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continuation of day 7

7:45 pm

"Its your birthday today?"Sasha asked Kayla.

All of the 10 girls were seen in the dressing room getting ready.

"Yea."Kayla smiled.

"Oh my gosh! Tomorrow's mine!"Liv said.

VC-Kayla-Yes, its my birthday. Its pretty cool coming into the Love Island villa on my 25th birthday.

"Lets show my girl Kayla a good time tonight huh ladies?"said Dana as the girls all cheered.

When they were all done getting glammed up, they headed out to the backyard where the guys were.

"Its Kayla's birthday today!"Liv informed the guys.

"What!"exclaimed Montez, "Happy birthday Kayla!"

One by one, the guys all wished her happy birthday.

"You should have let us know earlier. We would have thrown you a little party."said Montez.

"Its fine its fine."Kayla responded.

"Its never to late to turn up though!"said Dana.

"Damn right. I like the way you think Dana."Montez agreed.

VC-Liv-Since we have new people here, we decided to break the ice a bit and play a good ol fashioned game of truth or dare.

After taking a shot of tequila to commemorate Kayla's birthday, everyone went and sat down on the recoupling bench for truth or dare.

"I just hope you all know what you're getting yourselves into. Truth or dare always ends up being raunchy."Sasha warned.

"Just how I like it!"Indi smiled.

"I think the new girls should go first!"said Liv.

"Yea!"Montez clapped, "Come on birthday girl!"

"Okay!"said Kayla as she got up and stood in front of everyone.

She then went over and dipped her hand into a cup that contained pieces of folded paper. Some of the papers had the word truth on it while the others had dare written on them. She got a piece of paper out and read it.

"Its a dare!"she said.

"Okay, I got a dare for you."said Sasha, "Kiss the boy that you'd like to hook up with tonight."

The girls all cheered as Kayla blushed.

VC-Kayla-They werent lying when they said things were going to get raunchy.

Kayla made sure to take a good look at all of the boys. Then, she went over and kissed Montez.

The girls continued cheering as she kissed him.

VC-Montez-Me? Little old me? Im...im honoured Kayla. Thank you.

"Montez, I mean...you didnt get her a birthday gift. Maybe you should make her wish come true, just saying."said Liv.

"Aw damn, you got me blushing and shit just thinking about it girl. Stop."said Montez as Kayla laughed.

VC-Kayla-I really do like Montez's outgoing and loud personality. He seems like a genuinely great person so yea...I am a bit attracted to him. I dont want to but....if I did have to hook up with someone tonight, it would be him for sure.

Doudrop went next. She fished out a piece of paper. When she opened it, it said 'truth'.

"If you can see anyone of the guys here naked, who would you choose?"asked Liv.

"Well if im honest, id choose Alexa but she's not a guy so....I guess it would have to be Austin."she responded.

Alexa's eyes widened.

VC-Doudrop-Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I swing both ways. Ive only ever dated men but I have had experiences with girls as well. Look, if I can find the perfect woman here for me on Love Island then that'll be even better.

Next up was Dana. She got a piece of paper out. It said 'dare'.

"Okay! Kiss the boy who you think might be the best in the bedroom."said Eva.

Dana got up and took a good look at all of the guys.

Heres a fun fact, I asked a producer if I could have made a quick cameo just so Dana would have an easy decision but they told me that thats not what they were paying me for.

Plus they also reminded me that im in Stamford, Connecticut and not in Fiji.

Stupid idiots.

VC-Dana-Now I got to visualise myself banging all of the guys here which is kinda weird considering that I know every single one of them except for Austin. Im taking this seriously! Who would show me a good time?

I'll just imagine myself there in spirit.

"Liv, may I?"Dana asked, referring to her wanting to kiss Dean.

"Umm.....sure. Just make it quick."Liv hesitantly responded.

Dana then went over and gave Dean a 3 second kiss as everyone cheered.

"Liv, do you think she made the right decision?"Alexa asked.

"Oh hell yes. Dana, you are spot on girl."Liv said. Dean was seen blushing a little.

VC-Liv-I cant be mad. If I was her id do the same.

Next up was Mandy. She got out a piece of paper that had the word 'truth' on it.

"Well, what do you guys want to know?"she asked.

"Was Jey the best you've ever had in bed?"Alexa asked.

Jey turned to look at Alexa.

Mandy scoffed, "Hell no. Even Cesaro was way better."

Everyone began hollering.

"That question was a bit out of line Alexa, dont you think?"said Sasha.

"Can we ever do anything without you guys taking it seriously?"Alexa complained.

"Of course we're going to take it seriously. You're bringing up real life shit."said Jey.

