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day 47

9:23 am

"Ooo look who's back."Sasha pointed out as she saw Montez and Jade returning from the Getaway.

Jade smiled and waved. As they were walking, Montez swept her off her feet and carried her the rest of the way.

Jey turned around to look at them. His heart sank at how happy they seemed.

VC-Jey-I dont know man. I just....got a bad feeling.

As the pair split up, some of the Islanders followed behind them to inquire about how their night was.

Jade, Sasha and Jojo were seen in the dressing room.

"So, how was it?"Sasha asked.

"Girl, it was very much needed. He is just so easy going like, its hard not to feel comfortable around him. He's wonderful."Jade responded.

"Give us the juicy details. What base did you guys reach?"Jojo asked.

Jade blushed, "Well....there was some lip action. Then...things sorta....escalated."

"Escalated how?"Jojo cheekily asked.

"A good woman dont kiss and tell but.....lets just say that it was lights, camera, action last night."Jade winked.

"No way!"Sasha blurted out. Jojo squealed.

"That was quick! You guys are getting serious then?"Sasha asked.

"No I wont necessarily say that but....we're for sure enjoying each other's company."

"Im so happy for you guys."Sasha smiled, "I love this. I genuinely love this."

VC-Jade-I dont usually give myself to guys that quickly but....last night, I just couldnt resist. That Montez sure is a charmer.

So far, the score for the Getaway room is: Montez-2, Seth-1, Finn-1, Jey-0.

"Well you werent the only one that got some action last night, Jade."Jojo said.

"Really? Who else did?"Jade asked.

Jojo blushed and pointed to herself.

"What! Who'd you hook up with?"Jade asked.

"Please dont tell me that it was Jey."Sasha said.

"No. It was with...my ex."

Sasha tilted her head.

"Who's your ex?"Jade asked.

"Roman. But shhhh. Dont tell anyone."

"Wait but....I thought he's into Carmella."asked Sasha.

"Yea but it was just a late night booty call. Thats it. It was so unexpected but...so needed."Jojo said.

"Get it sis."Jade said as she high fived Jojo.

"So im guessing you guys are on good terms with each other now?"Sasha asked her.

She nodded, "Well it'll be weird to have sex with someone you're not on good terms with right? I think after last night, we've definitely cleared the air."

VC-Jojo-Roman is still on my mind after last night. I love the fact that he let me know that he's there for me. But I do understand that he and Carmella has something going on and I dont want to break that up. I dont want to blindside her. Ugh...im in such a sticky situation now. I want him but...I dont want Carmella to hate me.


After freshening up, Jade headed into the backyard to catch up with Jey.

"Hey you."she said as she took a seat next to him, on a lounge chair.

He smiled, "Whats up? How was your night?"

VC-Jade-I am not the type of girl that likes to hide and sneak around and keep secrets. I know that everything is being broadcasted and eventually Jey is going to find out what went on between Tez and I. I aint no fake bitch so thats why....I feel like I need to sit down with him and tell him what happened before he finds out from somebody else.

"Last night was great."she said, "But um...I feel like I should let you know what went down."

"Aight....Im listening."Jey responded. Judging from her body language, he realized that he should begin preparing for the worst.

She took a deep breath in, "So...last night....things between Tez and I got a little....intimate."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Im telling you this because...I dont want to hide nothing from you. I dont expect you to be okay about this at all-"

"Intimate how? Like...y'all made out?"

"A little more than that."

"You let him touch you?"

"A little more."

" Y'all hooked up?"

She nodded.

He sighed, "Wow Jade-"

"Let me finish okay. I came over here to let you know that...I really want to focus on Tez and....put an end to whatever we had. I dont want there to be a triangle. I knew I crossed the line with him and I dont expect you to forgive me."

Jey quietly listened on as she spoke.

"Im really sorry Jey."she said.

"No you aint. Four days......You've known this guy for four days."

Jade didnt respond.

