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continuation of day 10

6:45 pm

"So ladies, how was your dates?"Bianca asked Liv and Indi.

The three of them plus Sasha and Dana were sitting on the outdoor sofa.

"It was awesome. It was a little too short though. I felt like I could have talked to Ric for hours."said Indi.

"Aww I love that."said Sasha, "You two would definitely look so good together."

Indi blushed, "Stop."

Her eyes looked over to where Ricochet was. He was on the daybed talking to Mustafa and Kayla. At the same time, he glanced over to her and their eyes met. They both smiled at each other.

VC-Indi-*covers face with hands*Ugh...its happening. Now im feeling all giddy and stuff because I really like Ricochet.

"How was Austin?"Sasha asked Liv.

"Surprisingly...our date went well. I know Kayla said that when she went on the date with him that he was really into himself but he wasnt like that with me. He was really cool."Liv responded.

"Well thats nice."said Bianca.

VC-Liv-I was hoping that id go on the date with Austin and he would have made me absolutely hate him but....thats not the case at all. Like, yea he acts really stuck up and vain around everyone but I realised he's not like that in reality.

"You know, its nice you ladies all got your boy toys to play with."said Sasha, "Im still completely alone."

"What about Damian and Mustafa?"Bianca, "You're not into them?"

"Yea they're hot but they're kinda taken at the moment."said Sasha.

"Yea Damian and I have been flirting around but if you want to get to know him better Sash, go ahead. Dont let me be in your way."said Dana.

"Wait-Mustafa's taken?"asked Liv.

"Dont you see that Kayla is always with him? He's not actually taken but I think he and Kayla are feeling each other."Sasha responded, "Plus, I know Mustafa pretty well already and as sexy as he is, I dont think we can work out. He's way too religious."

"Are you an atheist?"Liv asked.

"No im not. The fact that he's religious isnt a problem to me. Its the fact that he's choosing to wait until marriage to have sex. I cant do that."

"Wait-so he's a virgin?"Liv whispered.

"He said he wasnt. He said that recently he decided to make this commitment."

"Thats really cute though."said Indi.

"He should be the one that we're chasing after."said Dana.

"I know right."Sasha chuckled.

"Hey Liv."said Austin as he walked over to where the girls where, "Can we talk for a bit?"

"Sure."she said as she got up from her seat.

They both went over to a secluded area in the backyard.

"I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the date with you. I had such a good time."he said, "And I felt like we really connected you know?"

"I totally think so too."she smiled.

"I hope that maybe we can continue this. I hope that its not just a one and done situation."

"Um...well...I dont see why we cant. Just as friends."

"Totally. You know, its pretty easy to feel lonely in here. But hanging out with you today really lifted my spirits and gave me hope."

She put her hand over her mouth, "Really? Awwww, I love that."

"Yea so um...thanks for being awesome today."

She reached out and hugged him, "You're so welcome."

VC-Austin-I think soon enough Liv is going to realise that she's wasting her time with Dean. Her and I are way more compatible and if you give it time then eventually she'll see that. Dean, thank you so much for being a dead beat boyfriend.

11:12 pm

By this time, most of the islanders were already in their beds. Even Dean and Liv were sleeping on their actual beds next to their partners instead of on the couch. The only two islanders that were awake at the moment was Damian and Dana who were hanging out on a daybed drinking wine and talking.

"So when was your last relationship?"she asked him.

"Its been a long time. Like probably two years ago."

"My last relationship was a year ago."

"What happened if you dont mind I ask?"he asked.

"He broke up with me because he found someone else."


"What about you? Why did you relationship end?"she asked.

"My girlfriend at the time found out that I was hooking up with a co-worker."

"What the hell! Thats so bad."

"I know I know. But it made me realise that I wasn't ready to settle down just yet. I love having my freedom."

"And by freedom you mean you love hooking up with random women huh?"

"I dont hook up with random women okay. All of the girls I hook up with I personally know."

"So are you really here to find love or what?"

"Yea im going to try my best. But im not going to force anything you know? If it happens, it happens. If it doesnt then...whatever."

"So are you trying to have hook ups while you're here?"

He smirked, "If the opportunity presents itself then sure. I cant reject a woman. That would be rude of me."

She playfully pushed him, "You are giving me so many red flags right now but....im still drawn to you for some weird reason."

"What about you? Are you trying to have hook ups while you're here"

"It depends. Do you think you can make it through the rest of the show without touching me?"

He smiled, "Definitely not."

"Then....maybe."she smiled.

VC-Damian-Dana is for sure the type of woman that im attracted too. Very glamorous, looks like a Playboy bunny. She checks all the boxes for sure. I think theres real potential there.

"Do you want to do something random?"he asked her.

"Sure. What?"

"Do you wanna go skinny dipping in the pool?"

"Hell yes!"