"Oh my gosh, dont get your panties in a bunch guys."said Mandy, "We're all having fun here. And plus, the truth hurts. I know."

VC-Mandy-I know ive made a lot of people tense here by showing up. Oh well. They just gotta deal with me now.

"You wouldnt like me asking Adam that question would you Alexa?"said Jey.

"Oh my god its just a dumb game Jey!"Alexa yelled.

"Can we not get into an argument right now?"said Liv.

"Yea, whatever. Lets just end this discussion."said Jey.

"He's mad because I outed him."Mandy shaded.

"Okay who's going next?"Adam asked.

"I'll go."said Alexa as she took out a piece of paper. It said 'dare'.

"Alexa, I dare you to kiss the girl that you think is the most hottest in the villa, besides yourself of course."said Dana.

"Oh no, but Becky's not here."Sasha commented.

"Oh snap."Montez muttered.

Alexa turned to look at her.

"Like you said Lexi, dont take it seriously. Its just a dumb game."Sasha condescendingly said.

"Whatever Sasha."said Alexa. She then went over to Liv and began locking lips with her.

The guys were all seen gawking at them, looking like deer caught in headlights.

VC-Austin-Oh my goodness.....

VC-Montez-I love this game.

The group spent about 30 more minutes playing truth or dare which resulted in Matt having to jump face first into the pool, Adam and Austin having to swap outfits and act like each other for the rest of the game (which included Austin pretending to be Alexa's boyfriend which he didnt mind at all), Indi kissing Dean after being dared to kiss the guy she was the least attracted too, Bianca being dared to give Jey a hickey on his neck, Eva having to do a three-way kiss with a couple of her choice (she chose Bianca and Jey) and Montez and Sasha making out after Mandy dared Montez to make out with the person he's couple up with.

GC-Sasha and Montez

Montez-That took me back to our teenage years Sash.

Sasha-*smiles* I know right.

Montez-Is it weird that I enjoyed it?

Sasha-No, its me. Duh. Of course you were going to enjoy it.

Montez-*pulls her in and begins making out with her again*

After that saliva swapping fest of a game, the islanders decided to call it a night and get ready for bed.

After changing into their pajamas, everyone hopped into their designated beds, except for Liv and Dean who were in the living room.

Since they were the newest additions to the villa, Dana had to share a bed with Mandy and Doudrop had to do the same with Kayla.

"Goodnight islanders."said Montez as the bedroom lights turned off.

"What a night."said Austin.


day 8

8:30 am

Dean was seen leading Liv out to a private area in the backyard where there was a table set up with two chairs. Adorning the table was an array of breakfast foods. There were pancakes with blueberries and strawberries, scrambled eggs, avocado toast, sausages and coffee.

Liv gasped, "Babe! Oh my gosh this is so cute!"

VC-Dean-Today's Liv's birthday so I figured, why not do a little something special for her?

"Did you cook all of this yourself?"she asked as they both sat down.

"Totally."he nodded.

"Pft, yea right."she giggled.

VC-Dean-Just wanna give a shout out to my boys Montez and Matt for helping me put this together. And by helping me put it together I mean doing all the cooking while I taste tested everything.

"I got you something."he said as he reached into his pants pocket.

"Oooo what is it?"she excitingly asked.

He brought out a little gift box and placed it on the table. She opened it up and and found two bracelets. They were identical except for the fact that one was made of white gold and the other was made of black stainless steel and slightly thicker.

A wide smile grew across her face.

"They're like...a his and hers bracelet. I was thinking we can probably wear them like...engagement rings except...they're bracelets, you know what I mean?"he said.

"Babe, I absolutely love them. Thank you so much."she said as she reached over and gave him a kiss.

He then took the white gold bracelet out of the box and placed it on her wrist and she did the same to him.

VC-Liv-I feel so bad now for popping off on Dean that night about never putting in any effort. Like, he made me feel so special today. I cant believe he would do all of that for me. Ive never had anyone do those things for me. *wipes tear from corner of her eye*This just means...so much.

Liv got up from her seat and went and sat on top of Dean.

She threw her arms around his neck, "I love you."

"I love you too."he said before they kissed.


12:45 pm

Kayla, Mandy, Alexa, Austin and Dean were all seen in the outdoor kitchen working on a cake for Liv.

And by working on a cake, that just meant that Dean was taste testing the batter and the icing.

"Dean, can you stop putting your fingers into the bowl of icing please?"Alexa said to Dean with some attitude.

"Well then can someone give me a spoon?"he said.

"Have you just been standing there eating the icing?"Kayla asked him.

