do you see that person being Matt?"Bianca asked.

"Oh hell no."

"What about the other single guys? Montez and Austin?"asked Alexa, "Are you not into them?"

"Not really. Ive gotten to know them since ive been here and....im not clicking with either of them. Great lads but, its a no from me. Im not really into any of the guys to be honest."

"Well we're on the same boat sis."Sasha said as she high fived her.

VC-Indi-The guys are all awesome but im not really into any of them. Im at least still trying with Matt. He's a good looking guy but I just cant see myself in a relationship with him. Its only the first week. I need to relax. I just hope some more single guys hurry up and walk their asses into our villa because im getting bored.


Back At The Villa

As the guys were cutting up fruits and throwing them into a jug filled with beer for whatever reason, Adam's phone went off.

"Oh shit, guys! I got a text!"he said as he took his phone out of his pocket. He began reading the text out loud.

"I mean, we got some hamburgers in the pool. That about it."said Jey.

"Wait, guests? Are we getting new girls?"Austin asked.

"I THINK SO!"Montez said as they all started cheering.

VC-Montez-*singing* Hallelujah.....hallelujah......hallelujah, sing it with me y'all, HALLELUUUUJAH!

"We better drink some of this fruit beer real quick!"Montez said as he began pouring the beer with the fruits into some cups.

"Yo, I just wanna say, today was awesome."said Dean, "You kids are crazy as hell and I fucking love it."

"I agree. Today was epic."said Adam.

The guys all started cheering once again.

VC-Austin-We're all pretty wasted right now so....I dont think its the best time to bring in any new girls. We may go to sleep, wake up and forget that they're even there.

After 10 minutes of receiving the text, the sounds of heels clacking against the tile floor was heard. It was coming from inside the villa.

"Y'all, im hearing something."said Jey as he and the guys were all sitting on the outdoor sofa.

In a matter of seconds, four brand new faces came into view as they made their way into the backyard.

"Hi boys!"said a familiar blond.

Montez did a wolf whistle.

"You got to be kidding."Jey muttered.

The boys all stood up to welcome the four girls as they approached them.

VC-Kayla-Hi! Im Kayla Braxton, im 25 and im a broadcaster and journalist that currently resides in Orlando, Florida. My friends would say that im a very outgoing person. I love meeting new people and exploring new places. I love always being on the go. I dont like routine, thats boring to me. Ive been single for about 2 years now. I dont have a problem being single, it gives me so much freedom. But I decided to come onto Love Island to test the waters a little bit and see if maybe I can find the person that would make me change my relationship status from single, to taken.

VC-Doudrop-Hi there! My name is Piper Niven but everyone calls me Doudrop. Im 26 years old and im from Ayr, Scotland. Im a very bubbly, positive person. Im always down to have a good time. I do love a good party. I cant really dance too well but I end up on the dance floor anyway. I honestly dont mind making a fool of myself. I personally believe that you cant take yourself too seriously. I know im not your typical looking reality star. I dont look like the other girls. I dont look like a Victoria Secret model. But thats part of the reason why im here. I want to break that mould. Im all about body positivity. Just because im bigger doesnt mean that I deserve to find love any less. Yea im different but....thats okay.

Jey threw his head in his hands when he saw a very familiar face approaching.

VC-Jey-And there goes my experience. What the hell is this? Ex On The fucking Beach? I didnt come here for this. Fuck! Get me off this damn show.

VC-Dana-Hi! Im Dana Brooke, im 32, im a personal trainer and I also work for a travel agency called Titus World Wide. You may remember me from being on Are You The One and Temptation Island. Sadly, on both of those dating shows, I wasnt lucky in finding love. So, maybe third time's a charm, who knows? Im the kind of girl that guys always become best friends with so....yea, I get friend zoned a lot. I dont know why. Maybe its because im pretty laid back and easy going. But im not trying to be stuck in the friend zone forever! I think its time that I find someone who'd be crazy about me just the way that id be crazy about them.

Humble brag: she was in love with me.

