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PSA-please try to be nice and respectful to everyone in the comments even if it's a comment that you don't agree with. I dont like seeing my readers argue.  Thank you!
continuation of day 13

8:23 pm

"Well damn, this is nice."said Montez as he and Mandy walked into the Getaway Room.

VC-Montez-Not gonna lie, im kinda nervous being here alone with Mandy. I aint one to really ever get nervous about anything but...tonight I am. I dont know why, I just am. The girl intimidates me.

"Wow."he said as he stared at a bowl of condoms that was on the dresser, "How thoughtful of them."

Yea, you guys aren't having any Love Island babies. Not on my watch.

After finding out that they had their own private hot tub, the two changed into their bathing suits and got in.

"So, how are you feeling?"she asked him.

"Its weird being away from everybody."

"I think we deserve it. Some alone time is always nice."

"So what made you want to be here with me?"

"Because we're coupled up together. I figured, why not? Its a great way for us to get to know each other a little better."

"So you're not weirded out about the fact that my ex and your ex are messing around? And now you and I are...here?"

"They can do what they want. I dont give a shit."she said, "Are you weirded out by that?"

"I mean....its on my mind. I cant just pretend like we aint got no connection to them."

"Well I can."she said as she sipped her champagne.

"So this aint gonna be awkward for you or anything?"he asked.

She shook her head 'no'.

"Im genuinely interested in getting to know you better."she said.


She smiled, "Yea."

VC-Montez-Man....ive been here for 2 weeks and ive been watching everybody else make connections and fall in love and shit. So...im kind of excited that Mandy's showing interest. Ya boy finally got something going on. Initially I was like....naw I cant be with a chick like her because of her history with B but.....I gotta start thinking about me and try to enjoy my experience here.

In the Backyard

Sasha and Bianca were seen sitting on a day bed together.

"Do you think they'll hook up?"Bianca asked Sasha, referring to Mandy and Montez.

"Probably. I mean, its Mandy. She's infamous for hooking up. Literally every show she's been on, she's hooked up with somebody. I doubt Montez would fall into her trap though."

Bianca scoffed, "Oh yea, the same guy that had a one night stand after we broke up? Who are we kidding."

"I guess they're meant for each other after all."

"Two cheating scumbags."said Bianca.

"Well...dont forget that Jey is also a cheating scumbag."

Bianca seemed taken aback.

"Whats your point?"she asked.

"Im just saying."Sasha responded.

"Whatever. If they hook up then my respect for Montez is going to go out the window."

"Why do you care so much?"Sasha asked.

"So you're telling me that if you were in my position that you wouldn't care?"

"I mean if you're genuinely happy with Jey then why are you letting what Montez might do bother you? You're over that right?"

She sighed, "Yea but...of course I still care for him you know? I mean, I would be fine with him hooking up with any other girl, but not Mandy."

"Just-dont think about it then. Whatever Montez does is his business."

"Whatever he does will say a lot about his character."

Sasha didnt respond.

VC-Sasha-I love Montez so of course im not going to let anyone say anything about him. I just think its ridiculous for Bianca to be worrying about what he's doing. She's with Jey. I know she still has love for him but...she made her mind up. So I feel like she shouldnt have anything to say when it comes to Tez.

Says the girl that also got mad when she saw her ex hanging out with a new girl.

Getaway Room-Hot Tub

Montez and Mandy were still seen in the hot tub together. So far, they had been in there for 30 minutes having great conversation.

"So when you picked me you said that I deserved to be here."she said to him, "What did you mean by that?"

"I meant that I know you were going to be in here looking for your next boo. From what ive seen of you in the past, you dont mess around when it comes to finding love."

"I dont. Every dating show ive been apart of, I always end up finding someone but then...shit hits the fan. Mostly because of me though. Its just my toxic habit."

"But Mandy, lemme be honest for a second here. I gotta say like...you're a really cool girl. No offence but by the way you look, I think everyone would expect you to be this bratty, stuck up, uptight girl but, in reality, you're pretty down to earth."

"I know. Thats what makes all the boys fall in love. I cant help it."she laughed.

"You're like a toxic attraction."

She smiled, "I like that."

VC-Mandy-Montez and I are having a great time. Im trying not to like him any more than I already do but...damn, he's making it hard.

