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continuation of night 14

11:45 pm

VC-Montez-So my girl Sasha has been having a tough time tonight and Damian is no where to be seen. He's with Eva. Motherfucker, why the hell are you with Eva? That ain't gonna fly with me. I gotta step in.

"Yo, lemme talk to you real quick."Montez said as he walked up to Damian who was still hanging around Eva.

"Alright sure man."Damian responded. The two went off to the side.

"What's up?"Damian asked.

"Where's Sasha at?"

"I...don't know. Probably with Bianca."

"No she ain't. She's over there crying man. All night long you've been with Eva, she ain't the one you're coupled with dawg!"

"Yea but I'm just getting to know her. Just because I'm coupled with Sasha doesn't mean I gotta commit to her. I'm trying to get to know everyone."

"But you've literally only been talking to Eva! You cant be doing that shit. You cant be leaving Sasha in the dark like that. I get it, you wanna know other girls but Sasha is the girl you're coupled up with! At least try to give a damn!"

"I do!"

"Then why the hell was she by herself crying because of you? You didn't even know where she was tonight! Look, don't play with her. If you're into her then show it. But if you wanna put her to the side to get to know other girls then let her know. Don't be letting her down like that. She aint some toy."

"What's going on?"Sasha walked up to the two and asked.

VC-Sasha-I noticed Montez going off on Damian for whatever reason and I was like....ugh I hope he's not doing what I think he is. I just don't want any drama.

"I'm just letting this guy know that what he's doing is wrong. He cant be playing you like that."said Montez.

VC-Sasha-So yes...Montez is doing exactly what I thought he was.

"No Montez, he can do whatever he wants. It's fine."said Sasha.

"No it ain't! It's either you wanna get to know her or not, Damian!"

"Why are you shouting, man?"Damian asked.

"Montez! Can you not? Chill okay."said Sasha.

"You don't deserve to be treated like this."he said to her.

"Montez, this is embarrassing. Jus leave it as it is. I dont care about it anymore."she said before she walked away.

VC-Sasha-Great...*wipes tear*now Damian's going to think that im clinging on to him just because we're coupled up and....ugh, its making me seem desperate.

"You need to stop playing these women like that. Make your damn mind up man."said Montez before he too, walked away.

VC-Damian-Yea sure ive been hanging out with Eva all day but...I dont see it as playing anyone. Sasha and I arent together. I have every right to get to know the girls here just like she has every right to get to know the guys. Im literally doing what I came here to do. Im here to find love. In order to find it, you gotta search.

day 15

8:23 am

Damian found Sasha in the outdoor kitchen making breakfast.

VC-Damian-So after that whole ordeal with Montez last night, Sasha and I havent spoken. She didnt sleep on the same bed as me, she slept on the living room couch last night.

Ew. Does she not know of the unholy things that took place on that couch?

"Morning."he said to her.

She looked at him as she was scrambling eggs, "Morning."

"Hey, I just want to apologise for yesterday. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings."

"No its fine. You dont owe me anything. Montez just overreacted. If you want to keep getting to know Eva then thats great. Im glad that you've made a connection."

By the tone of her voice, she didnt really mean what she said.

"But I still want to keep getting to know you too."

"Look, im not about to be involved in no love triangle. Decide on what you really want."

"No its not that. I think you and Eva are really cool and I have great connections with the two of you. Of course, the connection with you and I is stronger so im leaning more towards you."he said.

"I just dont want to get hurt by you. I dont want to be all in on you just for you to be feeling some other chick. I dont got the time for that."

"I understand. But Sasha, you and I have something much deeper than Eva and I do. So like I said, you'll always be the one I choose."

She couldnt help but crack a smile, no matter how hard she tried not too.

"Do you believe me?"he asked.

"I dont know. Theres a lot of things you gotta prove to me. Im not here to be toyed with."

"I respect you way too much to do that."

"Just be open with me okay. Dont lead me on."

He nodded, "So, we're cool right?"

"I guess."

"Are we going to share a bed tonight or are you sleeping on the couch again?"

"Well....I did sort of miss your big burly arms around me last night so, maybe we'll share a bed again tonight."

He smiled.

VC-Sasha-I dont know how to feel about Damian. I like him, I do. But...my guard is up. And its going to be that way for a long time. I dont trust him.


12:55 pm

After spending the entire day yesterday with Damian, Eva decided it was time to sit and have a chat with the guy that would not apply her sunscreen on her aka, Dean.

Dean and Eva were seen sitting on the terrace together.

"So, thanks for taking this time to talk to me."she said to him. He nodded.

"Lately ive just been feeling a lot of emotions that....I feel like you should know about."she said.


"First of all, how have you been feeling lately?"

"Honestly...its pretty stressful. Its just a dumb dating show but yet...I find myself stressed out. I told Liv at the beginning that...this was a bad idea but...she insisted. And now everything I predicted would happen....is happening."