They immediately began stripping off their clothes. After they were done they headed straight into the pool, taking the bottle of wine with them.

Ah yes, nothing like some freezing cold pool water to turn up the romance even more. Beware of the hypothermia that might set it you stupid idiots.

VC-Dana-The chemistry between Damian and I is crazy like, I havent felt a connection like this in a long time. Im just really happy that this is happening. I deserve this.


day 11

9:10 am

"How was your night last night?"Mandy asked Dana. The two were seen in the outdoor kitchen preparing breakfast.

"It was great."she smiled.

"Did you two sleep outside on the day bed?"

"We did."

"Oooo things are getting serious I see."

"I think eventually it might."said Dana, "He has me hooked already."

"Just be careful. I dont trust him. He seems like such a player. It takes one to know one so I know what im talking about."

"Yea I know."Dana sighed.

VC-Dana-So......last night Damian and I hooked up. Ugh, I feel disappointed that I let that happen so quickly but...it was the heat of the moment and he was looking so good and...I couldn't help it. We agreed not to tell anyone because we dont want anyone judging us for hooking up that quick so, just keep this between us.

You got it Dana. You know you can trust your ol pal Chris with anything.


After a sweaty 30 minute workout, Montez was seen at the heart shaped outdoor shower cooling himself down.

Dont worry guys, he's wearing pants.

"Ladies, dont mind me. Just carry on."he said to Mandy and Alexa who were sitting on the couch nearby.

"Do you want a hand with anything?"Mandy asked.

Montez's eyes lit up, "Um....naw im aight. Maybe some other time."

Alexa nudged her, "Are you flirting with him?"

She smiled, "He's nice to look at."

Alexa's jaw dropped, "You like him?"

"I just think he's really nice to look at okay. He has a big ass mouth, I dont know if I can handle that. He'd drive me insane. Plus, he's Bianca and Sasha's ex, theres no way id go for him."

"I can see you guys working out."

"Hell no Alexa."

"Plus, you need to make a connection with someone incase theres a recoupling."

"Oh yea. You're right. Ugh, I dont even know where to begin with him."

"I have an idea."said Alexa, "He doesnt have a towel. Go inside, grab a towel and give it to him. Im going to get up and leave. When he takes the towel, bring him over here and just chat him up."

"What should I talk to him about?"

"I dont know. Jey and Bianca? Thats the only thing you guys have in common right now."

Mandy laughed, "Fine. I'll do it."

VC-Mandy-If im planning on staying in the house, I gotta shoot my shot with Montez. I know Austin is also single and on the market but....I just think id have a better time with Montez. I could have gone for Damian but I dont want to get in between what he and Dana got going on. Dana's my girl. So, Montez it is.


2:34 pm


"Guys! I got a text!"Damian shouted as he was laying on a lounge chair.

Everyone soon gathered around him.

He began reading the text out loud.

"Oooo Sasha's going on a date!"Montez cheered.

She blushed.

VC-Damian-Wow. Ive just been a lucky man since ive gotten here.

Everyone watched as the two went off towards the hot tub that was in a private area of the backyard, away from everyone's view.

VC-Dana-Damian and I had a really special night last night so im confident about where we're at. Im getting a little jealous though but whatever *laughs*. Its fair game.

In The Hot Tub

"So, here we are again. Cheers."said Sasha as she and Damian clinked their glasses of champagne together.

"Its funny how history repeats itself huh?"he said.

"Crazy right?"she laughed, "But im glad the circumstances are different. The first time this happened um....my relationship status was a little different."

Damian laughed.

VC-Sasha-So if you're unaware, back on Ex On The Beach I had a date with Damian that took place in a hot tub. That was the first time we met. So thats what makes this date a little more special. We're sort of reliving the moment.

"What was your first impression of me when you saw me back then?"he asked.

"Did you not watch the show? I was like damn! He is fine. But for obvious reasons there wasnt much I could have done about it. What about you?"

"I was smitten when I saw you get off that elevator. I thought you were so sexy. I felt like we really hit it off."

"We did. We had something going but of course-"

"Yea yea, Roman. I know. Do you think if you were single back then that....things may have heated up a little more between you and I?"

"For sure. But...we're here now right?"

He smiled, "Yea. So...you'd be interested in exploring this further?"

"I know you've been talking to Dana recently but...I am going to leave the door open if ever you decided to walk in, you know what I mean? I think out of all the guys here I can see you being more of a match for me. Plus, we already have the connection."

"We do."he agreed.

VC-Damian-I am at a loss for words right now. I didnt know that Sasha would be feeling this way about me. I love it. I mean, look at the girl, she's stunning. She said the door's open so.....im going to keep that at the back of my mind.

The two remained in the hot tub conversing, flirting and sharing laughs for the remaining time that they were allowed to be there (which was an hour).