"Thats exactly what he's been doing."Austin confirmed.

"Dude, you're going to get a really serious sugar rush."said Mandy.

"Let me live."he replied.


"Ooo! I got a text!"yelled Kayla.

Before all the other islanders could have gathered at the kitchen area, Kayla, Alexa, Mandy and Austin quickly hid all of the evidence of them making a cake so Liv wouldn't find out.

VC-Liv-They think they're sly but I know what they're doing. Why else would Dean be in the kitchen with Alexa and Mandy? Im giving them their space. Im hanging out with Adam acting like I have no clue whats going on but in reality, im mentally preparing to act all surprised when they present the cake to me.

Kayla began reading her text out loud.

Everyone ooed.

"So girls, who's it gonna be?"asked Liv, "And please dont say Dean."

"Umm..."Kayla scanned all of the six guys, "I think im going to choose....Austin."

"Awesome."Austin smiled.

VC-Kayla-I dont really know too much about Austin so I think this is a good opportunity to feel him out and determine if theres any potential there. My number one is still Montez though.

"Matt, would you like to go on this date with me?"asked Doudrop.

"Hell yea bro!"he grinned.

VC-Doudrop-Out of all the guys here, Matt has peeked my interest the most so im excited to have this date with him.

"Montez, would you mind if I took you out for lunch?"Dana asked.

"Absolutely not. I can use some wining and dining right now."he responded.

"Well great, you guys really didnt leave me with anything."Mandy complained.

VC-Mandy-So my options of guys to take on this date with me are Dean, Adam and Jey.......Two of those guys are my best friends' boyfriends and one of them is my ex. Lucky me huh?

Jey's eyes were locked on the ground as he and everyone else waited for Mandy to come to a decision.

VC-Jey-If she chooses me for this date, can I not go? Because theres really nothing for her and I to talk about.

VC-Bianca-Being the petty, catty bitch that she is, we all know what she's going to do.

"Fine."said Mandy, "Alexa, can Adam go on this date with me? I mean I really dont have much of a choice here so help me out."

Alexa laughed, "Sure thats fine with me."

VC-Mandy-Like I said, im trying to avoid Jey. There is no reason for me to pick him to go on this date. I dont know how a date with Adam is going to go but...we'll see. I dont even know what the hell we're going to talk about if im honest. I know nothing about the guy.

All eight islanders headed up to the dressing room to get ready. When they were done getting ready, they all left the villa and were taken to the site of their date.

For once, those islanders' dates were going to take place outside and away from the villa at an actual restaurant. Dont tell the other islanders.


Since the house was now half empty, Indi decided to go over to Alexa and help her with Liv's cake. Dean had taken up the role of being the one to distract Liv from going to the kitchen area so the cake can remain a secrecy. How was he doing that you may be wondering? Well since all of the remaining islanders were in the backyard, the two were in the communal bedroom taking advantage of its emptiness.

Lets just say, those bracelets werent the only present that Dean had for Liv.

Poor Austin, if he only knew the kind of filth that was taking place on his bed.

Sasha and Bianca were seen hanging out together on one of the daybeds. From where they were, they had a clear view of Eva and Jey who were also on a daybed together having a conversation.

"At the beginning, I thought that I could have let my guard down a little. But now, that shit is all the way up."Bianca said to Sasha, "Since Mandy is here, my guard is higher than it has ever been."

"I dont blame you. That girl is thirsty with a capital T."Sasha responded.

"Now, I just dont even feel like getting close to him. The first few days that he was here, I was all in. But now....I feel like its best that I detach myself. I dont trust those two together."

"They really look like they want nothing to do with each other though."said Sasha.

"Sasha...come on. Dont act like you dont know them."

"You're right."

VC-Bianca-I know the story of Mandy and Jey all too well. Now they're both going to be living in this villa. Who's to say that they wont get back together? Who's to say that they wont end up messing around? Im not trying to be a fool on national tv because of these two. From here on out with Jey, im going to proceed with caution.


After giving Liv her last birthday gift and then taking a shower, Dean was seen with Jey relaxing by the pool.

"Dude, so you remember how I said that theres something one of these guys should know but I wanted to tell them in private?"said Jey.


"Well I was talking about you, man."


"I feel like...today isnt the best day to tell you about this because its Liv's birthday but, I dont know when else the house is going to be this empty for us to get this privacy."

"What do you got to tell me?"

"Liv has been having doubts about the two of you."


"A few days ago she and Alexa was talking and basically....she was telling Alexa that she doesnt think you love her as much and the real reason why she came here was because you two were having a lot of issues and she feels like the relationship is one sided and she doesnt know if you have real feelings for her, stuff like that."