"I think its ridiculous that she was willing to risk you guys' relationship just for the money. She's treating this like its purely competition based but to be honest, most of the people here are here to find love. Like...is money really worth your relationship?"she said.

"I mean.....I told her we didnt need this money. I won a ton a money recently. And plus, we're not guaranteed to win anything while we're here."

"I just think that she's a bit controlling, dont you think? Its always about what Liv wants. When is it ever about you?"

He didnt respond.

"I just feel like you need someone that matches you a bit more. You need a grown woman because Dean, you're a man. You're not a little boy. Im not saying that what you need is me but what I am saying is that....you need to open your eyes more. Start taking control. I feel like you're really passive. You need to start putting your foot down."

"Its just that...Liv and I have our clear cut differences. Like...im chill. Most of the times im zoned out. But she's always over worked. Like, when I chose to couple up with you I was like.....its whatever. It really doesnt mean anything. But Liv was making a huge deal out of it and basically blamed me for Dana leaving."

"She's really insecure. I can tell that you love her but she's just really over the top sometimes. Im going to be honest Dean, like at first you werent really my type. But then we started talking and I got to know you a bit better and....I felt a connection for sure. Did you?"

"I mean...yea I guess."

"You went from not really being my type to now like...sometimes I cant take my eyes off of you."

He blushed a little (though he tried to hide it).

"Be honest with me...are you attracted to me?"

He took a deep breath in and out, "Um....yea. I mean you're obviously hot. Every guy here is into you."

"Do you think that...if you were single and on the show that....maybe you and I would have been something?"

He smiled, "I probably would have been really skeptical about you being into me. You look like a runway model. Definitely out of my league. But to answer your question...yea. I think something would have happened."

"I just hope that all of the decisions you're making leads you to real happiness. Because from what I can tell....you're not happy right now. I think you're incredible but im not going to pursue you anymore because I dont want to add anymore chaos to your life. I genuinely care for you. All that I was trying to do all along was what I came here to do and that was find love. If you ever change your mind about Liv and want to explore our connection then id be open to it. I just really hope that you think about the situation you're in and that you finally decide to take control and do what you want for a change. "

He nodded.

VC-Eva-Its so obvious that Dean's into me but his immature girlfriend is holding him back. I think he's stuck between being a good guy and doing what he actually wants to do. He needs to write his own story, not Liv.


Kayla and Doudrop were seen hanging out on the daybed together.

"So is Matt the only one that you're into?"Kayla asked her, "Nobody else has peaked your interest?"

"No. I dont think anybody else can connect with me the way Matt does."

"Well im so happy for you."

"I can totally see us being an item after this show is done. I just dont know how the whole long distance thing is going to work out but i'll figure something out. What about you and Mustafa?"

"I really like Mustafa. He's so good looking and he's so sweet but...I dont think that I am what he's looking for."she said.

"Dont put yourself down like that Kay. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

"No what I mean is that...we are so different. He likes to take things slow and steady and plus he's really religious so he's waiting until marriage and all that....me on the other hand, im a bit wild. I dont really care about marriage. Like...I wanna live my life now. I just think our priorities are very different."

VC-Kayla-I am really enjoying my time with Mustafa but who am I kidding, im not the girl he's looking for. I dont want to get caught up in anything that I know I wont be comfortable in. I want to be young, wild and free. Mustafa is here looking for a damn wife. Yea...thats not me. It sucks but im going to have to start distancing myself from him. But its going to be hard because he is the only guy that ive been hanging out with since ive been here.


7:30 pm

Night had fallen and as usual, everyone was out and about the backyard, dressed in their fancy clothes. As everyone was casually drinking and mingling, footsteps were heard coming in from the entrance to the backyard.

"Shhh, you guys hear that?"Ricochet said.

Everyone's head was turned towards the entrance. Thats when they saw none other than Beth approaching them.

They all cheered when they saw her.

"Hi islanders! Gather around the fire pit, would you?"she said.

"Oh, this cant be good."Montez muttered.

Like she asked, everyone stopped what they were doing and headed over to the recoupling bench where the fire pit was. They all sat down as Beth remained standing in front of them.

"Well islanders, today is day 15. Two weeks since the Love Island experience had begun. Im glad to see most of you getting along and im even more thrilled to see that a lot of you are actively looking for love. But tonight, we're going to have to bring that excitement down a bit. What you dont know is that all along, the viewers at home have been voting for their favourite couples. The couples with the least amount of votes....risks being dumped from the island....right now."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Oh my god."said Liv as she covered her mouth.

"So what im going to do right now is call out the couples that are safe in the order of who got the most votes. Would you all please stand?"Beth asked.