"I was right all this time. I knew you were playing me. I was just a stepping stone, right? I never mattered in the first place right? How you gon tell me that we're gonna get through this and then turn around and do something like this?"

Again, Jade didn't respond.

There was a moment of awkward silence between them before she apologized one last time and then walked away.

VC-Jade-I cant change what happened. All I can do is be honest to him. Im not about to be in any love triangle, im too grown for that bullshit. I went the distance with Tez so might as well stick by his side. Im sorry it had to end this way between Jey and I.

Internally, Jey was left feeling absolutely crushed and alone. He knew he wouldn't want to talk about his situation with anyone because he would feel ashamed. Plus, it wasn't going to be easy to talk about anyway.

"Fuck bro."Jey groaned in frustration.

VC-Jey-What do I even say?......I aint got nothing to say. This is just....*sighs*fucked up bro. I aint even gon try to fight or ague anymore man, im tired of this shit man *hits camera away*


1:45 pm

"Look at us. Finally both off the market huh?"Seth said to Finn as they were both lounging by the pool.

"Yes, finally. I missed how complicated relationships were."Finn said.

"Uh oh. It sounds like you're having problems. Talk to me."

"No its just that, Bayley goes through these phases where she has mood swings and becomes really detached and cold. I dont get it. Everything was fine until a few days ago. She doesnt want to talk, she just want to be left alone."

"Well what else can you do but give her her space?"

"It gets a bit frustrating though. I wish she would talk to me instead of bottling everything up. Its what im here for."

"Just give her time, she'll snap out of it soon. At least she doesnt go around talking about her ex like Sasha does."

"Let me guess, Roman?"

"Obviously. Dude, do you think she's over him? She seems to care a lot about what he's doing and thats just sketchy to me."

"I definitely dont think she is."

"We've only been in a relationship for nine days now and the amount of arguments we've already had is absurd."

"I gotta say though, when I found out you two were together, I was very surprised."said Finn.

"In a good way or bad?"

"Neither. I was just very confused. I didnt know you had those feelings for her."

"She was one of my closest friends, of course there were going to be some feelings there. I was just hesitant to act on it because....I didnt know how you would have felt about it. Obviously you two have very lengthy history. You arent bothered by it are you?"

"Why would I be bothered?"

"Because you guys were into each other. I think you were into her more than she was into you though."Seth laughed.

"Trust me, im not bothered. I just hope you know what you got yourself into. It doesnt make sense that you're complaining about her talking about her ex, its what she does. Dont act like you dont know how Sasha is. Are you even sure you guys are going to make it outside of this show?"

Seth stared at him in shock. He was stunned by Finn's passive aggressiveness.

"Alright, take it easy man. No need to sound so salty."Seth said.

"Sound salty? Im asking a genuine question. Loneliness is a hell of a thing Seth. It can make you do crazy shit. Plus, you said you guys have been arguing all the time. It doesnt seem like you two are off to a good start."

"It doesnt change the fact that I love her."

"Alright well...I hope everything works out for you."

Seth nodded, "Yea......Thanks man."

VC-Seth-Ever since the big reveal of Sasha and I being together, Finn's been acting weird towards me. Dont get me wrong though, I expected this from him.

VC-Finn-Seth will always be like a brother to me but...I dont speak to Sasha, Bayley dont speak to Sasha so...associating with Sasha's boyfriend is just going to be a little strange. I guess you can say that we wont be going on any double dates any time soon.

VC-Seth-If im honest, I do secretly think that Finn is still into Sasha and maybe he's a little jealous of me. The guy's just been acting like a dick lately.


Jey was seen leaning on the bannister of the terrace, silently looking out into the backyard. He was alone. His mind was still replaying everything Jade had told him. As much as he tried not to think of it, it was still haunting him. He hadn't talked to anyone about it yet. He didn't know how to. He had decided that it was best for him to suffer in silence. He could have done without the judgement from the others.

As he was deep in thought, he felt the presence of someone next to him.

