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continuation of night 11

Damian sighed.

Sasha and Dana tightly held hands as they waited for him to speak.

All eyes were on him. The silence was deafening.

VC-Damian-It is so tough being in this position because at the end of it all....im going to have to break someone's heart tonight and....*sigh*I hate that. I hate disappointing people.

"So um....this is a very difficult spot to be in."he said, "Ive had the pleasure of getting to know both of you ladies. You both are incredible. The girl that id like to couple up with....her and I have a strong connection and attraction to each other that im definitely interested in exploring. After the time we had...I cant get my mind off of her. I hate to do this but...the girl i'll be choosing is......"

Sasha closed her eye.

The rest of the islanders all braced themselves.

"Sasha."he said.

Mandy's jaw dropped.

Before walking over and sitting down with Damian, Sasha gave Dana a hug.

"Well this is um....awkward."said Dana with evident sadness in her voice as she was standing alone facing all of the islanders.


"I...got a text."she half heartedly said. She began reading it out loud.

Most of the islanders immediately got out of their seats to give her a hug good bye.

"Its alright guys."Dana said as tears rolled down her cheeks, "I'll be fine."

"Im sorry Dana."Damian apologised.

"You fucked up."Mandy said to him. He didnt respond. The guilt was plastered on his face.

VC-Mandy-I am livid. I cant imagine what Dana's going through right now.

Mandy, Alexa, Liv and Kayla all followed behind Dana to help her pack her things.

"Its okay guys, really."said Dana as she zipped up a suitcase.

"No its not Dana! He led you on, thats what he did!"Mandy ranted, "Im pissed. This shouldn't have happened to you. Sasha should have been the one packing her bags! After one lousy date in the hot tub he chooses her? Are you kidding?"

"Theres nothing we can do about it now."Dana said.

VC-Dana-I dont know what to say *wipes eyes*...I thought this was going to be the start of something special. I should have known better......*sighs*....I dont know why I even bother to be honest.....

Everyone was gathered at the front entrance of the villa to say their goodbyes to Dana.

"Again, im sorry Dana."said Damian as he tried to go in for a hug.

"Whatever Damian, whatever."she said, ignoring him.

VC-Dana-I feel...used. I shouldn't have let things reach that far with a guy like him. But...I didn't know that he was a douchebag in disguise. Like...yea, he seemed like a player but....I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, you know? I really wanted this to happen. Its my fault....

After everyone said their goodbyes and wished her well, Dana left.

VC-Sasha-Im happy im getting to stay in the villa but at the same time...I also feel really bad that Dana had to leave. I feel like...im the one that caused it.

"Well this is depressing."said Kayla as everyone was still gathered at the front entrance.

"It shouldn't have been her."said Mandy, "Damian you made a fucking mistake."

"Im sorry, is he playing this game for you or for himself?"Sasha asked.

"This isnt a game Sasha! People are here to find real love! Dana was one of them! And you got in between that-"

"I never told Damian what to do, why are you blaming me?"

"Its both of your fucking faults!"

"Damian made his mind up, why are you mad at his decision even though it had nothing to do with you Mandy?"asked Bianca.

"Because Dana really liked Damian! And as her friend, it sucks seeing her get played like that! False hope! Damian, you gave Dana false hope and thats not okay! One little date with Sasha is all that it took to change your mind?"Mandy ranted.

"May I remind you that him and I have known each other longer than him and Dana has!"Sasha yelled.


Sasha immediately began walking up to Mandy to get in her face but was quickly held back by Montez and Ricochet.


"Can you guys stop?"said Liv, "Dana literally just went home. Can we be sad for a bit?"




An angry and irate Sasha ended up storming off with Indi, Damian and Bianca following behind her.

Dean, Matt, Doudrop and Adam had all already exited the room before the argument even started.

"This whole thing was so uncalled for."said Montez.

"I dont care! Damian made a stupid decision and I called him out on that."said Mandy.

VC-Mandy-I dont understand why he would choose Sasha. Dana deserved to be here. Does Damian think Sasha really gives a fuck about him? She doesnt! Dana got robbed.

Sasha was seen with Damian, Indi and Bianca sitting on the daybed.

"That girl has been nothing but problematic since she came here."said Bianca, "What the hell does she know. All she wants to do is pick fights."

"Yea, don't listen to her okay."said Damian to Sasha.

"She's literally the only one upset that Dana's gone."said Indi, "Damian, you made the right choice."

Damian smiled, "I know I did. And I dont regret it Sasha."

"I feel like...you and I are going to be the enemies of the house now."Sasha said to him.

"Theres none of that, girl."said Bianca, "Y'all are fine. Dana been here for what, 3 days? Everybody's gonna forget about her by tomorrow."

"What made you pick me though Damian?"Sasha asked.

"Obviously there was a spark between us from since way back when. I figured that this was the best time to explore that a little more. Also, I sorta owed you one."

VC-Damian-It was honestly a tough decision and....it sucks that I had to hurt Dana. She seemed great. But, I like helping those that helped me. Back on Ex On The Beach, Sasha made the decision to kick one of the exes out so that I can join the cast. So...it would have been a jerk move for me to let Sasha be the one to leave. Its funny how everything comes back full circle.