VC-Mandy-It wouldnt be a dating show without the queen of dating shows am I right? Yes, the bitch is back. Im Mandy Rose, im 28, im a reality star, brand ambassador, influencer and recently entrepreneur. I dont really need to say much about myself, you guys already who I am. Lets just say that im a woman with a long list of enemies and its still growing. I know my ex is here on Love Island but I am planning on avoiding him like the plague. Im sure he cant say the same about me. Its me like, duh. I do think that Love Island has the potential of helping me find love. I just hope whoever fate has in store for me is actually the man of my dreams because the last few were....yikes. If not then i'll just do what Mandy Rose does best and thats mess around and stir the pot *laughs*


"So nice to meet you."Montez said as he kissed Kayla's hand.

"No! Nice to meet you!"she responded.

"Im a hugger! Can I hug you guys?"Matt asked the girls.

"Please dont touch me, Matt."said Mandy.

The girls all took seats on the sofa where the guys were sitting. Montez had brought over some drinks for them.

VC-Jey-My mood is ruined. Why? Why y'all gotta do this? Who the hell asked for Mandy to be here?

"Fellas, I think im gonna shower and take a nap. Catch up with y'all later alright?"said Jey as he stood up.

"Dont choke your chicken too hard in there."Mandy threw shade.

"We gonna start this shit right now Mandy?"said Jey.

"Start what?"she stood up to, "Start what?"

"Keep your petty little comments to yourself!"

"Damn, you're really worked up. Havent been getting any lately huh?"

Montez also stood up, "Alllllrighttt. Can we settle down and be sophisticated?"

Jey shook his head and walked away.

VC-Mandy-This is going to be so fun *laughs*

After 30 minutes, all six original girls were seen entering back into the villa after their time at the spa.

VC-Bianca-We all had a very much needed day of rest and relaxation. We got pampered, we drank champagne, we had some girl talk. We bonded for sure. But now, its back to the villa. Lets see what those boys have been up too and lets see how much they missed us.

"Shh, do you guys hear that?"Indi asked as the girls were walking through the entrance of the villa.

"Im hearing female voices."Sasha responded.

VC-Sasha-As we're walking into the villa, in the backyard, we hear the guys talking to someone. And it sounds like a female voice. Multiple female voices. And....a very familiar one.

The girls raced out to the backyard where they were greeted with the site of the guys and the new girls having a chat.

The new girls looked at them.

"HEY GIRLS!"Dana greeted.

VC-Sasha-What the hell? We leave the villa for a few hours and come back to find four new girls here. FOUR!

Upon seeing Mandy, Liv and Alexa squealed and raced over to her.

"Hm."Bianca folded her arms and unenthusiastically began walking over to greet the new girls as well.

VC-Bianca-How the hell y'all gonna send me to a spa, get me all relaxed and stress free....just to send me back to the villa to see Mandy there. Y'all serious? If this is a joke it aint funny.

Pretty hilarious to me.

The OG girls and the new girls all exchanged greetings with each other.

VC-Eva-So im looking at the new girls and.....honestly, I expected a little better. I mean, do they really expect a girl like Dou-whatever her name is, to give us a run for our money? *flips hair* How amusing.

"Jeez, I was at least expecting a little competition."Eva muttered to Indi.

"What was that?"Mandy asked when she heard her.

"Nothing."she smiled as she looked Mandy up and down.

"No honey, repeat what you just said. Come on."Mandy insisted.

"I said I was expecting some competition. But there is none."Eva responded.

"Oh no."said Montez.

"Let me tell you something, I am NOT the one to come at, you hear me? Im the OG bitch here. You are nothing."Mandy said.

"Oh please."Eva scoffed.

"How are you going to talk about competition when none of the guys here even want you?"Mandy fired back.

"Whatever. Whatever."Eva put her hand in her face.

Mandy smacked it away.

"Dont you dare touch me!"Eva got up in her face.

"Or what? Or what?"Mandy yelled.

Montez quickly pulled Mandy away as Liv and Alexa got in between the two.

VC-Montez-Jeez, Mandy been attacking everyone since she got here. She's like a feral cat. She's here and she's out for blood.



Coming up-

The four new girls each get to pick a guy to spend the night with.

Stay tuned!

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