"Hey."the person said as they walked over.

He turned to look at them.

It was Bianca.

"Hey."he replied. He was shocked to see her standing there but tried not to let it show.

"I would have asked how you been but...I know things havent been so great with you."

He nodded.

"I know what you're gonna say. I deserve it right?"he asked.

"No."she said as she rested her elbows on the bannister, "I feel so bad for you. The girls have been talking and....I heard about what went down with Tez and Jade. You really dont deserve to be played like that. No matter what you did in the past, you didnt deserve that from her."

"Yea well....I aint gonna get played anymore. She broke things off with me. Thats good though because after hearing what she did, I dont want nothing to do with her."

Bianca sighed, "Im really sorry it didnt work out."

"Yea well...if it aint meant to be then it aint meant to be. Im tired of chasing and fighting and making myself look like an idiot. Love Island aint got anything for me. Ive been here for almost the entirety of the show and I ended up with nothing. Thats just what fate has for me."

"I can relate. I ended up with nothing to. Damian is great but....I dont think we can be anything more than friends. He's not really what im looking for."

Jey nodded as he listened.

"I really wanted to find love here but...im just not feeling it with D. We're just so different. I dont want to force something thats not there, you know? And I dont want to lead him on."

"Yea. For sure."

The two stood in silence for some time before someone spoke again. Jey was still in disbelief that Bianca was actually there talking to him. He felt a bit pressured. He was being extra careful with his words and body language in fear of turning her off.

"Hey uh, thanks for coming and checking on me though."he said to her, "You were the last person I thought would be here with me right now. It really means a lot."

She smiled, "Not a problem. I have a bad habit of....not staying mad at people. I dont like living with negativity in my heart. And plus, I care about you."

"I dont know if im gonna get a chance to say it after this but, again, im sorry for what I did to you. I got my karma, I got my punishment and it humbled the fuck out of me. Lesson learned for sure."

She laughed, "Good. Well since you've learned your lesson, maybe we should put it to the test? I dont know if you'll be open to it but...I would love to squash the tension between us and....go back to how things were."

His face lit up, "For real?"

"How long are we going to continue being mad at each other? And....you seem like you can use a friend right now."

"But....even after what I did to you?"

"This whole thing is a learning experience Jey and like you said, you learned your lesson. I can tell. Plus, I be missing yo dumb ass."

At this point, he was too giddy to speak.

"Then hell yea im open to it. I miss you too. Like, a lot."he managed to say.

"Well then lets do it."

He pulled her in for a hug. Together, they shared a long, tight, comforting embrace. They felt at home being in each other's arms once again.

"Thanks for giving me another shot B."he said as he was getting choked up.

"Dont worry about it."

VC-Bianca-Y'all might think im dumb for doing that but...I hated seeing Jey down like that. I still got that soft spot there for him. Dont get it twisted now, we aint in a relationship. We're still only friends. But, I want to reconnect with him. The poor guy's been through a lot. I told him to leave me alone when I found out about him and Mandy, and he did. He respected what I wanted. So now I feel like its fair for me to pick him up off the ground, dust him off and reconcile. I liked that I was able to do things on my terms.

VC-Jey-I know she's only doing this because I look hella hopeless right now and she probably sees me as a charity case but....shit i'll take it. It means a lot to me that she still cares. She is what I needed at this moment. The love I have for this girl has never gone away. It just continues to grow.


5:34 pm

The Islanders were all seen hanging out in the backyard.

Liv, Dean and Roman were all sitting next to each other on lounge chairs by the pool. They were looking on at a sight that was shocking to them. Across from where they were, together on a daybed chatting up a storm was Jey and Bianca.

As a matter of fact, all the Islanders were surprised to see them interacting after so many weeks of ignoring each other.

"You guys think they made up?"Liv asked.

"I hope."replied Roman.


Liv's phone went off.

"I GOT A TEXTTTTT!"She yelled at the top of her lungs.