Reluctantly, they all stood. Everyone all looked at each other. The mood in the atmosphere had drastically changed. At first, it was vibrant and bubbly. But now, it was almost eerie.

"Firstly, the couple that got the most votes and are safe tonight is.....Jey and Bianca. You guys can take your seats."

Bianca put her hand over her heart as she and Jey sat back down.

"The next couple that is safe is.....Damian and Sasha."

Breathing a sigh of relief, the couple took their seat.

VC-Sasha-How ironic. This guy has been giving me the run around with Eva but yet we got the second most votes. Hm.

"The next couple that is safe is.....Ricochet and Indi."

The pair kissed before they sat down.

VC-Indi-Oh my god I am so relieved. Thank you viewers! My story with Ric is just getting started. I'm so grateful to still be here.

"The next couple that is safe is....Mustafa and Kayla."

The two hugged before they sat down.

The couples currently remaining were Dean and Eva, Liv and Austin, Matt and Doudrop, Mandy and Montez and Adam and Alexa. The tension in the air was thick. Time felt as though it had been slowed down.

VC-Bianca-Im looking at the remaining couples and....I still cant believe that some of them are going to be leaving tonight. We've all gotten so close lately. Oh my gosh....this is going to hit so hard.

"The fifth couple safe on Love Island is....Adam and Alexa. You can take your seats guys."Beth said.

Tightly holding hands, the pair sat down. Alexa buried her face on Adam's shoulder.

"And....the last couple that is safe from being dumped is.......Liv and Austin."

Liv's jaw dropped. Austin pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Austin-Damn, I thought we were in trouble for sure. But obviously the viewers know what they're talking about, why else would we get more votes than the others? Liv and I look so good together and we have crazy chemistry.

The two took their seats. Liv's heart was racing.

"Whats going to happen now?"she asked.

"Matt and Doudrop....Dean and Eva.....Montez and Mandy. You all have gotten the least amount of votes from our viewers."said Beth, "Whats going to happen now is that.....the safe couples are going to take control. All of the women that are safe, you will be tasked with the decision to save either Matt, Dean or Montez. Men, you will have to make the same decision on whether to save either Eva, Mandy or Doudrop. At the end of it all....four islanders will be going home. You all have five minutes to make your decisions. Good luck."

Everyone was completely stunned. However, they quickly got to work. All of the safe girls and guys went off to separate private areas to discuss their decision, leaving the three unsafe couples standing there with Beth.

VC-Montez-I think I already know whats going to happen. *sighs*.......I cant believe that im standing here with my two best friends in the villa. Only one of us is going to make it back. I am....torn. I am so torn.

"Well fellas, its been great."said Montez as he gave Dean and Matt a handshake and hug.

"Bro...this cant be happening."said Matt, "This is so not cool."

Dean remained quiet though his eyes were becoming increasingly glossy.

VC-Dean-*with his eyes still red* There was so much dust in the air that...it got into my eye....

VC-Producer-You didnt get emotional tonight?

VC-Dean-What? Me? What are you talking about?

Girls-Bianca, Sasha, Indi, Kayla, Alexa, Liv

"Guys we have to save Dean. I cant be here without him like-I cant."said Liv as she wiped a tear.

"Yea I think thats the obvious choice."said Alexa.

Kayla nodded.

"Okay like no offence but Dean doesnt even want to be here."said Sasha, "If any of those guys deserve to be here its Montez."

"Are you kidding right now Sasha?"asked Liv.

"I said what I said and you all know that its true."

"If you guys let Dean go home im going to pack my shit and go right with him."said Liv.

"I dont see the problem."said Sasha.

"Are you fucking serious!?"

"Dean doesnt want to be here Liv!"Sasha yelled.

"Did he fucking tell you that?"

"Everyone can see it!"

"Alright alright alright! Lets calm down now."said Bianca.

"Guys please."Liv sobbed, "I need him here. You cant do this to me."

"This show is about finding love. Montez is here to find love."said Sasha.

"Sasha he's been here for two damn weeks and he hasnt done anything yet."Alexa said.

"Lets just save Matt then?"Indi suggested, "He has somebody. Hopefully the guys would save Doudrop."

Liv began pacing up and down, "Oh my god. I cant believe you guys are actually thinking about sending Dean home. All I've wanted was to be with him the entire time we've been here and its always obstacle after obstacle."

Sasha was becoming increasingly pissed off.

"Guys, this is a crappy situation to be in but we got to come to a decision quickly."said Kayla.

"I swear to god if you guys send Dean home then im leaving too. I am."said Liv.

"Maybe thats whats best for the two of you right now."said Sasha.


"GUYS!"Bianca butted in, "Our time is running out! Lets just make a decision!"

"Montez deserves to stay and you guys know that."Sasha insisted.