"You know, im surprised that you're this quiet tonight."she said to him.


"Yea."she giggled, "We all know you got a big mouth and you're really over the top. So I was expecting that same kind of attitude from you here tonight. But...you havent been like that. Is that all just a front or what?"

"Naw, thats who I am. But theres a place and time to be like that. I aint gonna be like that on a first date with a beautiful woman. I know how to tone it down."

"Well im glad that I got to see this side of you. I really like it."

"You dont like my loud side?"he asked.

"Its not that I dont like it, I dont think I can put up with it."

"Well damn."

"But who knows, maybe i'll change my mind about that."

VC-Montez-I dont know if this girl is toying with me but...she's been giving off signs that she's really into me-at least thats what I perceive it to be. I am so hesitant about this whole thing. She could be using me to get back at Jey or Bianca. Im trying to ignore that but its on my mind. But..honestly...im feeling her though. She sure knows how to rope a guy in.

"So...whats the situation with you and I now?"he asked.

Mandy moved from where she was in the hot tub and took a seat next to Montez.

"What do you mean?"she asked.

"Do you want to give this thing a shot? Do you want to keep the door open if any new guys or girls come in?"

"What do you want to do?"

"You're letting me call the shots?"he asked.

"Yea."she smiled.

"Well....maybe a bit of both if you're cool with that."

"Great. Then thats what we'll do."

As she spoke, her eyes never left his. The way she looked at him was with pure lust.

"So...the night's still young. What do you want to do now?"she asked.

"Theres really nothing much to do besides go to bed at this point."he responded.

I knew this would happen so its a good thing I planned ahead and insisted for the producers to put a Monopoly board in the closet for you guys. You're welcome.

"Do you really want to go to bed? Its like only 10pm, come on."she said.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You know what...that challenge that we won earlier today....why dont we continue it?"she asked.


She opened the champagne bottle and poured a good bit into her mouth. Montez instantly knew what he had to do. He grabbed her face and pressed his lips against hers as she transferred some of the champagne to him.

"Oh, you like it now dont you?"he asked. She laughed. She then pulled his face back in and began kissing him. As they were kissing, she climbed and sat atop his lap. His hands caressed her sides as things got more intense.

VC-Mandy-I couldnt help it.....I wanted him.

The two were then seen in the Getaway Room itself, passionately making out against the wall.

VC-Montez-Yea uh......I totally forgot that my mama was going to be watching the show and um....I let myself get carried away. Ma, if you're watching right now...turn the tv off. Dont see your baby boy like this. Im still a virgin okay ma, aint nothing changed. Im a child of god.

day 14

8:23 am

In the Getaway Room, clothes were seen strewn about the floor. The cameras panned to show a ripped condom wrapper on the floor as well.

Montez's eyes opened. He looked over next to him to find a nude Mandy under the covers.

He reached over to the floor and grabbed his boxers which he then quickly slipped on.

VC-Montez-Last night was...very much needed.

VC-Producers-What did you guys do?

VC-Montez-We um...did a lot of talking......and*scratches head*....whatnot.

You guys definitely did not. And you didnt even use the Monopoly board. No one ever appreciates the gifts of Jericho.

"Morning."Montez said to Mandy when he noticed she had awaken.

"Morning."she smiled.

"You ready to head back to the villa?"

She groaned, "No. I like being here. Especially with you."

"Damn. So it wasnt the champagne talking last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just thought that maybe you were feeling the way you were last night because of the champagne."

"Are you kidding Montez? I like you. I really do."

He blushed, "Well im glad to know that. I feel the same way."

VC-Mandy-I feel a whole lot closer to Montez now and not just because we hooked up. I feel like last night we really vibed with each other. We connected really well. If there wasnt that connection then theres no way I would've slept with him but...theres something there. He's a charming man, what can I say?

"Everyone's going to be asking all sorts of questions about what went on."said Mandy as she was standing at the edge of the bed putting on her clothing.

"I dont think its anyone's business."he said.

"Exactly. Im not going to say anything about what we did."

"Same here."

"And um...maybe we can have round two tonight?"she said.

His eyes widened.

VC-Montez-Ma if you're still watching, by round 2 Mandy means...round two of chess. We were playing chess all night.