8:30 pm

Dean and Liv were seen sitting on the outdoor sofa.

"So....yet again...we're not coupled together."she said to him.

"It doesnt matter though Liv. We're still in the same house. We get to see each other every day. These stupid coupling ceremonies make no sense to me."he said.

"It does matter Dean. It does."

"Well, its that idiot Austin's fault for fucking everything up."

"Yea but...I also feel like you didn't need to pick Eva. She should have been the one going home tonight."

"So who was I supposed to pick? Mandy? Sasha? Dana? That would have been really odd especially considering they got their own shit going on with their own guys."

"Okay yea but Eva has nothing going on with anyone, don't you think it would have made more sense for her to leave? Dana could have still been here."

"Wait...so are you blaming me for Dana leaving?"

"Im just saying that if you had picked differently, you could have changed the course of the entire night."

"Liv, are you really trying to blame me right now?"

"Eva is trying to break us up Dean! Why would you even want her to be in the house still?"

"Im not a psychic sweetie, I cant predict how this recoupling would have turned out."

"But anyone would have been better than Eva! You chose her and now she's still going to be here trying to get in-between us."

"Why the hell are you here yelling at me when you should be yelling at that jackass Austin! If he had picked differently then everything would have been different."

"No but like-you had a chance. You had the chance to get rid of her."

"Im done with this conversation. Seriously."he sternly said.

"Why cant you just own up to it and say that you made a dumb move?"

"Because it doesnt matter to me!"


Dean didnt respond. He chose to stare off into the distance instead.

"I hope you get a good sleep tonight."she said before she got up and walked away.

VC-Dean-This show is getting the best of Liv. Its rotting her brain. She's on my case for every little thing and its fucking annoying the crap out of me. This isnt like her. All of a sudden she's just so worked up for everything and its for absolutely no reason at all....Im fed up. I honestly am.


All of the islanders were seen in their respective beds with their partners.

"When was the last time you shared a bed with a woman?"Kayla asked Mustafa as the two were having some pillow talk.


"Really? Oh my gosh. Im honoured to be your first."she said.

"I love your freckles."

She blushed.

Unlike the first few days, more couples were cuddled closer together. However, there were couples that still maintained some distance like Austin and Liv, Eva and Dean and Montez and Mandy.

After hearing the sounds of smooching, Kayla propped herself up on her elbows to see who were the culprits. Thats when she saw Sasha on top of Damian making out.....and Bianca and Jey making out....and Ricochet and Indi making out.

VC-Kayla-Well damn...the love is in the air tonight. Goodnight Love Island.

day 13

11:03 pm

Eva peeked her head into the guys' dressing room. There she found Dean alone, sitting eating a bagel.

"Hey, is it just you in here?"she asked.

He nodded.

"Do you mind helping me put this sun block on my back?"she asked as she brought out a bottle of sunscreen.

"Oh uh...."

"I'll wait until you finish your bagel."she said as she walked over to him. She wearing a little, pink bikini.

"I dont think thats a good idea."he said.

"Come on Dean, its just sun block."

"Why cant you do it?"

"I cant reach my back."

He stood up, "Look, theres a bunch of other guys you can ask. I hate to be rude but if I do this, its going to back fire on me."

"Yea sure I can ask someone else but im coupled up with you."

"Yea that doesnt mean jack shit though."

"Whats the matter with you?"she asked.

"The matter with me is you."

She laughed, "What?"

"Look, ive been going through some shit lately and you're kind of the reason why."

"I get it. Everyone is saying that im trying to break you and Liv up but thats not true Dean. But...I do like you a lot. And I like being nice to you."

"Cool but I got a girlfriend that is single handedly capable of making my life a living hell okay and its kind of getting to that point. So...I cant help you with your sunscreen. Sorry. You're just gonna have to get sunburn."

"Okay whatever. Can you at least hold my hair back while I try to put it on myself."

"Fine. Make it quick."he sighed.

She turned around and he grabbed her pink hair with one  hand. With his other hand, he was still eating his bagel. She began trying her best to smear the sunscreen all over her back.

"You ever held a woman's hair like this before?"she asked.

"More like pulled."

She smiled, "Yea. You seem like the type to be into that."

At the same time, Adam walked into the dressing room. Dean quickly released Eva's hair.

Adam seemed startled to see the two.

"I uh...hope im not interrupting anything."he said, "I forgot my water bottle. Just came here to get it."

"Its cool."Dean replied.

"Thanks for your help Dean."said Eva before she took her exit.

Adam shot Dean a suspicious look.

VC-Adam-Oh boy.....Dean...you are digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole my friend. I feel like I should say something to him but...its not my place.

Adam quickly got his water bottle and left.

"Great. Im fucked."said Dean as he sat back down.


1:20 pm


"Bros! I got a text!"said Matt. Everyone soon gathered around him. He began reading it out loud.

xoxo, yours truly, Y2J.