VC-Kayla-We are in such a tough position right now. We dont want to send any of those guys home. They all deserve to be here. Montez wants to find love still, Matt is in a strong couple with Doudrop and Dean has Liv here. They all deserve to stay and continue their journey but.....we're being forced to choose. I...dont know whats going to happen.


After the time was up, everyone reassembled at the recoupling bench.

Montez had his both arms around Dean and Matt's necks. Doudrop was holding Mandy and Eva's hands.

"Okay, we'll start with the men. Can one of you guys stand up and tell me which girl you all decided to save and why?"Beth said.

Adam stood up.

"Well...our decision was based on what we predicted would happen with the three unsafe guys and also...what would be best for one of the real couples here. It pains to do this because we're going to have to send home two great girls but...the girl that we have decided to save is.......Mandy."

Mandy took some slow breaths in and out to calm herself down.

"Thank you guys."she said. They all nodded.

"Mandy, you're still in the villa. Congratulations. You can take your seat."said Beth, "Now, ladies, one of you stand and tell me which guy you'd be saving and why?"

Bianca stood up.

"This decision was really really tough. It really divided us. This wasnt a completely unanimous decision but it was the best one for the sisterhood that we have here in this villa. Im sorry that we had to do this but...the guy we will be saving is.......Dean."

Sasha covered her face with her hands.

Dean went over and took his seat. Liv looked at him and smiled.

"Well, Montez, Matt, Doudrop, Eva, this ends your time here on Love Island. You all have 30 minutes to pack and say your goodbyes. Have a safe trip home. Take care."said Beth before she took her exit.

Immediately everyone shot out of their seats to give the dumped Islanders a hug.

"Im so sorry."said Sasha as she was latched onto Montez, "I tried my best to get them to choose you."

"Its alright. Theres nothing more left for me to do here anyway."he said.

"I dont know how I'm going to make it here without you."she sniffled.

"Dont cry Sash. It's gonna be alright. I'll be watching from home, don't worry."he said as he rubbed her back.

VC-Sasha-I am pissed off. I am so pissed off.

"Hey man, im glad it was you."said Montez as he went over and gave Dean a hug, "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

"This stings man."said Dean.

"Hit me up when you get outta here."

"For sure."

"Im gonna miss you bros."said Matt as he gave both of them hugs.

"This place is going to suck ass without you guys here."said Dean.

VC-Dean-Its bittersweet. Sure, im glad that im still here but...Matt and Montez have been my buddies here since day one. It fucking sucks losing them......*sighs* Damn.

Mandy pulled Montez aside for a quick chat.

"I just want to say that ive enjoyed every moment here with you. I dont regret anything at all."she said to him.

He smiled, "Well im glad to hear that. You're a great girl and im glad that you're getting to stay. I said you deserved to be here and I mean it."

"We're all going to miss you so much Montez."she said as she hugged him.

VC-Mandy-Damn. Just when I started to have a little bit of fun, it gets ruined. Losing a guy like Montez is for sure going to affect all of us. He's such a great guy.

The four dumped islanders all packed their suitcases and rolled them out to the front entrance.

There wasnt a dry eye in sight among all the other Islanders that was there watching them.

"It was so great getting to know you."Eva said as she gave Dean a hug, "Please think about everything I told you. Hopefully i'll see you soon."

"Take care alright."he responded.

"Well guys. This is it! This aint the time to be sad. Keep the party going okay! Dean, pour one out for me and Matt tonight. See y'all on the other side hopefully! Peace out y'all!"said Montez.

"We love you Tez!"said Sasha as everyone began cheering.

"We love you guys!"Indi cheered.

And just like that, one by one Eva, Doudrop, Montez and Matt all exited the villa to the sound of the Islanders cheering them on.

GC-Doudrop and Matt

Matt-Man, this sucks. I loved being there in that house with all those guys. Im going to miss them for sure. But theres an upside to this. Im getting to leave here with the girl that I like the most.

Doudrop-*smiles at him*You are totally right. At least we're leaving together.

Matt-Hey...I know its still pretty early but....like...do you want to be my girlfriend?

Doudrop-*jaw drops*Oh my gosh...yes. I would love to.


Doudrop-*kisses him*

VC-Eva-Well, Liv got what she wanted. I still think its totally unfair that I have to pay the price of their selfishness. I came here to find love but I wasnt able to do that. I think Dean deserves someone that matches him, someone around his own age and someone that can handle him. Not an insecure little girl thats trying to change him. I wish him the best. And as for Damian, he's so awesome and I really wished that I would have spent more time with him.

VC-Montez-I dont feel like my purpose of coming here was fulfilled. I tried. I really did. But, I cant change things. At least I got closure with B. Im happy for her and I wish her and Jey all the best. Im going to miss everyone here. Its been great y'all.


Voting Results-


Coming Up Next-A new couple enters the villa!

Who do you think it's going to be???

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