As everyone gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

The ladies all looked around at each other.

"Good luck tonight girls."said Seth.

VC-Liv-As im looking around at the couples that we have, I think its fair to say that we're all pretty solid. From what ive heard, Jade really likes Montez so I doubt she's going back to Jey. Jey and B seemed to have kissed and made up but I dont think thats enough for her to choose him. I dont think that having this recoupling makes sense if im honest.

"You look stressed out."Bianca said to Jojo as she sat next to her on a daybed.

"I am."Jojo responded, "This recoupling tonight has me beyond stressed."


"Because...I dont know if I want to recouple with Jey. Roman and I had a moment last night and he's been on my mind ever since. But I know that Carmella also really likes him and I would feel terrible to come in between that. But like...I really want him."

"What about Damian? You ever thought about giving him a shot?"

"You're not going to recouple with him?"

Bianca hesitated, "I dont know yet. Just like you had a moment with Roman, I had a moment with Jey earlier and....since its the last recoupling, im thinking of picking him but...im still unsure about it."

"Woah.....you and Jey hooked up?"

"What? No. Why?"

"Well you said you had a moment with him. When I said I had a moment with Roman, im meaning that we hooked up."

Bianca laughed, "No. We just made up. Im still on the fence about if I want to recouple with him or not. I havent talked to Damian yet. I want to get his blessing first. But I just wanted to let you know that if you do want to choose Damian, then you totally can. It'll make my decision a whole lot easier."

"Well....I'll definitely think about it."

"Let me know what you're going to do okay."Bianca said to her before she gave her a quick hug and left.

VC-Bianca-Im going to have to make a big decision tonight. After reuniting with Jey today, ive realized that I definitely missed him. But....how can I just throw Damian away like that? He's been there for me. Thats why im hoping that Jojo would be into coupling with him.



Seth was seen in the men's dressing room getting ready for the recoupling later. In there with him also getting ready was Damian.

Sasha entered into the room.

"Hey."she said to Seth, "Is it okay if I pick you for the recoupling tonight?"

Judging by her tone, it wasnt a serious question. She was just asking him that to get a reaction.

"Hm. You sure you dont want to pick Roman?"he responded as he was putting on his fur coat.

"Really?"she folded her arms and walked closer to him.

He side eyed her.

"You're still mad at me huh?"she asked.

He didnt respond.

"Thats okay. I like it when you get mad."she smiled as she threw her arms around his neck, "It turns me on."

She then titled her head up and began kissing him. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer.

"I feel like such a third wheel right now."said Damian.

Sasha laughed, "I didnt even know you were here."

She then turned her attention back to Seth.

"So, can I pick you or are you still going to keep being a little bitch?"she asked him.

"Well.....sure, I guess you can. Beggars cant be choosers right?"he joked.

Her jaw dropped, but she was still smiling, "You are such a dick."

"And you love every inch, dont you?"he said as he pulled her back in for a kiss.

VC-Sasha-This is what I want. I love when we can just act like best friends and talk shit and go back and forth with each other without anyone taking anything too seriously. I love it.


9:30 pm

All the Islanders were seen at the recoupling bench. The girls were sitting as all the men stood in front of them. Standing at the center, was Beth.

"Okay Islanders. This is your last and final recoupling of the show. Ladies, tonight the power is all yours. Whoever you choose to recouple with is going to be the person that you ride out the rest of the show with. Thats if....you make it to the top 5 couples. Thats right. Only five couples will make it to the final. Your decision tonight can either make or break your chances of being one of those five. Without further ado, lets get started."

Liv was up first and with no surprise to anyone, she recoupled with Dean. Sasha did the same with Seth, Bayley chose Finn and Jade chose Montez.

Bianca was next. She stood up.

"Bianca, which one of these available men will you be choosing to recouple with? Will it be Roman, Jey or Damian?"

Bianca nervously smiled.