"What in god's name?"Montez asked.

The girls all seemed horrified.

GC-Bianca and Sasha

Sasha-I mean....for our last challenge our text was mentioning stuff about getting handsy and....we did have to use our hands a lot. Now this text is saying we gotta use our mouths? Spit, dont swallow? Are you thinking what im thinking?

Bianca-*laughs*Girl, I know what you're thinking but I highly doubt that thats what we gotta do.

Sasha-Either way, im fucking scared.

You have every right to be scared Sasha.


The islanders were all seen arriving to the site of their challenge.

"Oh shit. We're getting drinks? Hell yea!"Montez asked as he noticed that the challenge site was basically a tiki bar set up.

In front of the tiki bar was 9 podiums, each with a huge fish bowl filled with juice and what seemed to be a dozen straws. In front of those podiums were 9 other empty fish bowls that had nothing but a  swirly tube leading to it.

Dean dipped his finger into the juice and tasted it.

"You could have used the straw. Theres like a hundred of them."said Eva.

Here's whats going to happen!

Since everyone is coupled up, this challenge will be played in couples.

-To begin, members from each couple must decided whether to be the sucker or the spitter.

-The sucker must then get a mouth full of juice by using the many straws provided.

-When they do that, they must then transfer that juice into the spitter's mouth by using only their mouth.

-The spitter must then take that mouth full of juice and pass it through the tube over at the empty fish bowl.

-The first couple to get enough juice to fill their fish bowl to the 'win' mark, wins a special prize.

Love Island is not responsible or liable for any viewers that may throw up during this challenge.

"Guys....guys...come on now."Montez said in defeat, "Dont make us do this."

Everyone seemed flabbergasted. Their faces showed clear signs of disgust.

VC-Liv-I really dont know what to think about this right now. Ew...just ew....*gags*

VC-Alexa-I am at...a loss for words with this one.

"Im sitting out on this one."said Dean.

"Really?"asked Eva.

He nodded and went over to have a seat, "I'll spectate."

"Lets at least give it a try."she said. He shook his head 'no'.

Eva, you should be thanking him, why are you insisting?

VC-Dean-Theres no reason to do this. The other couples have a way stronger bond so whatever the prize is, I think they'd benefit from it more. Plus I know Liv would hate the idea of me transferring liquids from my mouth to Eva's. It sucks for Eva but....*shrugs*

VC-Eva-Its official. Liv is making Dean's experience here miserable. He cant enjoy himself.

"I'll sit this one out as well."said Liv.

Austin let out a frustrated sigh.

VC-Liv-Finally Dean is using his brain. Im happy he chose to stay away from doing this. It lets me know that....maybe he is thinking about how I would feel for once.

















As the sounder went off, the suckers began doing their jobs. They pushed a bunch of straws together and began sipping as much as they could out of their bowls.

Montez was the first one to pull away and transfer the liquid into Mandy's mouth. Because the sensation was new to her, her instincts kicked in and she pulled away, spitting whatever that was in her mouth out on the ground.

VC-Mandy-I cant tell you how gross this is. Ugh I just-*shudders*

"Really Mandy?"asked Montez.

"Im sorry! Do it again! Do it again!"she said. He repeated the processes and this time, she was able to take the mouth full of liquid and spit it through the tube.

Aaaaand cue the slow motion montage of the couples running back and forth, spitting into each others' mouths.

Theres something I never thought id say in my life.

The spitters were indeed seen speedily going back and forth from the suckers to the spitting tube. By this time, their clothes and mouths were stained with the juice.

"What am I even watching right now?"asked Dean as he looked on.

VC-Sasha-Out of all the challenges ive ever done, ever......this is the most disturbing one hands down.

Quickly, the bowls were filling up. Alexa and Adam and Montez and Mandy were in the lead despite having a slow start.

"Come on Ric! We can do this!"said Indi as she watched Ricochet transfer the juice through the tube.

VC-Indi-You know...its not that bad of a challenge. Its basically like kissing and....I like kissing him. Im not bothered at all. Im into it.

"Come on Lexi and Adam! Im rooting for you guys!"Liv cheered.

After six more minutes of exchanging all kinds of fluids, one of the bowls was finally filled to the line.

"WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!"yelled Montez as he scooped Mandy up and swung her around.

"Damn it."Alexa sighed.

"Damn, we really put ourselves through this for nothin?"Jey complained.

VC-Adam-Gosh....we were this close. Like, two mouthfuls away.

"If this doesn't bring us closer to our partners then I dont know what will."said Sasha.

"I think we all should just get married now."said Matt.

"Yea there ain't no turning back from this."said Montez


Mandy's phone went off. She began reading the texts out loud.

The pair looked at each other.

"What are you thinking?"Montez asked her.

"You know what...lets take it."she said.

He seemed surprised.

VC-Mandy-Montez and I are still warming up to each other. I have my doubts about us ever working out as an actual couple but, you never know. I think some private time alone is what we need to really get to know each other and figure things out.

VC-Montez-Im shocked. I was ready to give the room to my dude Adam but....aight. I see you Mandy.



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