Dean slowly nodded as he listened on.

"Man, im telling you this because I think its a little unfair that she has these feelings that you know nothing about. I know it aint my business but if I was in the position that you're in, I would appreciate someone letting me know what my girl was saying behind my back you know?"

"Yea, it makes sense. Dude I feel like ever since we've been here all she's been doing is nitpicking at our relationship. When we first got together, everything was great. But I feel like now we're at that point where we're looking at other couples and comparing ourselves. Well she is, not me."

VC-Dean-I dont understand whats been going on with Liv lately. From the moment we got together up until now, our relationship has been the same. Ive been the same. Nothing more, nothing less. We're together a lot, I tell her and show her that I love her, we have great sex. Nothing has changed. So why is everything a problem now? What more do I gotta do?

"I just feel like you need to give her a bit of reassurance ever so often."Jey advised, "Let her know how much she means to you you know?"

"Honestly, I think this show is getting to her head."said Dean.

VC-Dean-And here we go again. Its like deja vu to me. My girlfriend brings me onto a dating show on the premise that we're going to get stronger as a couple but lo and behold, she's talking about problems in the relationship that I didnt even know we had *sighs* I just got a feeling this is not going to end well.

7:45 pm

By this time, all of the islanders were back at the villa and all dressed up to celebrate Liv's birthday.

VC-Doudrop-My date with Matt went so amazing. Coming into the villa yesterday, I had my sights set on him. Out of all the guys here I knew I would have had a great time with him. I think we really hit it off.

VC-Matt-Yea bro *grins* Doudrop is awesome. I like her. I wonder if she likes me?

Alexa brought out the two layer, double chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting that she made for Liv. Everyone gathered around it and began singing 'happy birthday' to her. When they were done, she blew out the candles and then grabbed some fistfuls of icing and smeared it on Dean's face.

"Please do not ruin the damn cake. We all worked hard on it."said Alexa.

Liv then proceeded to lick the icing off of Dean's face which resulted in her giving him a kiss.

Hm, could have sworn she did this same exact thing with somebody else some time ago.

Dean then lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"You know I love you right?"he asked.

"Awww babe! I love you too!"she smiled.

"No honestly...I really hope you know that I do love you."

She pulled his face to hers and began making out with him.

"Yo, we gonna get piece of this cake or what?"Montez asked.

"Bros, we should have a cake fight!"said Matt.

"Dont you fucking dare! I will cut you Matt!"Alexa yelled.

"Jeez, my bad."

9:23 pm

In the midst of dancing with Liv and Alexa, Mandy's phone went off.


"Guys! I got a text!"she yelled.

As everyone gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud.

"Oh shit."Montez covered his mouth.

VC-Sasha-Wait wait wait wait....we're getting kicked out of our beds? Are you kidding me?

"I call dibs on Montez."said Mandy.

VC-Mandy-The date with Adam today was kind of weird. We're so different. So before I get stuck having to share a bed with him, Dean or Jey, let me make my pick now.

"I'd like to choose Matt."said Doudrop.

"Sweet!"Matt smiled. Indi shot him a dirty look.

"Im...going to choose Austin. Sorry Liv."said Kayla.

"Wow."was all Liv said.

VC-Kayla-Austin wasnt my first choice. After the date with him today, its pretty evident that he's very full of himself. If I had it my way I would have chosen Montez.

"And now that puts me in the awkward position."said Dana, "Since theres only Jey, Dean and Adam left....im going to make the most respectful decision and choose Jey since the other two guys are in committed relationships."

Suddenly, Sasha's phone went off. She unlocked the screen and began reading the message out loud.

"Yo, on my fucking birthday? Are you serious?"Liv complained.

"Im so sorry."Kayla apologised.

VC-Montez-Yeesh, this is harsh man. The OG girls got booted out by the new girls. Now they gotta leave everyone and go to the Getaway Room.

The mood in the atmosphere quickly changed from celebratory to tense.

VC-Liv-This fucking sucks.

"Well girls, lets have a slumber party shall we?"Sasha said to lighten the mood. It didnt help.

The four girls headed inside the bedroom and gathered some items like their makeup removers, pajamas and toothbrushes.

After they were done, they headed back into the backyard to say goodbye to the rest of the islanders for the night.

"See you in the morning alright?"Dean said as he kissed Liv's head.

VC-Liv-This was not the way I imagined tonight would have ended. Ughhhhhh this is bullshit.



Coming Up-

With Liv gone for the night, Dean makes the wrong move.


New boys enter the villa!

VC-Sasha-A whole lotta sexy just walked through those doors.

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