VC-Bianca-Jojo didnt let me know what her plan was going to be. I dont know if she wants to recouple with D or not. But...I talked to him and I let him know that.....Jojo seems interested and...he was fine with it. He gave me his blessing to do whatever and thats all that matters.

"Beth, if there is one thing about me that I consider as a blessing and a curse is that...I have a big heart and that im a very forgiving person. I'll forgive but I wont forget. But, out of the three men remaining, there is one that knows me almost as much as I know myself. He made the first half of this experience incredible for me, that was until he...you know, fucked up big time."

Everyone laughed.

"He fumbled the bag."Jey even added.

"But, I know he's been through a lot so...thats why I think he deserves to end his time here with someone that genuinely cares about him. The guy id like to couple up with is.....Mr.Hot head himself, Jey."

With a wide grin on his face, he walked towards her and gave her a hug.

"Thanks so much B."he said.

Some Islanders looked on in shock, some looked on in disappointment.

Damian was seen clapping for the pair.

VC-Damian-I cant get mad. Especially when I know the history between those two. I just hope Bianca knows what she's doing. I hope she's not setting herself up for failure. At the end of it all, at least Bianca and I can say that we gave things a shot and we now know that there was a slim chance of us ever working out.

VC-Jey-*with tears in his eyes* Yo like.....I dont even know what to say. She didnt have to do that. I dont deserve it. But....she's a real one. If this girl ever gives me a chance again bruh, I swear on my life, on my brother's life, I aint ever gonna hurt her. For real.

Its official. Jimmy's doomed.

Next was Jojo. She stood up.

"Jojo. You were coupled with Jey however, he has been taken by Bianca. You're left with either Roman or Damian. Who will you be coupling with and why?"Beth asked.

Jojo took a deep breath in and out.

"Um...."her eyes kept going back and forth from Damian to Roman, "I want to couple up with this guy because......"

She then went silent. It was obvious to everyone that she was battling with this decision in her mind. Carmella began getting a bit worried.

Fifteen seconds had passed and still no response. Her eyes were glued to the floor.

"Jojo?"Beth called out.

"Sorry um...."she took some breaths in and out to calm her anxiety. Her hands were trembling. It was tough trying to make this decision especially with everyone's eyes on her.

"Please dont do this."Carmella muttered after analyzing Jojo's suspicious behavior.

After a few more seconds of silence, she made her pick.

"The guy im coupling up with is Roman. Im so sorry Carmella."

This stunned everyone. Liv's jaw dropped.

Carmella glared at Jojo with eyes set to kill.

VC-Bayley-Does everything always have to end up in drama? We dont need this right now. We've had enough.

Roman walked over to Jojo, gave her a kiss on the cheek and together, they sat down.

"Are you fucking joking Jojo?"Carmella asked.

Jojo sighed.

"Why would you do that? Why?"Carmella angrily asked.

"Im sorry Carmella-"

"Sorry? You just totally blindsided me!"

"Can we not have this argument right now please? We gotta get on with the show."Roman said.

"This is ridiculous."Carmella said.

VC-Carmella-I feel so betrayed like, where the hell did this come from? I know Jojo and Roman are exes but you cant just up and take him out of the blue like that. I didnt even know that she still has feelings for him! What the fuck man.

"Well, I guess they saved the best for last."Carmella said as she stood up. There was still anger in her tone as she said, "The guy id like to couple up with is Damian."

"This is just awkward now."Damian said as he walked towards her.

VC-Damian-Carmella is stunning and I would love to get to know her more but...the poor girl just got blindsided so, I dont think being in a couple with her is going to be very fun.

"You cant just up and do things like that Jojo! Why didnt you talk to me first?"Carmella continued arguing.

"I didnt know this was going to happen okay! I didnt know Bianca was going to choose Jey!"Jojo responded.

"But why didnt you choose Damian!"

"I dont know!"

"You're so full of shit! Why cant you ever let anyone be happy!"

"Alright ladies, thats enough."said Beth.

Jojo buried her face in her hands.