Disclaimer, there was only a MONOPOLY board.....that none of them used.


11 am

Matt, Montez and Dean were seen working out together and conversing as they did so.

"The house was so quiet without you man."said Dean to Montez as he was taking a water break.

"Yea bro like...we missed you. A lot."said Matt as he did chin ups.

Montez put his dumbbells down, "Well fellas, I appreciate that. I mean no disrespect when I say this but...I wasnt thinking about ya'll asses one bit."

"Wow...that hurt man."said Matt, "I thought about you all night."

"No no no, hear me out."Montez began speaking in a lower tone, "So...Mandy and I-"

"Ya'll banged?"Dean asked.

"Y-yea. How did you know?"

"Dude-its Mandy. How could you not? Anyway, high five bro!"Dean cheered as he and Matt gave Montez a high five.

"Dont tell anyone about this alright. Her and I agreed not to say anything."said Montez.

"So are you guys like a thing now?"Matt asked.

"No we're not a thing but....she's into me. She's been talking about doing it again tonight-"

"FUCK YEA!"Dean said a little too loudly. It caught the attention of Kayla, Mustafa and Sasha who were in the pool.

"Dude, im proud of you man. I feel like a proud dad right now. Atta boy!"Dean patted him on the shoulder.

"No but here's the thing."said Montez, "I know a little bit about Mandy okay. I know her reputation. I know she's a heart breaker. I dont want to get myself in too deep with her just for her to screw me over."

"You're over thinking this man. Just because you hooked up with her doesnt mean you gotta be in a relationship with her. Thats why its called a hook up."said Dean.

"Unless you want to be with her?"asked Matt.

"Man...I dont fucking know."he sighed, "All I know is that....im really glad that im coupled up with her."

"My boy got laid. We gotta celebrate."said Dean.

"Congratulations bro!"said Matt as he high fived Montez again.

VC-Montez-Come on now Tez, a little one night stand has you sprung like this? You should know better dawg. *sigh* I aint trying to catch feelings for her because lets be honest, a girl like her belongs to the streets. But....I do call myself a Street Profit so.....


1:24 pm

Jey and Bianca were seen hanging out in the pool together getting some alone time.

"No I dont have a temper!"said Jey in disbelief.

Bianca laughed, "Yes you do! Why are you acting like you dont know?"

"I dont know what you're talking about girl."he smiled as he stared off in the distance.

"You get angry really easily and throw your little hissy fits. You're always trying to fight someone. Sometimes you just need to chill."

"The only way I know how to deal with my anger is with my fists. Maybe if people stop messing with me I wouldnt need to get angry."

"Okay Hulk, I hear you."

He laughed, "You calling me Hulk, you know what Hulk likes to do?"


"Hulk likes to smash."

She laughed and playfully pushed him, "Get outta here!"

VC-Jey-Bianca and I have just been living it up these past few days. Its refreshing. No drama besides that incident with Montez. Right now we're in a good place and I am more than happy.

"So like, last night I was talking to Sasha and I said that Montez was a cheating scumbag. And she was like 'well Jey is a cheating scumbag to'."

Jey furrowed his eyebrows.

"I just thought it was an odd thing for her to say at that moment."Bianca added.

"It sounds like she got a problem with me."

Bianca shook her head, "I dont know."

"Sasha and I, we're cool and all but....ever since that whole situation with her and Roman last year, we havent been as tight. She's calling me a cheating scumbag? Yea, ive cheated but she aint a saint either."

"Dont mention anything to her. Lets just leave it at that."

"She rubs me the wrong way sometimes."

"Well let me rub you the right way then."she said. His eyes lit up.

She began laughing, "Im just kidding."

His facial expression changed from excited to defeat.

"Dont play with me like that B!"he said as he pulled her closer.

"Im gonna make your ass wait."

"Aight, I hear you."he said before he leaned in and kissed her.


3:45 pm

VC-Damian-So I walk into the bedroom and there I see Eva alone, laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling. It caught me off guard a bit because this is very unlike her plus, its almost 4pm. Like, why are you not in the backyard with everyone else?

"You alright?"Damian asked Eva.

She forced a smile, "Trying to be."

"Whats wrong? Do you want to talk?"