"Well, this was really nice."Sasha said as they both stood up. Water dripped from their soaked bathing suits.

"Im glad that I could have been here with you."he said.

VC-Sasha-I can tell theres some sexual tension between Damian and I. There always has been. *blushes*.....Oh Sasha, what the hell are you getting yourself into?

"Look at my fingers. They're all wrinkly now from the water."she laughed.

"Mine too."he smiled.

"Thanks for a great second date."she said as she hugged him. He placed his arms around her waist. They remained in each others' arms for an unusual amount of seconds.

Then, feeling like the time was right, Damian lowered his head to hers and went in for a kiss to which she didnt refuse.

The kiss quickly began turning into a heated mini make out session.

Guys, the producers told you to get out of the hot tub 5 minutes ago, what are you doing? Beat it.

When they were done, Damian scooped her up in his arms and walked back to where everyone was, in the backyard.

Upon seeing them return and the manner in which they did, Dana got a little flustered.

VC-Dana-I cant-I cant be mad. This is the game we signed up to play......*sighs*

7:45 pm

Dean and Montez were seen at the outdoor kitchen pouring drinks for themselves.

"Yo so like...Mandy been giving off a bit of flirtatious vibes today."Montez told him.

"Really? Even though that she said that your skinny legs were weird?"Dean responded.

"Yea. Maybe she likes it. I dont know. But what do you think I should do?"

Montez...you're really asking Dean for advice? Out of all the people here?

"Are you into her?"

"I mean...she's fine but...theres the whole thing with Jey and Bianca and....I just feel like it would be really awkward."

"Dude, a hot girl is giving you attention and thats what you're thinking about? Take the ball and run man."Dean said, "Have some fun while you're here. Even if it just means innocent hooking up."

"Woah I never said anything about hooking up."

"Yea right, like you dont want to."

"Man, I just know Mandy's really problematic and I dont wanna get myself involved in that mess."

"No one needs to know bro. You gotta stop thinking about everybody else and do what you wanna do."

"I know man. Its just a tough choice to make. I dont want to be a bad guy."

VC-Montez-I appreciate Mandy trying to get to know me but I dont wanna get caught up in that whole messy web. But at the same time....she's the only one thats been showing a bit of interest in me. The other girls all got their guys and im just here alone. I guess im just going to see where this is going to go.

"Ay yo Montez."said Jey as he walked over to the both men, "Lemme talk to you for a minute."

"Um....aight yea sure."Montez said as he took his drink and followed Jey off to the side.

VC-Jey-So Bianca been giving me this cold attitude recently and I found out that, its because Montez told her that I been with Mandy in the living room when she wasnt there. Somebody tell me why the hell he's minding my damn business?

"You been telling Bianca things about me?"Jey asked.

"Things like what?"

"Dont bullshit with me right now fool-"

"Hey hey hey hey, take it easy Jason-"

"Man dont play fucking dumb with me aight. Why the hell are you spreading gossip?"Jey asked.

"Oh you mad because I told her bout you and Mandy huh?"

"Yea why the hell is any of that your business son? I know you been hurting because I took your girl away. Is that why you tryna get in between us?"

Montez amusingly laughed.

"Yea laugh all you want. Do yourself a favour and mind your own fucking business aight?"

"Man, calm down. You aint scaring no one."

Jey immediately got up in his face, "OH, I AINT SCARING NO ONE? I AINT SCARING NO ONE?"

"Jey!"Bianca yelled out as she was seen rushing over to them.

"Yo what the fuck man."Dean said as he separated the two.


Montez turned his back and walked away.

Soon, all of the islanders were gathered around Jey and Dean.

"What happened?"Sasha asked.

In a fit of rage, Jey stormed off.

"They got into an argument. I dont know for what."said Dean.

VC-Jey-Montez I see what you're trying to do fool. Im here, pouring my heart out for this girl and your salty bitch ass is tryna ruin it for me? Nah son, that aint gon be happening. Imma put your ass in your place. Dont try me bro.

VC-Montez-That Jey sure is a class act aint he? I dont regret telling Bianca about him and Mandy. He got real defensive, I wonder why? If he aint got anything to hide then why the throw the little hissy fit that he did tonight? The guy is scumbag man. I could have fought fire with fire tonight but I chose to be the better man. He aint gon get to me. Im a lover, not a fighter.

8:45 pm

As everyone were in a much calmer, relaxed state and tempers were at a low, Doudrop's phone went off.

"Guys, I got a text!"she said. She began reading the text out loud.

"Oh my gosh."Liv covered her mouth.

All of the girls looked at each other.

VC-Indi-I genuinely like all of the girls here. I cant imagine any one of us leaving.

VC-Liv-God, I hope its Eva leaving tonight. Im ready to be coupled up with my man.

VC-Eva-I know im on the chopping block tonight. I just hope things work out in my favour. Im not ready to leave yet.