VC-Jojo-I feel absolutely terrible but you know what...I have to put myself first.

VC-Carmella-Jojo had all the time in the world to be with Roman but no! She was too busy trying to get with Adam who didnt even want her in the first place anyway! I came in here and I took my time and effort to get to know Roman and everything was going so smoothly until Jojo decided it was time to fuck everything up! How much of a two timing bitch can she be?

VC-Roman-I was caught completely off guard by this. I had no idea Jojo was going to do this and I feel bad for Carmella but....im not entirely mad about it.

"Okay guys,"Beth continued, "The recoupling has come to an end and we ended up with 3 new couples tonight. However, your night is far from over. Your days are numbered and in my opinion, we still have way too many couples. Thats why im letting you know that....one couple will be leaving tonight."

Everyone was frozen in shock, looking at Beth.

"Not now Beth, please."Liv pleaded.

Beth continued, "Tonight, the power is in all of your hands. Here is what you're going to do. In your couples, all of you will have 10 minutes to vote for which couple you think is the least compatible. Discuss the decision with only your partner and you will submit your vote via text. The votes will remain anonymous. At the end, the couple that has received the most votes will be leaving the island tonight. Make your decisions wisely, your ten minutes starts now."

Hesitantly, all seven couples went their own ways to begin discussing.

"This is all too much."Liv complained as she and Dean took a seat on a day bed.

"Who are you thinking?"Dean asked.

"I-I dont know. Beth said least compatible so...maybe Carmella and Damian?"Liv responded, "But I dont want to send them home."

"They're a brand new couple, it makes sense that we vote for them."

"How about Montez and Jade?"Liv asked.

"Why would you want to vote for them? They're into each other. They banged last night."Dean said.

"I feel like Carmella and Damian deserves a chance though."

"How many more chances is Damian going to get? I think its time he goes."

"But Carmella just got here and what Jojo did to her is unfair."

"Liv, you're the one that suggested voting for them in the first place. Why are you making excuses now?"

She groaned, "Ugh I dont know babe. Its a hard decision."

"Well we gotta decide on something quick."


"We're obviously voting for Montez and Jade, right?"Jey happily asked Bianca, "Look, imma send the text message right now. Aint nothing to discuss."he said as he pulled out his phone.

"Hold up hold up hold up, no we're not voting for them."

"Whatchu mean? We dont want them here."

"Lets not be like that Jey. The task is to vote for the least compatible couple. Jade and Tez seem very compatible. I say we vote for Carmella and Damian."

"We cant get rid of Carmella. Thats Roman's girl. Things were pretty hot and heavy between them, I dont know what Jojo was thinking."

"But it doesnt matter because there is no way that Roman can get her back. Tonight was the last recoupling. And as for Damian, I love him but I think its pretty obvious he aint gonna find love here anymore."

"Thats my dawg though."

"You're not here to make friends Jey! It sucks but...voting for Carmella and Damian makes sense."

Jey nodded, "Aight. Then lets do it."


After the ten minutes were up, all the couples gathered back at the recoupling bench.

"Okay Islanders, all seven of your votes are in."said Beth, "Now, when I call your names, please stand."

The Islanders nodded.

"So....there were four couples that got votes tonight. And these couples are.....Carmella and Damian....Jojo and Roman........Finn and Bayley."

Everyone gasped.

"And finally.........Seth and Sasha."

Feeling very confused, the pair stood up, joining the rest of couples that were standing.

"Wow."Bianca said.

"Hm. Some people don't want us here." Seth commented.

VC-Sasha-How the hell did we get votes but not Bianca and Jey? What the hell?

"Dean and Liv, Montez and Jade, and Bianca and Jey, congratulations, you all are safe. As for the rest of you, there was one couple that got the most votes out of everyone. Getting 3 out of 7 votes towards their names is the couple of....."

Seth held Sasha's hand tightly.

Carmella's eyes were glued to the floor.