She sat up, "Its just that...im here trying to find love and...its not working out. Its depressing. I just feel like,"she wiped a tear, "I deserve to have a good time but I cant because of how the way things are."

"Yea you mean that whole Dean and Liv situation?"

"Yea. I like him and I can tell that he likes me to but Liv and her little posse is here ruining things for everyone. Its unfair to me."

"Yea I totally understand that. But why keep on getting hurt when you can just move on to someone else?"

"Everyone already sees me as a villain here. Im not trying to make more enemies than I already have."

"No but thats what you're here to do. This is Love Island. You came here to find love. And right now theres a bunch of single guys that would love to get to know you better. Like....me for example."

She smiled, "Really? So what about Sasha?"

"Just because im coupled up with Sasha doesnt mean that I cant still talk to other girls. Id love to get to know you better."

VC-Eva-I like Sasha. She's never crossed me yet. But Damian's right. Just because we're coupled up with someone doesnt mean we're stuck with them forever. I gotta try to forget about Dean and his bum girlfriend. Im not going to let them ruin my time here.

"Do you wanna go out on the terrace and hang out?"he asked her.

"Id love to."she said as she got out of bed.


8:12 pm

Since the past few days have been nothing but stressful, we've decided to throw the islanders a little party tonight because honestly, its only going to get more stressful from here on out.

To kick off the night, most of the islanders were all seen in a group drinking and dancing to the throwback hits of the 2000's that played through the speaker system. Liv forcefully pulled Dean into the group to dance with her.

VC-Indi-Oh my gosh, tonight is going great. Great energy, great music and not to mention the fact that im getting to enjoy the night with the hottest guy in the house. Im living life right now. I never want this moment to end.

Ricochet and Indi were seen in the middle of the dance floor, making out.

"You guys are so cute!"Kayla gushed. They paid her no mind.

"I feel like I should be kissing somebody to. Where is my guy?"said Sasha. She looked around and found Damian in the outdoor kitchen talking with Eva.

"What do they gotta talk about so much?"she said to herself.

VC-Sasha-Damian has basically been with Eva like all evening. Its like he totally forgot that im here. Im fine with him talking to her but he's completely ignoring me. This is....*sighs*frustrating at this point.

Yea Sasha, this is kind of what Damian does. Just ask Dana.

"Oh my gosh I wish we connected earlier! We get along so well."Eva said to Damian.

"I could have been coupled up with you instead."

"I know right!"she laughed.

VC-Eva-So today I had been feeling down in the dumps but Damian was able to lift my spirits. I really appreciate the fact that he went out of his way to make me feel better. That means a lot to me.

After noticing that Sasha had left everyone and was sitting on a daybed all alone, Montez went over to check on her.

"Sash, you good?"he asked. As she raised her head, he noticed her eyes were teary.

"Oh my god....what happened?"he asked in a much more serious tone.

"Nothing. Its nothing."she quickly began wiping her tears.

"Who did something to you? Let me know so I can go over there and quick their ass right now! Im serious."

She laughed, "Its fine. Im just being extra tonight."

He sat next to her, "Whats the matter? You know you can talk to me."

She took a deep breath in and out, "Ive just been over thinking everything. Ive been in my head way too much actually. This whole finding love thing is so fucking hard. I really dont know how I did it before. Right now, everyone seems to have their person and I just feel like an outcast trying to force something with Damian."

"You and Damian aint vibing no more?"

"Yea we still are but...I dont feel secure. I feel vulnerable with him and...I hate feeling that way. I just feel like im setting myself up for failure by being here."

"I know how you feel Sash. But patience is key. Just...hang in there okay. Things will change. I promise that. Good things take time."

VC-Sasha-These dating shows can really break you down, man. It fucks with you emotionally.

VC-Montez-This aint over yet. Im about to light Damian's fucking ass on fire. Just you wait.


Coming Up Next-

Montez lights Damian's fucking ass on fire


Viewers! You casted your votes and made your decisions! Next chapter.....four islanders will be leaving the villa, making the islanders even more divided than they already were. Hearts will be broken, tempers will be flared.

Stay tuned.


A/N-Im going to try to get this chapter out as quick as I can because I know ive been making you guys wait a lot.

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