Recoupling-Guys' Pick

The men were all seen sitting on the recoupling bench. All ten girls were standing in front of them holding hands.

Unlike the last recoupling, Beth wasnt here. The Islanders were instructed on what to do and the order of which the choices would be made via text.

Adam's phone went off first which meant he had first dibs.

He stood up and began speaking.

"So, the girl that id absolutely love to couple up with is the girl of my dreams, the girl that I love and the girl that will always be my first choice. The girl I want to couple up with is...Alexa."

She smiled as she walked over to him. She gave him a kiss and they both sat down.

Jey was next.

He stood up.

"Well.....even though theres been people trying to tear me and this girl apart, I am determined to rise above them because I am committed to seeing where this thing goes. This girl and I have a connection like no other and I think our future is bright."

Mandy shook her head in disgust.

"The girl id like to couple up with is...Bianca."

She went over and gave him a hug. Then, they both took their seats.

Next was Matt.

"So, this girl is like....really awesome. She's super cool to talk to and hang out with and she makes me excited to wake up everyday just to see her."

"Yea, you havent been hanging out with the guys as often Matt. I see you bro."said Montez, "Do your thing. Im not hurt."

He laughed, "The girl id like to couple up with is the girl with the cutest smile in the house. Id like to couple up with Doudrop."

She ran over and gave him a hug. As they held hands, together they sat down.

Next up was Austin.

"Oh boy."Liv whispered. She nervously began bouncing her leg in anticipation of what Austin's choice would be.

VC-Liv-Sure, I like Austin but I want to be coupled up with Dean. I think thats what we need for our relationship to get back on track. We need each other. Please Austin, dont fuck this up for me.

He stood up, "So, ive had the pleasure of recently getting to know this girl. She is by far the coolest girl in the house and I think our story is far from over. The girl I want to couple up with is....Liv."

Liv frustratingly sighed.

She remained standing with the rest of the girls for about 5 seconds, processing everything before she reluctantly walked over to him.

VC-Liv-I like....want to cry right now, honestly. Ugh *wipes tear*. I had such high hopes that this recoupling would change everything.

Next was Mustafa.

"So I want to couple up with this girl because its crazy how well we get along. She has a lot of qualities that I look for in a partner and I think there is real potential between her and I. Plus, id love to keep getting to know her more. The girl id like to couple up with is...Kayla."

"Awww."she said with a smile as she walked over to him.

At this point, the remaining girls were Indi, Sasha, Dana, Mandy and Eva.

Ricochet stood up, "So, id like to couple up with this girl because I feel like ive made a real connection with her. I hope she feels the same. She's super cool and funny and interesting and plus, I love her accent. The girl id like to couple up with is Indi. I hope you dont think its too soon."

"What, no. Not at all."she smiled as she walked over and gave him a hug.

Next was Dean.

"Alright."he said he stood up and sighed. He took a careful look at all of his options.

"Eva, I guess its you and me again."he said, "Lets do this thing."

Eva laughed as she walked over to him.

"By far the best speech of the night."said Montez, "So well thought out and full of meaning."

VC-Dean-Who was I supposed to choose, Sasha? Mandy? I know Liv is going to be mad but this is the way it happened. I had to choose someone.

Next was Montez.

"You know, all three of you remaining ladies are beautiful inside and out. Sadly I cant choose all three. I really got to put myself first here and um....try something new I guess. I wanna couple up with this girl because even though she's kind of controversial, I think she deserves to be here. The girl I want to couple up with is....Mandy."

She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

VC-Sasha-Wow...so Montez would pick Mandy over me. I know him and I are never going to have that romantic connection but...I saved his ass last week. Now, I can potentially be going home. Thanks Montez.

Dana and Sasha held hands. The spotlight was now on Damian.

"Oh my god, this sucks." Liv nervously said.

"I cant even look."said Kayla as she buried her face into Mustafa's shoulder.

Damian stood up.

"I hate being in this position ladies. You have no idea."he said. They nodded.

"My heart's racing right now."Indi whispered. Ricochet held her hand to comfort her.

VC-Indi-Im team Sasha. She's my closest friend here, I cant have her leave. Sorry Dana but, I hope that you're the one leaving.

VC-Mandy-I know that Damian and Dana have been getting really close. She seems really happy with him and I want this for her. She said that she hasnt felt a connection with someone like this in years so...I just hope that he makes the right decision. My girl deserves some happiness and some hap-penis.

VC-Damian-*sighs*....Fuck, I dont know what im going to do.

"The girl that I want to couple up with is....."



A/N-I am so sorry to leave y'all hanging but I didnt want this chapter to be any longer than it is. Expect an update maybe Thursday because I got finals this week.

Are you Team Dana or Team Sasha?

What do you think is going to happen?

Thoughts on Damian's actions?

Thoughts on the new couples?

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