Bayley and Finn's hearts were racing as they waited for Beth to make the reveal.

Finally, Beth gave the answer.

"Carmella and Damian."she said.

The other couples that were at risk, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Carmella, Damian, I know you guys have literally only just got into a couple a few minutes ago but....im sorry, this ends your time here on Love Island. You have 30 minutes to pack your things and say your goodbyes. Take care guys."Beth said.

"Thank you Beth."Damian said.

The other Islanders immediately rushed towards the pair to say their goodbyes.

"Damn bruh. Its been a wild ride. Imma miss you Uce."Jey said as he gave Damian a hug.

Bianca also joined in and said her goodbyes to him.

"Im sorry D. I really am."she apologized.

"For what? Its all good. Dont worry about it."he said as he hugged her, "I love you guys."

"We love you too Uce."Jey said.

VC-Damian-I truly felt like today was my judgement day. If someone had to leave tonight, it made sense that it was going to be me. I feel bad for Carmella though, I wish she could have stayed a little longer. This journey has been crazy. As you can see, I have not found love. Maybe its a sign for me to continue living my bachelor, rockstar, lifestyle. But even though I didnt find love, im leaving here with many amazing friends.

"Hey."Roman said as he entered into the girls' dressing room where Carmella was currently at, packing away her things.

Her teary eyes just glanced at him and went back to focusing on what she was doing.

"Im so sorry baby girl-"

"Did you know she was going to do that?"Carmella cut him off.

"No. If I had known dont you think I would have told you something. Look-stop crying okay."he said as he dried her tears with his thumbs, "It aint the end of the world. Im going to be out of here soon and imma come looking for you."

She managed to smile.

"I really wish we had more time. Especially after last night."he added. His hands cupped her face.

She giggled.

"Its gonna be hard not to think about you."he said.

"At least I gave you something to remember me by."she said.

"I dont think its enough."

"Oh yea? You want more?"

He subtly licked his lips as they locked eyes. She took that as a yes.

"Then you're going to have to wait."she said.

"You're really going to tease me like that?"

"Come and find me after the show and then you'll get some more."she winked.

He leaned in and began kissing her. She passionately kissed back.

VC-Carmella-This whole situation just sucks. I was so excited for Roman and I to continue this journey together but Jojo had to go throw a wrench in everything. She just loves tearing people apart doesnt she? Such a selfish bitch. But at least Roman and I ended things on a good note. It meant a lot that he came to check on me tonight. I dont care what he and Jojo does while they're here, all I know is that I cant wait to reunite with him after this. Also, I left him some special gifts to keep him busy.

Carmella was seen in the communal bedroom placing something under Roman's pillow. It was a pair of her panties. Then, she headed into the bathroom, took a few naughty photos and sent it to his phone. Luckily, his notification sound was on mute.

After they were done packing, Carmella and Damian said their final goodbyes to everyone and took their exit.

VC-Bianca-With Damian being gone, it made me realize that this shit is getting real. He was such an important part of our circle and we're all going to miss him. We're getting down to the wire and like Beth said, only 5 of us are going to the finals. That means, one more couple is going to get dumped and it can literally be anybody. *sighs* Shit is getting intense y'all.


Voting Results-

Seth and Sasha-Jojo and Roman

Dean and Liv-Finn and Bayley

Carmella and Damian-Jojo and Roman

Jojo and Roman-Carmella and Damian

Finn and Bayley-Seth and Sasha

Bianca and Jey-Carmella and Damian

Jade and Montez-Carmella and Damian


Coming Up Next-

The Islanders take on a series of undercover tasks, leaving each other completely baffled!

Plus, Coming Up Soon-

The Islanders gets special visits from their loved ones!

Who may show up? You never know!

Stay tuned!


A/N-What are your thoughts on Bianca and Jey? Do you think Jey deserved this second chance? Do you think Bianca made a bad decision? Do you think Jey is going to change?

And what are your thoughts on Jojo and Roman???

Sound off in the comments!

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